2019-04 (四月禱告信)






中國國家主席習近平這幾年大力推動「一帶一路」,倡導國家不要再留守中國本土,要從中國走進世界各國,在經濟上與各國合作,透過經濟合作,在各地投資與建設,能影響世界,可以改進各國、各地的生活質素。為了「一帶一路」,中國投入大量的物力與人力,也在軍事與政治上,不斷的加強對世界的影響力。「一帶一路」對中國人中最重要的目標是什麼?簡單的一句話就是: 「讓我們走出去、影響世界、使中國強大起來」。雖然「一帶一路」在國際合作高峰會議時,習主席並沒有這樣說過,他也不可能這樣說,但「一帶一路」卻是中國人的心聲:「讓我們走出去、影響世界、使中國強大起來」。雖然「一帶一路」是中國政府近年來的新創意,其實世上並沒有新鮮事,「一帶一路」的理念自古到今,一直被各國推行,不斷有國家的領導人說:「讓我們走出去、影響世界、使我國強大起來」。

I. 聖經時代的「一帶一路」是神手中的工具:當年亞述王也對他的國家說:「讓我們走出去、影響世界、使亞述國強大起來」,亞述王國就成為當時中東沒有可比的大國,神興起亞述,就是為了管教以色列,把敬拜巴力與外邦神的北國以色列擄去亞述。巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒也對他的國民說:「讓我們走出去、影響世界、使巴比倫國強大起來」,巴比倫就建立了橫跨歐、亞、非三洲的大國。神用巴比倫管教離棄神敬拜偶像的南國猶大。七十年滿後神興起波斯,推翻巴比倫,建立比巴比倫更大的帝國,神興起波斯帝國是為了釋放猶大,並幫助他們重建聖殿與聖城。隨後亞歷山大王急速建立希臘王國,他要走出去,影響世界,他在歐、亞、非三洲稱帝、稱雄,將希臘文化與文字,深深扎根於世界各地,讓希臘文化普及全王國,這就奠定了希臘文新約聖經的基礎,也讓帝國的語言統一,方便日後的福音傳播。羅馬帝國也要「走出去、影響世界,使羅馬偉大起來」 。羅馬版圖之大,前所未有,公路網不僅可以快速通到帝國的各省各國,也可以連接絲路,直通中國。明顯是神建興起羅馬帝國,就是為了讓耶穌釘十字架的福音可以完成,也透國羅馬的公路網與相對和平的世界,讓福音快速傳遍帝國各方。


II. 近代的「一帶一路」是為了宣教:羅馬帝國連同拜佔庭王朝,維持了近千年歷史,拜佔庭結束時,中國的明朝興起,明朝最偉大的成就就是鄭和七次下西洋(AD 1405-1433 ),他們建立了世界有史以來最強大的艦隊, 他們要「走出去、影響世界、使中國強大起來」,他們的腳蹤遍及南洋各國,甚至遠播印度、阿拉伯、非洲各國,最終到了南非的好望角,這可說是海上絲路的開始。這時歐洲的商人與宣教工作已伸張到好望角,自此他們知道從海路到中國。宣教士以前因為回教的勢力,不能從陸路去中國傳福音,現在可以跟著海上絲路去中國了,不久第一位天主教宣教士利瑪竇就來到中國。與明朝同時興旺的有西班牙王國,他們「一帶一路」的思想,也使他們往世界走出去,那時西班牙宣教士遍及南、北美洲,非洲、澳洲、婆羅洲與非律賓,西班牙之後英國起來,與西班牙同稱「日不落國」,他們也說:「讓我們走出去、影響世界、使英國強大起來」,英國的勢力也擴散全地球,不少有名的宣教士也從英國派出,威廉.克里為印度宣教之父,李文斯頓為非洲宣教之父,馬禮遜、戴德生、劍橋七傑這些都是英國的宣教精英,在百般困難中,為神得著中國。美國擁有神豐盛的資源,也要走出去影響世界,他們差派出去的宣教士,散佈各國,宣教士數目之多,讓神國在各地堅立起來。

歷史告訴我們一個國家的興起不是偶然的,是神的工作,為要使用這個國家去作神的工,每一個國家都要謙卑作神的僕人,成全神的工作,將福音傳開,神就興旺這國家。與神旨遺背的國家,必被神放在一旁,強而有力的前蘇聯,曾一時勢力遍及全球,稱雄一時,卻公然與神作對,數十年後就解體了。公義使邦國高舉(箴 14:34),參與神國度工作的國家,必蒙神賜福。

III. 天國的「一帶一路」與華人教會:當我們看到中國在推動「一帶一路」,要「走出去、影響世界」,我們就想到主耶穌早就把大使命給了我們,要我們「走出去、影響世界」,祂說:「天上地下所有的權柄都賜給我了。 所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。…」(太 28:18-19)。復活得勝的主已成為萬王之王、萬主之主,祂要擴展祂的國度,讓更多人進入祂永遠榮耀的國。祂藉這大使命吩咐我們:「走出去、影響世界、使天國擴大起來」。我們還能仍坐著,作一個「聽道專家」、只是享受、浪費主恩典的人嗎?不少人聽了習主席「一帶一路」的呼籲,他們就走出中國、至全世界各地、影響世界、讓人知道中國的偉大; 有人透過經商、教育、建築、留學去影響世界,有人透過文化交流、旅行、捐錢或軍事去傳揚中國,我們為神國在各地的傳揚,作了些什麼呢?我們對宣教事工的關心有多少呢?歷史告訴我們,過去各國的「一帶一路」都與宣教配合,不僅藉金錢、教育、科技、建設等走入世界,他們也差派宣教士出去世界各地,領人進入天國。當中國正加緊推動「一帶一路」時,華人教會更應當全力的投入宣教事工,使更多的人可以走出去、為神國而影響世界。為這目標,北美教會可以盡力往以下的方向去作:

  1. 建立有宣教心志的門徒 – 我們不僅要建立人成為門徒,也要建立門徒的宣教心志,宣教士不一定要走到很遙遠的地方去傳福音,最主要的是: 能處身在非基督徒的社會中,附近即使也沒有其他的信徒,還能夠在靈性上獨立生存,不僅能自己供應自已靈命的需要,也能夠影響別人去歸向神,並帶領別人成長。自己建立穩固的靈修生活、教會生活,又能幫助別人在靈命上穩固。
  2. 北美華人校園團契或教會是宣教士訓練基地 – 團契不能成為學生的遊樂場,教會也不是信徒的娛樂中心,事奉的重點不是使更多人來聚會,乃是建立更多能影響別人跟從主的弟兄姊妹。學生在校園作宣教士,帶領其他學生到主前;上班的弟兄姊妹能在社會中作宣教士,影響同事信主。他們回國才可以作帶領人歸主的「宣教士」、日能後往世界作宣教士。
  3. 建立有異象的人 – 宣教士是一個有異象、有使命的人。他有敏銳的眼光,能看到時代的需要和別人的需要,又有從神而來的智慧與能力去幫助別人到主前,是主動去作,又是甘心樂意的去作,他是能自立服事主的人,即使是一個人,也能忠心完成異象與使命。
  4. 建立屬靈的供應者 – 要做有宣教心志的人,就不要作只能享受的基督徒,乃要作一個能供應人的人。他有牧養的能力:樂意探訪、關懷弟兄姊妹的需要,能帶人來聚會。他也有餵養的能力:能帶查經、可以教成人主日學,甚至可以傳講神的話。
  5. 建立得人渔夫 – 宣教士就是出去為主得人,若您在美國尚不能領人歸主,回國後更不能,因此我們要幫助弟兄姊妹,每學期或每半年能帶領 一人信主、為達成此目標,就要經常出去探訪與傳福音。他不僅能使人成為基督徒,更要使人成為門徒,好好的跟從主,他們可以作初信造就的工作,開放自己的家帶人查經、作初信造就的教導等。


「天上地下所有的權柄都賜給我了。 所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。…」(太 28:18-19)。




感謝神,雖然今年美中各校園放春假的日子,比以前更參差不齊,但仍然有近190位,包括加州短宣隊,來參加這次福音營,其中40多位為福音朋友,感謝主, 聖靈大大地工作, 有十四位表示願意接受耶穌為救主。求主使用各地的同工們, 有愛心與智慧去帶領這些初信的弟兄姊妹,一步一步走向門徒的道路,成為神所喜愛的兒女,將來更多被主使用。也求主幫助這些初信的弟兄姊妹,能參加今年五月與八月中心的門徒與同工訓練營、及參加八月讀經營,好好地在靈裡充實自己,成為下學期團契與教會的同工,更多在校園帶動更多學生追求主。



五月門徒與同工訓練營 (五月十九至二十四日)

校園事工能否興旺最主要的關鍵在於:是否能建立學生同工去推動校園事工? 為了快快建立學生同工,不僅要在學生在學期間作門徒訓練,假期也要鼓勵學生參加訓練營,雙管齊下才能幫助學生早早裝備好,可以在校園中多傳福音,領人歸主,復興神家的工作。學生與家庭都可以參加五月門徒與同工訓練營,儘快充實與裝備自己,在同學與朋友間為主作見證。五月門徒與同工訓練營講員有許道良牧師、袁曉牧師 ,請為他們禱告,求主使用他們。請弟兄姊妹儘早報名參加,並帶領其他人來參加。

帶職信徒訓練營 (五月二十四日至二十七日)

國殤週末的訓練營是專為全職工作的弟兄姊妹而預備,因為各地校園團契或教會都缺少牧者,帶領學生的工作就落在上班的弟兄姊妹身上,他們需要成為一個小牧人,藉神的話語去教導人,藉著生活的榜樣引導人; 他們不僅能在社會工作中見證主,更能在教會中與牧者配搭,成為一個能帶領別人的小牧入,能按羊群的需要牧養與教導弟兄姊妹,使得教會及校園都能得著興旺,讓更多人蒙恩。講員包括: 許道良牧師、袁曉牧師、與阮雄長老等。請為講員禱告,也請儘早預備心來參加。

六月青少年門徒訓練營 (六月二日至八日)

青少年門徒訓練營不是青少年暑期娛樂活動的營會,乃是建立學生腳踏實地的去作主的門徒,從年輕起就獻身於主,作其他年輕人追求主的榜樣,將來也能成為教會下一代的同工,帶領青少年成為堅定跟從主的門徒。青少年訓練營的講員有Pastor Chipchase,Pastor Steve Tan, Minister Vivian Lin 請為此聚會禱告,請鼓勵您的孩子儘快報名。更多資訊將於近期張貼上網。

八月讀經營 (七月二十八至八月三日)

保羅書信是信徒的信仰與神學手冊、也是教會生活與社會生活的指南。神的話語是我們信仰的根基,研讀保羅書信對我們的一生都有無比的益處。至目前為止,已有不少弟兄姐妹報名參加,也開始作讀經營的功課,請儘速報名參加,一同加入研讀神話語的行列。這次講員有汪川生牧師與李玉惠姊妹等,讀經營的參加者必須是基督徒,並且在過去兩年內至少參加過一次門徒訓練。所以若您想參加八月讀經營,卻還沒有參加過門徒訓練, 請把握機會先參加今年五月門徒訓練或帶職信徒訓練。


  1. 為五月的門徒與同工訓練營禱告,求主藉此建立更多有影響力的教會及團契同工。
  2. 為六月的保羅行程進修團禱告,求主帶領更多有意願在聖經歷史、 及地理上裝備的弟兄姊妹參加,請及早準備並報名。
  3. 為五月帶職信徒訓練禱告,求主賜給講員們聰明智慧去準備,好讓各教會與校園,能興起更多弟兄姊妹成為小牧人,帶領與造就別人。
  4. 為五月訓練及五月帶職信徒訓練營的講員許道良牧師、袁曉牧師、及阮雄長老禱告,求主賜給他們聖靈的恩膏與屬天的智慧,並帶出美好的果效。
  5. 為青少年營的預備與推動禱告,求主裝備更多年青人勝過世界的壓力,過得勝的門徒生活,成為神國度的見證人,能影響與帶領別人跟從耶穌。
  6. 為高牧師在哥城華人教會與美中各校園的事奉禱告,求主加添力量與智慧。也求主醫治與保守師母的身體健康。
  7. 感謝主!維修同工臥房的擴建進行順利,目前內部工程已完成,同工已入住,現只剩下外牆的工程。
  8. 為了趕建維修同工的臥房,餐廳與綜合教室的工程已停頓一時,求主繼續帶領建造工程,也為所需的經費禱告。
  9. 因中心事工增加,求主為中心預備新的同工,一同建立美中的學生事工。
  10. 為中心本月所需的經費禱告,求主感動更多弟兄姊妹一同支持中心事工,並為中心事工禱告與奉獻。
  11. 為中心維修同工Scott Jerome禱告,求主賜福他手所做的工,並使他們全家蒙恩。
  12. 為建築同工Pastor Harold Shull過去一週曾兩度進醫院作心臟支架手術禱告,求主醫治並繼續使用他。
  13. 為八、九月短宣事工的安排禱告,求主預備短宣隊的籌備與訓練,今年秋季可以在美中校園收主的莊稼。
  14. 為各校園團契的帶領人禱告,求主幫助他們在神的話語上建立美好的根基,能用神的話去供應別人,又能透過生活的榜樣,帶領年輕人。




Dear brothers and sisters, greetings to you in the Lord!

May the Lord kindle the warmth in our hearts and spirits during the springtime. May we be more faithful in following the Lord, be more zealous in serving Him, and submit wholeheartedly to Him for His Kingdom.


Heavenly “One Belt and One Road”

The concept of “One Belt, One Road” has been vigorously promoted by Chinese President Jin Ping Xi in recent years, advocating that China as a nation should not stay behind any longer and must explore the world and cooperate with other countries. Through economic partnerships and investments in infrastructure, China wishes to exert influence globally and to improve quality of living in other countries. To implement this plan China has invested enormous labor and resources and has been increasingly prevalent in political and military affairs, thereby continuously growing in influence around the globe. What exactly is the goal of “One Belt, One Road” for the Chinese? To sum up briefly, it is: “Let us take stage in the world, be influential, and make China great”. Even though President Xi did not mention such a plan in the International Economic Summit, nor would he be able to do so, but it is the voice of Chinese people – “Let us take stage in the world, be influential, and make China great”. Though “One Belt, One Road” seems to be new slogan introduced by Chinese government, the concept is not new. There is really nothing new under the Sun. The concept of “One Belt, One Road” has been promoted by countless nations since ancient times. Generations of national leaders were chanting continuously: Let us take stage in the world, be influential, and make our country great.

I. “One Belt, One Road” during Bible times is a tool in God’s hands. The King of Assyria also said to his country: “let us take stage in the world, be influential, and make Assyria great!” And the Assyrian Kingdom became an incomparable power in the Middle East at that time. God raised Assyria to discipline Israel, exiling people of the Northern Israel who worshiped Baal and other idols. Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar said the same word to his people: “let us take stage in the world, be influential, and make Babylon great!” The Babylonian empire became the biggest nation over Europe, Asia, and Africa three continents. God used Babylon to discipline the Southern Kingdom, Judah, as they also strayed from God and worshipped idols. After 70 years, God raised Persians to overthrow the Babylonian Empire. The Persian kingdom was made even bigger and stronger than the Babylonians. It was God’s plan to use the Persian Kingdom to liberate Judah, who also received help from the Persians to rebuild the temple and the city of Jerusalem. After Persia arose Alexander the Great and his swiftly-established Greek Empire. He was determined to strut the stage and claimed kingship across Europe, Asia, and Africa. Greek language and culture took roots deeply. This laid the linguistic foundation for the spread of the New Testament, unified the official standard language in the Empire, and thus paved the way for the spreading the gospel. The Roman Empire also followed this slogan and wanted to dominate and make Rome great by expanding its territory and influences. The size of Roman Empire was unprecedented. Road networks not only reached every province and nation within the Empire but also connected to the Silk Road, leading all the way to China.

The rise of a powerful nation comes not by to its own efforts and determination but also is attributable to God’s plan and election, to fulfill His will. The Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone He wishes (Daniel 4:25). Rise and fall of all nations are in His hand in order to accomplish His plan.

II. The contemporary “One Belt, One Road” likewise serves Evangelism. The Roman/Byzantine Empire lasted for about one thousand years. At about the conclusion of the Byzantine Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty in China rose to power. The most remarkable achievement in the Ming Dynasty was the seven voyages to the western world by Zheng He (1405-1433 AD). Chinese people at that time built the world’s strongest fleet, aiming to take stage in the world, be influential, and make China great. As a result, these voyages reached southeast Asian countries, India, Saudi Arabia, Africa, and South African’s Cape Hope. That was the sea equivalent of the Silk Road. By then, European merchants and missionaries had already been settled to Cape Hope. Since then, they knew they now could reach China by sea. Missionaries in the past could not go to China by land to share the gospel because of the Muslim powers in-between. Now they could go to China via the sea Silk Road. Not too long after that, the first Roman Catholic missionary, Matteo Ricci, arrived in China. Nations which were prosperous during the Ming dynasty included Spain, whose “One Belt, One Road” perspective drove them to take the stage in the world and send missionaries to North and South America, Africa, Australia, Borneo, and the Philippines. The British rose up next and shared with Spain the name of “the Empire on which the sun never sets”. The Brits also would like to take a stage in the world, be influential, and make Britain great. As such, their influences were felt all over the world. Many famous missionaries came from Britain, such as William Carey, the father of missions to India, and David Livingstone, the father of missions to Africa. Moreover, Robert Morrison, Hudson Taylor, and the Cambridge Seven were elites among British missionaries who toiled and labored for God amidst extreme hardships in China. The United States of America possessed God’s given abundance and hence was commissioning great numbers of missionaries, building God’s Kingdom in various parts of the world.

We learned from history that the rise of a nation is no accident. It is God’s working behind the scene to accomplish His will. As such, each and every nation should humbly serve as His servants, fulfill His purpose, and spread the gospel. God would bless such a nation in return. Any nation goes against God’s will would surely be discarded by God. The former Soviet Union was once a power in the world and dominated the political scene. And yet its official defiance towards God caused its disintegration after a few decades. Righteousness exalts a nation (Proverb 14:34). Nations which work alongside with God are surely blessed.

III. Heavenly “One Belt, One Road” and Chinese churches. Whenever we heard of the slogan of “One Belt, One Road” from the Chinese government which advocates take the stage in the world and be influential, we are being reminded of the Great Commission given to us by the Lord Jesus two thousand years ago. Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Matthew 28:18-19) The victorious, resurrected Lord is King of all kings, and Lord of all lords. He wishes to expand His Kingdom to allow more people into His eternally glorious Kingdom. Through the Great Commission He calls us to “go and exert influences and to expand the Heavenly Kingdom”. How can we still waste His grace by sitting there and being only listeners of “sermon messages”? Upon hearing President Xi’s calling regarding “One Belt, One Road”, many Chinese responded with action. They declared the greatness of China through commerce, education, architecture, and studying abroad. There are others who declared the greatness of China through cultural exchange programs, travel, donations, or military power. What have we done to promote the Lord’s Kingdom? How much do we care about missions? History tells us that past expansions of any nation served evangelism. When a nation expanded, not only did its money, technology, education, and architecture infiltrate other parts of the world, so did the Christian faith. As Chinese government’s efforts in promoting “One Belt, One Road” increases, Chinese churches should devote to missions ever more than before, influencing the world for His Kingdom by sending out more missionaries. To achieve this goal, churches in North American should consider taking the following direction:

  1. Build up mission-minded disciples. We not only make disciples but make mission-minded disciples. Missionaries do not necessarily travel to faraway places to share the gospel. Missionaries are those who can independently survive in a non-Christian environment, and not just survive, but be salt and light. He or she not only can be self-sufficient in his or her spiritual need; that servant of God also can lead others to God and disciple others to grow. He or she has stable and thriving personal devotions, church life, and can help others to such stable spiritual ways.
  2. North American campus fellowships and churches are the base for training missionaries. Campus fellowships are not playgrounds; churches are not activity centers. The focus of the ministry is not attracting more people to the meetings, but to build up more brothers and sisters who can influence others to follow Christ. Mission-minded students can be the missionaries bringing more students to Christ on campus. Mission-minded working brothers and sisters can be the missionaries in society and influence colleagues to Christ. After this, when they return to their home countries, they are able to serve as missionaries and lead the locals to Christ and may become future missionaries to the end of the world.
  3. To lift other people’s vision, a missionary should have vision and mission. He or she has discerning eyes that detect needs of the generation or of others. With God’s given wisdom and
    power, he or she can meet those needs and bring people to Christ. Their service is proactive, willing, and submissive to God. He or she is independent as well, able to fulfill vision and mission even if he or she is all by oneself.
  4. To build up spiritual providers, a mission-minded believer cannot be free-rider. He or she should be able to meet others’ spiritual needs. He or she has the ability of pastoring: willing to do the visitation, caring brothers and sisters’ need, and bringing others to the meetings. He or she should be able to nourish others by leading Bible studies, teaching adult Sunday school, or even sharing the Word of God.
  5. To build up fishers of men, missionaries themselves are to be fishers of men for Christ. If you can’t lead people to Christ in the U.S., how can you do that upon return to your home country? As such we need to help brothers and sisters to set up goals like leading at least one person to Christ every semester or every half a year. To achieve this goal, they visit unbelievers and share the gospel frequently. Not only can they lead others to Christ, but they build them into disciples by faithfully following the Lord. They also can exemplify for the new believers follow-up ministry, home Bible study, and teaching that edifies the new believers, and other encouragements to growth in Christ.

If the above characters can be established, then no matter where the brothers and sisters go, they can be used by the Lord and be missionaries with jobs. So they can go out and influence the whole world that the Kingdom of God can be expanded.

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Matthew 28:18-19)

June: Paul’s Missionary Journey Study Tour

After the March Gospel Camp, CWC coworkers accelerated their preparation for the “Paul’s Missionary Journey Study Tour” in June. This is not for sightseeing but for studying the Bible, especially to learn about the Book of Acts, the Pauline Epistles, the General Epistles, and the Book of Revelation. We will follow the footprints of Paul’s missionary journey, letting his footprints excite our enthusiasm for evangelism, so that we can also be faithful to share the gospel. During this trip we will pay special visits to the places where apostles suffered and were martyred, including the Island of Patmos where the Apostle John was exiled. We’ll see the place where the Apostle Paul and the Apostle Peter were jailed and suffered. What we will see would certainly inspire us to faithfully serve the Lord and dedicate our lives to Him. Our gathering location is at Istanbul Airport (IST). Our dismissal place is at the Rome Airport (FCO). It is not necessary for us to meet at certain city in the United States. Brothers and sisters can come to join the tour from countries where you currently reside. During the tour not only can we learn the history and geography of the Bible, but we can have reunion fellowship with each other and recall the beautiful memory while we pursued the Lord together in the past years. Please register as early as possible. Study materials will be mailed to you at the end of April. We arrange this study tour in the summer so that your whole family can join; your whole family will certainly be blessed. Detailed information and application form have been posted on CWC website. As the fare of the tickets may rise each week, please register as early as possible.

March Gospel Camp

Thank God! Although this year the time of spring break week varies from the past years in different colleges in the Midwest, still 190 people attended the Gospel Camp, including short-term-mission team members from California and more than 40 nonbelievers. Praise the Lord! The Holy Spirit worked mightily! There were fourteen nonbelievers willing to accept Jesus as their Savior. May the Lord use local coworkers to disciple these new believers with love and wisdom so that they will become children pleasing to the Heavenly Father and be used by the Lord more in the future. May the Lord also bring these new brothers and sisters to May and August CWC disciple and coworker training camps and August Bible Camp. Then they will be edified spiritually and become campus and church coworkers who can motivate more students to pursue the Lord.

March East Coast Disciple Camp

The March East Coast Disciple and Coworker Training Camp was completed successfully by coworkers’ unified efforts and God’s grace. 60 adults and children attended the camp and filled every room. The speakers were Elder Yimao Chen, Pastor Taneng Chuang, and Pastor Frank Liu. Brothers and sisters studied with high spirit. With the working of God’s Word in people’s hearts, over 10 people were willing to dedicate themselves and serve the Lord. May the Lord revive campus and church in the East Coast through these brothers and sisters.

May Disciple and Coworker Training Camp (May 19th to 24th)

The key to revive campus ministry is whether we can build up student coworkers to promote the campus ministry. To quickly equip student coworkers, not only should they be trained during school years but also attend disciple training during school breaks. Only with both methods can students be equipped quickly to share the gospel on campus and lead others to the Lord, brining revival to the House of God. Both students and families can attend May Disciple and Coworker Training Camp to be equipped and to bear witness among fellow students and friends. The speakers of the May Disciple and Coworker Training Camps are Pastor John Hsu, Pastor Xiao Yuan, etc. Please pray for them and ask the Lord to use them. Please register early and bring others to attend together.

Lay Minister Discipleship Training Camp (May 24th to 27th)

The Memorial Day Weekend Discipleship Training Camp is designed for brothers and sisters who work fulltime. Due to the continuing need for pastors at the local campus fellowships and churches in the Midwest, the load of leading the students fell on the shoulders of the working brothers and sisters. They need to be trained as little shepherds, teaching others with the Word of God, and leading others through their daily life examples. So that not only can they witness for Christ at work but also serve alongside as little shepherds with pastors at their churches to lead others. They should be able to pastor and instruct brothers and sisters according to the flocks’ needs so as to bring revival to local churches and campus fellowships and more can be blessed. The speakers are Pastor John Hsu, Pastor Xiao Yuan, Elder Jack Yuan, and others. Please pray for the speakers and prepare your hearts to attend earlier.

June Youth Discipleship Training Camp (June 2nd to 8th)

The Youth Disciple Training Camp is not to entertain the youths during the summer but to equip them to be faithful disciples of Christ, dedicate their lives to the Lord, become role models to other youths, and become the church coworkers for the next generation, leading youths to follow Christ as faithful disciples. The speakers are Pastor Chipchase, Pastor Steve Tan, and Minister Vivian Lin. Please pray for this meeting and encourage your youths to register early. More information will be posted online in the near future.

August Bible Camp (July 28th to August 3rd)

The Pauline Epistles is the handbook of Christian faith and theology as well as a guide to believers’ church and social life. Since the Word of God is the foundation of our faith, studying the Pauline Epistles brings incalculable benefits to our life. Until now many brothers and sisters have registered for this camp and already began to work on the assignments. Please register as soon as possible so that you can join us to study the Word of God. The speakers are Pastor Chuang-seng Wang and Sister Grace Lee. Participants of the Bible camp must be Christians who have attended CWC disciple training camp at least once in past two years. If you want to attend the August Bible Camp but have not yet attended the discipleship training camp, please take the opportunity to first attend May disciple training camp or the Lay Minister training camp.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for May Disciple and Coworker Training Camp. May the Lord equip more influential church and campus coworkers.
  2. Please pray for the “Paul’s Missionary Journey Study Tour” in June. May the Lord bring to attend more brothers and sisters who are willing to be equipped on the biblical history and geography. Please prepare earlier and register.
  3. Please pray for the Lay Minister Discipleship Training Camp. May the Lord give speakers wisdom to prepare for their messages so that they may train up more brothers and sisters to be little shepherds to lead and equip others in their churches and campuses.
  4. Please pray for the speakers of the May Disciple Training Camp and the May Lay Minister Training Camp: Pastor John Hsu, Pastor Xiao Yuan, and Elder Jack Yuan. May the Lord anoint them with power and wisdom from above.
  5. Please pray for the preparation and promotion of the youth camp. May the Lord equip more youths to overcome worldly temptations and become victorious disciples, witnesses for His Kingdom and influence and lead others to follow Jesus.
  6. Please pray for Pastor Ko’s ministry in Colombia Chinese Christian Church and other Midwest campuses. May the Lord give him wisdom and power. Please also pray for the Lord to heal and uphold Mrs. Ko’s health.
  7. Praise the Lord! The expansion of Maintenance coworker’s bedroom made satisfactory progress. The interior was finished and the coworker has moved in. Please pray for the completion of the exterior wall.
  8. In order to speed up the building of maintenance coworker’s bedroom, the expansion of the dining and meeting room has been suspended for a while. May the Lord continue to lead the project. Please also pray for the fund needed.
  9. Because of the growth of CWC ministry, may the Lord prepare new coworkers for CWC to labor on the Midwest campus ministry.
  10. Please pray for funds needed for CWC this month. May the Lord move more brothers and sisters’ hearts to support CWC with prayers and offerings.
  11. Please pray for CWC maintenance coworker Scott Jerome. May the Lord bless the work of his hands and bestow grace to his whole family.
  12. Please pray for construction coworker Pastor Harold Shull’s cardiac stent surgery which brought him to hospital twice last week. May the Lord heal him and continue to use him.
  13. Please pray for the arrangement of the August and September short-term-mission teams. May the Lord prepare and train up short-term-mission teams to harvest His crop in the Midwest campuses this fall.
  14. Please pray for all campus fellowship leaders. May the Lord help them build a solid foundation on God’s Word so that they can nurture others with the Word of God and also lead young people by their examples.

May the Lord bless your spiritual growth in His love and strengthen your hands for His name! May the Lord bless your whole family!

In the Lord
Pastor Billy Ko