2018-01 (一月禱告信)


2018年喜樂蒙恩! 願主在新的一年將屬天的平安與喜樂多多的加給您和您的一家,使您在未來的一年裡,更享受到神話語的甘甜,經歷神話語的大能,使更多的人蒙恩!

(路 2:41-52)

十二月的冬令會約有一千七百多人來參加,整個冬天連續辦三個聚會已屬不易,更難得是每次聚會,弟兄姊妹都能早幾分鐘到會場安靜等候主的話。更寶貴的是在四天的冬令會結束後,雖然大部份的弟兄姊妹都已離開,但卻有近一百位弟兄姊妹留下,進一步參加為期一週的門徒與同工訓練營,除學生外,也有不少是攜家帶眷的家庭來。有一個從美中畢業的家庭,一家八口從西岸飛來參加兩個營會。訓練營中沒有什麼娛樂活動,都是聽道、禱告與作功課,既沒有手機訊號,也沒有辦法上網,很多新一代的年青學生,實在是無法接受,但感謝主!卻有約兩百位弟兄姊妹安靜、謙卑的默默學習神的道,非常專心的上課,下課用心的作功課,情境感人。更感謝主的是,一週訓練營後,有近一百位弟兄姊妹來參加另一週的讀經營,雖然讀經營比以上兩個營會更具挑戰性,但弟兄姊妹卻如鹿渴慕溪水,追求主的話語。這次約有近三十位弟兄姊妹是連續參加三個聚會,並有十多位在冬令會全時間服事,他們愛主,追求主的心志實在令人感動,從過去的記錄讓我們知道,這些熱愛神話語的人從營會回去後,大都會在他們的教會或校園團契,熱心地事奉,並帶出教會的興旺。教會和校園都需要建立一批愛慕主話語的弟兄姊妹,因為神的教會是建立在使徒與先知所寫的聖經上(弗2:20) 。 神的話若充滿教會與校園,那地方必然帶出從天上來的復興。求主在各地興起更多愛主話語,並宣講主話語的人,因為他們實在效法了耶穌的心。


A. 全家的學習:

  1. 全家出動 – 進聖殿本來只有十二歲以上的男子才能進聖殿,耶穌的父母,卻帶著全家上聖殿去,馬利亞與耶穌的弟妹雖然只能到聖殿的外院,但卻樂意陪同而去,因為他們只要看到父親與兄長進聖殿,他們的心也充滿喜樂。
  2. 無懼孩子多 - 耶穌至少有五、六個弟弟、妹妹。他上聖殿時,馬利亞要帶著幾個只有幾歲的小孩,實在不容易,但他們全家卻同心合意的上聖殿去。
  3. 不怕路途遙遠 - 耶穌的家鄉拿撒勒在北方,聖殿耶路撒冷在南邊,相去甚遠,必須走好幾天的路程,他們卻沒有畏懼路途的遙遠,只按神的吩咐定期上聖殿敬拜神。

B. 耶穌的學習:

  1. 不受別人影響 – 到聖殿過節聚會共有八天,聚會一結束,大部分人都歸心似箭,沖沖離去。耶穌卻獨自留在聖殿,繼續在聖殿中敬拜與學習,以神的殿為念,以學習神的話語為寶貴。
  2. 不斷的學習 – 雖然已經在聖殿學習了八天,耶穌卻不以為自已經足夠了,祂有一個饑渴慕義的心,願意有更多的學習。
  3. 看重與神的關係 – 耶穌的父母以為耶穌就在親族和熟識的人中同行,沒有想到耶穌卻不在親人或熟人中,因為耶穌看重祂與神之間的關係,祂寧可多與神在一起。
  4. 樂讀神的話 – 耶穌專心的學習神的話,神的話在祂的心中實在甘甜,三天的日子,轉眼就過去了,學習神的話語是耶穌的享受。
  5. 認真的學習 – 這幾天耶穌就坐在幾位老師的中間學習,邊聽邊問,不是隨便的聽聽,乃是謙卑的去學,認真的學習,帶著仔細研究的心去學習。
  6. 有新的領受 – 這幾天的學習,開始時耶穌多著重聽與問,後來是著重於分享與回應問題,因為「凡聽見祂的,都希奇祂的聰明和祂的應對」(路 2:47) 。耶穌把握每一個機會去學習,深入去思考所聽見的道,以至有新的領受,祂的分享讓人發現祂的聰明,祂回答問題時,使人佩服祂的應對。

C. 耶穌的成長:

  1. 智慧的增長 - 不僅是知識的增長,更能將所領受的知識,應用在今天的生活中,並結出美好的果子。智慧就是能靈活的使用所學的,好滿足今天的需要或難處。耶穌殷勤的學習神的話,使祂屬靈的智慧不斷增長,使旁邊的人都驚訝祂對神話語的了解。
  2. 身體的增長 – 隨著年日的增長,耶穌的智慧、靈性,各方面都有平衡的增長,以至神與人都喜悅祂。
  3. 神喜悅祂的增長 – 神喜悅一個人,簡單地來說,是分兩方面,第一,從我們的生命上看,看我們裡面的生命像不像神榮耀的本性?另外,是神看我們的心,是否跟從祂,討主的喜悅?
  4. 人喜悅祂的增長 - 祂有健全的人際關係,靈性上的增長,沒有使祂脫離人群,反而使祂與別人的關係上得益,祂是神與人之間的橋樑。










中心再下來的聚會將是三月十六至十九日的福音營,講員為袁曉牧師與許學舜長老。福音營與春假結束後,學生們就將忙著期末考,或者準備畢業與回國。這是本學期最後的一次福音性營會,讓我們把握機會得著人的靈魂,好叫有更多畢業同學帶著基督,進入社會; 我們禱告神讓同學們能在三月信主,五月來參加門徒訓練營,好使更多人蒙裝備,讓主基督在下學期能興起更多同工。福音營不僅是為福音朋友預備的,也是為造就弟兄姊妹而預備的,聚會中也有對基督徒的培靈信息與造就專題。請記得: 弟兄姊妹若不先報名參加,福音朋友就不會有意願來參加。弟兄姊妹要先決定來參加福音營,才能鼓勵與帶動福音朋友來參加,讓我們自己早早報名,多為福音營禱告,靠信心與愛心早早作邀請工作,多多鼓勵人來參加。


  1. 為冬天三項營會能順利完成感恩,若沒有主的施恩與扶持,沒有人能完成。
  2. 請為每一位同工在經過繁重的聚會服事後,體力的恢復代禱。
  3. 請為在冬令會中剛信主的弟兄姐妹的跟進代禱,求主賜各地同工能力去完成這使命。
  4. 請為在十二月門徒訓練及一月讀經營接受裝備的弟兄姐妹,在回到校園後,能夠忠心地服事神禱告。
  5. 請為三月即將到來的福音營邀請工作禱告,求主預備人心參加;也為講員禱告,求主賜能力與話語。
  6. 為三月初北卡州東岸門徒訓練營禱告,求主預備人心參加。
  7. 為餐廳的擴建工程禱告,求主保守工程順利完成,並供應所需的經費。
  8. 求主為中心興起更多校園傳道人,在各校園一同建立門徒。
  9. 為高師母的身體健康禱告,求主醫治與扶持。
  10. 為各校園團契能按門徒訓練的方向走主道路,在各校園能建立能帶領人作主門徒的校園同工禱告。



Dear brothers and sisters,

Joy and grace be with you in 2018! May the Lord richly bestow on you and your family heavenly peace and joy in this New Year. May you experience the sweetness and power of His Word more than ever in this coming year and bless more lives around you!

Desire to Imitate Jesus
(Luke 2:41-52)

Approximately 1,700 people attended the Winter Conference this year. Organizing three back-to-back meetings during the winter season was no easy task. Yet, it was so precious to see brothers and sisters quietly wait upon God’s Word by arriving every session a few minutes earlier than scheduled start time. Even more precious is that nearly 100 brothers and sisters continue to attend the following one week of Discipleship Training after the four-day Winter Conference. Among them were not only students but also brothers and sisters who brought along with them their entire families. A family of eight flew in from the West Coast to attend two camps. There is not much entertainment at the Discipleship training but sermons, prayers, and assignments. Some students might find it hard to accept that there was neither a cellular signal nor an internet connection at the campsite. And yet praise the Lord! Approximately 200 brothers and sisters were studying God’s Word quietly, with humble and attentive hearts. They were so devoted in both the classes and the after-class homework. It was touching to see! We praise God that, even more so as after the week-long discipleship training, nearly 100 brothers and sisters attended yet another week of Bible camp. Despite the fact that Bible Camp is the most challenging camp among the three, brothers and sisters were thirsty for God’s Word “as deer panted for flowing streams”. About 30 of these brothers and sisters attended all three meetings, and more than 10 of them served at the Winter Conference full-time. Their love of God and pursuit of God’s Word were so touching. History tells us that brothers and sisters like them who are zealous for God are going to serve fervently in their churches or campus fellowships, bringing about revival in their churches. Churches and campus fellowships ought to build up such brothers and sisters who love God’s Word, because God’s Church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets’ work, the Bible (Ephesians 2:20). Heavenly revival will be brought about when a church or campus is filled with God’s Word. May the Lord raise up more brothers and sisters who love and proclaim God’s Word. They are close to Jesus’ heart when they do so.

When Jesus was twelve years old, He had reached the legal age of entering the temple according to Jewish’s tradition. As He stepped in the temple with eagerness, He not only worshipped God but also studied the Law wholeheartedly with a desire to know God’s Word. At the conclusion of the Feast of the Passover, while everyone left for home one after another, Jesus stayed behind by Himself in the temple, continuing his study of God’s Word. He was seated among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions, for at least three days. His zeal for God’s Word was astonishing. His interactions with the teachers of the Law revealed His continuing growth in knowledge. The result of His study was that Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and men. This is the only record of Jesus’ childhood before His public ministry. After this incident, Jesus’ earthly parents would surely arrange time for Him to learn among the teachers as they paid a visit to the temple every year. Jesus, though the incarnated Son of God, placed great emphasis on equipping Himself with God’s Word. While He was waiting to begin His public ministry, He saw the importance of learning among the teachers of the Law. Those of us who willed to serve God nowadays should imitate Jesus’ studious attitude and seize every learning opportunity to pursue God with a humble and pure heart. Jesus’ learning in the temple can teach us many things.

A. Learning with the family:

  1. Whole family involvement – even though only males reaching 12 years old or above can enter the temple, Jesus’ parents brought with them the whole family to the temple. While Mary and Jesus’ younger siblings could only stay in the outer court, they were filled with joy to be able to see and witness their father and elder brother’s entrance to the temple.
  2. Not afraid of bringing many children – Jesus had at least five younger brothers such as James and possibly sisters. It was not easy for Mary to bring several young children to visit the temple. Yet, the family went in unity and as a whole to the temple and to the local synagogue.
  3. Not afraid of distance – from Jesus’ hometown, Nazareth, to reach the temple in Jerusalem required a walk of over one hundred miles, and then back. Yet, they were not deterred by the distance and obeyed God’s command to worship God in the temple during the festivals.

B. Jesus’ study:

  1. Not affected by others – The festival of the Passover lasted eight days in total in the temple. Not unlike our sporting events and concerts, most people left for home as soon as they could upon dismissal. Yet Jesus stayed behind by Himself in the temple and continued to worship and study. His heart is with the temple of God. He valued the study of God’s Word greatly.
  2. Learn unceasingly – Despite studying in the temple for eight days straight, Jesus had not had enough of it. He had thirst and hunger for God’s Word and would like to study more.
  3. Value relationship with God – Jesus’ parents thought that He was travelling in the company of relatives and friends. Yet Jesus would rather spend time with God than hanging out with relatives or friends. He valued His relationship with God more than anything else.
  4. Enjoy reading God’s Word – Jesus was attentive while studying God’s Word, which was so sweet and enjoyable to Him that three days passed in a blink of the eye. Studying God’s Word is Jesus’ delight.
  5. Serious study – Jesus was seated among several teachers of the Law during those several days, listening to them and asking questions. He was not a causal listener but a humble, serious learner who carefully studied the Word.
  6. Receive new insights – Within these couple of days, Jesus started out listening and asking questions. He then progressed to sharing and responding to questions. “Everyone who heard Him was amazed at His understandings and His answers.” (Luke 2:47) Jesus seized every opportunity to learn and then ponder on what He had heard, thereby getting new insights. His sharing revealed His wisdom. People were amazed to hear His answers to questions.

C. Jesus’ growth

  1. Growth in wisdom -This not only refers to growth in knowledge but also to the ability to apply what one learned to his/her daily life, bearing good fruits. Wisdom is skillful application of your knowledge to meet daily needs or challenge. As Jesus diligently studied God’s Word, His spiritual wisdom grew so much that people around Him were amazed at His understanding of God’s Word.
  2. Growth in stature – As time goes by, Jesus had balanced growth in wisdom, spirit, and stature, so much so that He gained favor of God and people.
  3. Jesus was in favor with God – Generally speaking, when a person finds favor in God’s eyes, it comes with two dimensions. In one way, God examines our lives and see whether our inner beings reflect God’s glory. In another way, God examines our hearts and see whether we follow Him and seek to please Him.
  4. Jesus was in favor with people – Jesus had good relationships with people around Him. Spiritual growth did not make Him isolated from His community but helped Him build better relationships with people. He is the only mediator between God and mankind.

God’s Word is the foundation of spiritual growth. Jesus’ growth reminded us that seeking God’s Word is the beginning of a person’s growth and the foundation of a church’s growth. As we embark on a new year, may the Lord help us be resolute to earnestly seek His Word, to have fellowship with Him daily through faithful Bible study and prayers, and to study His Word week after week with a teachable heart. May the Lord also help us be determined to finish reading the entire Bible once in this coming year and live according to His will, making us in favor of God and people. Besides our daily personal pursuits, we should seek the Lord together with our family often. On a weekly basis, we not only study God’s Word in fellowships but also let God’s Word build us up during Sunday School classes. In a group setting, we can be established by God’s Word, encourage one another within the small group, study together, journey on together, and live out His glory together.

Winter Conference:

Almost 1,700 people attended this past Winter Conference, travelling from the Midwest, the Eastern US and the West Coast, and even from the South next to the Mexican border. Although there were many Chinese conferences across the country during Christmas time, brothers and sisters chose to come to the CWC Winter Conference, where they knew that they would be able to seek God with a pure heart, study the Word with discipline, and with one heart bring unbelievers to the Lord. When we looked upon God single-mindedly, the Spirit of the Lord began to work among us. The Word of God opened the hearts of brothers and sisters and enabled more people to experience the glory of Christ and be determined to live out His glory. Praise the Lord for bringing more than 50 unbelievers to the Lord. Please continue to pray for their growth and the follow-up by local churches and fellowships.

Disciple and Coworker Training Camp:

Right after the Winter Conference, brothers and sisters spent a whole afternoon at Sheraton Hotel cleaning up meeting places and packing up all the equipment and materials brought from CWC, including dining and kitchen utensils. It required considerable labor to sort things out and pack them into boxes. Finally, more than 30 brothers and sisters strived as much as possible to fill up the CWC school bus (all chairs were removed in advance), a truck, and two trailers with all the stuff, and left the Sheraton Hotel near dinner time. The first meeting of the disciple training took place as scheduled in the same evening. After the meeting brothers and sisters continued to unload, unpack, and put all the stuff back in its original places. They toiled incessantly until midnight!

Praise the Lord! Almost 200 brothers and sisters came to this camp. Along with their children, speakers, and coworkers, CWC campsite was crammed with people. Besides undergraduate and graduate students, many who hold a full-time job also took a week off to attend this training. The sewer line under women’s dormitory was blocked by the roots of the trees for two days and made living in the dorm rooms very inconvenient. Sisters never complained but collaborated to solve the problem, exhibiting the sincere love among Lord’s disciples during hardships. This was indeed applying what they learned to everyday life. Praise the Lord! The disciple training camp not only provided wondering teachings in the classroom, but more preciously the opportunity to put into practice the way of discipleship. This one week training camp enabled brothers and sisters to grow in both truth and daily application of the truth.

Bible Camp:

Despite how exhausting the past Winter Conference and Disciple Training Camp were, brothers and sisters welcomed the Bible camp with sheer excitement. They have been looking forward to this day for four months, during which they had vigorously studied the designated Scriptures in local groups and then under instructors’ guidance. When hearts are ready, the unfolding of God’s Word gives light. The theme of this camp was the history of Jewish exile, returning to Judah, and awaiting for the Lord’s Return. Through the teaching of Pastor Shen and Sister Kao, the Lord revived again brothers and sisters’ love for Him and helped them learn about the reconstruction of spiritual life, principles of ministry, and a life of dedication. Before leaving the camp, brothers and sisters were resolute to prepare for the August Bible Camp on the Four Gospels with more diligence and determination.

Gospel Camp:

The next CWC camp is the Gospel Camp scheduled from March 16 to 19. The speakers are Pastor Xiao Yuan and Elder Rupert Hsu. After the Gospel Camp and the spring break, students will be occupied with final exams and preparing for graduation or returning to their home countries. It will be the final Gospel meeting in this academic year. Let’s grasp the opportunity to win over souls so that more graduates will receive the life of Christ before entering the society and witness Him at workplace. We are praying that students will believe in the Gospel in March and then attend the May disciple training camp. In this way more people will be equipped and the Lord will raise up more campus coworkers for next semester. The Gospel Camp is not only for nonbelievers but also for equipping brothers and sisters. Messages on disciple training and growth will be provided. Please remember: if brothers and sisters do not register, unbelieving friends will not be willing to attend. Therefore, brothers and sisters should firstly decide to come and then can motivate nonbelievers to attend. Please register early and pray often for the Gospel Camp. Let’s begin invitation early with love and faith and encourage more people to attend.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Give thanksgiving for the completion of three meetings during the winter. It won’t be possible without God’s grace and help.
  2. Please pray for the physical recovery of each coworker after heavy ministry during the recent meetings.
  3. Please pray for the follow-up of those who accepted Christ during the Winter Conference. May the Lord give local coworkers strength to accomplish this ministry.
  4. Please pray for brothers and sisters who attended the December disciple training and January Bible camp that they will be able to faithfully serve the Lord after returning to campuses and their churches.
  5. Please pray for the invitation for the upcoming Gospel Camp in March. May the Lord prepare people to attend. Please also pray for the speakers.
  6. Please pray for the East Coast Disciple Training Camp in North Carolina in early March. May the Lord prepare people’s hearts to attend.
  7. Please pray for the dining room expansion. May the Lord bring about a successful completion and also provide necessary funding.
  8. Please pray that the Lord will raise up more campus coworkers for CWC and build up disciples on various campuses.
  9. Please pray for Mrs. Ko’s health. May the Lord heal and sustain her.
  10. Please pray that local campus fellowships will be committed to disciple training and can equip campus coworkers to be disciples of the Lord on various campuses.

May the Lord bless you and your whole family!

In the Lord Jesus
Billy Ko