2019-07/08 (七、八月禱告信)






II. 抗戰後的華人校園事工 – 以學生主導的校園事工

抗戰勝利後數年,校園事工仍然繼續興旺,「中國各大學基督徒學生聯合會」(學聯)在趙君影牧師、于力工牧師與英國宣教士艾得理牧師等同工的帶領下,信主的學生不斷的増加。1946年與1947年都有全國性的學生冬令會或夏令會,參加聚會的人非常多,聚會中不僅有講道信息,也有禱告、認罪、和讚美,學生們都自由開口,互相代求,彼此建立。可見當時學生靈性的火熱。這個冬令會後,華西各大學的基督徒團契人數與日俱增。這是一個前所未有的聚會,因為歷史上沒有這麼多來自各地的學生基督徒聚在一起聚會過。 但這樣學生事工興旺的日子並沒有維持太久,只有數年,隨著政局的改變,抗戰時期的校園牧者們,在各樣的政治壓力下,只得離開那廣大的國內校園工場,學生們漸漸也不能公開在校園中傳福音或聚會,校園事工只能悄悄的在暗中進行。原來神在1940年代大大地在學生群中工作,是為了準備全國的基督徒,預備面對將來烈火般的試煉,在這艱辛的年代,為主在全國作見證。謝成光弟兄歸納說:




1950年,當傳教士被逐出中國時,艾得理牧師加入美國校際團契(IVCF)。1956年艾牧師被差派至香港,擔任第一屆國際學生福音團契(IFES)遠東區總幹事。 他先後成立了香港基督徒學生福音團契、畢業生基督徒團契,和福音閱覽室,因為他在學生中所擺上的,鼓勵並帶領了一班青年人投身其中。 艾得理牧師在香港的事奉,奠定了香港學生事工興旺的基礎。




  1. 校園事工可以沒有傳道人去作,但必須要有學生的積極參與。
  2. 學生參與越多,校園事工越興旺。
  3. 學生事工必須讓學生作主導,傳道人(或顧問)應當是學生團契支持者、學生同工的栽培者。
  4. 校園傳道人或顧問,必須栽培學生作學生工作,帶人信主,幫助別人成長。
  5. 將學生扎實的建立起來,他們就會是明日教會中神所重要的傳道人、長執與核心同工。











一年之計在於春,一學年之興旺在於八月,為了新一學年學生事工的興旺,很多校園都全力的作新生工作,盼望藉迎新事工,能吸引更多學生來教會。但許多時候,我們的盼望常轉為失望,因為迎新後,絕大部份的學生都不會留下來,也不見在迎新會上有人信耶穌,即使有人信了主,教會也沒有能力作栽培的工作。開學後數週,常常不僅新同學不見了,連學生同工也不見了。這些事情發生的原因之一是: 在開學時,我們只顧迎新,卻沒有花時間去建立學生同工。很多學生暑假回國兩、三個月,都沒有去教會,暑假回來,原本就不太剛強的靈命,卻要被推上去做迎新事工,連續兩三週的服事,靈命更大大的透支,所以迎新聚會剛結束,不僅新同學不見,連學生同工也不見了。所以開學前,我們一方面要作迎新工作,一方面也需要建立同工,好讓更多新學生同工在迎新後,可以參與新同學的關懷與邀請工作,也能補充剛畢業離校同工的空缺。迎新是團契的短期事工,建立新同工是團契長期的事工,兩者都很重要。八月中我們一方面要好好做新生工作,同時更要建立同工,鼓勵同工在開學前先來參加門徒訓練接受裝備。這次訓練營的日期是:8月4日至10日,報名截止日期是7月26日,講員是吳繼揚牧師與李革舜牧師,請把握最後機會,在開學前訓練教會的新同工。


很多人都說: 向年輕學生傳福音比以前更困難! 從某部分言, 可能是對的,只是難不是在學生方面,因為每一個時代的學生都有不同的困難,只要我們肯出去傳福音,都會有人信主。但今天向學生傳福音,卻難在於傳福音的人,因為我們怕傳福音會破壞與福音朋友的關係、讓人反感、怕傳福音使人不來聚會等等。當主耶穌差遣門徒出去傳福音時,就告訴他們前面會有許多的困難,耶穌不是叫他們等機會,乃是說:「我差你們去,如同羊進入狼群;所以你們要靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿子。」,靠著聖靈的力量進入福音的工場,一面作、一面依靠神的智慧完成福音的使命。我們常忘記了保羅所說:「 我不以福音為恥;這福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的…」(羅1:16), 在神的大能中,只要我們去傳福音,都能看見人信主的果效。八、九月共有十隊短宣隊來美中校園傳福音。他們雖然知道傳福音的工作不容易,但卻願意依靠神的大能、與聖靈的幫助,從工作中請了十天的假期,來美中向各校園的新同學傳福音,他們不怕路程的遙遠,天氣的炎熱,環境的陌生,他們實在是我們一個美好傳福音的榜樣,求主幫助各地校園,都能因著與短宣隊的配搭,能多得靈魂,也一同經歷福音的大能,讓神的國與我們的靈,都得著更大的興旺。請為八月中與九月初兩梯次美中短宣隊禱 告,求主使用。(第一梯次是:8月16-25日;第二梯次是:9月6-15日)。


感謝主!梁慶龍弟兄從七月開始成為中心的同工,梁弟兄來美國作博士後研究時信主,一直常來中心參加門徒訓練營與讀經營,四年前全時間奉獻,在Kansas City,MO的 Calvary University 進修神學,每週末全家開車到Columbia, MO 在華人教會事奉,今年畢業後決定在中心全時間事奉,目前中心安排他們住在 Columbia,MO,協助高牧師牧養當地的華人教會,並幫助附近的校園。請大家常為他們一家禱告,求神賜福他們一家五口,並使他們手所作的工,都產生美好的果效。


  1. 為八月讀經營禱告,求主不僅加強弟兄姊妹讀經的心志,也讓他們能成為神話語的管家,可以有能力分享神的語。
  2. 為八月門徒與同工訓練營禱告,求主預備人心參加,在新的學期建立更多的校園團契同工,並成為眾教會中的小牧人。
  3. 為新同工梁慶龍弟兄在中心的服事感恩,求主在美中各地與Columbia, MO 更大的使用他,賜福他們全家。
  4. 為讀經營的講員: 汪川生牧師與李玉惠姊妹,及訓練營的講員: 吳繼揚牧師與李革舜牧師禱告,求聖靈恩膏他們,使更多人能扎根於主的語語,作神話語的好管家。
  5. 為中心同工靠主得智慧與能力,完成八月兩週的營會與十天的校園短宣禱告,使福音廣傳,聖徒得建立。
  6. 為高師母健康恢復感恩,求主使她癌細胞不再復發,甲抗得醫治、心靈得平安、靈裡得興旺禱告。
  7. 為八月16-25日的美中校園短宣隊禱告,八月共有六隊,求主差派他們出去,結出美好的果子,立下美好傳福音的榜樣。
  8. 為校園迎新事工禱告,求主使各地同工得著聖靈的力量,彰顯基督的愛,勇於傳福音,經歷福音的大能,挑起傳福音火熱的心志。
  9. 為建築同工Pastor Shull 與維修同工Scott Jerome禱告,求主賜福他們手所作的工,讓他們的工程成為多人的祝福。
  10. 為新同工禱告,求主帶領更多同工,一同在美中各校園傳揚主福音,建立日後眾教會與神國度的同工。



Dear brothers and sisters, peace to you,

History lets us review the past and thus know the future. In our last newsletter we saw God revived China inland university campuses during the Sino-Japanese War. That first wave of campus revival began in a difficult time, yet raised a group of young students who would be the major force of Chinese churches for the next fifty years.

Chinese Campus Ministry History – Part II

II. Campus Ministry After the Anti-Japanese War—Students-Led Campus Ministry

After the Anti-Japanese War, campus ministries continued to prosper. Chinese Nationals’ Evangelism Commission thrived under the leadership of Pastor Calvin Chao, Pastor Moses Yu, English missionary Eric Liddell (of Olympics fame) and other coworkers. The number of student believers continued to grow. There were nationwide winter and summer conferences in 1946 and 1947 with many participants. The conferences contained not only preaching, but also prayers, confession, praise, and worship. Students freely opened their mouths, prayed for each other, and edified one another. We got a glimpse of the fire from these students’ spirit. After this winter conference, various campus fellowships in West China grew daily in numbers of believers. There was no meeting like this winter conference. There were not such a large number of Christian students from all over China gathering ever again. Alas, this period of revival did not last long. In a few years, with the change in political climates, campus ministers from the war period gradually left mainland China universities under political pressure. Slowly students no longer openly gathered on campus or shared the gospel to others. Campus ministries turned underground. God greatly used students during the 1940s. This prepared them for the future fiery trials. They could still witness in China during this hard time. Brother Cheng-guang Xie concluded:

During November of 1948, Pastor Calvin Chao moved to Hong Kong to avoid political conflicts. It affected the campus ministries greatly. But the students had prepared themselves to live out their faith under an atheist government. Eric Liddell from CNEC was forced to leave China in August of 1950. These young students faced serious challenges. Many of them were being arrested and denounced. Some were martyred, and some from their weakness forsook Christ. Still many stood firm on their faith and kept witnessing and leading others to Christ.

CNEC vice president Eric Liddell witnessed the student ministry in the 1940s’ influences toward future Chinese churches. He said,

“The testimonies of the Chinse Christian students from the 50s undoubtedly poured a new energy into the house churches during the 70s. After the compromise of the so-called Christians, the fellowship among believers could only be sustained by the young people, even though the various campus fellowships were dissolved. The old Christians and their children became a part of the true church. This church continued to shine in the darkness.

China expelled all the missionaries in 1950. Eric Liddell joined Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. Pastor Liddell was sent to Hong Kong in 1956 as the first Far East Chief Executive Officer of International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). He established Hong Kong Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Graduated Christian Fellowship, and Gospel Reading Room. Because of his pouring out to the students, he encouraged and led a group of young people into the fellowships. Pastor Liddell’s ministry in Hong Kong had established a firm foundation for the prosperous Hong Kong student ministries.

While doing campus ministry, Pastor Liddell met Pastor David Cha from Taiwan who was seeking God to know if he should pursue student ministry fulltime. Pastor Liddell encouraged him to serve on campus fulltime. Pastor Cha started a campus fellowship during difficult circumstances in Taiwan. Pastor Liddell suggested that Pastor Cha could begin a magazine for Christian scholars to read. This became, Campus Evangelical Fellowship Press. Pastor Liddell reminded Pastor Cha multiple times that when serving with campus coworkers, they should emphasize students, not coworkers. During the beginning era of the Campus Fellowship magazine, many students came to know the Lord. Some subsequently became useful servants of the Lord. Among the first group of student believers committing themselves for the Lord’s ministry were Pastors Lei Chen, Daniel Rao, Nathaniel Chow, Chih-Ping Lin, and Morley S. Lee.

Spending many years in Taiwan and Hong Kong, Pastor Liddell had significant influences on campus ministries over there. He raised the concept of “campus ministry should let the students lead”. It was the secret to the success of student ministry. This concept deeply rooted in the minds of students, graduates, and volunteers. They self-started the campus ministry movement. For the next fifty years, they influenced the believers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, North America, and beyond. The Bible Study Groups, fellowships, and churches in North America and elsewhere are developed based on this concept of student leadership. During the early era of the Campus Evangelical Fellowship Press, it led many college students to love the Lord fervently. Some of them committed to full time ministry. Some of the students after graduation went from China overseas to further their education. They started Bible study groups in various campuses during their studies, sharing the gospel with their classmates. Many of these Bible study groups later became Chinese churches. So we can say that campus ministry in Taiwan and Hong Kong from 1950-1980 raised up many student evangelists who shared the gospel while studying in North America. This was the foundation of North America evangelistic ministry to those who spoke a Chinese language.

From this period of campus ministry history, we can see that:

  1. Campus ministry can lack a minister, but active participation from students is crucial.
  2. The more the students involve themselves in the ministry, the more on fire the campus ministry will be.
  3. Campus ministry must to be led by students. Ministers or advisors can support the fellowship and help disciple student coworkers, but students must lead.
  4. Campus ministry pastors and advisors must build up students to do student ministry, bring others to the Lord, and help others to grow.
  5. Build up the students solidly. Then they will become the important ministers, elders, deacons, and core coworkers in the churches.

Many people are temporarily out of town either traveling for fun or visiting family back home. However, CWC coworkers take no summer break. For God’s Kingdom’s sake, we still strive to serve, to hold more training camps, to travel to different campuses to build up the Lord’s Kingdom.

June Youth Discipleship Training Camp

More than 90 youths attended the camp. They sign up for the camp not because of invitations from CWC coworkers, but because of invitations among the youths themselves. They all look forward to studying in CWC every year. This year they learned from the speakers the importance of God’s Words and the riches of God’s Words. They also learned various methods on how to receive God’s Words and keep God’s Words in their hearts. We had a new breakthrough this year that guitar was not the only instrument during singspiration time. We had many different instruments to worship the Lord. They used their talent from many years of practice with piano, violin, cello, and trumpets during worship and evangelism. They not only played contemporary praise songs, but also traditional hymns, building up and expanding their boundary of music worship and service.

Paul’s Missionary Journey Study Tour

Twenty-four brothers and sisters joined this year’s study tour. We set foot in cities in Turkey, Greece, and Italy. We not only saw the places Paul visited, but also saw the hardworking and faithful examples of the early church disciples. We reflected on the basic methods on local church planting: prayer, Bible reading, evangelism, and edification of self and others. All participants were deeply encouraged and decided to serve the Lord faithfully and to be a person that can lead others to the Lord in their local churches.

July East Coast Disciple & Coworker Training Camp

Two days after coming back from the Paul’s missionary journey study tour, I headed out to the U.S. east coast discipleship training camp. Last year we only had about thirty people. That count doubled this year. Praise the Lord for increasing the number of people pursuing God! We pray that God will continue to attract more people thirsting for spiritual growth to attend the camp. May God allow more people from the East Coast and the Midwest willing to offer themselves for God’s kingdom. Please also pray for the continued expansion of the east coast training camp under God’s wonderful handiwork.

August Bible Camp

More than 100 brothers and sisters not only signed up for the August Bible Camp, but also turned in their topical study reports by mid-July. Our speakers and CWC coworkers were faithfully spending time and effort to guide each student to edit their reports with the aim of helping brothers and sisters study God’s Word carefully. The main purpose of Bible Camp is not only to help people know God’s Words, but more importantly, to improve the brothers and sisters’ ability to study Scriptures and to become a disciple that can share and teach God’s Words. As a result, the criteria for this camp is higher than other camps. We will study Pauline Epistles during this August Bible Camp. The speakers are Pastor Chuan-seng Wang and Sister Grace Lee. Please pray for the speakers and participants. The deadline for signing up this camp has passed. If you miss this Bible Camp, you can still sign up for August disciple and coworker camp.

August disciple and coworker Training

There is a Chinese saying, “a good year starts from a good spring”. In the same way, a prosperous new semester student ministry starts from August. Many campus fellowships focus full force on new student ministry, hoping that the welcome student ministry will attract students to come to the church. But often our hope becomes disappointment. A majority of the students who came to the welcome meeting will not return. No one accepts Christ. Even when there are converts, the local church does not have the ability to disciple them. A few weeks into the new semester, the new students disappear, and student coworkers disappear as well. One of the reasons is that we put too much emphasis on welcoming newcomers but don’t have time to build up student coworkers. Many students go back to China over the summer vacation. They may not go to church during those two to three months. Their spiritual lives are not strong when they return to US. They are pushed to do welcome ministry. After two to three weeks of service, their spirits are drained. That’s why at the end of the welcome ministry, not only the new students but also the student workers disappear. In contrast, we have been more fruitful using both hands. Before school starts, certainly we prepare for welcome ministry. Yet with the other hand, we build up student coworkers so they can invite and care for the new students. They fill the vacancy of the students who have departed after spring graduation. Welcome ministry is a short-term work. But edifying student coworkers is long-term work. Both are very important. In order to do that well, we should encourage our students to come to August disciple and coworker training to be equipped. Training camp is August 4-10 and deadline is July 26. Our speakers are Pastor David Wu and Pastor Gershom Lee. Please use this last chance to train coworkers before school starts.

Short term Mission Teams

Many people say that it is more difficult now than in the past to share the Gospel to younger students. In some ways, that may be true. But the hardship is not particularly the fault of this new generation. Every generation of students has its different difficulties. As long as we are willing to share, there will be people accepting Christ. If today’s sharing is harder, consider that the one sharing the Gospel may be afraid that evangelism will destroy his or her relationship with non-believing friends. When Jesus sent the disciples to go out to share the Gospel, He told them that they would face many obstacles. But Jesus did not tell them to wait for opportunities. He said, “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” We should rely on the power of Holy Spirit as we enter the field of evangelism. While we do God’s work, we depend on God’s wisdom to fulfill our mission to share the Gospel. We remember Paul’s word, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to ever one who believes…” (Romans 1:16) Under God’s great power, as long as we share the Gospel, we will see the fruit of people coming to Christ. There are ten short-term mission teams total coming to the Midwest campuses during August and September. Although they know it is not easy to share the Gospel, they are willing to rely on God’s great power and the help of the Holy Spirit to take ten days off from their jobs to come to various campuses in the Midwest to share the Gospel to new students. They are not afraid of the long journey, hot weather, and strange environment. They are indeed a good example for us. Please pray that God will help local campus ministries, partnering with mission teams, to save more souls and experience the mighty power of the Gospel together. May God’s Kingdom and our souls be revived. Pray for the two rounds of mission teams’ ministries in the Midwest. (First round is August 16-25. Second round is September 6-15).

Introduce New CWC Coworker

Thanks be to the Lord! Brother Qinglong Liang officially became a CWC coworker in July. Brother Liang got saved when he was doing postdoctoral study in US. He always has come to CWC disciple camps and Bible camps since then. Four years ago, he committed himself for full time ministry and studied at Calvary University in Kansas City, MO. He and his whole family travelled to Columbia MO to serve at Columbia Chinese Christian Church on every weekend. He decided to serve in CWC fulltime after he graduated this year. We currently assigned him and his family to help in Columbia’s local church and to assist campuses nearby. Please always pray for Qinglong, his wife, and three kids, that their ministry can produce wonderful fruit.

Prayer requests

  1. Pray for August Bible Camp. Ask God not only to strengthen brothers and sisters’ hearts to study the Scriptures; also let them become good stewards of God’s Words and let them share God’s Words to others.
  2. Pray for the August disciple & coworker training. May God prepare the hearts of the participants and build up more coworkers for campus ministry in the new semester, that they can be little shepherds in various churches.
  3. We thank God for our new coworker Qinglong Liang’s ministry. Pray that God will use him greatly in Midwest area and Columbia, MO. Bless his whole family.
  4. Pray for the speakers of Bible Camp, Pastor Chuan-seng Wang and Sister Grace Lee and speakers for training camp, Pastor David Wu and Pastor Gershom Lee. May the Holy Spirit anoint them to help more people rooted in God’s Words. May they be good stewards of the Scriptures.
  5. Pray that CWC coworkers can rely on God for wisdom and power to complete two weeks of camp in August and ten days of short-term mission trips. May the Gospel be shared widely and disciples be edified.
  6. We thank God for bringing Mrs Ko to health. Pray that her cancer won’t come back and her thyroid problem will be healed. Pray for peace in her heart, and reviving of her spirit.
  7. Pray for the six mission teams in the Midwest campuses during August 16-25. Pray that the Lord sends them to bear good fruits and set up good examples for sharing the Gospel.
  8. Pray for the welcoming new student ministries. Pray that coworkers from various campuses be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to show Christ’ love. They will share the Good News boldly and experience the great power of the Gospel to light the fire in their hearts to spread the Gospel further.
  9. Pray for CWC construction and maintenance workers, Pastor Shull and Scott Jerome. They are in charge of maintaining and building projects. Pray that God will bless the works on their hands. Their work can be a blessing to many.
  10. Pray that God will bring more new coworkers to share the Gospel in Midwest campuses and make more future disciples for local churches and God’s Kingdom.

May the Lord allow us to experience the great power of the Gospel during the new semester!

In Him,
Billy Ko