2018-06 (六月禱告信)


在炎炎夏日,求主從天上賜下豐盛的恩典,挑旺我們火熱事奉的心志! 雖然許多人選擇渡假,但我們卻將更多以傳福音、建立門徒與同工的心志為念。不僅校園教會需要致力門徒訓練,大城市與在職的教會也要完成主的大使命,繼續不斷地建立門徒。


在炎炎夏日,求主從天上賜下豐盛的恩典,挑旺我們火熱事奉的心志! 雖然許多人選擇渡假,但我們卻將更多以傳福音、建立門徒與同工的心志為念。不僅校園教會需要致力門徒訓練,大城市與在職的教會也要完成主的大使命,繼續不斷地建立門徒。


北美華人教會普遍的危機就是: 老化,白頭髮的人越來越多,黑頭髮的弟兄姊妹卻是越來越少,教會的同工,差不多清一色都是中年以上,這危機的來源,就是教會弟兄姊姊傳福音的心志越來越冷淡,門徒訓練的工作越來越停滯。每年暑假校園教會最大的隱憂就是: 同工的斷層,沒有新興的同工接替畢業的同工,這都是我們沒有把握校園團契興旺的秘訣:要快快傳福音、快快建立門徒。教會與校園團契必須不斷地有門徒訓練的課程。我們盼望每個學期都有新人信主,在帶領他們做決志禱告後,就要儘早幫助他們知道需要有更多的裝備,包括讀經,禱告,明白神的旨意,學習過教會的生活,預備服事主等。筆者所牧養的哥城華人教會,週五團契近年來分七、八個團契小組,作為牧師,我可以去任何一組,但我卻最盼望去初信造就組(新生命組),因為這組關乎教會的將來,是最重要的。只有趁早教導初信者作門徒,才能讓他們早日在主裡成熟,可以轉到各團契小組作同工。有些人有錯誤的觀念,以為年輕的本科生不肯作主的門徒,但其實當他們屬靈的眼睛被打開後,往往是所有信徒中長進最快的一群,很快就被建立起來,成為教會中重要的同工。


  1. 門徒訓練是教會裝備同工中非常重要的一環,教會要盡全力去作。
  2. 弟兄姊妹信主後,要儘早教導他們學習走門徒道路,尤其不可忽略年輕的學生。
  3. 門徒訓練不是知識的教授,乃是生命的傳遞,參加者不能只有聽,聽了以後必須要付諸實行。
  4. 教導者必需要使每堂的課程都實用化,使參加者能清楚與有效的應用。
  5. 訓練的內容可選用現有的初信造就教材,如王國顯弟兄的「在基督裡長進」、更新傳道會的「門徒訓練課程」、「茁苗」等等,都是很好的,用哪一本都可以,重要的是:教導以後,必須提供應用與操練、帶著弟兄姊妹去實行。例如: 上完「禱告」課程,就要帶著弟兄姊姊一起禱告,參加禱告會; 教完「靈修」 課程,就要建立弟兄姊妹靈修的習慣。
  6. 最重要的一課就是:「靈修」- 一個信徒若僅靠每週去聚會,是不能成為一個健康的基督徒,因為得不到固定、或足夠的屬靈供應,唯有建立每日靈修的習慣、才能每天直接從主得著生命的供應,生命成長才能正常,也會經常來參加教會的聚會。所以盡早教導他們這一課,並在結束訓練前確認:他們已建立每日靈修的習慣。
  7. 一對一的門徒訓練很好,比較直接,小組門徒也很有影響力。來參加的弟兄姊姊,可以彼此分享,互相鼓勵,一同快跑跟從主。
  8. 每次開始上課時,可先從分享開始,請大家分享過去一週的領受與操練的經歷,讓大家可以得著激勵。
  9. 可以對參加者有所要求: 就是不要隨意缺席、要按時完成指定作業。
  10. 教會的的門徒訓練課程與營會的門徒訓練要並重:好在最短的時日,建立更多初信的弟兄姊姊成為教會的同工、也能快快的建立學生,在校園中為主做見證、作同學的榜樣、並作團契的同工。訓練營往往是信徒屬靈生命的突破點,尤其要多鼓勵弟兄姊妹參加,讓他們有一、兩週的時間,放下工作、學業、及世界上的思慮煩擾,好好安靜在主面前學習與裝備,也看看其他城市或校園的弟兄姊妹如何追求主? 如何在該城市與校園中事奉主? 雖然我們常說不要勉強人,但多邀請幾次,還是會有很多人願意參加的。這樣假期中的訓練營、與學期中在教會裡的門徒訓練課程相輔相成,把握每一個機會去裝備他們,否則無法快速地將初信者裝備起來作同工,一到畢業或換工作時,教會就會出現同工不足的危機。


感謝神,帶領近80位弟兄姐妹及他們的5 個孩子來參加了這次的門徒與同工訓練營,不少弟兄姊妹都是早好幾個月前報名來參加,有些是為了預備自己下學期在團契和教會中接替以前的同工事奉主,也有些是為了更多裝備、暑期回國傳福音,也有些是盼望在畢業後與工作前,作最後的裝備,因為知道工作以後,就很難找出一個星期時間去追求主。


看著一個一個家庭的車子開進中心,心中非常感謝主!這次有近150位弟兄姐妹及他們的 50多個孩子,來參加了這次的門徒與同工訓練營這些家庭和單身帶職的弟兄姊妹,都是非常有心追求主的,目前已在自己的教會中有不少的事奉,受了裝備後,必定能為主作更大的工作,從美中的教會往普天下去為主做見證,我們禱告與求主藉著這些弟兄姊姊作成祂復興的工作。感謝主藉著蘇文峰牧師、羅天樂牧師,趙武夷長老所教導的,求主使他們所作的,能留下長遠的影響。

六月青少年門徒訓營 (六月三日至九日)


七月東岸門徒與同工訓練營 (七月三晚至七日)

為了建立美東弟兄姊妹作主的門徒與教會同工,不少弟兄姊妹已報名參加,請為他們禱告,也為講員袁曉牧師禱告。聚會將會在Raleigh, NC 附近的基督僕人更生中心舉行,也有家庭宿舍與兒童節目安排,需全時間參加。詳細資料講聯絡:張潔華姊妹 TraininginEC@gmail.com 網上報名:https://goo.gl/forms/yKIgnvfIuzp8cVWz2

八月讀經營 (七月二十九至八月四日)


八月門徒訓練營 (八月五日至八月十一日)


八月 、九月短宣隊



  1. 高師母在四月底臨時進了醫院動手術,感謝主!手術進行順利。過去幾週師母的身體恢復得很好,求主繼續醫治她,並保守帶領前面的治療過程。
  2. 為即將開始的青少年門徒訓練營禱告,求主的靈在這些青少年身上工作。
  3. 為青少年營的講員、輔導與同工們禱告。
  4. 求主增加中心同工事奉的力量與智慧,忙碌中仍然得著主,彰顯主。
  5. 求主預備有更多義工與中心同工一同配搭事奉。
  6. 求主賜福中心各營會,能栽培更多同學畢業後,為福音回到原居地,成為全職或帶職的福音同工,在原居地為主得著更多靈魂。
  7. 求主幫助您能鼓勵教會的弟兄姐妹來參加八月的營會和讀經營, 使您與他們一同經歷同心合意親近主,事奉主的喜樂;也讓您們成為配搭美好的團隊,興旺主的國度。
  8. 記念中心在財務(經常費、建築費、訓練經費)上的需要,求主彰顯祂的豐盛與大能,也感動更多弟兄姐妹為中心的事工禱告。
  9. 為餐廳的擴建工程禱告,求主賜福Pastor Shull手上所作的工,使工程順利完成。也為餐廳擴建的經費禱告。
  10. 為八月、九月短宣隊的安排禱告,求主預備短宣與各地校園弟兄姊妹同工的心,同心合意傳福音,一同經歷得著新同學靈魂的喜樂。




Dear brothers and sisters, greetings to you in the Lord!

May the Lord bestow us His abundant grace in this hot summer, warming our hearts to fervently serve Him! Even though many take summer vacation, we are determined to summer vocation, to share the Gospel and strengthen disciples and coworkers. As we’ve observed previously, with continuous turnover of a student population and other factors, campus churches must not delay discipleship training. If churches in big cities and those with a majority of working professionals aim to fulfill the Lord’s great commission, they must continuously build up disciples.

Establish Nonstop Disciple Training Ministry

The common crisis faced by Chinese churches and indeed many other churches in the North America today is aging congregations. Look around at a church gathering, you’ll see a lot of gray hair. Most church coworkers nowadays are over their middle age. This warning sign suggests that the congregation will grow smaller and smaller. And unnecessarily: for the dominant causes of shrinkage are a failing heart for evangelism, an atrophied discipleship training ministry, and a failing vision for revival. Campus congregations by contrast expect every summer the challenge to make up the gap between old and new coworkers. Often after a few close calls they learn to share the Gospel quickly and build up disciples quickly—or suffer consequences about a year later. Campus fellowships must continuously provide disciple training—or die. So we expect to see new converts every semester. More than that: as soon as they accept Christ as their Savior, we should help them recognize their needs for more training, including how to read the Bible, how to pray, how to know the will of God, how to grow with others in the church, and how to prepare to serve the Lord. For instance, in recent years on Friday nights Columbia Chinese Christian Church has seven or eight groups. As their pastor, I am free to join any of the groups. However, I am mostly eager to attend the new believer group, “New Life Group”. This I deem the most important because it most strongly determines the future of our church. Only if we teach new believers to be disciples as early as possible and help them mature in the Lord, can they progress to other groups to be coworkers. Some people are wrongly convinced that young undergraduates are unwilling to be disciples of Christ. On the contrary, with their spiritual eyes opened, the “newbies” are usually among those who grow the fastest spiritually and become important coworkers in the church.

Following is what I’ve concluded is worthwhile in disciple training within a church or fellowship.

  1. Disciple training is a essential and an integral part of equipping church coworkers. A church should spare no efforts to accomplish this task.
  2. New believers need to learn how to walk the way of the discipleship as early as possible. Do not ignore the young students.
  3. Disciple training is not mere passing on knowledge, but in life transformation. After hearing the truth, trainees must apply what they learn to daily life.
  4. Teachers ought to make each lesson practical enough, with tangible goals and methods—homework, if you will—that attendees can grasp and effectively put to practice.
  5. As to the materials of the Discipleship training, you can use the publications which are currently available to edify the new believers. We have successfully used Growing in Christ by Brother K. H. Wong, Disciple Training Lessons by the Christian Renewal Ministry, Seedlings Sprouting, and other very good materials. Any one will be fine. But more important is this: after using such instruction, application and exercise must occur. A teacher should lead students to apply what they have learned. For example, a teacher should lead the new believers to pray and attend prayer meetings after finishing the lesson of prayer. And after finishing the lesson of daily devotion, the teacher should help brothers and sisters develop the habit of daily devotion.
  6. Indeed, daily devotion is the most important subject in disciple training. A believer cannot become a healthy Christian if he or she only attends a weekly church meeting, no more than he or she can survive physically with just a weekly meal. Only by developing a habit of daily devotion and receiving spiritual food from the Lord every day, can spiritual growth be normal. Participating in meetings beyond just Sunday is an improvement, but it is the daily discipline that brings growth and strength. Hence, we should teach them this subject as soon as possible and confirm with them before the course is over whether they have established a habit of daily devotion.
  7. Sunday services help make disciples. Small group discipleship trainings are influential. One-on-one disciple training is most profitable. All together are unstoppable. Brothers and sisters can share with one another, encourage one another and quickly follow the Lord together.
  8. Each class can begin with sharing among participants. Brothers and sisters can share what they have learned and practice in the past week so that all can be edified.
  9. The teacher can set some requirements for the class. These should include not missing class easily and completing the assignments on time.
  10. The discipleship training held inside and outside of churches are equally important, so that more new believers can be established and become church coworkers in a very short period. In this way students will be equipped quickly to be God’s witnesses on campus, be a role model to peers, and become coworkers in the fellowships. Since discipleship training camp is often a spiritual breakthrough point for a believer, so leaders and those who have attended encourage brothers and sisters to attend. The camp offers one or two weeks entirely devoted to studies in the Lord’s presence, free from cares of their work, studies, and the world. They will also provide good opportunities to know how brothers and sisters from other cities or campuses pursue the Lord and how they serve the Lord in their local cities and campuses. Yet as we often have said, do not force people to the trainings. If we persist in gently inviting people, many are indeed willing to join. These kinds of training camps usually take place during holidays or summer and winter breaks. They serve alongside with disciple training courses offered by local churches during school days, for the purpose of training believers at every possible opportunity. Otherwise, new believers could not quickly be equipped to be coworkers. And consequently there will be shortage of hands whenever current coworkers graduate or change jobs.

Thanksgiving for May Disciple and Coworker Training

Thank the Lord for bring 80 brothers and sisters with their 5 children to this Disciple and Coworker Training Camp. Many of them registered several months prior. Some came to prepare themselves to pick up the ministerial responsibilities in their campus fellowships or churches left by former coworkers. Some came to be more equipped in order to share the Gospel in their home countries when they visited their families in the summer vacation. Some of them came with the hope to get the final equipment after their graduation and before they enter into the workplace. Because they know that it will be difficult to find a whole week pursuing the Lord after starting to work.

Thanksgiving for the May Lay Minister Training Camp

We grin with gratitude when seeing cars pulling into CWC one after the other! There were about 150 brothers and sisters with their 50 children coming to the Lay-Minister Training Camp. These families and single professionals all have hearts to pursue the Lord. And currently they all have many ministries in their local churches. After receiving training, they will surely be able to serve the Lord to a greater degree and take the Gospel to the end of the world from the Midwest. We pray that the Lord will use them to kindle revival in His churches. We thank the Lord for the teachings of Pastor Edwin Su, Pastor Joshua Law, and Elder Joe Zhao. May the Lord uphold their ministry with enduring impact!

June Youth Disciple Training Camp (June 3rd to 9th)

Until the end of May, approximately 90 youths have registered for this camp. They have been looking forward to this camp for one year. Their hearts are full of over joy. Recently a brother who is a leader at one church in the West Coast asked me to invite his son to attend the CWC youth camp. He told me even there are quite a few Christian youth camps in the summer, he dare not let his child to attend because he did not know what those youths will learn from those camps. But he had confidence in the disciple training camp offered by CWC because the Center encourage youths to seek the Lord and be disciples of Christ. May the Lord build up more youths through this camp and strengthen them to bear wonderful witnesses for the Lord in their whole lives.

July East Coast Disciple and Coworker Training Camp (July 3rd to 7th)

Many brothers and sisters have registered for this camp, which is designed to equip Christians in the East Coast to be Disciples of Christ and church coworkers. Please pray for them and also for the speaker, Pastor Xiao Yuan. The camp will take place in Christian Leadership Renewal Center near Raleigh, NC. We will provide family motel rooms and children program. Participants must attend full time. For details please contact Sister Jessie Zhang at TraininginEC@gmail.com. Online registration: https://goo.gl/forms/yKIgnvfIuzp8cVWz2

August Bible Camp (July 29th to August 4th)

The Word of God is a two-edged sword and is powerful, reviving everyone who takes time to study it and then through it bringing revival to their churches. May the Lord motivate more brothers and sisters to attend this camp. We will study the four Gospels – the Life of Christ, which marks the beginning of the New Testament studies for the next three years. Please do not miss this precious opportunity! Participants must be Christians who have attended CWC disciple training for at least once in the past two years. The speakers are Pastor and Mrs. David Su. The deadline for application, June 15th, will be strictly observed. Please apply early.

August Disciple Training Camp (August 5th to 11th)

Disciple and Coworker Training Camp is not only for students but also for every brother and sister who wants to become a disciple of Christ and church coworker. Since many families are planning for summer vacation, we encourage them to consider taking a week off to attend this CWC camp. The whole family will be able to be quiet before the Lord, enjoying His presence and seeking Him together. How wonderful is it that the whole family is spiritually transformed and can be used by God to a greater extend! We also hope that many students will cut short off their vacation or visiting families back in their countries to attend the August Disciple Training Camp and Bible Camp in order to prepare themselves for better services in the next semester and bring forth revival in campus ministry. The speakers are Pastor Ta-Nen Chuang and Sister Grace Lee. Please pray for this training camp and invite brothers and sisters and coworkers to attend.

August and September Short Term Mission Teams

On one hand we thank the Lord for all the graduates who are leaving the campus! On the other hand, we are excited about new students who are preparing for their overseas trip to study in the States. This is again a golden opportunity given by God to share the Gospel. Generally speaking campus ministry in the Midwest and other states in the past one or two years has not had the numbers as previously. May the Lord help us work extra hard to grasp this new chance to win over these students. About ten short-term mission teams will share the Gospel in the Midwest campuses from the East and West Coasts in mid-August through early September. May the Lord use them to revitalize enthusiasm and strength of Christians in the Midwest to share the Gospel. When we experience again that the Gospel is the power of God, we will not be ashamed and will quickly share the Gospel and quickly build up disciples and coworkers, reviving campus ministries. Please pray for each short-term mission team and the churches commissioning them. If the campus where you are located needs a short-term mission team to help care for new students, please contact us as soon as possible.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Mrs. Ko received surgery in the hospital at the end of April. Thanks to be God that the operation was successful. She has been recovering well in the past few weeks. Please pray that the Lord will continue to heal her and guide all future medical treatments.
  2. Please pray for the upcoming Youth Disciple Training Camp and pray the Spirit of God to work in the hearts of these young people.
  3. Please pray for the youth camp speakers, counselors, and coworkers.
  4. May the Lord provide strength and wisdom to CWC coworkers to serve Him.
  5. May the Lord provide more volunteers to work alongside CWC coworkers.
  6. May the Lord bless each CWC camp and equip more graduates to become full time or part time evangelists in their hometowns and win over more souls for the Lord.
  7. May the Lord help you encourage brothers and sisters in your church to attend the August Training Camp and Bible Camp so that you all will experience the joy of seeking and serving the Lord in unity. May you all become a God-pleasing team to revive His Kingdom.
  8. Please pray for CWC’s financial needs (including operating, building and training funds). May the Lord reveal His fullness and power, and remind more brothers and sisters to pray for CWC’s ministry.
  9. Please pray for the dining hall expansion. May the Lord bless the work in the hands of Pastor Shull so that this project can be completed smoothly. Please also pray for the fund’s needs.
  10. Please pray for the arrangement of August and September short term mission teams. May the Lord prepare the hearts of mission team members and brothers and sisters on various campuses so that they will share the Gospel with one accord and together experience the joy of wining souls of new students.

Together serve with you in His glory,

Pastor Billy Ko