2017-03 (三月禱告信)





除此之外,每個學期,教會也應該舉辦與 「關懷事工有關的訓練」 來栽培新的同工,每個月也有一次全教會探訪總動員,有探訪經驗的人帶領著沒有經驗的人,一同 出去做探訪關懷,這也是栽培新探訪同工的一個好方法。我們需要有計劃、有組織的去作校園事工。


  1. 教會探訪事工必須全體一同配搭,才能夠有好果效。
  2. 要鼓勵弟兄姊妹,包括本科生,不要只作被關懷的對象,要成為關懷同工。
  3. 教會要有一個總負責的關懷同工,策劃整個教會的探訪事工。
  4. 每個團契小組也都要有小組內的關懷同工,與教會總負責的關懷同工一同作關懷工作。
  5. 每學期都要訓練新人作探訪事工。

三月福音營 ( 3月17 至 20日):

春假福音營尚有半個月就將來臨,這是一個很好傳福音的機會,趁著學期結束前,多帶人信主。這次的主題是:「奇異的愛」,求主使更多人因看到主耶穌奇妙的愛,謙卑自己、接受主的愛與救恩。福音營的講員有馮偉牧師、與莫悅照長老,加州南谷基督徒會堂的短宣隊也會來幫忙,地點在基督工人中心,讓我們懇切的用禱告來托住這次營會,好使更多的人在這次營會中信主,五月、八月就可以來參加門徒訓練與讀經營,裝備自已,成為校園團契的同工。 所有費用仍是自由奉獻。報名表已寄至各教會,也可在網上下載報名表,郵寄來中心,詳細資訊請至中心網站查詢。

五月門徒與同工訓練營 ( 5月21至26日):

畢業典禮過後,我們將把學生送到哪裡?主是盼望人在學校讀書時就受造就,畢業後就進入全職或帶職的福音工場。五月訓練營是裝備畢業生進入帶職事奉的營會,好被差派至神所預備的工作岡位上事奉主。另外,在暑期中也有很多學生要返鄉,他們大部分在美國信主,也都有一個要回家傳福音的心志,那麼就更需要先來參加五月門徒訓練,裝備自己,再回到不信主的家園傳福音。也許營會結束後機票會貴一點,但卻是值得的,被裝備後,能更多帶領人信主,即使多一點機票錢,也是值得的。回家兩個月,七月底回來後,再參加八月讀經營與門徒訓練營,預備下一學期的事奉。一個星期的密集訓練課程,能幫助校園同工一代一代傳承下去,為了神的國度,讓我們多多禱告,並鼓勵弟兄姊妹參加這次五月營會, 這次訓練營的講員為 :莊祖鯤牧師、周偉恩牧師、及中心同工等;詳細資訊請上中心網站查看。

國殤週末帶職信徒訓練 (5月26至29日):

隨著各大學學生、教職員、訪問學者的增加,就導至了校園團契與教會的「複雜」性,有不同年齡、背景、職業、學歷的會眾,大大的增加校園牧養的難度,並不可能只靠一位牧者可以完成牧養的工作,必須有一個牧養的團隊來一同牧養,教會中牧養團隊的建立是非常重要。帶職信徒訓練營就是協助各教會建立牧養團隊,與牧者一同關懷、與帶領教會裡各式各樣的羣羊。國殤週末的訓練營,是專為全職工作的基督徒所舉辦的訓練營。全職學生 (TA, RA 或博士班學生不算全職上班者) 必須先參加五月門徒訓練 (5/21-26) 後,才能繼續參加此一聚會。我們準備有家庭宿舍及兒童節目, 弟兄姊妹必須全程參加,建議弟兄姊妹可考慮星期五請半天假,這樣就能準時在下午五點半前來聚會。這次講員有:吳繼揚牧師、周偉恩牧師、劉家揚長老、及中心同工等;請盡早報名参加。詳細資訊請上中心網站查看。

青少年門徒訓練營 (6月4至10日):

在這個只講「愛」卻棄絕真理的時代,各人任意而行,罪惡氾濫,不少年青人都隨波逐流,教會的青少年也受影響。六月青少年門徒訓練營,是針對青年人所舉辦的門徒訓練營會,不是只給年輕人快樂玩耍一週的營會, 主要是為了幫助年青人早早學習作主的門徒,得以一生走主的道路、日後在大學能為主作見證、在校園帶領同學信主;上班後在公司,也能為主作美好的見證、在社會為主發光。現仍在籌備階段,請常注意中心網站資訊、並代禱。

八月讀經營 ( 7月30至8月5 日):

餵養主的小羊是主給每一位愛主的門徒的本份,餵養需要用神的話語,所以校園團契與教會需要有一批弟兄姊妹,不僅能用神的話語裝備自己,更能用神的話語去牧養羣羊、勸勉別人、帶查經及分享神的話。讀經營不僅是為了建立弟兄姊妹讀經的能力,更要栽培弟兄姊妹能用神的話去牧養神的小羊。這次讀經營將研讀以色列分裂王國的歷史(列王記上下、歷代志下)盼望您能及早報名,早日開始作功課,預備心參加。這些書卷,蘊藏了很多寶貝的屬靈功課,包括各王的興衰、各場戰爭。早日報名就可以開始組讀經小組,認真地研讀。我們的講員是遠從台灣來的汪川生牧師和李玉惠姐妹。報名表已經寄出,所有讀經的資訊也都在中心網站上,報名截止日期為六月十八日,請儘早報名並作準備 (請按此處)。


  1. 請為三月福音營的準備工作禱告,求主預備人心來參加。
  2. 請為迦南樓男洗手間的加建工程禱告,盼望能在五月營會之前完成禱告。
  3. 請為福音營的邀請工作禱告,求主的靈感動福音朋友來參加。
  4. 請為福音營講員禱告,求主的聖靈工作。
  5. 請為五月訓練營禱告,求主預備更多人接受裝備,作主的門徒。
  6. 請為帶職信徒訓練營禱告,求主預備更多上班的弟兄姊妹來參加,好讓他們在職場、家庭及教會中為主作美好的見證。
  7. 為六月青少年門徒訓練營禱告,也準備青少年的心來參加。
  8. 為中心的新同工禱告,並為李正弟兄的身份申請禱告。
  9. 為中心同工身體與事奉禱告。


已全數寄出,若您至今仍未收到,表示因地址錯誤, 已退回中心,請與中心聯絡。謝謝您對中心財務上的奉獻。在新的一年,請繼續記念中心的需要,並常常為中心的事工禱告。




Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings in the Lord! Spring is just around the corner. May the tender love of the Lord our Creator draw us after Him. May we run together to follow Him.

Gospel sharing and visitations that prosper Campus Ministries

Gospel sharing and visitations are not meant to be on pastors’ and ministers’ shoulders only. Indeed, it is challenging for pastors to visit students in their dormitories. While Christian students welcome their pastors, nonbelievers normally refuse ministers’ visitations. Usually the brothers and sisters must work or go to school during the day. Only the night is available for visits. But pastors have difficulty setting aside one to two nights every week for visitations given similar evening demands for prayer meetings, coworker meetings, small group meetings, and pre-study of the Bible. Thus, gospel sharing and visitations are most effective when the entire body of the church—all brothers and sisters—participates. Campus churches need different kinds of small Bible Study groups. Someone is needed to coordinate the caring ministry for small Bible study groups. This caring is specifically designed to cater to the needs of members of small groups. Whenever someone in the group was in need, other members of that group would visit and care in such a way that every Christian can participate, and every group members’ spiritual needs are met, to lead nonbelievers to Christ through visitations. If every small group can take the responsibility of planning and executing such a caring ministry in that group, plus, if the church can appoint one or two main coordinators to take care of the whole church’s caring, gospel sharing, and visitation ministries, then the whole caring ministry flourishes.

In addition, the church should organize discipleship training and emphasing caring ministry every semester to train up new coworkers. On a monthly basis, the experienced coworkers should lead the inexperienced coworkers to make visitations in church-wide general mobilization. This is also a good way to train new coworkers. We need to have good planning and organization to do the campus ministry.

Effective caring ministry should take notice of the following:

  1. Visitation ministry should involve the whole congregation.
  2. We need to encourage brothers and sisters, including undergraduate students, to give caring and not only to receive caring.
  3. The church needs a coordinator to plan the visitation ministry for the whole church.
  4. Every small group should also have a caring coworker to serve alongside with the main church coordinator.
  5. New coworkers should be trained up every semester.

March Gospel Camp (March 17 – 20)

Spring Break Gospel Camp is coming in half a month’s time. This is a great opportunity to share the Gospel. So grab this chance to lead more people to Christ before the semester ends. The theme of the Gospel Camp is Amazing Love. May the Lord make Jesus’ amazing love evident to more people who in turn would humble themselves and accept Christ’s love and salvation. The speakers are Pastor Wei Feng and Elder Y. C. Mok. A California short-term mission team will also come and help. The camp will be held at the CWC camp ground. Let us earnestly lift up the camp in our prayers and pray that more people can accept the Lord. After they believe, they can immediately join May’s discipleship training and the August Bible Camp respectively to be equipped as the coworkers of the church. The whole camp is still going by free will offering. The application forms have been postal mailed to each church. It is also available at the CWC website. Please mail the forms to CWC.

May Discipleship Training (May 21 – May 26)

Where are we sending the students after their graduation ceremony? The Lord would like to see students being spiritually equipped as they pursue their education on campus. This would make them ready to be full-time or lay ministers upon graduation. May Discipleship Training is designed to equip those who will graduate before they go to their careers, so that they can serve the Lord in the position to which God will send them. In addition, many students are going home to visit their families in the summer. Most of them believed in the Lord while in the States. They have hearts to share the Gospel to their friends and families. So they also will benefit from the May Discipleship Training before they head back to a heathen home country. Even though the air tickets maybe be more expensive by the time camp concludes, it is still worthy as they could likely lead more people to Christ after the training. After spending two months with their families, as they come back at the end of July, they can catch the August Bible Camp and Discipleship Training, so as to prepare for next semester’s ministry. During this one week of intensive training, campus coworkers’ legacy can be passed on to the next generation. For the sake of God’s Kingdom, let us pray fervently and encourage brothers and sisters to join the May Discipleship Training. The speakers are pastor Tsu-Kung Chuang, pastor Stanley Chow, and CWC coworkers. Please go to the CWC website for the latest update.

Lay Minister Discipleship Training (May 26 – 29)

As the numbers of students, faculties, staffs and visiting scholars across various universities increases, it also increased the complexity of the churches and fellowships. With the diversified congregation in age, background, career, degree, it also greatly increased the difficulties to pastor a campus church. It has become impossible to soly rely on one pastor to do the pastoring ministry without missing many, many opportunities. Rather, many groups need a “pastoring team” to minister to the flock. Lay Minister Discipleship Training is designed to assist churches in building their own pastoring team to work alongside their pastors in caring and leading a diversed flock. This training is specifically offered to brothers and sisters who work full-time. Full-time students including TA, RA, or PhD students are not considered full time workers. Before Lay Minister training, the students must first attend the May Discipleship Training such as the upcoming May 21-26 camp. Then they can continue to attend the Lay Minister Discipleship Training. We will provide family dormitories and children’s programs. Brothers and sisters that attend are required to attend all sessions. We suggest you take Friday afternoon off, so as to be able to arrive at CWC punctually by 5:30pm. The speakers are pastor David Wu, pastor Stanley Chow, Elder Chia-Yang Liu and CWC coworkers. Please go to the CWC website for the latest update.

Youth Discipleship Training (June 4 –10)

“Everyone has turned to his own way.” Sins and transgressions are widespread and uncurbed. These are the accurate reflections of our age that advocates “love” but forsakes truth. Many youths are carried away by this tide. Youths in the churches are not immune. Thus, Youth Disicpleship Training is not a week-long camp for youth people to frolic and be entertained. This is a discipleship training tailored for the youth, aiming to help young people learn to be disciples of the Lord early in life. Then they may walk in the way of the Lord all their days, be witnesses for the Lord on campuses when they go on to college, and lead classmates to Christ. They can also be wonderful witnesses at work in their future places of employment and shine for the Lord in society. This June’s Youth Camp is still on the preparation stage. Please watch CWC website for future notice and pray.

August Bible Camp (July 30 – August 5)

Feeding the Lord’s sheep is the duty of every disciple who loves Him. But feeding requires the supply of God’s Word. Therefore, campus fellowships and campus churches need a group of brothers and sisters who not only can equip themselves with the Scriptures but also feed and encourage the sheep with the Word of God, lead Bible studies, and share God’s Word. The Bible Camp is designed not only to build up brothers and sisters’ ability to comprehend the Bible but also equip them to effectively feed God’s sheep. We will study the Israelite History of the Divided Kingdom (1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicle). Please apply and begin the assigned homework early and prepare hearts to attend. These Old Testament books contain rich and valuable spiritual lessons, and action such as the rise and decline of kings and different battles. If you apply earlier, you will be able to join local study groups promptly and thus can carefully study each book. Pastor Chuang- Seng Wang from Taiwan and Sister Grace Lee will be our speakers. The application forms have already been postal mailed out too. All the related information is also posted on CWC website. The strict deadline is June 18. Please apply promptly and prepare adequately.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the preparation of the upcoming March Gospel Camp. May the Lord prepare people’s hearts to attend.
  2. Please pray that the construction of the men’s bathroom in the Cannon Hall will be completed before May training camps.
  3. Please pray for the invitation for the Gospel Camp. May the Spirit of the Lord move nonbelievers to attend.
  4. Please pray for the Gospel camp speakers. May the Spirit of the Lord work in them.
  5. Please pray for the May training camp that the Lord will bring more people to be equipped to be His disciples.
  6. Please pray for the May Lay Minister training camp. May the Lord prepare more brothers and sisters who work full-time to attend so that they will be wonderful witnesses in their companies, families, and churches.
  7. Please pray for June Youth training camp. May the Lord prepare the hearts of the youths who will come.
  8. Please pray for the new CWC coworker, brother Aaron Li, and his visa application.
  9. Please pray for the health and ministry of CWC coworkers.

2016 Offering Receipts:

These have been mailed out. If you have not received yours, probably the address is incorrect, and the mail was reutnred to CWC. So please contact CWC with your correct address. Thank you for your finaincial offering to CWC. In the new year, please continue to rememver the needs of CWC and pray frequently for the CWC ministries.


In the Lord,
Pastor Billy Ko