2019-06 (六月禱告信)


在主的恩典與慈愛中向您問安! 願主的恩典與慈愛成為成我們追求主與事奉主的力量,使我們更深的認識祂,為祂的名結出更豐盛的果子。


在主的恩典與慈愛中向您問安! 願主的恩典與慈愛成為成我們追求主與事奉主的力量,使我們更深的認識祂,為祂的名結出更豐盛的果子。

現在中國學生的足蹤遍佈全球,除了美國本土之外,在歐美都可見華人學生與學者分佈於各校園。神在各校園的心意: 就是要得著更多知識分子歸向神,使神的國度得著更大的復興,也從各大學校園中,得著更多學生成為神的工人,將福音更快地傳開。尤其是自從高等學府在中國被建立起來,神對華人學生這樣的心意,就更顯明是為了要祂的國度與華人教會,多得著知識份子成為主的工人。縱觀教會歷史,神在各時代都盼望藉校園事工,帶出日後福音的興旺。回顧華人學生事工歷史可以幫助我們認識神過去在校園中作工的方法,我們可以將其中的原則應用於今天的校園事工。以後幾個月中心通訊的信息,將會分享華人校園事工的歷史,按校園事工不同的時代分析華人校園事工的演變。


I. 抗戰時期校園事工 – 華人校園事工興旺的第一波



抗戰時,福音的門在各地大學校園敞開了。 此時神興起一些傳道人起來在大學生中傳主的福音,其中有佈道十字軍(後改名為中華傳道會)的趙君影牧師在大後方致力各地的校園事工,趙君影牧師為了加速展開大學生的工作,邀請于力工牧師與他同工。當時年輕的于力工牧師就成了他的重要助手,二人一同大力推動那個時代的大學生福音與復興運動,也致力開展學生的福音工作。

此外神也興起計志文牧師做巡迴佈道工作;內地會的宣教士在不同的大學中,建立校園團契。在這些傳道人與宣教組織帶領之下,一場影響深遠的復興運動被帶動起來。1945年7月趙君影牧師與于力工牧師一同推動「中國各大學基督徒學生團契夏令會」,地點在重慶南山的靈修學院,有41所大學的團契代表共計153人從各地來參加:由西北大學前來參加的滕近輝要花七天時間才能抵達,由廣西而來的參加者更步行了43天的路程,聖靈親自在做工,感動人不辭艱難來參加聚會。 于力工牧師回憶說:「大會中我也領禱告,那種如火如荼同聲開口的禱告,有如山東大復興時的宋尚節或計志文奮興會中的禱告,認罪流淚的禱告。」 當時作為學生參加者之一的滕近輝牧師提到「會上聖靈大大工作,我得到了復興,再一次將自己獻給主,一生事奉祂。當時有十六位學生奉獻(其中有陳終道牧師)。」 學生復興之火繼續燃燒,在抗戰時期全時間奉獻及蒙召的學生很多,為以後的華人教會帶來了新的動力與衝擊。劉國偉在分享神在這段期間的作為時說:



  1. 神樂意得著年輕人,年輕人能進大學讀書,是為了被神所用。
  2. 校園事工雖然難作,但忠心的作下去,在想不到的時候,神會工作。
  3. 大學生不信主時,雖然常會強力反對基督,但一但信主、被主改變,他們為主擺上的力量、程度,會遠遠超過他們過去所反對的力量。
  4. 大學生一但被主得著,他們為神國所產生的影響力,常能持續三、五十年。
  5. 教會為神國度的將來,現今必須看重校園事工。




感謝神,帶領近150 位帶職事奉主的弟兄姐妹帶著他們的孩子,約 200 人一同來參加了這次的帶職信徒訓練營,攜家帶眷來參加營會是一件不容易的事,福份卻是非常的豐富,營會不僅有美好的講員,也有具數十年兒童事工經驗的同工來教導與看顧小孩,這是何等大的福份。全家一同來追求主,全家一同在主前蒙恩,這樣的家庭,必被主看重,全家被主使用。感謝主!這次營會也有不少弟兄姊妹從東西兩岸來參加,他們追求主的心實在令人感動。主藉著這次營會的講員許道良牧師、袁曉牧師和阮雄長老所帶出的信息,實在帶出美好的異象與復興,感謝主的作為!

六月青少年門徒訓營 (六月二日至八日)

這次有89 位年青人參加這次的營會,他們在過去一年,常常彼此提醒,要常常讀經與禱告,過主喜愛的生活,也一同來參加這次的營會。時下的青少年都選擇好玩、或是學術味濃厚的營會,所以當我看見這麼多的年青人,卻是為了追求主、要作主的門徒,才來這次的營會,心中是非常的感動,主藉著Dr. and Mrs. Elwood Chipchase, Rev. Steve Tan, Sister Vivian Lin, Rev. Barry Edwards 等來向他們說話,求主賜福他們回去的學業及在主面前的繼續追求。


當您們接到此信時,我們已經在保羅行程學習團的路上,許多保羅行程團是以搭遊輪參觀為主,看到的地方比較少,但我們卻是坐旅遊巴士,因此可以看到更多的地點,我們將經過亞西亞與啟示錄的幾間教會、拔摩島、特羅亞、再到歐洲的希臘腓立比、帖撒羅尼迦、庇哩亞、邁泰歐拉(Meteora)、再到亞該亞的雅典與哥林多,之後我們再到部丟利(現在的龐貝古城) ,及羅馬,我們是在伊斯坦堡集合、在羅馬解散,以節省大家旅行時間。求主祝福每一個參加者,讓他們在知識、靈性及身體上都得到助益,也請在禱告裡記念我們旅途的平安。

七月東岸門徒與同工訓練營 (七月三晚至六日下午三時半)

為了建立美東弟兄姊妹作主的門徒與教會同工,不少弟兄姊妹已報名參加,請為他們禱告,也為講員劉傳章牧師禱告。聚會將會在Raleigh, NC 附近的基督僕人更生中心舉行,也有家庭宿舍與兒童節目安排,需全時間參加。詳細資料請聯絡:張潔華姊妹 TraininginEC@gmail.com。

八月讀經營 (七月二十八至八月三日)

耶和華的律法全備,能甦醒人心;耶和華的法度確定,能使愚人有智慧。(詩 19:7)請來參加這次的八月讀經營,也求主感動更多弟兄姊妹肯抽時間參加。這次讀經營的內容是:「保羅書信」,這些書深藏豐富的教會真理,並信徒生活與事奉須知,可以幫助我們建立榮耀主的生活,並更有效事奉主,請把握這大好的機會來參加。讀經營的參加者必須是基督徒,並在過去兩年內至少參加過一次門徒訓練。這次講員為汪川生牧師與李玉惠姊妹,截止日期為六月十五日,恕不接受逾期報告者,故請儘早報名。

八月門徒與同工訓練營 (八月四日至八月十日)


八月 、九月短宣隊



  1. 為六月十六至二十八日的保羅宣教行程學習團禱告,求主賜平安,並賜下美好的學習。
  2. 為六月初青少年門徒訓練營蒙主賜福,獻上感謝,求主祝福這些年青人的長進。
  3. 為剛畢業的弟兄姊妹禱告,求主帶領他們的前途,並增添力量。
  4. 求主賜福中心各營會,能栽培更多同學畢業後,為福音回到原居地,成為全職或帶職的福音同工,在原居地為主得著更多靈魂。
  5. 求主幫助您能鼓勵教會的弟兄姐妹來參加八月的營會和讀經營, 一同追求主,得裝備,回去後一同同心合意事奉主,興旺主的國度。
  6. 請記念中心在財務(經常費、建築費、訓練經費)上的需要,求神用祂豐盛的大能,托住中心的事工,也感動更多弟兄姐妹為中心的事工禱告與奉獻。
  7. 為美國同工Pastor Shull 與 Scott 的維修與建造工程禱告,求主更多使用他們手上的工作。
  8. 為八月、九月短宣隊的安排禱告,求主興起與裝備短宣隊,也預備各地校園同工的心,同心合意傳福音,一同興旺各地校園。
  9. 為同工暑期間忙碌的事奉禱告,求主加添力量,並預備開學後,為主作更大的事。




Dear brothers and sisters, peace to you,

I greet you in the Lord’s grace and mercy! May the Lord’s grace and mercy become the driving force for us to pursue and serve Him, so that we can know Him better and produce much fruit for His name’s sake.

Chinese students are all over the world now not only in the United States, but also in Europe. Chinese students and scholars scatter on various campuses. God’s will for all campuses is that more students and scholars turn to God and bring great revival to God’s kingdom. More students dedicate themselves to be God’s servants to share the Gospel quicker from university campuses all over. Especially since higher education is progressing in China, God’s will for Chinese students is manifested in recruiting more students and scholars to be the Lord’s servants for His kingdom and Chinese churches. Throughout church history, God used campus ministries from all decades to cause later rapid growth of the Gospel. Looking back at Chinese student ministry history can help us to know that methods God used in campus ministries. We can apply these principles in today’s campus ministry. In this and the next few CWC newsletters we will review the development of Chinese campus ministry and lessons that remain thoroughly applicable today.

Chinese Campus Ministry History – Part I

I. Campus Ministry during the Anti-Japanese War—First Wave of Ministry Growth

Gospel ministry among Chinese scholars experienced rapid growth in the late 1930s. It was a very difficult time for the Chinese government. Many colleges had just been established. More students pursued higher education. Then the war between China and Japan started. Under the serious attacks of Japanese military, the Chinese army was defeated. Many people escaped toward inland China. Costal college students and teachers moved westward to avoid the Japanese military. Exile days were not easy. There was danger on the road. Making a living was even more difficult. Every day brought threats of airplane and bombing attacks. Such danger became opportunity for student ministry. Prior to the war, college students from various regions did not show much interest in spiritual matters. They were more interested in pursuing academic knowledge than Bible knowledge. Beyond the work of college, students were more eager to engage in political activities than to pursue spiritual matters. However, most renowned colleges were established by overseas churches and missionaries to promote Godly education and to share Christian principles. Students rather liked attending religious-affiliated schools for the western educational methods and technology, but the students tried their best to avoid religious teaching and lessons. Their interest in politics was similar to the students attending public schools. Thus, the Gospel was not easy to spread not just among the public schools, but also even in Christian colleges. The common slogans among the students were: The expansion of the realm of science is the diminishment of religion. True scholars are against religion; religious people are not true scholars.

But during the war and exile, young students faced life-threatening situations and a miserable or unknown future. These students began not only to pursue knowledge, but also contemplated future life and the meaning of life. People’s hearts started to soften. They thought of spiritual matters more often and pursued God. During the war, the gate of Gospel was wide open among colleges. God raised ministers to share the Gospel in these colleges. One of them was Pastor Calvin Chao from Chinese Native Evangelical Crusade (later called the Chinese Nationals’ Evangelism Commission). He was active in various campuses. In order to speed up student ministry, he invited Pastor Moses Yu to work with him. The young Pastor Yu became an important helper for Pastor Chao in promoting college gospel and revival movement.

God also raised Andrew Gih as a circuit evangelist. Missionaries from Inland China Mission formed campus fellowships among different universities. Under the leadership of these ministers and mission organizations, an influential revival movement began. Pastor Calvin Chao and Pastor Moses Yu organized a “summer camp for all Chinese university Christian fellowships” in July of 1945 at Chongqing Nanshan Devotional College . Coming from all over the country, 153 people representing 41 university fellowships attended the camp. Pastor Philip Jinhui Teng of Northwest University spent almost 7 days traveling to the camp. Participants from Guangxi walked 43 days. The Holy Spirit was at work to touch so many people against all kinds of difficulties to join in the camp. Pastor Yu recalled, “I also led prayer during the meeting. Everybody prayed out loud with tears for repentance like the prayer of John Sung during the Shandong revival or Andrew Gih’s revival meeting.” One of the student participants, Philip Teng, Teng remarked, “The Holy Spirit was doing great work. I was revived and re-dedicated myself for the Lord. I will serve him all my life. Sixteen students dedicated themselves to the Lord (Stephen C. T. Chan was one of them.)” The fire of revival among students continued to burn. Many students were called by God and dedicated themselves to serve God fulltime during the War. They provided a new force and motivation for many Chinese churches later. Pastor Kwok-Wai Lau shared what God was doing during this period:

The Chinese Student Federation challenged young students about life during this suffering time of our nation. All the coworkers became life examples of Gospel mission. We saw that God used the Chinese Student Federation to raise up numerous young Christians to spread the Gospel. Among them were faithful servants having significant contribution to Chinese churches in the next half century. Among the dedicated people were numerous unsung ministers like Yun-bo Bian who evangelized to the Chinese border. Despite persecution and danger, they were faithful to what they believed and witnessed for the great power of the Gospel in New China.

From this period of campus ministry history, we can see:

  1. God is happy to gain young people. Young people who study in universities are to be used by God.
  2. Campus ministry is difficult, but as long as we are faithful to do it, God is at work in unexpected hours.
  3. Before the students trusted in the Lord, they strongly opposed Christ. After they believed and were changed by God, their level of dedication to the Lord far exceeded their former opposition.
  4. Once a college student was called by God, they tended to influence God’s kingdom for thirty to fifty years.
  5. For the sake of the future of God’s kingdom, churches need to put an emphasis on campus ministry.

We give thanks to God for May disciple and coworker Training.

About seventy brothers and sisters and their children attended discipleship camp right after the conclusion of their semester and high-pressure finals. They did not choose to go for vacation, but to equip themselves to be coworkers for next semester’s campus ministry. Rather than hurry to job-seeking, some fresh grads grasped the last chance to join this weeklong training camp before they joined the work force. Such training before working is very precious. Not hurrying home to see families after classes were over, some chose to equip themselves first, so they can share the Gospel with their families. Thank God! The needs of these brothers and sisters were satisfied through the teachings of His servants Pastor John Hsu and Pastor Xiao Yuan.

We give thanks to God for Lay Minister discipleship Training.

Thank God for leading close to 150 working brothers and sisters to bring their children, about 200 together, to attend this year’s lay minister discipleship camp. It is not easy to bring the whole family to attend camp. The blessings are greater. The camp had not only great speakers, but also children workers with decades of experience on teaching and caring for kids. What a great blessing is that! The whole family pursues the Lord together. The whole family receives grace in front of the Lord. God will certainly watch over this kind of family and use them. God used the messages of the speakers, Pastor John Hsu, Pastor Xiao Yuan, and elder Jack Yuan to bring wonderful vision and revival. Thank God for His work!

Youth Discipleship Training Camp (June 2nd to 8th)

There were 89 youth attended this year’s camp. In the past year, they always reminded one another to read the Bible and pray to live a life pleasing to the Lord. They also made promise to come to youth camp together. Teenagers nowadays are more likely to choose a camp that is more entertaining or more educational focusing. I was deeply touched to see so many young people’s motivation to come to this camp was to pursue God and become disciples. The Lord used Dr. and Mrs. Elwood Chipchase, Rev. Steve Tan, Sister Vivian Lin, Rev. Barry Edwards and others to talk to them. Pray that God will bless their studies and their pursue of the Lord.

Paul’s Missionary Journey Study Tour (June 16th to 28th)

When you receive this newsletter in June, we will be already on our way to Paul’s missionary Journey study tour. Many such trips are sea cruises and people see much water. We use tour bus, and so we visit more locations. We will be passing through Asia Minor and a few churches in Revelations, Patmos Island, Troas, Europe’s Greece, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Meteora, Athens, Corinth in Achaia, Puteoli (Pompei) ,and Rome. We will meet up in Istanbul and dismiss in Rome to save everyone’s travel time. Pray that God will bless each participant that they will grow in knowledge, spiritual maturity, and physically. Also pray for travel mercy.

Independence Day East Coast Disciple & Coworker Training Camp (July 3rd evening to 6th 3:30pm)

Many brothers and sisters have already signed up in order to build up brothers and sisters from the East Coast to be disciples and church coworkers. Do pray for them. Also pray for speaker Pastor Jonathan Chuan-Chang Liu. The meeting is held in the Raleigh, NC Christ Servant Renewal Center. There are family dormitories and children’s program. Fulltime attendance is required. Please contact Jessie Zhang for detail via TraininginEC@gmail.com.

August Bible Camp (July 28th to August 3rd)

“The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.” (Psalm 19:7) Please come to join the August Bible Camp. Pray that God will call more brothers and sisters to save this week to attend. This year’s camp focuses on the Pauline Epistles. These books contain rich doctrine, Christian living, and basics of serving. They can help us to live a life to glorify God and serve Him more effectively. Please take advantage of this opportunity to attend. You must be a believer and must have attended at least one Discipleship Training within the recent two years in order to attend Bible camp. The speakers are Pastor Chuang-seng Wang and Sister Grace Lee. Deadline is June 15. Please sign up early as we will not process late applications.

August Disciple and Coworker Training (August 4th to 10th)

This camp is a great opportunity for preparing student coworkers for next semester. Pray that God will let more students come back early to equip themselves to welcome serving opportunity in the new semester. Disciple and coworker camp is not only for equipping students, but also for everyone who is willing to be the Lord’s disciple and willing to do God’s work. Our location is by the Lake of the Ozarks. The camp has family dormitories so that your whole family can grow in the Lord together and study God’s Words. Our speakers are Pastor David Wu and Pastor Gershom Lee . Please pray for the camp and invite brothers and sisters to attend.

August and September Short term Mission Teams

The hot summer weather reminds us a new semester is at hand and new students are coming. New opportunities to share the Gospel are in front of our eyes. According to our statistics, 18% of brothers and sisters ever attending CWC camps accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior within the first month of setting foot in US! The first month of the new school year is the best chance to share the Gospel. Pray that the Lord will motivate us, with strength from the Lord, to grasp this chance to strive to gain more new believers. About Ten teams from east and west coast will share the Gospel in the Midwest campuses during August 16th- 25th and September 6th -15th. Pray that God will use them to influence local brothers and sisters to share the Gospel to other students with fervent hearts and skills and experience God. The Gospel is God’s great power. We are not ashamed of the Gospel. We hurry to share the Gospel and build up more disciples and student coworkers. We will stir up the current of campus ministry. Please pray for all the short-term mission teams and their sending churches. If your campus needs a mission team to help care for new students, please contact us in advance.

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for Paul’s Missionary Journey Study Tour (June 16th to 28th). Especially ask God to grant peace and good learning opportunities.
  2. We give thanks to God that He has blessed the June Youth Discipleship camp. Pray that the Lord will bless the growth in these young people.
  3. Pray for the brothers and sisters who just graduated that God will lead their future and strengthen them.
  4. Pray that God will bless various camps to build up more students after graduating, for Gospel’s sake, to be faithful fulltime or bi-vocation coworkers in their home towns and to gain more souls for the Lord in their cities.
  5. Pray that God will help you to encourage more brothers and sisters in your church to attend August disciple camp and Bible camp. Pursue God together, be equipped and then return to local churches to serve God with one accord to revive God’s kingdom.
  6. Please remember CWC’s financial needs: general fund, building fund, and training fund. Pray that God will use His rich power to uphold the ministries of CWC. Pray that God will place the burden in more brothers and sisters’ hearts to pray and support CWC ministries financially.
  7. Pray for CWC coworkers and pastors Shull and Scott who are in charge of maintaining and building projects. Pray that God will greatly use the works on their hands.
  8. Pray for the planning work for the August and September mission teams. Pray that God will raise up and equip mission teams and prepare the hearts of local campus coworkers to share the Gospel together and revive campus all over.
  9. Pray for CWC coworkers who are having a busy summer. Pray that God will strengthen them and prepare for them to do greater works in the new school year.

Working together with you in His riches and power,
Billy Ko