2018-05 (五月禱告信)

從本期的美中教會統計分析結果:教會可以沒有以福音養生的牧者,但不能疏忽建立自己的弟兄姊妹,成為「小牧人」,在自己的教會中,發揮這五樣恩賜與功能。我們不能存有「教會不須全職牧者」的心態,但我們也不能存有: 教會「只能完全倚靠全職牧者」的想法,我們必須建立弟兄姊妹成為教會的小牧人,一同在教會裏,與全職的傳道人一起作牧養的工作,讓同工被建立,教會也得興旺。……詳情請看下文:


在主的愛中向您問安! 願主的恩典與大能,成為成全聖徒、和建立教會的能力!



保羅在以弗所書 4:11-13 節告訴我們: 「 祂所賜的,有使徒、有先知、有傳福音的、有牧師和教師, 為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督的身體, 直等到我們眾人在真道上同歸於一,認識神的兒子,得以長大成人,滿有基督長成的身量」。因此教會必須要建立弟兄姊妹,去發揮「使徒、先知、傳福音、牧師和教師」的恩賜。神不僅要建立全職的傳道人作這五方面的事工,更要裝備眾聖徒得著這五種的恩賜,去完成這五方面的事工。這些信徒可能是以福音養生的傳道人,更包括「眾聖徒」。教會可以沒有以福音養生的牧者,但不能疏忽建立自己的弟兄姊妹,成為「小牧人」,在自己的教會中,發揮這五樣恩賜與功能。我們不能存有「教會不須全職牧者」的心態,但我們也不能存有: 教會「只能完全倚靠全職牧者」的想法,我們必須建立弟兄姊妹成為教會的小牧人,一同在教會裏,與全職的傳道人一起作牧養的工作,讓同工被建立,教會也得興旺。

我最近觀察美國中西部大約五十間的華人教會,並作了一些分析,這些教會,基本上就是整個美國中部時區(Central Time Zone)之內的眾教會,其中不僅有大學城的教會,也包括美中各大城市的教會 (但德州、路易斯安那州、及明尼蘇達州與芝加哥、和那些不稱自己為教會的校園不包括在內),基本上它們都在基督工人中心服事的範圍內,我注意到:

  1. 過去10年中,至少有65位牧者曾經在美中牧會 - 雖然也有牧者長期了留下來,但大部分都是來來去去,有負擔與長期留在美中教會牧養的卻不多。
  2. 目前美中只有18間教會有牧者,32間教會沒有牧者 - 所以當您的教會有牧者時,這就是神的恩典,請您好好的與牧者配搭,也多關懷與鼓勵牧者。
  3. 美中曾有8位牧者服事主,但都在3年內就離開 - 這表示牧者在事奉時,遇到困難就想離開,願意委身教會的牧者不多,不少牧者存著雇工的心態去牧會,當一遇見困難,就想離開,當有更大的教會來邀請,也會離開,轉到大教會去服事。
  4. 目前18位在美中事奉的牧者,事奉超過3年者,共有13位。
  5. 在這13位中,只有9位在目前的教會事奉超過5年 - 所以能得到一位牧者,他能衝過困難,不被別的教會吸引離開,願意長久在教會事奉的傳道人,我們要為他們感恩。
  6. 在這9位中,只有5位在目前的教會事奉超過10年 - 他們不是為了辦移民身份而牧會,為了自己的生活需要而事奉,他們是為了主,委身於主托付的教會,他們穩定的事奉,使教會也穩定的成長,帶出正面的長進。
  7. 在這5位中,只3有位在目前的教會事奉超過20年 - 這3位牧者在目前事奉的教會全職牧會前,曾居住在該城市一段時間 - 這是一生為教會擺上人生的傳道人,傳道人在教會長時期事奉,就是教會的福氣。這種傳道人非常稀少,因為他們不是從外地請來的,是從本地長大的弟兄姊妹,以教會為家,為教會擺上自己的一生。
  8. 過去10年與教會不和,而離開教會的牧者有13位 - 傳道人與教會不和,是常發生的事,尋找牧者時,要好好的禱告,千萬別著急,多了解傳道人,大家心中都覺得平安時,才邀請傳道人來牧會。選擇了錯誤的牧者,對教會的損害是非常大的。
  9. 有5間教會,在牧師離職後,就沒有意願再尋找牧者 - 這些曾有過牧者的教會,經歷過各種的困難,也體會到很多時候,有牧者與沒有牧者,其實都差不多,只要弟兄姊妹一同擺上,同心事奉,教會必能得興旺。事實也常常證明,當牧者離開後,弟兄姊姊若同心合意,一同忠心的配搭與事奉,人數必定增加,教會更是興旺。
  10. 有4間教會從來沒有計劃要找牧師 - 這些教會,有些是因為心知教會人數不多,沒有能力請牧者,所以一直也沒有意願聘請牧者。也有一些教會,認為只要弟兄姊妹同心合意傳福音,一同心合意追求主,雖然沒有全時間的牧者,教會也一樣可以運作自如。


  1. 美中各地的教會,華人牧者的流動性是非常大的,甚至有時比學生的流動性都大,不少學生留在校園還有4至6年的時間,但牧者中只有一小部份在教會事奉超過五年,作兩、三年就離開教會的牧者,為數也不少。牧者的流動性之大,往往造成教會的不穩定。很多教會牧者牧會兩三年就離開,能夠在一年之內再找到合適的牧者,算是非常蒙主的恩典,很多教會是: 有四份之三的時間有牧者,四份之一的時間沒有牧者。所以教會弟兄姊妹必須建立一個成熟的團隊,有牧者的時候,可以與牧者有美好的配搭,沒有牧者的時候,不僅能將教會繼續維持得好,也可以成為能關懷別人、牧養別人的教會同工。教會能建立這樣的同工,不論有牧者或沒有牧者,教會一樣能蒙恩與興旺。
  2. 看見牧者流動得快,讓我們看到委身教會的牧者不多,存著雇工心態牧會的牧者,為數也不少,很多牧者被教會「聘 」來,雇工的心態就潛在心內,有機會被更大更好的教會「聘請」,就轉到更大更好的教會去了,作個更有名望的牧師。可嘆的是,神家的事工與世界的事業分別不大。也有不少牧者開始時願意委身牧養教會,可是碰到困難就離開,狼來了,牧者就不見了,委身教會的心志還是不夠,不能與教會的弟兄姊妹們一同接受生命的磨練、在困難中學習。牧者得不著生命的成長、教會也不能成長。
  3. 能夠長留教會,在同一教會中委身十年、二十年的牧者實在不多,這些牧者大多不是被教會「聘請」來的,都是從當地教會成長出來的,他們在教會裡蒙恩、在教會中成長與獻身,他們看到自己教會的需要,投身這教會的事奉,不是為了自己的生活或前途,乃是對教會的愛,委身作這教會的牧者、在困難中,忠心成全神所托負的使命。

五月門徒與同工訓練 (五月二十至二十五日)

五月訓練營是一個關鍵性的訓練! 暑假過後,很多教會與校園都會經歷極大的流動性,我們若不能及時建立新同工,教會與團契同工就會產生斷層,斷層產生,就很難恢復過來。所以把握這一期的門徒與同工訓練營,就成為當務之急。這次的訓練營,就是為了建立下一代的校園團契、校園教會及教會同工。請僅早報告參加,也邀請人參加這次營會。這次訓練的講員蘇文峰牧師、羅天樂牧師將教導:從聖經看事奉、關係導向的查經、基督徒社會生活的修養(作鹽作光的屬靈能源)、基督徒個人與教會的屬靈修養(藉敬拜達成屬靈的成長) 、培靈信息(聖經人物-和平之子) 、及門徒道路等。 請為講員及聚會禱告,求主幫助您能來參加,也帶領其他人來參加。截止日期為:5月18日。

帶職信徒訓練營 (五月二十五日至二十八日)

教會的穩定與興旺,並不完全繫乎有沒有牧者,最重要的是: 有沒有建立弟兄姊妹成為「小牧人」? 因此栽培帶職的弟兄姊妹成為教會的同工,就顯得更加重要,這樣他們就能用聖經的原則帶領教會、又能用神的話語餵養弟兄姊妹。美中教會牧者流動性非常快,所以鼓勵帶職弟兄姊妹參加帶職訓練營是必須的。國殤週末的訓練營是專為建立全職工作的基督徒,使他們不僅自己靈命得到建造,又能在職場、在社會,為主作光作鹽,若他們在一個校園教會,更能在校園帶領並影響學生。這次有三位講員:蘇文峰牧師、羅天樂牧師、及趙武夷 (Joe Zhao) 長老,他們將教導:僕人的心志、專一的事奉、投資與成長、還有研經培靈 (福音使者腓力、真知道祂、哈巴谷書研讀)、及培靈信息(我在這裡、起來) 、及門徒道路等。分組專題研討則有: (1)對校園工作者的:問題導向的小組查經, (2)對全職上班者的:蒙福的職場,及(3)對一般弟兄姊妹的:怎樣領人歸主? 等。中心有家庭宿舍與兒童節目,都是為有家庭的弟兄姊妹設立的,請儘早報名參加,預備自己的心接受裝備,也鼓勵其他弟兄姊妹一同參加。請多為此聚會禱告!報名截止日期也是:5月18日。

六月青少年門徒訓練營 (六月三至九日)

這個營會不是為年青人逍遙娛樂暑期的普通營會,乃是為為了建立青少年作主門徒,一生跟從主、願意一生為主而設立的門徒訓練營。除了上課學習外,更有功課與討論、禱告操練、與宣道操練。聚會將以英語教導。講員包括: Rev. Victor Quan、Rev. Steve Tan、Rev. Barry Edwards 及 Sister Vivian Lin等。請為此聚會禱告,並鼓勵您的孩子快快報名。



八月讀經營 (七月二十九至八月五四日)

讀經營是為了建立同工們對神話語的渴慕、增強讀經的能力、並接受裝備、能按著正意分享神話語的技巧,可以成為一個忠心良善的小牧人,能按時分糧,成為神百般恩賜的好管家。八月讀經營我們將研讀耶穌的生平和祂的教訓。講員為蘇桂村牧師與師母。讀經營的參加者必須是基督徒,且在過去兩年內至少參加過一次門徒訓練。所以您若想參加八月讀經營,卻還沒參加過門徒訓練, 請把握機會儘快報名先參加今年五月門徒訓練或帶職信徒訓練。


餐廳擴建工程正在進行中,Pastor Shull 與他的孫子每天埋頭苦幹的建造,Pastor Shull 過去三十多年一直都投身在中心的建造工作,幫助中心蓋建了七個聚會大樓與宿舍,求主賜福他手所作的工。感謝主帶領Scott Jerome 一家回來事奉。Scott 弟兄二十年前曾在中心作維修工作,感謝主使用他,求主幫助他們一家的適應。


  1. 要收的莊稼多,作工的人少,求主打發祂的工人來中心事奉,一同收祂的莊稼。
  2. 為八月讀經營的籌備工作禱告,也請紀念同工們: 在聚會前要準備題目、備課、並批閱弟兄姊妹的報告 等,求主加添力量與智慧。
  3. 求主加添中心同工事奉的智慧與力量,能影響更多青年學生成為神國的生力軍,成為帶著學業或工作事奉主的宣教士。。
  4. 請多記念中心在財務(經常費、建築費、訓練經費)上的需要,求主感動弟兄姊妹常為中心奉獻。
  5. 為餐廳的擴建工程及經費禱告,求主帶領工程順利,也為同工工作時的安全禱告。
  6. 為五月門徒訓練、帶職信徒訓練營禱告,求主預備人心參加,並賜福講員!能造就更多新一代的同工。
  7. 為六月青少年門徒訓練營禱告,求主使這營會能幫助年青弟兄姐妹成為主的門徒,一生跟從主。也為四位講員禱告。
  8. 求主使您也成為中心的義務同工,鼓勵教會的弟兄姐妹來參加各項營會,建立同工,成為主的器皿。
  9. 為八月、九月短宣隊的安排禱告,求主興起更多的弟兄姊妹一同參與這大使命。




Dear brothers and sisters,

In God’s love I send my greetings to you! May His grace and mighty power become the power to equip the saints and build up the churches.

Building up “Little Shepherds”

Keys to a Stabilized and Prosperous Church

Apostle Paul told us in Ephesians 4:11-13, “So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” As such, brothers and sisters must be built up by their churches in such a way that their gifts of being “apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers” can be utilized. God not only equips full-time ministers to fill these five areas of ministry, He also wants His saints to be equipped to have these five gifts so as to complete these five forms of service. These people not only include full time ministers who proclaim the gospel; these gifted people include all believers. A church does not necessarily need a full time minister. However, it cannot neglect building up brothers and sisters to serve as “little shepherds” who use their God-given gifts in the above mentioned five areas of ministries. A combination of both full-time and part-time service grows the church. We must not neglect to build up brothers and sisters to be “little shepherds” who can minister alongside with full-time ministers. Thus the coworkers can be built up and the church will be revived.

Recently, I observed around 50 Chinese churches in the Midwest where the CWC has ministered. These were not only churches at college towns but also in the major big cities, but excluding campus fellowships who do not yet consider themselves as churches. I notice that:

  1. Within the past ten years, there are at least 65 pastors who have pastored churches in the Midwest. Some pastors stayed with a congregation for most of this period, but most pastors stayed just for a year or two.
  2. Currently in the Midwest only 18 churches have pastors. 32 churches do not have pastors. Therefore, this is God’s grace if your church has a pastor. Please work with your pastor and express more love, care, and encouragement to your pastor.
  3. At one time there were 8 pastors in the Midwest but all of them left within 3 years. This suggests that when the pastors served, once they faced difficulties, they chose to leave. Not many are willing to commit to the churches. Quite a few ministers served with the attitude as hirelings. So, when difficulties arose, they left. Commonly, when a bigger church extends the invitation, they move to serve the bigger church.
  4. Among the 18 pastors who currently serve in the Midwest, 13 of them served over 3 years.
  5. Among these 13 pastors, only 9 of them served at their current churches for over 5 years. Therefore, we should give thanks to these ministers who can overcome difficulties, and not be easily attracted by other churches and leave.
  6. Among these 9 pastors, only 5 of them serve at their current churches for over 10 years. They do not hold full time employment to get a US permanent residence nor for their own living. They serve solely for the Lord. They commit to the churches God has entrusted to them. Because of their steady ministry, these congregations grow steadily, and not just in numbers, but also in varieties and depth of service.
  7. Among these 5 pastors, 3 of them have served at their current churches for over 20 years. Each of these pastors lived in their current cities for a while before they became full-time pastors. They are the pastors who devoted their whole lives to the churches. If a pastor can serve in longer period, it is a blessing to that church. Those pastors are very rare. Because they are not “hired” from other cities but are brothers and sisters who grew up from that local church. They see the churches as their homes and commit their whole lives for that church.
  8. In the past 10 years, 13 pastors left their churches due to disagreement with the churches. It did happen too frequently that there are disagreements between the pastors and the churches. So, spend more time on prayer when searching for the pastors. Do not make a rush decision. Also spend time to know this pastor. Only when the church and the pastor feel peace in their hearts, then extend the invitation. If you choose a wrong pastor, it will cause great harm to the churches.
  9. There were 5 churches who did not search for a pastor after their pastors left. After experiencing many difficulties, they concluded that there was little difference whether they have a pastor or not. As long as all brothers and sisters commit and serve in unity, their churches continued to grow. And frequently that is exactly what happened. When the pastors left, as long as brothers are in unity and serve and work together faithfully, the numbers will be added unto the church, and the church will get revival.
  10. There are 4 churches that never even planned to seek a full-time pastor. Some of them cannot have one because their churches are small. Some churches concluded that as the brothers and sisters can serve in one heart to share the Gospel, and pursue after the Lord in unity, even if they do not have a pastor, the church still can function well.

Given these statistics, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. In the Midwest, the pastors’ turnover rate is surprisingly high. Sometimes this rate is even higher than the students! Many students stay at the school for 4 to 6 years. Few pastors serve the churches for more than 5 years, and 2- to 3-year stints are common. High turnover rate among pastors creates instabilities within churches. If that church can find a suitable pastor to move and establish him within one year, it is really a blessing from the Lord. For many churches, about three quarters of the time they have a pastor and a quarter of the time they are searching for a pastor. Therefore, brothers and sisters should build up a mature team. When the church has pastor, they can cowork well with the pastors. When the church does not have a pastor, not only can they continuously maintain the church numbers, they are good church coworkers who can care for others and minister to others. If the church can build up this kind of coworker, no matter whether they have pastor or not, the church is still blessed and be revived.
  2. Having observing this kind of high turnover rates of pastors made us aware that only few pastors are fully committed to the church. Many pastors who serve with the hirelings attitude hid in their hearts. Once they got the chance to be hired by a bigger church, they transfer to those bigger churches and enjoy prestige. It is sad to see how little is the distinction nowadays between the ministry in God’s house and the career of the world. Many pastors may commit to the work at the beginning, but when difficulties come-and they do come-they leave. When wolves come, these shepherds disappear. Their church commitment is still not strong enough, so they cannot accept the hardship of the life with the church brothers and sisters and learn from the hardships. If the pastor cannot grow spiritually, the church cannot grow either.
  3. A few pastors nowadays choose to stay in the same church and devote one to two decades of their life shepherding. Those pastors were not lured by job advertisements to their church, they grew up in this church. They were saved in this church, grew and offered themselves in this church. As they see the need of the church, they commit to serve in this church. They serve not for their own living or better future, but to express their love to the church and later commit to become the pastors of this church. Even when difficulties come-and they do come-these home-grown pastors still faithfully accomplish the mission God entrusted to them.
  4. Generally, a stable pastor comes from his own church. As such, a church needs to build up brothers and sisters as little shepherds. They can start out to serve the church while working or studying. Not only can they serve in the church, more importantly they can lay a good foundation of the Bible. They can live and serve in accordance with biblical principles. Not only can they have beautiful witnesses from their lives, but they can lead the church according to the truth. Once this group of lay-ministers is built up, chances are high that God would call one or two of them to serve as full-time pastors.
  5. Some churches do not plan to search for pastors but emphasize discipleship of their brothers and sisters. Coworkers are encouraged to attend in-depth bible studies, discipleship training camps, Bible camps, or theological courses for lay ministers. Such churches are blessed as the brothers and sisters are built up.

May Disciple and Coworker Training (May 20th to May 25th)

The May Discipleship Training Camp is crucial! After summer many churches and campuses experience extremely high turnover. If we cannot recruit and train up new coworkers in time, it would be hard for churches and fellowships to recover from the gap caused by the departure of old coworkers. Therefore, take the opportunity to attend this Disciple and Coworker Training Camp, designed to build up the next generation of coworkers for campus fellowships and churches. Make this an urgent priority. Please apply early and invite others to attend as well. The topics that will be taught by speakers Pastor Edwin Su and Pastor Joshua Law include: the Biblical Understanding of Ministry, Relationship Oriented Bible Studies, Christian Living in Society (the Power Source of being the Salt and the Light), Christian Personal and Church Spiritual Formation (Growing Spiritually through Worship), revival messages (the Bible Character-The Man of Peace), The Way of Discipleship, etc. Please pray for the speakers and the meetings. May the Lord help you come and bring others along. The deadline for registration is May 18th.

Lay-Minister Training Camp (May 25th to 28th)

As discussed above, the stability and revival of a church does not fully rely on the presence of a pastor. What is essential is whether the church has built up brothers and sisters to become “little shepherds”. Therefore, it is crucial to train lay people to be coworkers, enabling them to lead the church with biblical principles and feed brothers and sisters with God’s Word. Because the pastor turnover in the Midwest is high, it is necessary to encourage brothers and sisters to attend the Lay Minister Training Camp. This Memorial Day Weekend Training Camp is designed especially for Christians working full time, helping them grow spiritually and bear witnesses for the Lord at work and in society as salt and light. They can even be more influential in a campus church to lead and pastor students. There are three speakers, Pastor Edwin Su, Pastor Joshua Law, and Elder Joe Zhao. They will teach: the Mind of a Servant, Single-minded Ministry, Investment and Growth, Bible expositions (The Gospel Messenger Philip, Knowing Him Truly, and The Book of Habakkuk), revival messages (Here I am, Getting Up), the Way of Discipleship, etc. Three Workshops are offered. Valuable for college staff and faculty is the workshop on Question-Oriented Bible Studies. For those working full time, consider the workshop on Blessed Career. For any Christian, there will be a workshop on How to lead others to Christ. CWC provides family dormitories and children program for brothers and sisters with children. Please register early and prepare your hearts to be equipped. Please also encourage other brothers and sisters to attend. Please regularly pray for this camp! The deadline for registration is also May 18th.

June Youth Disciple Training Camp (June 3rd to 9th)

We’ve said it before. This camp is not a camp to entertain youth during the summer, but to equip them to be disciples of Christ and to follow and serve the Lord all of their lives. Besides studying in a classroom setting, youth will have assignments and participate in group discussions as well as the training on praying and mission. The camp will be taught in English. Speakers include Rev. Victor Quan, Rev. Steve Tan, Rev. Barry Edwards, and Sister Vivian Lin. Please pray for this camp and encourage your children to register.

Independence Day East Coast Disciple and Coworker Training Camp (July 3rd to 7th)

This camp will take place near Raleigh, NC, from the evening of July 3rd to 3:00 pm, July 7th. The speaker is Pastor Xiao Yuan. Family dormitories and children program will be provided. We welcome both families and students to attend. Due to limited space, please register early. Please contact Sister Jessie Zhang (jessiez8@hotmail.com) for more information.

August Bible Camp (July 29th to August 4th)

The purpose of the Bible Camp is to establish the coworkers’ thirst for the Word of God, enhance their ability to study the Bible, and equip them to share the Word of truth accurately. Then they will be good and faithful shepherds who feed brothers and sisters at the proper time. They will be good stewards of the manifold grace of God. We will study the Life of Christ and His teachings in the August Bible Camp. The speakers are Pastor and Mrs. David Su. The Bible Camp attendees must be Christians who attended the CWC Discipleship Training Camp at least once in the past two years. If you want to attend the August Bible Camp but have not attended the Disciple Training Camp, please grab the opportunities to register and attend the May Disciple Training Camp or the May Lay-Minister Training Camp.

Renovation and Expansion

The dining hall expansion is underway! Pastor Shull and his grandson are working hard every day. Pastor Shull has devoted himself to CWC construction projects for over 30 years and so far helped us build seven buildings for meeting and dormitories. May the Lord bless him and the works of his hands. We thank the Lord for bringing back the family of Scott Jerome to serve CWC. Brother Scott was our maintenance worker twenty years ago. Praise the Lord for using him. May the Lord help their transition and adjustment.

Prayer Requests:

  1. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Please pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out His workers to serve at CWC and reap His harvest!
  2. Please pray for the preparation for the August Bible Camp. Please also remember CWC coworkers in your prayers. Before the camp they will need to arrange topics for assignments, prepare for teaching, and read and correct the reports submitted by brothers and sisters. May the Lord give us strength and wisdom!
  3. May the Lord give CWC coworkers wisdom and strength to serve and influence more young students to become new force in the Kingdom of God. May these young people also become missionaries on campus and at work.
  4. Please remember CWC’s financial needs (operating, building, and training). May the Lord encourage brothers and sisters to often make offerings to CWC.
  5. Pease pray for the dining hall expansion and expenses. May the Lord lead the project to a smooth completion. Please also pray for the safety of our construction coworkers.
  6. Please pray for the May Disciple Training Camp and the Lay-Minister Training Camp. May the Lord prepare people to attend and bless the speakers! May the camps build up more new generations of coworkers!
  7. Please pray for the June Youth Disciple Training Camp. May the Lord use this camp to help more young brothers and sisters become disciples of Christ. Please also pray for the four speakers.
  8. Please pray that the Lord will make you a voluntary coworker for CWC by encouraging brothers and sisters in your church to attend CWC camps, build up coworkers to be useful vessels of God.
  9. Please pray for the arrangement of August and September short-term mission teams. May the Lord raise up more brothers and sisters to join the Great Commission!

Serving together with you in His glory,

Pastor Billy Ko