2019-10 (十月禱告信)


從美中奧沙湖邊向您問好,願主幫助您成為水泉旁多結果子的枝子。栽培同工是校園事工最大的挑戰,校園團契或教會都不能忽視,所以必須儘速地在學生中作門徒訓練、與同工栽培的工作。門徒訓練營是最能裝備校園弟兄姊妹成長的營會,也是建立學生作團契同工的重要機會。請按此處閱讀:IV. 北美門徒訓練事工的興起 –交託那忠心能裝備別人的人




IV. 北美門徒訓練事工的興起 –交託那忠心能裝備別人的人
(1970至2019 年)


  1. 導航會門徒訓練營 – 1970年代初期鮮有聽聞北美有華人的門徒訓練營。1975年夏天導航會一些美國同工,為華人學生開設了為期十天的門徒訓練營,地點是在加州。1976年導航會在德州離休士頓約一個半小時車程外的一個營地舉行,與會的人數約二十多人(包括筆者),營會不收費用,上午與晚上學習,下午在營地幫忙清理工作。課程由導航會的美國同工教導幾堂,其他的則由他們的門徒學生作教導,他們都是一般大學的本科生,與會的也以本科生為主,雖然筆者當時已是神學生了,但所有参加者都非常得激勵。
  2. 使者協會門徒訓練營 – 1977年夏天,使者協會在使者農莊舉辦了為期十週的門徒訓練營,這是北美華人舉辦、為期最長的門徒訓練營,筆者與未婚妻孟霄蔚姊妹也從密蘇里州開車去參加(雖然只參加了六個星期),與其餘計約十位弟兄姊妹,上午與晚上有學習與分享,下午在使者協會的辦公室參與事奉,在彼此分工配搭中學習。
  3. 基督工人見證團門徒訓練營 – 1977年暑假的後期,于力工牧師主持的基督工人見證團,在三藩市的宣信聖經學院開辦第一期的門徒訓練營,為期四個禮拜,目的是為了帶領與栽培年輕的學生跟從主、一生為主而活、在校園事奉主。第一屆的門徒訓練營,為期四週,共有三十位弟兄姊妹參加。其中約有一半是美中去的,包括筆者與未婚妻。訓練營中,于牧師以「禱」、「讀」、「傳」、「建」為訓練的主題,教導弟兄姊妹走門徒道路。于牧師也非常著重靈命進深與禱告的操練,每天早上與晚上都有禱告會,學員們都一同跪在主前開口禱告,大家都受益匪淺,不少學生立志奉獻自己一生事奉主。營會結束時,有十位從美國各地來的學生,願意留下來跟于牧師學習,筆者與未婚妻也在其中。在神奇妙的帶領下,于牧師在那次聚會結束後,在柏克萊市購置了一套有十八個單位的公寓作訓練中心,翻開了基督工人神學院新的一頁。
  4. 基督工人中心 – 基督工人見證團每年四週的學生門徒訓練營,一共維持了四年,鑑於來參加訓練營的弟兄姊妹,大部份都是從美中而來,于力工牧師覺得應當將訓練營移至美中。1980年的門徒訓練營就從加州搬到美中內布拉斯加州奧馬哈市(Omaha, Nebraska)的恩典聖經學院舉行。那時筆者與妻子已從加州搬回美中事奉作校園事工,于牧師邀請筆者一同籌備這次的營會。在籌備的過程中,于牧師也多次從加州飛來美中做各樣的準備,也與筆者一同走遍美中主要的校園,預備弟兄姊妹的心來參加。在籌備的過程中,于牧師深感美中校園事工的重要,決定要在美中設立一個永久性的門徒訓練基地,好訓練更多的學生在校園中作主的門徒,一面讀書,一面事奉主,在校園傳福音、帶查經,畢業後在教會仍可帶職服事,或有一天能為神的國度全職擺上。神感動與帶領于牧師在堪薩斯市(Kansas City)的郊區購置了一片15英畝的土地及房屋建立了門徒中心。1980年于牧師爲這房子付了首期貨款,在奧馬哈訓練營期間獻堂,正式成立了基督工人中心(以下簡稱中心),從此中心同工就繼續用信心仰望主,發展這中心,訓練學生作主的門徒,美中基督工人中心的事奉就這樣開始了,在這三十九年中,每年有三次門徒與同工訓練、一次帶職信徒訓練、兩次讀經營,每次都是為期一個禮拜。感謝主!這幾十年中,每年都建立了不少學生,在美中求學時,在各校園帶動校園事工,畢業後有許多的人成為全時間的傳道人,其餘的也有不少成為各地教會的長老、執事與同工。


  1. 神的心意就是要建立更多的人作主的門徒,使更多人成為祂國度的工人,推動神國度裡的工作。
  2. 神過去在美國人中藉著導航會,在校園極力推動門徒訓練,以後校園團契 、學園團契 等校園事工機構,也很看重門徒訓練、並建立學生為宣教士,葛理翰牧師也透過 International Evangelism Association 推動 Disciple Maker,使信主的人儘快地被裝備成為主的門徒。
  3. 上一期我分享到: 五十年前台灣與香港的校園事工,台灣、香港的校園事工採用門徒訓練的模式,影響了歐美華人教會的建立,約有數十年之久,門徒訓練的果效是非常地久遠。
  4. 這一期我們看到在北美的華人學生事工中,神不但帶領許多學生信主,祂也不斷興起人來建立學生做主的門徒,成為有影響力的學生同工,帶動校園事工的興旺。
  5. 校園事工同工不僅要快快地傳福音,也要快快地帶領別人作主的門徒,成為同工,讓學生同工不至於有斷層,校園事工也不至於有斷層,能持續保持興旺。
  6. 平常在教會與團契中作門徒訓練,假期間,鼓勵同工出外参加門徒訓練營,雙管齊下,能使更多學生同工快快地被建立起來,成為能帶領別人的同工。
  7. 求主幫助教會、與校園事工的傳道人與同工,不僅是以帶人信主為目標,更能以建立人作門徒為目標,好完成主的大使命。






冬令會 將於十二月廿一至廿五日在密蘇里州堪薩斯城舉行,今年場地將轉換至市中心的Marriot Hotel – Down Town Kansas City。美中冬令會是為了聯合各地教會弟兄姊妹,一同追求主,建立自已,在靈命上更新,使教會得興旺; 冬令會也是為了聯繫美中各地弟兄姊妹,一同傳揚主福音,將各地的福音朋友,一同帶到冬令會聆聽主福音,也一同領受主的新生命。感謝主!今年我們的講員有:賴若瀚牧師、賴鍾桂珍師母、陸大齡牧師、鍾舜貴牧師、薛忠勇弟兄、陳昆華博士、周如歡教士等,請預備您的心參加,並多邀請弟兄姊妹和福音朋友一同來参加。嚴格截止報名日期為:十二月十五日下午四點整。大會英語部通常也有約三百人參加, 服事對象主要是用英語的弟兄姊妹,包括:中學生、大學生與工作者(不接受母語為中文者,因為聚會不是為了來學英語,乃是為了追求主)。Dan Davis夫婦與其他美國同工負責領兒童事工,幫助小朋友從小認識主,不斷成長,一生跟從主、為主而活。請您懇切為聚會代禱,準備您的心來參加,費用為自由奉獻,網站報名將於十一月十五日開始,請及早報名。

十二月門徒與同工訓練營 將於十二月廿五日晚至 二十九日中午,在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。校園事工必須藉學生帶領學生,門徒訓練是為了協助各地教會與校園團契,栽培有影響力的校園學生做同工,能向人傳福音、能關懷學生、甚至能帶查經,每一個人都能成為一個小牧人。盼望有更多的弟兄姊妹不僅參加冬令會,也能留下來參加門徒訓營,這次講員有:薛忠勇弟兄、周如歡教士等,請為聚會代禱並儘早報名。

一月讀經營 將於2019年十二月二十九日傍晚開始,至2020年一月四日中午為止,在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。我們將研讀普通書信(來、雅、彼前後、約一、二、三、猶),不僅讓弟兄姊妹能領受神的話,也能夠認識如何分享神的話。這次講員有:蘇桂村牧師、蘇傅麗秀師母等。請儘早報名參加,可以早日開始自修與學習神的話。嚴格報名截止日期為十一月十五日。


  1. 為美國同工Scott Jerome的維修事工禱告,求主記念與賜福他們一家的擺上。
  2. 為迦南樓的加蓋工程禱告,求主祝福Pastor Harold Shull 及其他同工手所做的工禱告。
  3. 為梁慶龍弟兄在哥城華人教會(Columbia, MO)與各地的事奉禱告,求主記念他們一家所擺上的,也賜福他們一家五口。
  4. 為江姊妹忙碌的事奉禱告,使她更多被主所使用,讓她不論周間在辦公室的工作,或周末的事奉都能力上加力,滿有果效,使更多人蒙恩。
  5. 為高師母的身體不斷進步感恩,也為她甲狀腺過高的治療禱告,求進繼續醫治她。
  6. 為高牧師在中心與哥城華人教會的事奉禱告,也為他在各地奔波與事奉禱告。
  7. 為東岸門徒訓練營感恩節的營會禱告,求主帶領籌備工作,並帶領更多弟兄姊妹去参加。也為營地擴建工程禱告。
  8. 為冬令會的籌備工作禱告,求神幫助講員有智慧能力去準備,也預備更多短宣隊與義工一同為這事工預備自己。
  9. 為十二月門徒與同工訓練營禱告,求主呼召更多弟兄姊妹願意作個小牧人,來接受裝備,帶領更多人跟從主,一同走天路,復興主的教會。
  10. 為禱經營禱告,求生使更多人早早報名,快快開始準備,多多領受主道,並堅定按主的話去行。
  11. 為中心每月所需的經費禱告!求主感動更多人願意為神的國度與中心奉獻。
  12. 求主幫助各地校園能用門徒訓練的方法,去建立學生事工。
  13. 謝謝您在禱告及財務上對基督工人中心的支持。願神豐盛地賜福您和您的一家。




Dear brothers and sisters, peace to you in the Lord,

Greetings from the Lake of the Ozarks. May the Lord help you to become the tree that is planted by the stream, the tree that bears fruit.

Chinese Campus Ministry History – Part IV

IV. The Rise of North America Discipleship Training Ministry: Entrust the faithful who are able to equip others (1970-2019)

Equipping coworkers is the biggest challenge in campus ministry, yet campus fellowships and churches cannot neglect this even for a month and survive. Discipleship training and equipping the coworkers among students is an urgent matter. Discipleship training camp is the most effective way to equip and establish students. It is also an important opportunity to build up coworkers within the student fellowships. In the past, there were many Christian organizations promoting discipleship training.

  1. Navigators Discipleship Training Camp: A Chinese discipleship training camp in North America was scarcely known in the early 1970s and before. Then in 1975, the Navigators Christian organization held a ten-day discipleship training camp for Chinese language speakers in California during the summer. The next year, they held another one in a camp site an hour and a half drive from Houston, Texas. About twenty people attended, including me. The camp was free. We had lectures in the morning and evening. During the afternoon, we helped clean the camp. Some teaching was given by Navigator’s American coworkers. The rest of the teaching was led by other student disciples who were mainly undergraduate students. The participants were mostly undergrads. I was a seminary student at that time. All the attendees were greatly motivated.
  2. Ambassadors for Christ Discipleship Training Camp: During the summer of 1977, Ambassadors for Christ held a ten-week training camp at their farm. This was the longest camp held by North American Chinese. My fiancée Sylvia and I drove from Missouri to attend for six weeks. We with around 10 people, studied and shared in the mornings and evenings. In the afternoon, we served at the Ambassadors for Christ office. We learned from each other through this teamwork.
  3. Christian Witness Fellowship Discipleship Training Camp: During the last part of the summer break of 1977, Christian Witness Fellowship established by Rev. Moses Yu held the first discipleship training camp at Simpson Bible College at San Francisco for four weeks. The purpose was to lead and train young students to follow Christ, so that they would dedicate their whole lives to live for the Lord and serve in campus ministry. There were about thirty brothers and sisters joining the camp. Half of them were from the Midwest, including my fiancée and me. In the camp, Rev. Yu focused on four themes: praying, reading, evangelizing, and equipping. He taught us to walk the road of a disciple. He emphasized spiritual growth and the practice of prayer. Each morning and evening were prayer meetings. The participants knelt down and opened the mouths to pray before God’s throne. We all learned a lot. Many of the students dedicated themselves to serve God all their lives. At the conclusion of the camp, ten students coming from all over US to stay behind to learn more from Rev. Yu, including my fiancée and me. Under the wonderful guidance of God, Rev Yu bought an 18-unit apartment building in Berkeley, CA and renovated it into a training center. This, opened a new chapter for the Christian Witness Theological Seminary.
  4. Christian Witness Center: The annual four-week long Christian Witness Fellowship Discipleship camp continued four years. Rev. Yu saw that most of the participants were from the Midwest, so he felt that the camp should move here. Thus in 1980 the camp was held in Grace Bible College in Omaha, Nebraska. My wife and I had already moved back to the Midwest from California and served in campus ministry. Rev. Yu invited me to be involved in planning and organizing the camp of 1980. During the planning phrase, Rev Yu flew to Midwest multiple times for preparation work and traveled throughout many campuses in the Midwest with me to prepare the hearts of the brothers and sisters to attend the camp. During the planning process, Rev. Yu saw the importance of campus ministry in the Midwest and decided to establish a permanent site for the discipleship training camp in order to train more students to be disciples on their campuses. They could serve while students. They could share the Gospel on their campuses and lead Bible Study. After they graduated, they could serve in their churches while working fulltime. Or they would dedicate themselves for God’s kingdom to serve in fulltime ministry one day. God led Rev. Yu to purchase for a discipleship training camp 15-acre tract with a house near Kansas City. He paid the down payment in 1980 and dedicated it during the Omaha Discipleship Training Camp. Christian Witness Center (CWC) officially was established. Since then, with faith and trust in God, CWC coworkers continue to develop this center to train students to be disciples of the Lord. This was the beginning of the ministry of CWC. In the last 39 years, CWC held three discipleship training camps, one lay-minister training camp, and two Bible camps, each for around one week yearly. Praise the Lord! In these decades, we have built up many students. They attended colleges in the Midwest and played important roles in campus ministry. After their graduation, many of them became fulltime ministers. Many of them became elders, deacons, and coworkers in their local churches.

From this period of campus ministry history, we learned that:

  1. God’s will is to build up more people to be disciples of the Lord. Disciples will become coworkers of God’s Kingdom to promote the work of His Kingdom.
  2. In the past, God used Navigators to actively promote campus discipleship training. Later on, other campus ministry organizations such as Inter Varsity and Campus Crusade for Christ stressed discipleship training and trained students to be missionaries. Rev. Billy Graham used the International Evangelism Association to promote “Disciple Makers” to quickly equip new believers to become disciples of the Lord.
  3. I shared with you in last newsletter that the campus ministry in Taiwan and Hong Kong fifty years ago used this discipleship training model. They influenced the Chinese churches in Europe and North America for many decades. The fruit of discipleship training can be very deep and wide.
  4. In the development of North America student ministry history in this newsletter, we saw that God not only led many students to faith, but also raised up students to be disciples of the Lord. They influenced other students to promote and develop campus ministry.
  5. Campus ministry is not just pressing forward to share the Gospel, but also to quickly lead others to become disciples and Christian coworkers. So that there will be no gap in between generations, campus ministry must continue to grow steadily.
  6. During the semester, churches and fellowships train disciples. During breaks, we encourage coworkers to go to discipleship training camp. Synergistically, disciples will be equipped more quickly and become coworkers that can lead others.
  7. May God help churches and campus ministers and coworkers set goals and succeed, not just to lead others to faith, but furthermore to equip them to be disciples to fulfill the Great Commission.

September Short term Mission Teams

Coming from five churches and splitting into six teams, the September mission team traveled far. God’s grace travels even further, bringing God’s presence and blessing. We saw God’s wonderful works everywhere. Coworkers worked with one accord even though sometimes there were last-minute changes due to different needs. They accomplished the tasks with a joyful heart. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” We not only led others to the Lord, they themselves shared the Gospel. May the Lord increase the strength of coworkers everywhere the mission teams have visited: to bear the greater mission and to build up the new believers to become future coworkers who will influence their campuses.

Little Shepherd Training Material

Rev Moses Yu finished this training material in his old age. It aimed to edify brothers and sisters who have been called to shepherd the little lambs around them. Although they are not the pastors of their churches, they can still lead a small group. Even a group of less than 10 people can lead the few brothers and sisters. He is a little shepherd. Today’s house churches in China are forced by government policy to stay small. Several people gather together is a small church and they need a little shepherd within them. The material that Rev Yu taught is for the need of this age. It not only is useful for brothers and sisters in mainland China, but also very suitable for North American churches to train small group leaders and Sunday School teachers. The DVD includes about 100 hours of Rev Yu’s teaching. Each section is 45 minutes of teaching and 15 minutes discussion. There are outlines and discussion questions. It is very suitable for small group meeting and Sunday School. Please go to CWC website to use it.

Winter Meetings

Winter conference will be held December 21-25 in Kansas City, MO. This year the location is moved to Marriot Hotel-Downtown Kansas City. This Midwest winter conference connects brothers and sisters from different churches to pursue God together, build up themselves and renew their spiritual lives, so that the churches will prosper. It also brings believers together to share the Gospel to non-believers from all over. Non-believers will hear the Lord’s Gospel and receive new life. Praise the Lord! Our speakers are Rev, Johann Lai, Mrs. Esther Lai, Rev David Lu, Rev. Shun Kuei Chung, Brother Balex Sit, Dr. Kun Hua Chen and Minister Jenny Jou etc. Please prepare your heart to attend and invite more nonbelievers to come together. Our strict deadline is December 15 at 4pm. Our English section usually has about three hundred people. It is to serve English speakers, notably junior high, high school, and college students and young professionals. If your first language is Chinese, please do not come to this section to learn English. Our purpose in the meeting is to pursue God. Uncle Dan and Aunty Kathy Davis and other American coworkers lead the children’s ministry to help them to know the Lord when they are young and to keep growing, so that they will follow the Lord all their lives and live for the Lord. Please remember Winter Conference in your prayers and prepare your hearts to attend. The Conference is funded by free-will offering. Online registration opens on November 15. Please register early.

December Disciple and Coworker Training Camp will be held from the evening of December 25 to noon of the 29th at the CWC camp in Warsaw, MO. Campus ministry must be led by students. This camp is to help churches and campus fellowships train the influential students to become coworkers. They would share the Gospel, care for other students, and lead Bible study. Everyone can become a little shepherd. We hope that brothers and sisters not only attend Winter Conference, but also stay over to the December Training camp. Our speakers are Brother Belex Sit and Minister Jenny Jou. Please pray for the camp and register earlier.

January Bible Camp will begin the evening of Dec 29th and end at noon on January 4, 2020 at the CWC camp in Warsaw, MO. We will study the General Epistles of Hebrews, James, 1&2 Peter, 1,2,3 John and Jude. Brothers and sisters not only will learn from God’s Words, but also will learn how to share God’s Word. Our speakers are Rev David Su and Mrs. Lois Su. Please register earlier, so you can start studying God’s Word earlier. Our strict deadline is November 15th.

Latest update and Prayer requests:

  1. Please pray for our American coworker Scott Jerome’s maintenance ministry. Pray that the Lord will remember and bless the work of him and his whole family.
  2. Please pray for the expansion of Canaan Hall. May the Lord bless the work of Pastor Harold Shull and other coworkers.
  3. Pray for the ministry of Qinglong Liang in Columbia, MO and other places. Pray that the Lord remember what their family have dedicated and bless his family of five.
  4. Pray for Cindy Chiang‘s busy ministry. May the Lord use her more and strengthen her when she does office work during the weekdays and serving during the weekends. May her ministry be fruitful and even more people blessed.
  5. We are grateful that Mrs. Ko’s heath is improving. Pray for the hyperthyroid treatment. May the Lord continue to heal her.
  6. Pray for Pastor Ko’s ministry in CWC and Columbia Chinese Christian Church and his travel.
  7. Pray for the East Coast Disciple Training Camp over Thanksgiving. May the Lord guide our planning work and lead more brothers and sisters to come. Also pray for the expansion work of the camp site.
  8. Pray for the planning work of Winter Conference. May the Lord give wisdom to the speakers as they prepare. Pray that more short-term mission and volunteers will prepare themselves to serve.
  9. Pray for the December Disciple Training Camp that God will call more brothers and sisters to be little shepherds. They will be equipped to lead more to follow the Lord, walk the pilgrim’s road together and revive the Lord’s church.
  10. Pray for Bible camp that people will register sooner and start preparing, so that they will learn more from God’s Words and be persistent to act according to God’s way.
  11. Pray for the monthly financial needs of CWC. May the Lord move more people’s hearts to be willing to give for God’s kingdom and CWC’s ministry.
  12. Pray that campus fellowship everywhere can use the “Discipleship Training” method to build up student ministry.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support for Christian Witness Center. May the Lord bless you and your family richly.

Serving together with you in the Lord,

Billy Ko