2018-03 (三月禱告信)




保羅說過:「務要傳道,無論得時不得時,總要專心;並用百般的忍耐,各樣的教訓,責備人、警戒人、勸勉人。」(提後 4:2)每次想到傳福音,我們都會計算,到底現在是傳福音的「得時」或是「不得時」 ? 每次計算的結果,大部份的人會說: 今天不是傳福音的日子,傳福音是「不得時」。福音朋友太忙了、他們太理智,我們說不過他們,他們心太剛硬,我們勸動不了他們…等等。有些時候是環境「不得時」,下雨天、下雪天、炎熱天…都攔阻我們去傳福音,有時是我們自己不得時,今天太忙、太累、小孩生病…等等,這麼多的「不得時」,使我們真的覺得每天都不是傳福音的好日子,我們的福音事工,就這樣一天拖過一天,一月拖過一月,一年拖過一年,很多人的靈魂就因此永遠沉淪。



所以說起來,現在在校園傳福音,實在比過去容易,現在正是校園傳福音的大好時機,我們若覺得難,難的不是福音朋友,難的是我們基督徒,問題是在於我們弟兄姊妹們的心中!但我們卻只願意跟福音朋友作朋友,卻不敢向他們傳福音,我們往往是: 只要看到有幾位福音朋友對福音反感,我們就停止、或甚至攔阻其他同工傳福音,但歷史卻証明,從主耶穌開始,只要傳福音,就一直有反對福音的人。這是因為我們缺乏傳福音的熱忱,沒有盼望人早日信主的迫切感,我們更沒有經歷「福音本是神的大能,要救一必相信的」 應許。只要我們不以福音為恥,同心合意,靠著禱告和聖靈的大能,勇於傳福音,樂意邀請人參加佈道會或福音營,必看到福音的大能與果效,教會及神的國必得到大興旺。

三月福音營 ( 3月16 至 19日):


五月門徒與同工訓練營 ( 5月20至25日):

門徒與同工訓練乃是基督徒一生需有的裝備與學習,因此訓練營每次的講員、內容、目標都不相同,讓弟兄姊妹們可以不斷的受裝備,能更扎實、與更廣泛的被主建立與被主使用。五月的訓練營不僅能讓那些即將畢業的弟兄姊妹,在進入社會前有更多的裝備,也是為了眾教會及校園建立更多新的同工,使校園教會不會因同工畢業產生斷層;教會也不會因同工搬遷連接不上。暑假期間,不少人要回自己的國家探親,在回國之前,若能先有所裝備,不僅不會被不信的親朋好友所影響搖動,反而能有效的向家人朋友為主作見證與傳福音! 為了神的國度,讓我們多多為五月訓練營禱告,並鼓勵弟兄姊妹參加這次五月營會, 這次訓練營的講員為 : 蘇文峰牧師,羅天樂牧師與中心同工等;截止報名日期是: 5月18日(嚴格執行),詳細資訊請上中心網站查看。

國殤週末帶職信徒訓練 (5月26至29日):

美中傳道人的流動性,有時常比弟兄姊妹的流動性還要大,過去三、四年間,美中許多的教會牧者,都遷離美中,牧者的空缺若能在一年內補回,是主極大的恩典,有些教會多年找不到牧者,有些教會經歷幾次的牧者變動後,也放棄再尋找牧者。教會同工與弟兄姊妹若不起來承擔教會的牧養、關懷與話語的供應,教會很難走下去。國殤週末的訓練營,專為建立全職工作的基督徒,成為帶職的小牧人,雖然不能牧養五十人,但也可以牧養五位初信的弟兄姊姊,教會若多有幾位這樣的小牧人,不論教會有沒有全職牧者,教會仍能維持興旺。帶職信徒訓練營每年只有一次,請把握機會參加。我們準備有家庭宿舍及兒童節目, 弟兄姊妹必須全程參加,建議弟兄姊妹可考慮星期五請半天假,這樣就能準時在下午五點半前來聚會,因為聚會時間只有一個長周末,所以星期五晚上就有第一堂的培靈聚會了。這次講員有:蘇文峰牧師、羅天樂牧師及中心同工等;報名截止日期也是:5月18日,請盡早報名参加,詳細資訊請上中心網站查看。全職學生 (TA, RA 或博士班學生不能算為全職上班者) 必須先參加五月門徒訓練 (5/20-25) 後,才能留下來參加此一聚會。

青少年門徒訓練營 (6月3至9日):

雖然末世是罪惡氾濫的日子,不少年青人就隨波逐流,信主的青少年也受影響。但正確的教導,也能影響青少年一生跟從主。門徒訓練營,是個針對青年人舉辦的門徒訓練營會。這個青少年營會,不是一個年輕人的遊樂場,乃是青少年的門徒訓練與日後宣教士培訓基地,得以一生走主的道路、一生為主而活。講員有Pastor Victor Quon, Pastor Steve Tan, Pastor Barry Edwards and Sister Vivian Lin。現仍在籌備階段,請常注意中心網站資訊、並代禱。

八月讀經營 ( 7月29至8月4 日):

今年中國政府收緊對教會的管制,以前政府主要管治超過二十人以上的聚會,很多家庭教會就維持在二十人以下。今年開始,可能超過五人以上的聚會就會管制,所以看來教會會更分散,需要維持在五人左右。五個人就需要有一個人能起來作牧養小羊的工作。許多弟兄姊妹以後都要回中國,我們求主藉著讀經營訓練更多弟兄姊妹能作小牧人,即使不能作五十夫長,也可以成為五夫長,牧養五隻主所托負的小羊,作個按時分糧的人。讀經營不僅為了建立弟兄姊妹讀經的能力,更栽培弟兄姊妹能用神的話語去牧養神的羊。這次讀經營將研讀四福音,雖然我們平時覺得已經對四福音很熟悉,但其實您可能只是認識了四福音的皮毛。四福音是舊約預言的應驗,是新約其他各卷的根基。你必須抽時間來參加。最盼望您能早日報名,早日開始作功課,預備心參加。這些書卷,蘊藏了很多寶貴的真理與屬靈的教訓,包括各樣的神蹟奇事。早日報名就可以開始組讀經小組,認真地研讀。我們的講員是蘇桂村牧師及蘇傅麗秀師母。報名表已寄出,所有讀經的資訊也已貼在中心網站上,請儘早報名並作準備 (請按此處)。


  1. 請為三月福音營的準備工作禱告,求主預備人心來參加。
  2. 請為迦南樓餐廳的擴建禱告,盼望能在五月營會前完成。
  3. 請為福音營的邀請工作禱告,求主的靈感動福音朋友參加。
  4. 請為福音營講員及短宣隊員禱告,求主的靈工作。
  5. 請為五月訓練營禱告,求主預備更多人接受裝備,作主的門徒。
  6. 為青少年門徒訓練營禱告,求主預備講員,也準備青少年的心來參加。
  7. 為中心的新同工禱告。
  8. 為中心同工身體與事奉禱告。
  9. 為高師母的身體禱告,求主醫治。
  10. 為三月初東岸門徒與同工訓練營禱告,求主工作。


已全數寄出,若您至今仍未收到,表示因地址錯誤, 已退回中心,請與中心聯絡。謝謝您對中心財務上的奉獻。在新的一年,請繼續記念中心的需要,求主繼續加添中心事工的果效,幫助更多人信主,建立更多門徒、興起更多同工。




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace be with you in the Lord! May the Lord who created the spring and its warmth envelope us with His love, drawing us to run to follow Him!

Is Now “in season” to share the Gospel?

Paul admonished us : “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction” (2 Timothy 4:2). Often when we think of sharing the Gospel, we ponder whether today is “in season” or “out of season”? After calculation, many believers conclude that this day or even this year is “out of season” for sharing the Gospel. They explain: nonbelievers are too busy, they are too rational, and their hearts are too hardened. So we don’t stand a chance to convince them. Or the weather is rainy, snowy, or hot, and thus we should not share the Gospel. Today, we are too busy, too tired, or our children are sick. With such an overflowing supply of excuses, one might feel like there is never a day “in season” for sharing the Gospel. The Gospel ministry will drag on day after day, month after month, year after year, resulting in many people lost forever.

Even if we calculate that many circumstances are not positive in sharing the Gospel, we have to “be ready” in season and out of season. We must try every method and every strength to accomplish the God-given mission regardless of difficulties. Oftentimes we thought that it is almost impossible to convert some nonbelievers. Yet, what we think is “out of season” usually proved to be “in season”. Thus, many believers think that sharing the Gospel to young students today is very difficult. These students are young, impolite, obsessed with cell phones, reserved, not willing to open up, materialistic, are comfortable in their wealth, are not interested in spiritual pursuits, and so on. It seems like we can not find any common topic with them. If we cannot communicate with them, how can we share the Gospel to them?

With man it is impossible but with God all things are possible. While some believe nowadays is “out of season”, but to those who are willing to share the Gospel, today is “in season” and a heavenly opportunity. Consider: ten years ago, most Chinese students came to the States for masters or doctoral degrees. They were outstanding and learned-and thus, proud. Most of them studied science or engineering subjects. They were analytical, rational, and required a long period of research before believing. Moreover, many of these Chinese students were members of the Communist Party. With their belief systems entwined with thoughts like Marxism, atheism, and evolution, it was hard for them to get out and believe in the Gospel which emphasizes “Justification by Faith”. By contrast, young students today are rarely members of the Communist Party. Certainly they have heard of Marxism, atheism, and evolution, but they do not understand the bases and ends of those theories. In their materialistic worldview, they draw a blank about dogma. They have no allegiance to any party, theory, or ideology. Only a small percentage of these young students study in science or engineering fields. Most major in business or liberal arts. They walk by feeling and not by rationality. Thus, we have appeal to their feeling while sharing the Gospel. We need not spend a long time as with their predecessors, proving to them the existence of God. Instead we explain to them they cannot feel the existence of God because of sin. All have sinned, and sins separated us from God. We need to spend more time explaining to them what sin is. Normally after five to ten minutes of explanation, they would agree that they are sinners. With an additional five to ten minutes of explanation about Jesus’ salvation, approximately one-third of them would agree to pray and accept the Lord Jesus. The first month after school begins, many new students would come to Christ as long as we dare to share the Gospel. Many students who come to the States tend to believe in the Lord on their first encounter with the Gospel! That is because currently almost every campus in China has Christian fellowships. Many have heard of the Gospel in China, yet the environment in China thwarted them in accepting Christ. As they come to the States, they quickly accept Christ when opportunities come.

Thus, sharing the Gospel nowadays is easier than ever. Now is prime time for sharing the Gospel on campuses. If we feel sharing the Gospel is hard, the hang up often is not with the nonbelievers, but with ourselves! Certainly the unbeliever’s heart presents challenges, but a big hindrance to people hearing the gospel is in the hearts of the believers. The problems are varied. We are willing to make friends with the nonbelievers, yet are intimidated to share the Gospel to them. We stop ourselves or sometimes we even stop other coworkers from sharing the Gospel when the nonbelievers show some opposition. And yet history proves that, starting from the time of Jesus, wherever the Gospel is shared, opposition follows. Our problems are lack of zeal for sharing the Gospel, lack of urgency in winning souls, and lack of faith in the promise: “Gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” If we are not ashamed of the Gospel, we come in unity, we rely on prayers, we trust the power of the Holy Spirit, we dare to share and invite others to evangelistic meetings or Gospel camps-then we certainly will see the power and effects of the Gospel. The church and the Kingdom of God will surely prosper.

March Gospel Camp (March 16-19)

In just two weeks the Gospel Camp will start. This is a very important opportunity to share the Gospel. Unbelieving students will have a chance to accept Christ in the camp before they graduate in May. Christian students can finish the final sprint, accomplishing the Great Commission that God gave them for this semester to train up new coworkers to serve next semester. CWC coworkers are enthusiastically preparing for this camp and the camp site is almost ready now. May the Lord prepare people to attend! Brothers and sisters, please register as early as possible. Be a role model to nonbelievers. The theme of the Gospel camp is “Searching for Him Arduously While not Knowing that He is Near”. May the Lord strengthen the determination of brothers and sisters as well as nonbelievers to seek and pursue the Lord! The speakers are Pastor Xiao Yuan, Elder Rupert Hsu, and others. Short-term mission teams from the Chinese Church in Christ-South Valley of California and from the Boulder Chinese Baptist Church of Colorado will come to help too. The Gospel camp emphasizes both evangelism and edification. May the Lord help brothers and sisters be united to share the Gospel and also grow up deeply together in the Lord. Let us pray for this camp in fully measure. The camp is going by freewill offering. The application forms have been mailed to local fellowships and churches. You may also download the form from CWC website and e-mail the completed form to us. For more details, please log on CWC website.

May Disciple and Coworker Training Camp (May 20-25)

Disciple and coworker training is a lifelong process of learning. To attain this need, each CWC training camp offers different speakers, contents, and objectives, so that brothers and sisters can continuously be equipped and be used by the Lord to a greater degree. The May Disciple Training Camp will not only enable those who graduate in May to receive more training before entering their career. It also builds up more new coworkers for local churches and campus ministries. In this way there will be no gap caused by campus coworkers’ graduation or relocation. During the summer, many people will visit families back at their home countries. If they are well-prepared spiritually before going back to their countries, their faith will not be easily swayed by their unbelieving relatives and friends. Instead, they will effectively bear witnesses for Christ to their families and friends! For the sake of the Kingdom of God, let us pray for the May Disciple Training Camp more frequently and encourage brothers and sisters to attend this training. The speakers are Pastor Edwin Su, Pastor Lo, and CWC coworkers. The deadline of application of May 18 will be strictly observed. For details, please go to CWC website.

Memorial Day Weekend Lay-Minister Disciple Training Camp (May 26-29)

Sometimes the turnover rate of full-time ministers in the Midwest is higher than that of brothers and sisters. In the past three to four years, many pastors moved away from the Midwest. If a church can find a new pastor within one year, it is a tremendous grace from the Lord. Many churches failed to find a pastor for many years, and some other churches had totally given up to look for a pastor. Thus, coworkers and brothers and sisters must stand up and take responsibilities of pastoring, caring, and teaching. If they don’t , the church may experience trouble in continued walking. The Disciple Training Camp on the Memorial Day weekend is especially designed for Christians who work full time. It helps them become bi-vocational shepherds. Even though they may feel unable to pastor fifty adults, they might well be able to care for five new believers. If the church has several such “little shepherds”, it will continue to thrive no matter if they have a full time pastor or not. There is only one Lay Minister Training Camp each year. Please take the opportunity to attend. We will provide family motel rooms and children’s programs. Since participants must attend full time, we suggest that brothers and sisters take a half day off on Friday in order to arrive at the camp before 5:30pm. Because this relatively short camp lasts for a long weekend, we will have the first revival message on Friday night. The speakers are Pastor Edwin Su, Pastor Lo, and CWC coworkers. The deadline of registration is May 18th. Please register early. For more details, please go to CWC website. Full-time students, including TA, RA, or doctoral students for this camp are not considered full-time workers and need to first attend the May Disciple Training in the previous week (May 20-25) before they are allowed to attend this camp.

Youth Disciple Training Camp (June 3 to 9)

Sins and transgressions are rampant and uncurbed during the end time. Many young people are carried away by this worldly tide. Youth in the churches are not immune. However, correct teachings still motivate young people to faithfully follow the Lord all of their lives. The Youth Camp is not a playground for the young people. It is a training ground specially designed for them to be disciples and missionaries, walking on the way of the Lord and living for Christ all the days of their lives. The speakers are Pastor Victor Quon, Pastor Steve Tan, Pastor Barry Edwards, and Sister Vivian Lin. The camp is still in the preparatory stage. Please pay close attention to CWC website for updates and please pray for us frequently.

August Bible Camp (July 29 to August 4)

This year the China government began to tighten the control of Christian churches in Mainland China. In the past the government usually supervised gatherings with twenty or more people. Many house churches thus took care that they gathered fewer than twenty people. Starting this year, it is possible that the government would closely watch over gatherings with five people or more. Therefore, it seems that the churches will have to break up into even smaller fellowships. Consequently now every five people need someone to pastor and care for them. Since many brothers and sisters in the States will go back to China eventually, we ask the Lord to train up more brothers and sisters to be little shepherds in the Bible Camp. They may not be able to be leaders of fifties. But they can become leaders of five, pastoring five sheep that the Lord entrusts to them and giving food at the proper time. The Bible Camp does not only enhance brothers and sisters’ ability to study the Bible, but also equip them to shepherd the Lord’s sheep with God’s Word. We will study four Gospels this time. Many of you might think that you are already very familiar with the Gospels. To the contrary, you might actually know very little. The four Gospels are the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies and the foundation of all other New Testament books. You should make time for it! We especially hope that you will register early and begin working on the assignments early. These four books contain many precious truths and spiritual principles, and miraculous signs of God’s work in Christ. If you register early, you can organize a local Bible study group to seriously dig into the truth. The speakers are Pastor and Mrs. David Su. The application forms have been mailed to local fellowships and churches. Information about the camp and its assignments have been posted on CWC websites. Please register as early as possible and get ready. (Please click here).

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the preparation for the March Gospel Camp. May the Lord bring people to attend.
  2. Please pray for the Canaan Hall dining room expansion, that it will be finished before the May camps.
  3. Please pray for the invitation for the Gospel Camp. May the Lord enthuse nonbelievers to attend.
  4. Please pray for the Gospel Camp speakers and short-term mission team members. May the Spirit of God work in their hearts.
  5. Please pray for May Disciple Training Camp. May the Lord bring up more people to be equipped and be faithful disciples.
  6. Please pray for the Youth Disciple Training Camp. May the Lord prepare speakers and also prepare the hearts of the youths.
  7. Please pray for CWC new coworkers.
  8. Please pray for the health and ministry of CWC coworkers.
  9. Please pray for the health of Mrs. Ko. May the Lord heal and strengthen her.
  10. Please pray for the East Coast Disciple and Coworker Training Camp held in early March.

2017 Offering Receipts:

The giving statements for your offerings in 2017 have been postal mailed out. If you have not yet received yours, probably the address was incorrect, and the mail was returned to CWC. Please contact CWC with your correct address. Thank you for your financial support to CWC. In the new year, please continue to remember the needs of CWC. May the Lord continue to provide effectiveness to CWC ministry, bringing more people to Christ, building up more disciples, and raising up more coworkers!


In the Lord
Pastor Billy Ko