2017-08 (八月禱告信)

海歸事工 – 從大一(新同學)開始

北美的學生畢業歸國的越來越多,根據「舉目」的分享: 2013年,中國留學生回國人數達35萬人,且正在不斷增加中。預計未來5年內,中國每年回歸人數,將有可能超過出國留學者,其中還包括一批在國外生活多年經驗豐富的專業人士 。但在歸國弟兄姊妹當中,約有80% 回國後在屬靈上流失,不少人在剛回國時,盼望為主作鹽作光,好好在教會事奉,將在留學期間所學到的屬靈知識與功課,貢獻神國與中國教會,但不久卻發現這條中國屬天的道路走不下去,不僅不被家人諒解,也不被中國教會接納,一位一位歸國學人在屬靈道路上倒斃了,神與北美教會對他們的期望落空了!實在可惜!


過去很多校園都是採用「創意校園事工」的模式,藉活動吸引學生,少點讀經,慢點傳福音,不要給人壓力,免得嚇跑學生,更千萬不要對學生有什麼要求,也不要問人有沒有讀經禱告、參加聚會。我們只是期待輕輕鬆鬆的作校園事工,結果是: 我們只能建立一批輕輕鬆鬆的基督徒,聚會不催不來,來的也遲到,一聽道就滑手機,聚會還沒結束就溜走了。如果在北美我們有的只是屬靈上一群不死不活的基督徒學生,他們回國後怎麼能夠維持屬靈的生命呢?過去幾年很多校園所作的是「吸引」學生,不是「得著」學生,北美校園事工成為學生的「遊樂場」,我們不敢讓校園團契成為「門徒培訓基地」,我們很看重建立我們與學生的關係,卻忽略了建立他們與神的關係,我們沒有把他們扎實建立成為主的門徒,他們就不能成為一個真正獨立的基督徒,回國一個,就流失一個。

有一次在美國南部一間頗大的校園請我講道,主日一位同工載我去華人教會,經過一個滿大的美國人教會,那同工對我說,這教會每主日都有一百多個華人學生在聚會,我反問他: 那麼有多少學生來華人教會呢?他說:約十多人。很多的學生在美國人的教會信主,蒙美國弟兄姊妹豐富的愛心關顧,也沒有什麼事奉的操練,大多都成為「享受」的信徒,在中國有多少教會可以讓他們繼續「享受」呢?


海歸事工不是從歸國後開始、不是從畢業開始,乃是從大一開始。神將學生從中國帶領到美國求學,就是盼望得著這些年青人,畢業後回國作主的見證,在國內成為一個主能使用的器皿,成為一個帶職或全職的宣教士,這是一個不容易的使命,我們需要盡早、盡力的建立這些年青的學生。建立「海歸」成為主合用的器皿,不是畢業後一、兩個月的培訓可以完成的,乃是在歲月年日中建立的,建立一個工程師需要四年,建立能被神使用、能影響中國社會與教會的「海歸」畢業生,要使他們能在真理上扎根、在生命上成熟、在事奉有經歷,也需要數年的歲月來培育,稍作計算,要達到這目的,我們就必需快快的傳福音,扎實的帶領人作主的門徒。只有當校園放棄「創意校園事工」,按基督大使命的精神,扎實的「門徒訓練」的模式裝備學生,讓學生在大一時就被主得著,求學時才能成為有影響力的校園同工: 不僅自己能獨立事奉主,也能帶領別人跟從主。當這些學生能在求學期間能帶動北美的校園團契,畢業回國後才能成為「海歸精兵」,帶動國內神國度事工的興旺。

五月初,在國內與一群從美中不同校園受造就、在這幾年間畢業回國的弟兄姊妹相聚,有些弟兄姊妹分享他們回去後,雖然在屬靈的道路上時有掙扎,但仍然固定的參與教會生活,維持個人靈修。大部分相聚的弟兄姊妹仍然保持愛主的心,也積極的參與當地教會的聚會與事奉,帶出美好的果子,有些在教會或福音機構中事奉,有些在大學教書,卻在家中帶領學生團契,或牧養學生教會。這些弟兄姊妹在美中讀書的時候,有些是研究生,也有很多是本科生,他們都常來中心參加營會,他們的假期差不多都在中心渡過。多年門徒訓練與讀經營的裝備,使這些弟兄姐妹在北美求學時,在學生團契與校園教會中,已經有很好的榜樣與事奉,回到國內一直都忠心愛主與事奉主,甚至成為當地教會主要同工、或團契的帶領人,他們在他們的社區中就成為一個「小牧者」。 學生時代的門徒訓練,建立了海歸回國的根基。








每週都有中國留學生在美國求學其間遭到不幸,有時是車禍,有時是被搶劫或被打,有時是被強姦,甚至有些中國學生殺中國學生。最近在Champaign, Illinois有中國學生在校內被綁架,至今還下落不明。這些不幸的來臨,不斷提醒這些年輕的學生:“你趁著年幼、衰敗的日子尚未來到,就是你所說,我毫無喜樂的那些年日未曾臨近之先,當記念造你的主。”(傳12:1)這也提醒我們,要趕快出去傳福音給這些年輕的學生!免得有事情發生時,我們就後悔莫及了。感謝主!八月中主安排約七隊的短宣隊來美中校園傳福音。在迎新期間,很多弟兄姊妹都忙著作迎新關懷工作,發出愛心,短宣隊員可以向他們傳福音,若我們肯把握機會快快向新同學傳福音,必收豐盛的果子。校園同工若能與短宣隊配搭,就必使校園事工得著興旺。請為八月中與九月初兩梯次美中短宣禱告,求主使用。(第一梯次:8月18-27日;第二梯次:9月8-17日)。




Ministry for Students Returned to China after Studying Abroad

– Beginning with the Freshman Year

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Peace in the Lord!

In North America, the numbers of Chinese students returning to Mainland China upon graduation is ever increasing. According to a report from Behold magazine, the number of returnees reached 350,000 in 2013 and was continuing to grow. It was expected that in five years, the number of annual returnees would exceed that of Chinese students who study abroad. This would of course include the return not just of graduating students, but also of many professionals who had been living abroad for years. Sadly, about 80% of brothers and sisters who went back to China became adrift spiritually. Many of them wanted to be salt and light for the Lord, to serve local churches, and generally to contribute to God’s Kingdom and churches in China the spiritual knowledge and experiences they acquired while studying abroad. However, they discovered that it was difficult to continue the journey of faith in China. Not only were they not understood by their families, but also they were not embraced by the local churches. What a pity to see one after the other, these returned students and scholars stumble and fall spiritually! The hope that God and the churches in the North America had in them seemed in vain!

A brother plans to go to China and minister to these returned students and scholars. He hopes to support and build them up again. He asked me to give him suggestions on this “returnees ministry”. I sighed immediately and exclaimed, “The primary problem we are facing is not from the overseas returnees themselves nor the churches in China. The major problem lies with us, the coworkers of campus ministries in North America. It is time to review the strategies and directions of our campus ministries.”

In the past, many campus ministries adopted the model of so called “creative campus ministry”, trying to attract students with lots of fun activities. The model incorporates little Bible study and instead stresses a slow and cautious way to share the Gospel so as not to pressure or scare away students. These campus ministries make sure to never require any work of students nor ask them whether they have read the Bible, prayed, or attended any fellowship. Since this method expects a happy-go-lucky campus ministry, it can only produce people who expect a happy-go-lucky lifestyle. They only come to the meetings when invited. When they come, they come late. They begin to play with their cellphones as soon as the sermon starts and slide out before the meetings end. If what we have in North America is a group of half-dead Christian students, how could we expect them to maintain spiritual lives upon returning to China?

In the past years, many campuses only intended to attract students but not obtain them. Thus, campus ministries in North America became playgrounds for students. They dare not use campus ministries as disciple training. They emphasize building relationships with other students, but failed to help them build relationships with God. Because they were not able to solidly equip them to be strong disciples of the Lord, they could not become genuine and independent Christians. Consequently we lost them one by one as they returned to China.

One time I was invited to preach in a good-sized campus town in Southern US state. On Sunday morning one coworker drove me to a local Chinese church. And on our way we passed by a big American church. The coworker told me that more than a hundred Chinese students attended this church every Sunday. I inquired, how many students attend the Chinese church? He responded, “About ten plus people”. Many Chinese students accepted Christ while attending American churches. They enjoyed the love and care given by American brothers and sisters. Love and care are commendable. However, they were not given opportunities and training to serve. Therefore many of them become pleasure-driven consumers. How many persecuted churches in China can afford pleasure-driven lives?

Seeing my coworkers in the Lord go to China to minister to those returning students and scholars, I am very much concerned about the effectiveness of their ministries. If we even failed to build up those young students as the Lord’s disciples to independently witness for Christ in a free country, how can we expect to build them up in a land that is anti-Christ? If we could not equip them as disciples who submit their lives to God’s mission in a relatively simple campus environment, how can we expect them to be equipped in a complicated society where their workplaces are full of temptations?

Ministries to students returning to China should not start upon their graduation or after they go back to China. It should start from their freshman year, ideally from their first week here. God leads those students to study in the States for a purpose: to become children of God, to witness for Him in China upon graduation, to be a useful vessel for the Lord, and to be a full time or lay missionary in China. This is not an easy task. We need to build up these young students as soon as possible, to the best of our abilities. Training students to be useful vessels of the Lord upon their return to China cannot be accomplished in one or two months after graduation. It takes much time and effort. Training up an engineer requires four years. Likewise, it takes a few years to train up a student who can be used by God, who can influence Chinese society and the churches, who is deeply rooted in the truth, and who is mature spiritually and experienced in ministry. If you do a simple calculation, to achieve all these goals we must immediately share the Gospel to them and solidly lead them to be His disciples without any delay. Our campuses churches and fellowships must give up the so-called “creative campus ministry”. Then if they follow the Great Commission mandated by Jesus Christ, equipping students with a firm disciple-training model, students who become captured by God in their freshman year, then these students become influential campus coworkers. Consequently they will not only serve the Lord independently but also lead others to follow and serve the Lord. When students are capable of leading campus ministry in North America when they are students, they will become strong Christians able to revive the Kingdom of God upon graduation and return to China.

In early May, I went to China and had a reunion with a group of brothers and sisters who graduated from various Midwestern colleges. They all returned to China in the past few years but were edified and trained in the United States when they were students here. In our gathering, some shared that despite occasional spiritual struggles upon return, they still persisted in regularly attending local churches and keeping personal devotions. Most of the brothers and sisters in our gathering still hold fast to their first love of God and are actively serving in local churches and fellowships, bearing wonderful fruit. Some of them serve in churches or Christian organizations. Some of them teach in universities and yet lead student Bible study fellowships in their homes, or pastor campus churches. Some of those brothers and sisters were graduate students when they were studying in the Midwest US. Many of them were undergraduate students. They all frequently attended the CWC camps. Some of them spent almost all of their holidays and free time in CWC. Numerous years of trainings in Discipleship Training camps and Bible camps have already enabled these brothers and sisters to be good examples, to serve, and to lead among the campus fellowships and campus churches in the States. Upon their return to China, they continued to love and serve the Lord faithfully. Some of them even became key church coworkers or leaders of fellowships. They became the “little shepherds” among their communities. Discipleship trainings received during college years serve as a solid foundation for their ministries in China.

Campus ministries in North America see massive losses of college students we served. We must reflect seriously on this. We should not make campus fellowships as students’ playgrounds. We should make the campus ministries as the training ground for missionaries, equipping full time and bi-vocational workers for God’s Kingdom. A month ago, two Chinese missionaries were killed by Islamic extremists in Afghanistan. They were both college graduates in their twenties. They gave up job opportunities in China without hesitation, entering into one of the world’s bloodiest battlegrounds to serve as anonymous and suffering missionaries. Blood shed by missionaries in past generations are not only a sign of death but also a proclamation of the beginning of God’s new work. The martyrdom of these two young missionaries served as a trumpet call and loud proclamation: God is going to use young Chinese missionaries to begin another era of mission work. Their blood will inspire more Chinese college students to join the mission field. These kind of mission-minded students are arising in China. We have observed in student ministry in China, some college students are equipping themselves for overseas missions. In contrast, if we still use leisure activities to attract students, we are doing just surface work. Not only we cannot attract students to the meetings, but such programs fail to equip students to be missionaries. However, God is using the China campus ministry to build up students as missionaries.

If we do not quickly adjust North America campus ministries’ direction and methods, we will continue to rapidly lose graduates. Once these graduates return to China, they will become the empty house described in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 12). When the evicted impure spirit returns to the house it previously left and finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order, then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the previous. Or they are one of the unproductive soils of Matthew 13. This is not a new phenomenon, just a new field. Should we not put our emphasis in disciple training and not build up the students solidly, the result of our campus ministries will not meet God’s heart.

August Bible Camp:

Praise the Lord! There are already more than one hundred brothers and sisters applied for this camp from few months ago. They are actively preparing themselves right now. CWC also assigned instructors to each attendee, individually advise them with their homework. Three weeks ago students completed their assigned reports and now are waiting for the Bible camp to begin, longing to pursue God’s Word more deeply. The Bible camp will not only help brothers and sisters understand the Word of God, but also consolidate their interests and habits of Bible reading and enhancing their ability to share the Word of God. Some brothers and sisters come from the East and West coasts. Some of them are students or working people. It includes engineers, full time ministers, professionals, professors, and house wives, etc. May the Lord bless them! We will study Divided Kingdom (It covers the books and history from King Solomon to the era before captivity). The speakers are Pastor Chuang-Seng Wang, Sister Grace Lee, and CWC coworkers. Please pray for the speakers and the whole meeting.

August Disciple Training Camp:

The ministry for the students and scholars returning to China should start from the freshman year. In a short while those freshmen will flow into our campuses. Do we have enough coworkers not only to care for these new students but also to share the Gospel to them? Are there enough coworkers who will follow up with students and equip them? New semesters requires coworkers. The purpose of August disciple and coworker training camp is to establish student ministerial teams for local campuses. Please pray for those brothers and sisters who will attend the August Disciple Training camp. Please pray for the speakers: Pastor Jeffrey Lu, Sister Jenny Wu, and CWC coworkers. Through this camp, may the Lord equip campus student coworkers for the coming year! Pray that these brothers and sisters will drive the revival of local campus ministries. The Discipleship Training dates are from August 6 to 12. We have posted the due date to August 4. For more information, please click here.

New Students Welcoming and Short Term Mission Teams:

Every week we hear about tragedies happened to Chinese students who are pursuing education in the States. Some of them had car accidents. Some of them were robbed, beaten, or raped. Chinese students even murdered other Chinese students. Recently a Chinese student was kidnapped on Champaign (IL) campus and was not found until today. Such heartbreaking news continues to remind these young students, “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, ‘I have no delight in them’” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Such news also reminds us to hurry to share the Gospel to these young students, before tragic things happen. Praise the Lord! This month the Lord will send seven short-term mission teams to share the Gospel on Midwest campuses. While many brothers and sisters are busy with welcoming and caring for new students with love, the short-term mission team members can grasp the opportunities to quickly share the Gospel to them. This collaboration between campus workers and short-term mission teams will surely bear abundant fruits and revive campus ministries. Please pray for the August and early September Midwest short-term mission teams! May the Lord use them! (First teams are from August 18 to 27. The second teams are from September 8 to 17).

May our Lord let us see the power of Gospel in the new semester. And also bless our ministry in unity.

In Him,
Pastor Billy Ko