2018-02 (二月禱告信)





要有一個好的同工會,能帶領與影響弟兄姊妹跟從主,必須要有一個好的開始,就是這個團隊同工的選擇是非常重要的,同工的選擇不要只看該個人的才幹,更要看他屬靈的成熟和委身,他首先必須是有心追求主的人,有豐富屬靈生命的根基,他更是弟兄姊妹在屬靈追求、生活與事奉上好的榜樣。因此,大學城教會用長老執事團的方式會比較好,同工會越簡單越好,教會同工會需要由較成熟的同工負責,否則因為學生的流動性很大,結構越復雜、越需要更多的同工位置,常會出現無法及時填補同工空缺的情況;若勉強填滿,將不適合的人擺在不適合的位子上,常會產生不良的後果,負面的影響也更大。聖經中的教會制度就是長老與執事治會,為了不必一有空缺就要馬上填補,在編寫教會章程時可加上類似這樣的條款:”長老的職位有空缺時,由執事代行;執事有空缺時,可由同工代行。”也不要註明長執的人數至少需有多少位。 教會的長執與同工的建立是非常重要的,早早栽培同工尤其重要,選立適合的人加入教會核心同工更是成敗的關鍵,因此不要只在參加主日崇拜的人群中去尋找同工,要在參加禱告會、主日學的人群中去尋找同工,找出來的人才比較有屬靈的基礎、也會是眾人追求主的榜樣。







為了幫助東岸的弟兄姊妹作主的門徒與同工,復興校園與教會的事工,並建立有宣教心志的年青人去完成主的大使命,所以三月將有東岸門徒與同工訓練營。但為配合東岸校園放春假時間的不同,這次營會將分兩梯次舉行:第一梯次為:2018年3月8日晚入住至11日3:30PM止; 第二梯次為:2018年3月9日晚入住至12日 3:30PM止,參加者必須全時間參加其中之一的梯次。這次營會地點是在Raleigh, NC附近的基督僕人更新中心,講員有:江一峰牧師、高榮德牧師及其他牧者。費用為自由奉獻。聯絡人為:張潔華 (832-599-1199,TrainingInEC@gmail.com),Sarah Chen -803-317-9396。


門徒訓練不是只參加一次就已足夠,必須不斷的學習。中心每學期結束後都有門徒訓練營,就是為了加快速度建立門徒與同工,學生流動得快,我們就更須加快速度作栽培的工作。每年五月份不少弟兄姊妹畢業後就回國就業,也有不少弟兄姊妹回去度暑假,但卻帶著一個心願: 就是要趁著回國探親時,向家人傳福音,所以五月的訓練營正可以幫助弟兄姊妹在回國之前,把握機會裝備自己,好帶著神的大能大力,與所受的裝備為主作見證。這次訓練的日期是:5月20至25日,在中心舉行,講員為:蘇文峰牧師與羅天樂牧師等。





  1. 青少年門徒訓練營:時間為6月3 至9日,講員為:Pastor Victor Quon 及 Steve Tan 等。
  2. 八月讀經營 -將讀基督生平:時間為7月29日至8月4日,講員為:蘇桂村牧師與蘇傅麗秀師母。
  3. 八月門徒與同工訓練營:時間為8月5至11日,講員為:黃成培牧師與李玉惠姊妹等。


  1. 為三月福音營的準備工作禱告,求主預備人心參加。
  2. 為福音營的邀請工作禱告,求主的靈感動福音朋友參加。
  3. 為福音營的講員及短宣隊員禱告,求主賜下話語與準備隊員。
  4. 為三月初的東岸門徒訓練營禱告,求主建立更多弟兄姊妹成為校園同工,有宣教的心志,作神國的精兵。
  5. 為江姊妹忙碌的年度稅務工作禱告,在神的恩手扶助下,盼望在二月中旬左右能寄出所有 2017 年的奉獻收據,謝謝了解與耐心的等待。
  6. 為高師母的身體禱告,求主讓她在軟弱中能多經歷神的大能。
  7. 求主為中心興起更多同工,一同在校園傳福音,帶領更多年青人作主的門從。
  8. 為五月門徒訓練及帶職訓練營的準備工作禱告,求主賜福中心同工的籌備,也帶領裝備更多畢業同學,回到自己的家園,能影響別人跟從主。
  9. 為已有超過一百多位弟兄姊妹報名八月讀經營感謝,求主祝福各地的讀經小組,及每個人的功課準備禱告。
  10. 為餐廳的擴建禱告,求主讓工程進度順利蒙恩,盼望福音營時可以使用。




Dear brothers and sisters,

Peace be with you in the Lord!

Chinese New Year is just around the corner! We are also getting closer to the day of the Lord’s return! Many spiritual battles are anticipated before the final day. May the Lord enable His churches to build up coworkers in unity, who rely on His wisdom and mighty powers for the Kingdom work and win many more souls. May the Lord’s House be revived and prosperous!

Build up a United and Influential Church Coworkers’ Team

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people serve together in unity! A united and harmonious coworkers’ team will certainly lay a firm foundation for the church’s revival. This coworkers’ team, no matter what you call it-Board of Elders, Board of Deacons, or Coworkers’ Committee, etc.-is the core leadership team of the church. Should this team be formed properly, then it will function properly, the church thrives, and God’s will can be done. Should this team be malformed or malfunction, the whole church may become worldly and suffer dire consequences. The establishment of coworkers’, deacons’, and elders’ team is very important.

To build a good team-a team that can lead and influence brothers and sisters’ walk with the Lord-requires a good beginning. Careful selection of coworkers is essential. Not only should we focus on an individual’s gifts and capabilities, also we should evaluate his or her spiritual maturity and commitment. First and foremost, he or she must eagerly desire to pursue God and should have a firm spiritual foundation. He or she already should be a good role model for other brothers and sisters in areas like spiritual pursuit, everyday life testimony, and ministry. Because of these reasons, it is appropriate for campus churches to adopt an elder-deacon leadership module. Leadership structure should be as simple as possible with ministries headed by mature coworkers. Big turnover rates in the campus congregation often cannot support a complex structure in which many vacant positions are frequently unfilled or-often worse-inappropriately staffed. The church governing system described in the Bible is the deacons and elders leadership team. To avoid rushing to fill vacant positions, a provision similar to the following can be included in the church bylaws: “Should there is a vacancy for an elder, a deacon can fill in temporarily. If there is a vacancy for a deacon, a coworker can fill in temporarily.” We do not need to specify minimum numbers of elders and deacons. Building up elders, deacons, and coworkers is very important to a church. Do so as early as possible. With much care and prayer select people into the church’s core leadership team. This determines the success or failure of a church. We should not casually source coworkers from the congregation simply because they show up for Sunday worship service. We should look for those who attend Sunday worship and Sunday school classes and Bible studies. These have at least needed earnestness, may be more spiritually rooted, and will be good role models. In the Bible, some people wanted to follow Jesus when convenient, but the church was built with those who dropped their fishing, tax-collecting, and revolutionary agendas, and just followed Jesus.

Once coworkers are elected, the church should never simply assign tasks for them to do but first attend to their spiritual formation. Besides reminding them to serve the Lord faithfully, special attention should be made to their pursuing the Lord. How much do they thirst for God’s Word? How is their daily devotion? Do not merely go through the business agenda during coworkers meeting but take time to seek the Lord during the meeting. Coworkers, deacons, and elders meeting best begin with about thirty minutes of Bible study. Have everyone study a passage from the Scriptures, followed by discussion and sharing. Sometimes you may consider studying a modern book together, a ministry-related book that helps everyone learn how to better serve the church. Coworkers must finish reading one chapter of the book before coworkers meeting commences. During the meeting coworkers can share or discuss how to apply what they read to both their personal spiritual growth and to church ministry. This kind of coworkers’ meeting is not agenda-driven but has devotions and learning built in. Conclude sharing time with prayers to enhance coworkers’ spiritual formation. After that, the meeting then can proceed with discussion of church ministries. As we set the tone right, coworkers are often more united and the agenda can proceed more easily. Decisions are not winning votes but are dependent upon the Holy Spirit. Prayers and the leading of the Holy Spirit gives unity. When coworkers share the same vision, they then make coherent decisions. So though it seems like 30 minutes more are needed for devotion or book discussion, yet much time will be saved as a Spirit-led coworkers’ meeting avoids unnecessary disputes. We should use God’s way to take care of God’s churches.

Coworkers, elders, and deacons meetings are not only required to undertake ministries of the current year but also to prepare and train coworkers for the upcoming year. Current coworkers must be able to bring up qualified successors, in order to ensure smooth transitions and continuity of church ministry. Otherwise, if an inappropriate candidate is brought into the coworkers’ team, the spiritual pursuit of the entire church could be undermined. Unity among the coworkers would also suffer. Building up next-generation coworkers is one of the most important tasks of the individual coworker, and is the most essential and challenging task facing campus ministries.

Here are some reminders for coworkers, deacons, and elders’ team: 1) Value the coworker as a person above the ministry itself. 2) Don’t fill a position rather than settle for someone incompatible. Put ministries on hold rather than assign an inappropriate coworker. 3) Coworkers’ meetings are not merely agenda-driven. The emphasis should be made in building coworkers’ spiritual formation. Devotions, learning, and prayers must be built into the meetings. 4) Co-workers, elders, and deacons are not only servants who pursue tasks, they are role models in the church, influencing others by example. 5) Maintain unity within the coworkers’ team. Speak to each other with humility and gentleness. 6) The coworkers’ team must emphasize building up the next generation of coworkers.

March Gospel Camp:

Many people complain that nowadays it is more difficult to share the Gospel with younger- generation students than ever before. However, over the span of two thousand years of church history, at every era there has been often intense opposition to the Gospel-even fatal opposition-but there were also Christians who followed the Lord to fervently proclaim the Gospel. If believers are willing to share the Gospel, they will surely harvest the souls. Modern Chinese church history likewise proves that, as long as Christians are faithful to proclaim the Gospel, when circumstances become more hostile, more people will believe in Christ. The reason that campus ministry is difficult today is not that the unbelievers’ hearts are more hardened than before. It is because that we are afraid to share the Gospel. As long as we boldly share the Gospel by faith, we will surely meet those who are thirsty for the Gospel and will surely reap the fruits of the Gospel. Let’s pray for the unbelieving friends more often! Please register early for the Gospel camp and faithfully invite unbelieving friends to attend. Then we will definitely witness the marvelous work done by God. The theme of this Gospel camp is “Searching for Him Arduously While Not Knowing He is Near”. The camp will take place at the CWC campsite from March 16th to 19th. The speakers are Pastor Xiao Yuan and Elder Rupert Hsu. Short term mission teams from California and Colorado will come to help too. The expenses are covered by freewill offering. Please go to CWC website for registration details.

March East Coast Disciple and Coworker Training Camp:

In order to help brothers and sisters in the East Coast to be disciples and coworkers of Christ, to revive campus ministries and churches, to equip young people with a heart for missions, and to help them accomplish the Lord’s Great Commission, we will have an East Coast Disciple and Coworker Training Camp in March. Because spring breaks begin at different times at different campuses in the East Coast, this camp will take place at two dates. The first camp will be held from evening of March 8th to 3:30pm, March 11th, 2018. The second camp will take place from evening of March 9th to 3:30pm, March 12th, 2018. Participants must attend one of the camps full time. The location will be Christian Leadership Renewal Center near Raleigh, NC. The speakers are Pastor I-Feng Chiang, Pastor Billy Ko, and other ministers. The camp will be supported by freewill offerings. Please contact Jiehua Zhang (832-599-1199, TrainingInEC@gmail.com) and Sarah Chen (803-317-9396) for details.

May disciple and Coworker Training Camp:

Disciple training is never a onetime event. Disciple training is a continuous process. The CWC provides disciple training after the end of each semester to speed up and solidify development of disciples and coworkers. Since student turnover is high, we must maintain a rapid pace in the equipping ministry. In every May many brothers and sisters return to their own countries to work there after graduation. Numerous brothers and sisters also go back to their countries for summer break with a desire to share the Gospel with their family members. Therefore, May Disciple Training Camp becomes an opportunity for them to equip themselves to witness Christ with God’s power. The May Disciple Camp will take place at CWC from May 20th to 25th. The speakers are Pastor Edwin Su, Pastor Joshua Law, and others.

May Lay Minister Training Camp:

In recent years many Chinese churches in the Midwest do not have a pastor. The turnover rate of a pastor sometimes is higher than that of campus brothers and sisters. After losing some of their pastors, some churches decided not to hasten to find the next. To revive their church, they learned to build up their own coworkers for pastoral duties. The purpose of the Lay Minister Training Camp is to equip brothers and sisters to not only stand firm themselves but also in their local churches or their campuses to minister others, leading people to Christ, becoming His disciples. The speakers are Pastor Edwin Su, Pastor Joshua Law, etc. The camp will take place from the dinner time of May 25th to noon, May 28th. To meet the needs of families, the camp will also provide family rooms as well as children and youth programs.

Other Summer Camps:

Please reserve your time early.

  1. Youth Discipleship Training Camp: will be held form June 3rd to 9th. Speakers will be Pastor Victor Quon, Pastor Steve Tan, and others.
  2. August Bible Camp: will be held from July 29th to August 4th. The theme is “the Life of Christ”. The speakers are Pastor and Mrs. David Su.
  3. August Disciple and Coworker Training Camp: will be held from August 5th to 11th. Speakers include Pastor James Hwang and Sister Grace Lee.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the preparation work for the March Gospel Camp. May the Lord prepare people’s hearts to attend.
  2. Please pray for the invitation for the Gospel Camp. May the Spirit of the Lord inspire unbelievers to attend.
  3. Please pray for the speakers and short-term mission teams for the Gospel Camp. May the Lord give His Word to them and prepare for all the team members.
  4. Please pray for the East Coast Disciple Training Camp held in early March. May the Lord build up more brothers and sisters to be campus coworkers, having hearts for missions and becoming God’s Kingdom soldiers.
  5. Please pray for Sister Cindy Chiang as she is busy with heavy annual tax works. By God’s grace, we plan to postal mail out all of your 2017 offering receipts around mid-February. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
  6. Please pray for Mrs. Ko’s health. May she experience more of God’s power in her weakness.
  7. Please pray that the Lord will raise up more coworkers for CWC to share the Gospel on campuses and bring more young people to be Christ’s disciples.
  8. Please pray for the preparation work for the May Disciple Training Camp and Lay Minister Training Camp. May the Lord bless CWC coworkers’ preparation.
  9. Thank the Lord that there are already over 100 brothers and sisters have applied for the August Bible Camp. May the Lord bless local Bible study groups and each individual’s preparation.
  10. Please pray for the dining room expansion. Please pray that the construction progress smoothly and the dining room will be ready to use for the March Gospel Camp.


In Him,

Pastor Billy Ko