2019-11 (十一月禱告信)






中心開始時于力工牧師每次營會都會從加州飛到美中來教導,建立了不少弟兄姊妹起來作主的門徒、一生事奉主。隨著時日過逝,于牧師漸漸體力不能再到密蘇里州中心總部的門徒營,最後十年他只能到基督工人中心在Kansas City的冬令會教導與培靈,每年繼續建立上千的弟兄姊妹。有鑑於體力的有限、與日子的消逝,為了幫助日後的門徒訓練事工、帶職和全職傳道人的建立,以及中國大陸教會的需要,于牧師在人生最後的七、八年,全力編製小牧人培訓的課程,建立弟兄姊妹成為能帶領別人的人。這些弟兄姊妹即使不是帶領整個教會的牧者,卻能成為帶領小組、或幾個人查經小組的小牧人。這份教材不僅在校園小組帶領上很適合,對目前中國教會所受到的各種壓力,以致很多的教會都要化整為零,五個、十個人就是一個聚會點,就更需要更多人起來作小牧人。于牧師當時也看到中國大陸有這樣小牧人的需要,就盡他人生最後的力量,完成這一套小牧人培訓課程。

這套小牧人培訓教材,訓練內容共分四類,靈命、事奉、聖經和真理,使人能在這四個方向上建立自已。于牧師制作了幾百課,目前整理出了約150課。每一課于牧師都有45 分鐘的DVD 錄影教導,還有 15分鐘的研討問題,可以用作小組討論,也可以下載討論問題。因此個人、小組討論或主 日學都可使用。如要使用,請按此處 [小牧人]下載目錄


冬令會–一年將近尾聲,很多人都期盼慶祝聖誕節,但真要紀念主耶穌的降生,最好就是在這個節日更多學習作馬利亞,安靜在主面前聆聽主的話語,滿足主的心,我們也得著上好的福份,讓我們一同預備心來參加這次的冬令會。感謝主! 今年賜給我們很多神所重用的講員如:賴若瀚牧師、賴鍾桂珍師母、陸大齡牧師、薛忠勇弟兄、周如歡教士、陳昆華博士等。籌備一千多人的冬令會,所需要的人力與財力是非常的大,中心同工們正在全力的籌備這次聚會,我們也需要很多的義工參與,請為中心同工們懇切禱告。 今年的冬令會還是會在十二月廿一至廿五日在密蘇里州堪薩斯城舉行,但請注意場地會改在Kansas City Down Town的Mariotte Hotel Down Town 舉行。網上 報名將在十一月十五日開始至十二月十五日下午四時正嚴格截止。報名單會儘速貼在中心的網站上,歡迎下載,並開始邀請人來參加。冬令會是培靈與福音並重,盼望不僅您自己來,也請您邀請福音朋友來參加。冬令會費用全是自由奉獻,但要求參加者參加每堂聚會(請參報名單上大會須知),求主預備每一位參加的人,使聖靈的工作與復興臨到。青少年與英文部 的講員有: Pastor Victor Quon、Dr. James Clark、Minister Randy Dolan and Pastor Steve Tan。也請為Uncle Dan and Aunty Cathy 夫婦所帶領的兒童事工、及他們的同工禱告。 冬令會的資訊與報名都將張貼在中心網站上。

十二月門徒與同工訓練營 – 這個營會不僅是為了栽培初信的弟兄姊妹作主的門徒,也是為了建立學生在校園作帶領小組的同工,預備弟兄姊妹回國後,在艱難的環境中,化整為零的在教會中作一個小牧人,牧養一個十多人的小教會。門徒訓練營將於十二月廿五晚至二十九日中午,在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行,嚴格截止報名日期為十二月十五日 (或額滿為止) ,請儘早報名參加,也請為講員薛忠勇弟兄、周如歡教士禱告。

一月讀經營 – 成為教會或校園團契小組的帶領人、歸國後成為一個小小教會的小牧人,他們都必須成為能用神的話去餵養人的人。讀經營不僅是為了使人認識神的話,更是為了建立弟兄姊妹成為能餵養別人的小牧者,先建立弟兄姊妹對神話語渴慕的心,又有常讀神話語的習慣,並能按正意分解神的道,可以按時分糧,願意作帶領別人的小牧者。所以您應當求主幫助您能來參加讀經營,好成為神話語的出口,不論日後在美國或回國,都能牧養與餵養主的小羊。這次讀經營要研讀普通書信,參加者必須在十一月十五日前報名,作指定的功課,在聚會前按計劃完成。讀經營將於十二月二十九日開始至2020年一月四日中午止,在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。嚴格報名截止日期為十一月十五日。請儘早報名,儘早準備,也可以與教會或團契的弟兄姊妹一同研讀,好好準備。 請為講員蘇桂村牧師與師母等講員及聚會代禱,也為已報名並在準備作業的弟兄姊妹禱告。


  1. 未來兩個月同工會非常忙碌地安排冬令會、門徒訓練營、讀經營。是很不容易的日子,必須靠主完成,請多為中心同工禱告。
  2. 這個月中心同工要開始輔導讀經營弟兄姊妹的作業,所以會很忙碌,每份作業至少也要花一、兩個小時去閱讀。請多為同工禱告,求主加添力量與智慧。
  3. 為維修同工Scott 的工作禱告,求主給他智慧的心、巧妙的手,完成中心各樣工作。也為他全家禱告。
  4. 請為高師母的身體健康禱告,她要經常去看醫生、接受檢驗,是很辛苦的事,感謝主,她卻能經歷主的同在與平安,。
  5. 為梁慶龍弟兄在哥城華人教會(Columbia, MO)與各地的事奉禱告,求主記念他們一家所擺上的,也賜福給他們全家五口。
  6. 為江姊妹忙碌的事奉禱告,使她更多被主充滿,讓她手上所作的工能上加力,滿有果效,使更多人滿恩。
  7. 為高牧師在中心與哥城華人教會的事奉禱告,也為他在各地奔波與事奉禱告。
  8. 請為感恩節東岸門徒與同工訓練營禱告,求主預備弟兄氏姊妹的心參加,建立更多的人成為能帶領別人的人。
  9. 為冬令會短宣隊的籌備禱告,每年我們都需要約數十位短宣在冬令會中一同事奉,協助中心同工完成各項事工,也作個人福音工作,能帶領更多人歸信主。
  10. 求主使中心每月的禱告信,不僅能分享禱告需要,更藉著你們對基督工人中心的關心、禱告與支持,使中心的事工能使多人蒙恩,更多人信主!更重要的是:更多人立志愛基督,忠於主,事奉萬王之王。也請您安排時間來參加年底的營會,也邀請弟兄姊妹與福音朋友來參加。




Dear brothers and sisters, peace to you in the Lord,

Thanksgiving is at hand. Greetings from the Lake of the Ozarks! May the grace of the Lord surround you more abundantly and may you experience God more personally. May the fire of the Lord rekindle within you. Let us love God more dearly.

Little Shepherd Training Material

People often ask, “CWC disciple training camps have been held for forty years. Is there a series of discipleship training material that campus fellowships, small groups, or local churches can use?” This is the “Little Shepherd Training Material” our founder, Rev. Moses Yu wrote.

Rev. Yu dedicated his life on campus ministry and discipleship training. During the Sino-Japanese War, the young Rev. Yu and Rev Calvin Chao promoted Gospel movement among Chinese college students in West China, which led to the first wave of Chinese student revival. After being the key-note speaker for our Winter Conference in December of 2009, Rev. Yu ended his preaching ministry of 70 years. His 70 years of ministry is to equip and edify college students and scholars to be the Lord’s disciples and workers for God. When he was pastoring the church at UC Berkeley in 1969, he established Christian Witness Fellowship to promote discipleship training and wrote spiritual growth material for college students. Christian Witness Fellowship held a month-long discipleship training camp in San Francisco in 1977. Thirty college students from the United States and Canada attended this camp. After the camp, ten young students decided to dedicate themselves for fulltime ministry. They stayed behind to be trained under Rev. Yu. As a result, Christian Witness Bible College was born. A few years later, it officially became a credited seminary to equip post-graduated college students for full time ministry. In order to further promote discipleship training and equip co-workers among students, Rev. Yu started Christian Witness Center in the Midwest. During various school breaks each year, CWC holds several discipleship training camps and Bible camps. We aim that students not only get to know the Lord sooner and become disciples, but also are equipped to be coworkers in campus fellowships. After they graduate, they can be full time ministers or little shepherds while holding a fulltime job.

When CWC first started, Rev. Yu flew from CA to Midwest to teach in each camp. He equipped many brothers and sisters to be the Lord’s disciples and serve the Lord all their lives. Later, Rev. Yu’s physical strength faded, and he could not come to CWC headquarter for the disciple trainings. So, for his last ten years, he could only go to the Winter Conference held at Kansas City to teach and train over a thousand of the brothers and sisters. Knowing the limit of his physical strength and fading days, Rev. Yu wanted to help discipleship training ministry in the future to build up full time and part time ministers and also for the need of the churches in mainland China. He spent his last seven to eight years writing the Little Shepherd Training Material to build up brothers and sisters to be leaders. These brothers and sisters may not be the pastors for the whole church, but they can be little shepherds leading a small group, or a Bible Study with only a few people. The material not only is suitable for small groups in campus ministry, but also for the churches in China nowadays which are under tremendous of pressure. Many of the churches have been restructured with five or ten people in each gathering point. The need for little shepherds becomes greater. Rev. Yu saw the need for little shepherds in mainland China. He used all his strength in his last days to complete this Little Shepherd Training material.

This training material focuses on four aspects: spiritual life, ministry, Bible and truth to build up believers. Rev. Yu had hundreds of lessons made. There were 150 lessons edited and arranged so far. Each lesson is 45 minutes of teaching from Rev. Yu in DVD video and 15 minutes of discussion for small group discussion. The questions are downloadable. It can be used for personal, small group discussion or Sunday school. If you are interested, please click here to download the table of contents.

Winter Meetings

Winter Conference – As the end of the year approaches, many people are looking forward to Christmas. But if you truly want to observe the birth of Christ, the best is to learn from Mary who sat quietly before Jesus to listen to His words and be content in the Lord’s will. We will receive the better blessing. Let us prepare our hearts for this Winter Conference. Praise the Lord! This year He gave us many speakers heavily used by God: Rev, Johann Lai, Mrs Esther Lai, Rev David Lu, Brother Balex Sit, Minister Jenny Wu, Dr Kun Hua Chen, and others. To organize a Winter Conference for over a thousand people needs a large amount of manpower and money. CWC coworkers are planning for the conference full-forced and we need many volunteers. Please pray for us earnestly. It will be held December 21-25 in Kansas City, MO. The location has moved to Marriot Hotel-Down Town Kansas City. Online registration begins on November 15 and our strict deadline is December 15 at 4pm. The registration form will be posted on the CWC webpage. Please download and begin to invite people to attend. Winter Conference is both spiritual building and gospel-oriented. We hope that you will come and also invite nonbelievers. The cost for the conference is freewill offering. We require every attendee to attend every class. Please read the conference rules for details. May the Lord prepare each one, so that the Holy Spirit is at work and revival comes. Youth and English section speakers are Pastor Victor Quon, Dr. James Clark, Minister Randy Dolan, and Pastor Steve Tan. Uncle Dan and Aunty Cathy will lead the children’s classes. Please pray for them and their coworkers. Winter Conference’s detail and registration form will be posted on our webpage.

December Disciple and Coworker Training Camp – This camp is not just for new believers to learn to be the Lord’s disciples, but also to build up student coworkers for campus ministry to lead small group, to prepare them after they return to China to be little shepherds under difficult circumstances to lead a small church of ten people or so. It will be held from the evening of December 25 to noon of the 29th at CWC camp (Warsaw, MO). Strict deadline for registration is December 15 (or till we are full). Please register early. Also pray for our speakers Belex Sit and Jenny Wu.

January Bible Camp – In order to be a leader in church, in a campus fellowship small group, or as a shepherd after returning to China, one needs to use God’s Words to nurture others. Bible Camp helps attendees to know God’s Words. It also equips brothers and sisters to become little shepherds that can nurture others. Starting from hearts thirsty for God’s Word, they establish the habit of reading Scripture regularly. They work to handle God’s Words accurately. They train to become a little shepherd that can lead others. Thus you should pray that God will help you to come to Bible Camp to speak for God’s Word. Whether you will stay in the US or will return to your country, you can shepherd and nurture God’s little lambs. This time we will study the General Epistles. Participants must register before November 15 and complete the assignment according to the plan before camp. Camp will begin evening of Dec 29th and end at noon time on January 4, 2020 at CWC near Warsaw, MO. Our strict deadline is November 15. Please register early and start preparation early. You can study together with other brothers and sisters from your church or fellowship. Please pray for our speakers Rev David Su, Mrs. Lois Su, and others, and for the Bible Camp attendees. Pray for the ones already registered and their preparation work.

Prayer requests:

  1. The next two months CWC coworkers will be very busy planning the three meetings. It is hard work. We rely on God for its accomplishment. Please pray often for CWC coworkers.
  2. From this month CWC coworkers will begin advising the reports of the Bible camp attendees. They will be very busy as each report will take at least 1-2 hours to read. Pray that God will add strength and wisdom to our coworkers.
  3. Pray for our maintenance coworker Scott that God will give him heart of wisdom, skilled hands to complete various tasks. Pray for his family also.
  4. Please continue to pray for the health of Mrs. Ko. She has to go to doctors frequently for various tests. It is laborious. Thank God that she can experience God’s presence and peace.
  5. Pray for Brother Qing Long Liang’s ministry in Columbia Chinese Church and other places. May the Lord remember what their family has offered and bless their family of five.
  6. Pray for the busy ministry of Cindy Chiang that she will be filled by the Lord’s spirit. May her work be effective and fruitful that more people will be blessed.
  7. Pray for Pastor Ko’s ministry in Columbia Chinese Church, with CWC, and in his traveling to various campuses to teach.
  8. Pray for the East Coast Disciple Training Camp over Thanksgiving. May God prepare the hearts of the attendees and build up more disciples that can lead others.
  9. Pray for the preparation work of the winter conference mission teams. Every year we need many mission teams serving in the Winter Conference to help with many ministries and personal evangelism to lead more people to Christ.
  10. May the Lord use the monthly prayer letters, not only share prayer needs, but also through your care, prayer, and support to CWC, CWC ministry will bless more people and lead more to Christ. Most importantly, more people will decide to love Jesus, to live loyally for Jesus, and to serve the King of Kings. Please make time to attend our year-end camps and invite brothers and sisters and nonbelievers to attend.

May God’s grace in this this Thanksgiving season bestow on you richly that you will be a blessing to many!

Serving with you in the Lord,
Billy Ko