2020-06-15-Pastor Ko’s Update

June 15, 2020

Dear brothers and sisters, Peace be with you!

The Lord leads; sometimes with danger, sometimes over steep hills, sometimes down deep valleys. Yet His grace always exceeds what we pray and wish. Thanks be to God! The care and love from the brothers and sisters touches my heart. It makes my heart even more peaceful and joyful.

On June 15, 2020, the surgeon installed a “port-a-cath” for chemotherapy. I was rather scared as this was threaded into my blood vessel. The nurses needed to try several times, even with the help of a machine to find the vessel. But I still gave thanks to God; for this, they noted, was a small surgery.
Before this surgery, I discussed with the doctors that I ate rather less probably because of the tumor at the stomach. I had rather depended on milk for nutrition. The doctors were concerned that the chemotherapy would decrease my appetite even more. So they suggested a surgery to add a feeding tube at my belly to go straight to the small intestine to provide nutrition. However, after careful observation for several days, the doctors decided not to do this surgery. I only needed to trust the Lord to help me eat more daily.

In Him
Billy Ko shares thanksgiving