2019-05 (五月禱告信)



很多人說: 「我不會傳福音,連個人福音佈道也不會」。這一 期我們就從耶穌向撒瑪利亞婦人傳福音的榜樣,學習如何向人傳福音? 即使只是去向一兩個福音朋友為耶穌作見證。



很多人說: 「我不會傳福音,連個人福音佈道也不會」。這一 期我們就從耶穌向撒瑪利亞婦人傳福音的榜樣,學習如何向人傳福音? 即使只是去向一兩個福音朋友為耶穌作見證。


(向撒瑪利亞婦人傳福音 – 約翰福音四章)


  1. 注意有需要的人 – – 耶穌不僅注重群體對福音的需要,祂也非常注重向個別的人傳福音。很明顯的, 這撒瑪利亞婦人是被社會所棄絕,沒有人願意跟她來往,婦人也樂得活在人群之外;耶穌卻願意多付代價,在炎熱的正午去找她,將救恩帶給她,因祂不願意一人沈淪,祂注重個人工作。我們也當用基督的眼睛,多看失喪靈魂的需要,為了他們的需要,作個肯付代價傳福音的人。
  2. 既主動又謙卑- – 既知道這婦人的需要,耶穌就主動的走向她,主動向她談話。雖然偉大的彌賽亞來臨,但祂卻用極其謙卑的態度,對婦人說:「請你給我水喝。」祂謙卑的態度使婦人驚訝說:「你既是猶太人,怎麼向我一個撒瑪利亞的婦人要水喝呢?」我們傳福音時,不要只是想著:「你是個罪人,你需要我將福音傳給你。」高傲的態度讓人想逃之夭夭,溫柔謙卑的心,卻能使人安心聽福音。
  3. 儘快將話題轉入福音 – – 耶穌每次作個人福音佈道時,都儘快轉入福音的主題。當祂向尼哥底母傳福音時,祂看到尼哥底母肯在夜間去找祂,就知道他有心認識耶穌,主一開口第一句話,就向尼哥底母傳福音。向這位心沒有準備好的撒瑪利亞婦人,耶穌一樣在不到五分鐘之內,就將話題轉到福音了。很多人以為要先建立關係,彼此有足夠的認識,才可以向那人傳福音。耶穌卻不用這方法,祂都是儘早將話題轉入福音。
  4. 智慧地將話題轉入福音 – – 將話題轉入福音,是個人福音工作很關鍵的時刻,這不是靠你與他的關係,乃是靠從神而來的智慧! 能看到對方的需要或興趣,藉著個人的需要和世人的興趣,轉入屬靈的需要與興趣,就可以很自然地把話題轉至福音的信息上。耶穌知道來打水的婦人所需要的就是水,她的興趣就是「得水」, 耶穌就將活水介紹給她。作個人福音佈道時,我們開始前,要先求主給我們智慧,儘早了解別人的需要,將話題轉到福音上。當我們心中很迫切的要將福音傳給人,就很容易地、 智慧地將話題轉到福音的主題上,這是很自然的,不是勉強的。
  5. 以介紹耶穌為中心 – – 耶穌對婦人說:「你若知道神的恩賜,和對你說『給我水喝』的是誰,你必早求他,他也必早給了你活水。」(約4:10),耶穌讓婦人認識到,神有很多恩典,要透過耶穌給她;自此他們兩人的對話,就是討論耶穌是誰。耶穌對婦人說:「與你說話的人可以給你活水」,婦人說:「難道你比我們的祖宗雅各還大麼?」耶穌就讓婦人知道:「是的!我比雅各大多了,因為我能給你的水,比雅各所給你的水好得太多了」,因為「凡喝這水的還要再渴;人若喝我所賜的水就永遠不渴。我所賜的水要在他裡頭成為泉源,直湧到永生。」(13-14節)婦人就知道耶穌比雅各偉大多了。我們傳福音,必須以耶穌為中心,樂意介紹祂,高舉祂,讓人了解耶穌就是我們的答案,祂能滿足我們。
  6. 讓人認識自己是個罪人- – 當婦人要求耶穌給她這活水時,耶穌卻請婦人帶她的丈夫一同來,耶穌要啟發這婦人知道她是個罪人,她不但五次犯了離婚的罪,現在正活在同居的姦淫罪中。婦人說:「先生,我看出你是先知。」她知道耶穌所說是對的,因為耶穌不是普通的人,耶穌是先知,是神的代表。我們傳福音時,常常不敢指出世人是罪人,恐怕一說出對方是罪人,聽的人會反感,最終不歡而散。耶穌這樣要求這婦人,因為祂知道,人若不認識自己是個罪人,偉大的基督對她沒有什麼好處,她也得不到活水。我們若不讓人知道自己是個罪人,耶穌的福音就不需要再說下去。因此我們要求聖靈與我們同工,在人的心中作光照的工作,我們也要用謙卑的心,先說明我自己說是個罪人。
  7. 從問題轉回主題 – – 婦人為了逃避談罪的問題,馬上問耶穌敬拜的問題,該在那裡敬拜神? 耶穌簡短的回答她的問題,又藉著解答問題帶回主題,耶穌告訴婦人,敬拜的地點不重要,敬拜的對像是更重要,猶太人所敬拜的是對的,「因為救恩是從猶太人出來的。」耶同時也讓婦人不僅認識自己是個罪人,也讓她知道神要透過猶太人,將救恩帶給世人,也是讓這婦人知道她需要救恩。常常我們傳福音的時候,都跟著福音朋友走,他們問一個問題,我們就花很長的時間去回答他的問題,但福音朋友的問題常是接踵而來,我們忙著應付,時間一下就過了,我們才發現該說的卻沒有說。傳福音的人應當主導談話的內容,這樣既能回答福音朋友的問題,又能透過問題的答案分享福音信息。
  8. 把人帶進救恩與父神的面前 – – 耶穌一方面讓這婦人知道她是個罪人,透過敬拜的問題,耶穌也讓這歸人曉得,她需要誠心的回到父神的面前,與神建立正確的關係,所以耶穌說:「時候將到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心靈和誠實拜他,因為父要這樣的人拜他。」(23),現在就是重建與神關係的時候,人要以神為父,盡兒女的本分敬拜父神。傳福音時,我們不僅要讓人知道神是創造的主,也要使人知道神要作我們的父,我們需要脫離罪惡,立志成為父神所喜愛的兒女。
  9. 使人認識與接受耶穌為救主 – – 人怎樣能到父神的面前呢?耶穌對撒瑪利亞的婦人說過,「救恩是從猶太人出來的」,婦人就想到舊約聖經常說彌賽亞要來,祂是基督、是從神而來的王、是救世主,她期待這位救世主的來臨,她說:「我知道彌賽亞(就是那稱為基督的)要來;他來了,必將一切的事都告訴我們。」(25節)。耶穌對她說:「這和你說話的就是他!」(26節),救恩不僅是從猶太人的信仰而來,更是從耶穌這位猶太人而來,耶穌不僅讓這婦人曉得祂就是位偉大的人物、是先知,更是彌賽亞、是基督、是救世主,耶穌也盼望這婦人願意接受祂為基督、為救世主,好叫這婦人能得著新命,就是得著活水的江河,從她裡面湧出來,直湧到永生。
  10. 使人的生命被改變 – – 婦人明白耶穌是基督後,不僅自己願意得著這大好的救恩,她也盼望其他人也能認識耶穌,以耶穌為救世主。她把水罐丟下來,跑去邀請城裡的人也一同來認識耶穌;以前她以自己所做的為恥,現在公然見證耶穌是彌賽亞、救世主,因為她知道她過去所行的一切都是罪,如今她不以認罪為恥(29節)。以前她常離開人群,現在是跑到眾人中間,為主作見證,因她的見證,眾人都出來見耶穌,並接受耶穌為救世主(42節)。傳福音不是為了點綴人生,乃是要改變人生。帶人接受耶穌後,就立刻帶領他們按主的心意行事,學習作主門徒,成為神所喜愛的兒女,成為神國度的見證人。


六月保羅行程進修團 (六月十六至二十八日)


五月門徒與同工訓練 (五月十九至二十四日)

校園團契能否穩固? 校園事工能否興旺? 最主要不是在於有沒有傳道人? 也不是在於有沒有團契顧問? 最重要的是在於: 有沒有將學生建立成為這校園的「小牧人」? 栽培學生同工在校園作牧養學生的工作,這是校園事工最重要的任務。我們要用聖經的原則,帶領校園團契同工成為能明白聖經、可以帶查經、又能用神的話語餵養其他學生的人,這就是門徒訓練營的目標。這次營會的內容包括:您的個性與其他人如何配搭事奉? 大衛一生的追隨、 聖經與我、背十字架的生活、 從約翰福音看主的恩典等題目。中心有家庭宿舍,門徒訓練有兒童的節目,也非常適合家庭參加,請及早報名參加,預備自己的心接受裝備,也鼓勵其他弟兄姊妹一同參加。講員有:許道良牧師、袁曉牧師與中心同工等。請多為講員禱告!截止日前期為:5月17日。

帶職信徒訓練營 (五月二十四日至二十七日)

一年一度的帶職信徒訓練將於五月二十四日國殤紀念日周末舉行,目的是建立教會帶職同工, 朝著作執事、作長老的方向建立自已,也為校園團契裝備未來團契的顧問。帶職弟兄姊妹是教會的支柱,他們若沒有被建立起來,教會就沒有希望,神國度的擴張,也會受到很大的影響。每年只有一次帶職信徒訓練營,讓我們好好的把握機會參加這次的營會。請及早決定與報告參加,也邀請別人參加這次的營會。中心的宿舍與兒童的節目,都是為家庭設立的,這次訓練營會的內容包括:哈巴谷書、裝備與事奉、做神的好管家 、平衡的生活、從約翰福音看門徒的責任、並有三組專題研討: 即對學校工作者的「如何服事學生?」、對全職上班者的「職場的祝福」、及對一般信徒的「教會領袖培訓」等。講員有:許道良牧師、袁曉牧師、阮雄長老及中心同工等。 請為講員及聚會代禱,求主幫助您能來參加,也帶領其他人來參加。截止日期為:5月17日。

六月青少年門徒訓練營 (六月二至八日)

這不是一個青少年暑期逍遙的營會,我們的目地是要建立青少年明白聖經、與學習作主門徒,不僅自己能忠心跟從主、也能成為其他青少年追求與長進的榜樣,矢志一生以傳揚主福音為使命。除了有上課學習外,更有功課與討論、禱告操練、與宣教的操練。聚會將以英語教導。講員包括: Dr. and Mrs. Chipchase、Pastor Steve Tan, Sister Vivian Lin, and Pastor Barry Edwards等。這次的主題是:Creation to Christ, 盼望讓青少年不僅能看見神話語的信實,更能被主建立起來。請為此次聚會禱告,並鼓勵您的孩子及早報名。



八月讀經營 (七月二十八至八月三日)

這次的讀經營將會研讀保羅書信。自古以來很多人都覺得保羅的學問太高,就放棄鑽研這些書信或隨意解釋,但彼得卻說:「就如我們所親愛的兄弟保羅,照著所賜給他的智慧寫了信給你們。 他一切的信上也都是講論這事。信中有些難明白的,那無學問、不堅固的人強解,如強解別的經書一樣,就自取沉淪(彼後 3:16)。彼得讓我們知道保羅書信雖然難懂,但也要好好的去讀,否則既不讀或亂讀,都會自取沉淪。求主幫助我們能來參加這次讀經營,藉著這次營會,不僅了解保羅書信,更能了解聖經主要的真理與神學概念。這次的講員為汪川生牧師、李玉惠姊妹等。讀經營的參加者必須是基督徒,且在過去兩年內至少參加過一次門徒訓練。所以您若想來參加八月讀經營,卻還沒有參加過門徒訓練, 請把握機會儘快先報名參加今年五月門徒訓練營或帶職信徒訓練營。


中心同工Scott 正在忙著整理聚會場地、清洗迦南樓的地板並打蠟、修理房子損壞的地方、維修中心的車子與船舶、並重新修建碼頭、又在中心的校車內多加行李架,真有作不完的工作,但他卻帶著喜樂的心,一邊唱歌一邊作事,實在是一個很好的榜樣。Pastor Shull在冬天完成維修同工住家室內的工程後,現在天氣回暖,他就把握機會,去做房子外牆的工作,並繼續餐廳的擴建工程。請為這些同工禱告,求主更大的使用他們。也請為中心所需要的建築經費禱告。


  1. 為八月讀經營同工的準備工作禱告: 同工們需要備課、準備題目,閱讀弟兄姊妹的專題報告等等,這些都要花上很多的心力與時間,求主記念並加添同工們能力與智慧。也為已報名參加讀經營的弟兄姊妹禱告,求主預備他們的心,養成忠心讀經的習慣。
  2. 求主藉中心的服事影響各地的校園同工,讓他們都能看到: 門徒訓練實為建立校園事工最重要的基礎,又能認真地去推行,讓各地有更多學生被建立起來事奉主。
  3. 請記念中心所需要的經費(經常費、建築費、訓練經費),求主感動弟兄姊妹為中心經常奉獻,可以幫助更多人得造就。
  4. 為六月的保羅行程進修團禱告,求主幫助弟兄姊妹及早報名,也預備人心,可以更多學習保羅傳福音的心志,以後在各地被神使用。
  5. 為五月門徒訓練、帶職信徒訓練營禱告,求主預備人心參加,並加添講員力量,藉著神的話語與聖靈的大能,使弟兄姊妹的靈再次得興旺,更多見證主。
  6. 為六月青少年門徒訓練營禱告,求主使用這個營會,幫助年青的弟兄姐妹從年輕開始就立定心志,一生追求主,更大的為神使用。也請為講員: Dr. and Mrs. Chipchase 、Pastor Steve Tan、 Sister Vivian Lin and Pastor Barry Edwards禱告。
  7. 求主也藉著你,鼓勵校園與教會的弟兄姐妹來參加各項營會,建立自己,挑旺各地學生事工。
  8. 為八月、九月短宣隊的安排禱告,求主藉著短宣的事奉,挑旺更多校園團契同工,一同傳揚福音,為主得著更多青年學生。




Peace to you, dear brothers and sisters,

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. In these spring days with spring flowers blooming everywhere, have you declared the glory of our Lord with the creation?

Many people said, “I don’t know how to share the Gospel, not even one-on-one personal evangelism.” In this newsletter, we will learn from Jesus’ example on how to do personal evangelism when he shared the Gospel to the Samaritan woman. This demonstrates witness to one or two non-believers.

Example of Jesus on Personal Evangelism

(Sharing the Gospel to the Samaritan woman: Read John chapter 4)

If brothers and sisters in the church don’t share the Gospel in one accord, the church will age quickly. If brothers and sisters in campus fellowships do not hurry to go out to witness, fellowships will decline. We might not know how to present or preach in a big meeting, yet we can still evangelize one-on-one. Everyone has a different way to share the Gospel. Don’t give up the Gospel work because your style is not like some Christian you admire. Let us study how to share the Gospel to individuals from the example of Jesus to the Samaritan woman.

  1. Pay attention to people in need. Jesus not only noticed the spiritual need of the crowd; he also shared the Good News to individuals. Obviously, this Samaritan woman was rejected by society. No one was willing to interact with her. She was resigned to stay away from the public. But Jesus was willing to spend effort to seek her out in the heat of the day to bring the Gospel to her. Jesus did not want to lose one soul. He emphasized personal ministry. We should use the eyes of Christ to discern the needs of lost souls. We should spend extra effort to meet their needs.
  2. Be proactive yet humble. Perceiving the woman’s need, Jesus walked towards her and initiated conversation with her. Jesus is the same Messiah John described a few pages before, “I am not worthy to untie his shoe.” Yet Jesus’ attitude was completely humble. He asked the woman,” Please give me some water to drink.” The woman was surprised by His request, replying, “You are a Jew. Why do you ask a Samaritan woman for water?” When we share the Gospel, don’t just think, “You are a sinner. You need me to share the Good News to you.” The arrogant attitude will repel people. A gentle and humble heart will make people want to listen to the Gospel.
  3. Quickly shift the topic into Gospel conversation. Every time Jesus did personal evangelism, He always shifted the topic to Gospel very quickly. When He shared the Gospel to Nicodemus—just a page before—He saw that Nicodemus came at night and realized he had the heart to know Jesus. Our Lord’s first sentence was to share the Gospel to Nicodemus. Many people think they need to build up a relationship first and become familiar with each other, then share the Gospel to that person. Jesus identified one wealth and one need of the person and started with those. Then He quickly shifted the conversation theme to Gospel.
  4. Shift the topic to Gospel oriented with wisdom. This is the key moment in personal evangelism to shift the topic toward the Gospel. It doesn’t rely on the relationship between you and your hearer. This depends on wisdom from God! Being able to see the individual’s needs or interests and utilize these personal needs and worldly interests, shift them to spiritual needs and interests. Naturally guide the conversation to the Gospel message. Jesus knew the woman coming to the well needed water. Jesus introduced living water to her. Before we begin personal evangelism, we need to first ask the Lord for wisdom to discern the needs of others. Then shift the topic toward the Good News. When we have the urgency in our heart to share the Gospel, with wisdom, we easily shift the topic toward the Gospel. This is very natural, not forceful.
  5. Focus on introducing Jesus. Jesus said to the woman,” If you know the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” (John 4:10) Jesus let the woman realize that God had a lot of grace given to her through Jesus. From that moment, their conversation is discussing who Jesus is. Jesus told her, “The One talking to you could give you living water.” The woman replied,” Are you greater than our father Jacob?” Jesus let her know, “Yes! I am much bigger than Jacob because the water that I give tastes much better and nourishes much better than the water Jacob gave. It is because “everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life,”(verse 13-14) The woman then knew Jesus was greater than Jacob. When we share the Gospel, we must focus on Jesus, introduce Him, lift up Him, let people understand Jesus is the answer and he can satisfy us.
  6. Let people know he is a sinner. When the woman asked Jesus for living water, Jesus asked her to bring her husband too. Jesus wanted to help her know that she was a sinner. She not only divorced five times, but she was living in the sin of fornication. The woman said, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.” She knew what Jesus said was correct because Jesus was not an ordinary person, Jesus was a prophet, God’s representative. When we share the Gospel, we often are too timid to point out everyone is a sinner. We worry about offending people. Jesus approached the woman this way because He knew if she did not confess that she is a sinner, the greatness of Christ had no benefit to her and she would not receive the living water. If we do not let someone know he or she is a sinner, then there is no need to continue talking about the Gospel of Jesus. Therefore, we need to ask the Holy Spirit to work with us to shine the light in people’s heart. With a humble heart, I need to first express that I am a sinner also.
  7. Turn the question to the main theme. Trying to avoid the sin question, the woman at once asked Jesus about worshiping. Where ought people worship God? Jesus answered her question concisely and used the answer to bring the conversation back to the main theme. He told her that the location of worship was not important. The object for worship was more important. What the Jews worshiped was right for salvation came from Jews. Jesus at the same time let the woman realized she was a sinner and God brought salvation to all people through the Jews and she needed salvation. When we share the Gospel, we always follow the Gospel friends’ lead. They ask a diverting question. We spend a long time answering the question. But the questions keep coming and we are busy responding. When the time runs out, we find that we have not shared what we should share. The evangelist ought to dominate the content of the conversation. In this way not only can we answer the seeker’s questions but share the content of Gospel through the answers of the questions.
  8. Lead people into salvation and in front of Father God. Jesus let the woman realize that she is a sinner. Yet through the question of worship, Jesus let her realize that she ought to return to God the Father and build the right relationship with God. Therefore Jesus said, “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” (verse 23) Consider this announcement: “God is looking for a person like you.” Would you not want to know more? Now is the time to rebuild relationship with God. People should honor God as Father as children’s responsibility to worship the Father. When sharing the Gospel, we not only need to let people know God is the Creator, but also God is our Father. We need to escape sins and decide to become children that the Father pleases.
  9. Let people know and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. How can people come before the Father? Jesus told the Samaritan woman, “Salvation came out of Judah.” The woman related that Old Testament always stated Messiah was coming and He was the King from God, Savior of the World. She was expecting the coming of the Savior. She said, “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things.” (verse 25) Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he.” (verse 26) Salvation not only arises from the Jewish religion, but from Jesus the Jew. Jesus let the woman realize that He was that Great Man and the Prophet, and also that he was the Messiah, Christ, Savior of the World. Jesus wanted this woman to accept Him as Christ and Savior, so she could get new life and receive the river of living water, flowing out from inside of her to eternal life.
  10. Let people’s life be changed. After the woman understood Jesus was Christ, she not only was willing to receive this great salvation, she also hoped others could know Jesus as Savior. She put down her jar, ran into town to invite people to come to know Jesus. In the past, she was ashamed of what she has done. But now she publicly witnessed that Jesus is the Messiah and Savior. What she did in the past was sin. Now she was not ashamed of confessing her sins (verse 29). In the past, she avoided the crowd, but now she ran into the crowd to witness for the Lord. The crowd came out to see Jesus because of her witness and accepted Jesus as Savior (verse 42). Sharing the Gospel is not to accessorize lives, but to change lives. As soon as we lead people to Christ, we need to lead them to follow God’s will to live, to learn to be a disciple of the Lord to become the children that God pleases and become a witness for God’s kingdom.

Thank Jesus! He left an example on sharing the Gospel to us. Pray that the Lord will give us His heart that loves sinners. Let us willing to spend extra effort, grasp the opportunity to share the Gospel to others. Let us not being ashamed of the Gospel but love to introduce Jesus to others. We ask the Lord to give us the heart of wisdom as we trust in God and according to the need of that person and guide people to understand he is a sinner and Jesus is our Savior. People who accept Him will have a living and abundant new life. Praise the Lord! He gave us the Good News, a simple Good News. We don’t need sophisticated words or complicated philosophy. Everyone can share this News as long as we are willing to share that Jesus died for our sins. God will work. Jesus and His cross is the victorious Gospel. Let sharing the Gospel becomes our joy.

Paul’s Missionary Journey Study Tour (June 16th to 28th)

Paul’s Missionary Journey Study Tour is an opportunity every six years. This is not for sightseeing but for studying the Bible. Brothers and sisters see the life of Paul. The footprints of Paul’s missionary journey encourage us to serve the Lord and excite our enthusiasm for evangelism. We have not allowed non-believers on this tour, only brothers and sisters who want to learn and participate. During the tour not only can we experience the hearts of the saints who loved and served the Lord in the early churches, we can light up fire in our spiritual lives. Please register as early as possible. Not only can we prepare our hearts earlier, the fare will be lower. Detailed information and the application form have been posted on CWC website.

Disciple and Coworker Training Camp (May 19th to 24th)

Are campus fellowships strong? Can campus ministry thrive? The key is not whether the fellowship has a full time minister and campus advisers. The key is: Have we built up the student coworkers into little shepherds? The most important mission is to train student coworkers to minister to other students on campuses. We utilize biblical principles to lead student coworkers to understand the Bible, so they can lead Bible studies and use God’s Word to nurture other students. This is the purpose of the disciple and coworker training camp. The contents of this camp includes: Your personality and how to work together with others; David’s life; the Bible and me; the life of cross-bearing; Seeing the Lord’s grace from the book of John; and more. CWC provides dormitories and children’s classes suitable for families to attend this camp. Please register as early as possible to prepare hearts to be equipped. Please encourage others to attend. Speakers are Pastor John Hsu, Pastor Xiao Yuan, and others. Please pray for them and ask the Lord to use them. The deadline for registration is May 17th.

Lay Minister Discipleship Training Camp (May 24th to 27th)

The annual event of the Lay Minster Discipleship Training Camp will be held on the Memorial weekend of May 24th. It is designed for brothers and sisters who work fulltime: to equip them to be future deacons, elders, and advisors for campus fellowships. They are pillars and buttress of the local church. If they are not built up, the church is hopeless. It will also greatly affect the expansion of God’s kingdom. This camp is only once a year. Let us grasp this opportunity to participate. Please register as early as possible and also encourage others to attend together. The dormitories and children’s program provided by CWC address the needs of families. The contents of this year’s camp includes: the book of Habakkuk; Equipping and serving; Being God’s good stewards; Balanced life; the Gospel of John and a disciple’s responsibilities. The three special discussion topics are: How to serve students for campus ministry; Blessings at workplace for people who work fulltime; Training for church leaders for all the believers. The speakers are Pastor John Hsu, Pastor Xiao Yuan, Elder Jack Yuan, and others. Please pray for the speakers and pray for the whole camp. We pray that you can attend and bring people to join. Deadline for register is May 17th.

Youth Discipleship Training Camp (June 2nd to 8th)

The Youth Disciple Training Camp is not an entertainment camp. Our purpose is to equip youth to understand the Bible and learn to be faithful disciples of the Lord, so that not only they themselves can follow the Lord faithfully, they can become the role models to other youths and can proclaim the Lord’s Gospel as the life mission. Besides lectures, there will be homework and discussion, practice of prayers and missions. The camp will be in English. Speakers are Dr. and Mrs. Chipchase, Pastor Steve Tan, Sister Vivian Lin, Pastor Barry Edwards, and others. The theme is Creation to Christ. We hope the youth see the faithfulness in God’s Word and also are built up. Please pray for this meeting and encourage your youth to register early.

Independence Day East Coast Disciple & Coworker Training Camp (July 3rd to 6th)

This training will be held at Raleigh, NC. It starts from the evening of July 3rd and concludes on July 6th at 3:30pm. The speaker is Pastor Jonathan Liu. There will be family dormitories, children’s class, and a nursery. Families and students are welcome. There is limited space, so please register early. Please contact Jessie Zhang for detail (jessiez8@hotmail.com).

August Bible Camp (July 28th to August 3rd)

This time we will study Pauline Epistles. Some people have thought Paul’s writings are too deep and have given up studying these letters or just skimmed through them. But Peter said, “As he [Paul] does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.” (2 Peter 3:16) Peter let us know that Paul’s letters are hard to understand, but we still need to be diligent to study them. If we do not read them or read them carelessly, will find destruction. We ask God to help us to participate in this Bible camp, to understand Paul’s letters, and to gain better understanding of essential truth from the Bible and doctrine. The speakers are Pastor Chuang-seng Wang and Sister Grace Lee. Participants of the Bible camp must be Christians who have attended CWC training camp at least once in past two years. If you want to attend the August Bible Camp but have not yet attended the discipleship training camp, please take the opportunity to first attend May disciple training camp or the Lay Minister training camp.

Maintenance and Expansion

CWC coworker Scott is busy preparing the meeting areas, cleaning and waxing the floors of Cannon Hall, repairing rooms, repairing the cars and boat of CWC, rebuilding the dock, and adding luggage shelves in the CWC bus. His jobs are endless, but he always brings a joyful heart, singing praises while working. He is such a good example. Pastor Shull finished the interior work of the coworker house in the winter. Now the weather is warmer, he is working on the exterior of the house and continuing expanding the dining hall. Please pray for these coworkers that God will use them. Also pray for the funding needed for the building projects.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for August Bible Camp’s preparation work: Coworkers need to prepare the lessons, prepare topics, read through brothers and sisters’ special topic reports, etc. All these take time and a lot of effort. Pray that the Lord will remember them and give them the ability and wisdom. Also pray for the participants to prepare their hearts and build faithful habit of Bible reading.
  2. Please pray that God will use the ministry of CWC to influence coworkers in various campuses that they will have the vision that Discipleship training is the most important foundation to build up campus ministry. Thus they can diligently practice discipleship, and more students can be built up to serve the Lord.
  3. Please pray for the funding need (operating fund, building fund, training fund). Pray that God will move the hearts of brothers and sisters to give, so more people can be equipped.
  4. Please pray for the Paul’s Missionary Journey Study Tour, that people will register early. Prepare participants’ hearts to learn from Paul’s heart to share the Gospel and be used by God everywhere.
  5. Please pray for the May Discipleship Training Camp and Lay Minister Discipleship Training Camp that God will prepare participants’ hearts and strengthen speakers. Pray that through the Word of God and power of the Holy Spirit, the souls of the attendees will be revived, and they will witness boldly.
  6. Please pray for June Youth Discipleship Training Camp that God will use this camp to help these young brothers and sisters to set their hearts now to follow God all their lives and used by God. Also pray for speakers Dr and Mrs Chipchase, Pastor Steve Tan, Sister Vivian Lin, and Pastor Barry Edwards.
  7. Pray that God will use you to encourage brothers and sisters at different campus fellowships and churches to attend all the CWC meetings, edifying themselves, reviving various student ministries.
  8. Please pray for the arrangement of August and September short term mission teams. Pray the Lord to use the ministry of the mission teams to revive the campus coworkers to share the Gospel together and gain more young students for the Lord.

Working together with you in God’s Kingdom,

Pastor Billy Ko