2020-06-05-Pastor Ko’s Update

June 5, 2020

Recently Pastor Ko found out he lost appetite and his weight had dropped. On June 2, he went to the hospital to check his stomach and colon. The doctors found a tumor at his stomach and surrounding area. Even now the result has not been confirmed and needs further checking. But the preliminary diagnosis is there is a tumor at his stomach. After the CT scan and MRI check, the doctors will decide the healing method. Please pray for this. May God’s will be done and His perfect will be shown. Let us look up the Lord with faith. Please pray for Pastor Ko.

Thank you for your love and care. Pastor Ko’s health situation will be updated on the CWC website as it becomes known. Thank you for your prayer and care. Current plans are that Pastor Ko will go through treatment at University Hospital at Columbia, MO. Pray the Lord to give doctors wisdom for diagnosis and treatment. Please also pray for Mrs. Ko’s thyroid healing and the recovery from her blood cell counts. May the Lord show His mighty healing power.