2021-06-28-Pastor Ko’s Update

June 28, 2021 

The following was written by Pastor Ko himself.  

Thank the Lord for His grace! According to the doctor’s original schedule, all the tubes Pastor Ko had would not be removed until the beginning of June. But God has sufficient grace, and in mid-May, the doctor removed all the tubes. Pastor Ko is very grateful to our Lord for this. He felt back to his usual self after the tubes had been removed and he immediately arranged to attend the CWC training camps in May. Mrs. Ko also accompanied Pastor Ko to the camps to take care of him. It had been an entire year before Pastor Ko was able to return to CWC. Everyone was extremely joyful and grateful to the Lord for His amazing grace and living testimony. There was no pianist in the discipleship training camp so Pastor Ko played the piano again although the nerve endings of his hands and feet were damaged due to the side effects of chemotherapy and the sensation of his hands and feet has not yet recovered. His hands and feet do not respond well currently. The doctor said it would take about half a year to one year or even longer time to restore the normal sensation; or maybe the sensation can never be restored. However, by God’s power, Pastor Ko was able to accomplish this ministry. In the future, Pastor Ko needs to go to the hospital in St. Louis once a month for different examinations and follow-ups. May the Lord continue to lead Pastor Ko’s recovery and bless Mrs. Ko’s health. Pray that their cancers will not recur, and they can be used by the Lord continuously.