2017-04 (四月禱告信)





筆者在密蘇里州哥城華人查經班/教會牧養三十多年,期間也幫助過不少美中其他校園教會,從中體會了一些校園教會牧養之道,希望藉著未來一年,每月跟大家分享一些過去牧會的心得,盼望能幫助校園同工更有效的帶領校園教會。(上月的分享 -使校園興旺的傳福音及探訪事工,已經是其中的一則)

I. 校園查經班成立教會 - 哥城華人教會歷史

哥城華人教會位於密蘇里州哥城(Columbia, MO), 這裡是密蘇里大學(University of Missouri)的本部,是一個典型的大學城,整個城市沒有什麼工商業,以大學為中心。從1970年開始就有查經班,即教會的前身,只有每週五的查經聚會。當時華人留學生主要是從台灣來的研究生,大概有一百多人。而現在全學校三萬多人中,華人留學生大概有一千五百人,其中一半是本科生,一半是研究院學生,此外還有一些訪問學者,再加上華人的教授和他們的家庭,哥城全城的華人數大約在2000到3000之間。但是因為是大學城,在兩個學期間,或假期中,會有很多學生離開,校園就幾乎成為空城。除了學期和假期時的整體人數流動性大以外,個體的流動性也很快,特別是訪問學者,大多在這裡學習半年後就離開了。

1970-1980年間,哥倫比亞的校區都是以單身的學生為主,聚會只有週五晚上的查經班,對象主要是單身的學生。當1980年中心剛成立,哥城華人教會就有三位姊妹來參加訓練營。她們獲益良多,並且回去以後,都非常積極地在團契裡追求和服事主,很快就成為查經班的同工和主席,並且帶動了整個團契的興旺。在緊接著的那個學期,筆者和師母雖然住在兩小時車程外的堪薩斯城(Kansas City, MO),但每個月都或專程、或順道看看她們和當地的弟兄姊妹。1981年,哥城華人教會開始每月有一次主日崇拜;1982年,主日崇拜增加到每月兩次;1988年,主日崇拜又增加到每月三次。雖然慢慢開始有主日崇拜,而且每次都有聖餐,但是還不是每週都有主日崇拜,所以在一些弟兄姊妹的心裡,並不認為這就是一個華人教會。筆者從1980年開始有主日崇拜的初期,就應邀成為經常性的主日崇拜講員,到1989年筆者就幾乎每個週末都在哥城服事。這時教會的功能已經相當完備了,筆者不僅要在主日講道,也教主日學,參與教會的同工會,計劃團契的校園事工,探訪弟兄姊妹與福音朋友等。於是有同工邀請我們搬來哥城,經過一年的禱告後,在1990年8月底開學時,我們就舉家從堪薩斯城搬到哥城,以便更深入地作校園教會牧養的工作,包括增加了週間傳福音的工作,帶領禱告會,探訪等。筆者有時也去附近各州不同的校園事奉,得以運用在哥城積累的經驗。這時哥城開始有比較多夫妻來美讀書,其中一些是有孩子的,大家開始看到查經班需要往著教會的方向走,所以弟兄姊妹和同工們也為要不要成立為教會而禱告,同時開始每週都有主日崇拜。為了幫助大家同心合意,筆者在講道的時候,經常教導聖經中關於教會的真理,使弟兄姊妹妹對主的愛心增加,因為成立教會之前最重要的不是找傳道人,而是建立一班弟兄姊妹有愛主的心,並知道如何建立神的教會,以致他們以後能夠正確的,往著建立教會的方向走。到1991年,哥城所有的華人大概已有600人了,也經過了一段時間的禱告,當大家心裡都覺得主的心意是要在哥城成立華人教會, 就在這一年正式成立了為哥城華人教會,在1992年筆者正式成為教會牧師。


  1. 校園團契要考慮建立教會,特別是華人人數比較多的校園。
  2. 在校園中牧養,必須有從神來的使命,長期投身在這事奉中,才能看見事奉的果效。
  3. 校園教會的傳道人,不一定要很有恩賜,卻要能長期的委身事奉,才能被神所用。
  4. 建立教園教會,必須先建立教會的弟兄姊妹和同工,當同工與牧者有美好的配搭時,興旺必然臨到。
  5. 校園教會的建立,需要有經驗、有負擔的傳道人在旁不斷地指導。



感謝神,約有近200位福音朋友、 短宣隊、 與弟兄姊妹來參加三月份的春假福音營,福音朋友的比例約佔參加者的百分之三十八,有十二位福音朋友得著新生命。求主保守他們繼續在主愛中成長;也求主加添各地團契同工的力量,協助這些新生命在主裏長進,這是更長久與更難鉅的工作,也請多為各地校園同工禱告。

五月門徒訓練 (五月二十一至二十六日)


帶職信徒訓練營 (五月廿六日至二十九日)

國殤週末的訓練營是專為全職工作的弟兄姊妹而預備,目的是幫助弟兄姐妹屬靈的成長,並裝備他們在教會、及校園裝備弟兄姊妹成為小牧人,並能帶領靈命年青的弟兄姊妹,不再是被人關心的人,而是成為關懷別人的人、在教會中分擔牧師的事工、在校園事工中成為學生的牧者。 求神使用這個營會來裝備每一位參加者,使他們能在職場中為神作見證、在生活中擴展事奉的領域與果效,讓更多人蒙恩。信息的內容都非常實際、能幫助全職工作者及其配偶,我們也有孩童的照顧,在短短的三天中,講員卻有四位,包括: 吳繼揚牧師、周偉恩牧師、林廖文惠姊妹、劉家揚長老等;請多為他們禱告!請預備您的心來參加、並早日報名。

六月青少年門徒訓練營 (六月四至十日)

很多青少年進了大學,離開了父母的家,也離開了神的家,這是一件令人心痛的事。中心的青少年門徒訓練營不是青少年的遊樂場,乃是明日校園與教會同工建立的基地,目的為了要建立一班愛主的年青人作主的門徒,使他們不僅在中學讀書時,能在校園中為主做見證、在大學讀書時,能成為校園團契的同工、帶領同學歸主,上班後,能在社會中將福音傳給別人,在教會中作同工。青少年訓練營著重聖經真理的裝備、門徒生命的建立、與事奉與傳福音的操練。 講員包括 : Rev. Edward Cheng (來自加州聖荷西), Rev. Steve Tan (來自堪薩斯市) 及Sister Vivian Lin (來自西雅圖) 等。請為此聚會禱告,並鼓勵您的孩子進儘快報名。

八月讀經營 (七月三十至八月五日)

讀經營是為了建立弟兄姊妹的聖經基礎,並能按著神的話語去生活,也能準確的分解神的話,成為分享神話語的人,當他們在帶領查經時,可以使更多人蒙恩。 感謝神,目前已有將近一百位弟兄姐妹報名,很多都是被神的話語所吸引,長期固定地來參加讀經營的弟兄姐妹,他們很認真的、每週在自己的教會聚集準備功課。講員為汪川生牧師、李玉惠姐妹及中心同工等。讀經營的參加者必須是基督徒,並在過去兩年內至少參加過一次門徒訓練。所以若您想來參加八月讀經營,卻還沒參加過門徒訓練, 請把握機會儘快報名先參加今年五月門徒訓練或帶職信徒訓練。詳細資訊及報名表請按此處。


  1. 為五月的門徒與同工訓練營禱告,求主藉此建立更多有影響力的學生同工。
  2. 為五月帶職信徒訓練禱告,求主興起更多弟兄姊妹成為小牧人,關懷與帶領別人。
  3. 為五月訓練營的講員禱告,求主賜給他們力量與智慧,並帶出事工的果效。
  4. 為青少年營禱告,求主興起更多年青人來參加,並在校園裏為主作見證。
  5. 為四月底高牧師在遠東的事奉禱告,求主保守與使用。
  6. 為迦南樓餐廳與教室的大廳興建禱告,求主帶領建造的計劃與過程。
  7. 為各地校園事工的興旺禱告。
  8. 求主增加中心的新同工,有更多精兵參與,一同建立學生、帶領學生。
  9. 為中心本月所需的經費禱告,求主預備,也讓更多弟兄姊妹一同支持中心事工,並多為中心事工禱告。
  10. 為八、九月短宣事工的安排禱告,求主興起更多人,一同在這廣大的校園禾場,去收主的莊稼。
  11. 為各校園團契的帶領人禱告,求主建立他們成為美好的榜樣,牧養與帶領年輕學生時更有力量與果效。




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

My sincere greetings to you in Christ! May the Lord’s blessings from heaven shower upon you and your entire family in this bright spring season!

Sharing in relation to pastoring campus churches (Part I)

Pastoring ministry is needed to build up a church. However brothers and sisters in the campus churches are mainly composed of young students whose spiritual foundation is shallow. Plus, they do not have too much church and social experience. Pastoring churches is not easy. Pastoring campus churches can be more difficult. Specifically, the difficulties are: (1) Brothers and sisters are very young and they themselves need caring. (2) Brothers and sisters are not spiritually mature, easily frustrated with a given responsibility. Because of the lack of experienced coworkers, campus church pastors must be more involved in many ministry areas. (3) There’s a lack of experienced pastors. Due to the shortage of financial resources, most pastors in the campus churches are new graduates fresh from seminary. Since they do not yet have experience in pastoring churches, their leadership is daunted with obstacles. (4) There’s a high pastor turnover rate. Once they get some experience, many campus pastors easily shift to other churches.

For over thirty years I pastored the Columbia Chinese Christian Fellowship, which became Columbia Chinese Christian Church. During these years, I helped a number of other campus churches in the Midwest, thereby accruing experience in pastoring campus churches. I would like to share with you my insights in the upcoming year via the monthly newsletter, in the hope that they can help campus church coworkers when they serve and lead the churches. One such report was in the March newsletter, titled “Gospel Sharing and Visitations that Prosper Campus Ministries”.

I. From a campus Bible study group to a campus church- history of Columbia Chinese Christian Church

Columbia Chinese Christian Church (CCCC) is located at Columbia, Missouri, at the main campus of the University of Missouri. It is a typical college town with not too much manufacturing or commercial business; the University is its central theme. Since 1970 there was simply a Chinese Bible study group that met regularly on Fridays, the prototype of the current church. Chinese-speaking students at that time were mostly graduate students from Taiwan, approximately 100 people, mostly graduate students. Contrast those 100 students with today’s nearly 1,500 students Chinese-speaking international students, 50% undergraduates and 50% graduate students. Together with visiting scholars and Chinese-speaking professors and their families, there are roughly 2,000 to 3,000 Chinese-speaking people in Columbia. Since it is a university town, many students leave for home in between semesters or during holidays. Overall turnover rate of Chinese-speaking people is high, not only because graduation and trips home, but also because people such as visiting scholars, study here for only half an year and then leave.

Between 1970 and 1980, there were mostly single students at the Columbia campus. The Bible study group met only on Friday nights and most of them were single students. When CWC was established in 1980, three sisters from the Columbia campus attended the discipleship training and learned a lot. Upon return, they earnestly pursued after the Lord and served the Lord and became the coworkers and the chair of the Bible Study Group, leading the revival of the student fellowship. For the following semesters, my wife and I visited brothers and sisters in Columbia on a monthly basis, either by making a special trip or just dropping by. We lived in Kansas City, Kansas, a two-hour drive from Columbia. In 1981, CCCC started Sunday service once a month. In 1982, the worship service was increased to twice a month. In 1988, there were three worship services a month. Each time we observed the Lord’s Supper. Since not every Sunday there was Sunday service, so in some brothers’ and sisters’ minds, it is not counted as a church.

I was regularly invited to be the speaker from the start of the Sunday worship service in 1980 and began to serve in Columbia almost every weekend by 1989. Then the function of the church was quite complete. I not only needed to preach and teach Sunday school classes on Sundays but also took part in the church coworkers meeting, planned for the campus ministry, and visited brothers and sisters as well as nonbelieving friends. Thus some coworkers invited us to move to Columbia. After praying for a year, my whole family moved to Columbia from Kansas City in August, 1990, just prior to the beginning of the fall semester. I then was able to minister the campus church to a wider expand, adding ministries such as weekday evangelism, leading the prayer meeting, and visitations. Sometimes I also went to minister campuses in nearby states by utilizing the experiences accumulated in the Columbia church. By now Columbia began to see many couples coming to study in the United States, some of them had children. We sensed that the Bible study group should head for the direction of becoming a church. Therefore, brothers and sisters and coworkers prayed about whether to plant a church. At the same time we started to have Sunday worship services every week.

To enhance the church unity, I often taught about the biblical truth regarding the Church in my sermons so that brothers and sisters would love the Lord more. What was most important before planting a church was not looking for a minister, but building up a group of brothers and sisters who love the Lord and know how to build the God’s house so that in the future they would walk on the right path towards church planting. Until 1991 there were about 600 Chinese people in Columbia. After praying for some time, when we all felt that the Lord indeed wanted us to plant a Chinese church in Columbia, Columbia Chinese Christian Church was officially founded in 1992 and I formally became the church pastor.

After planting the church, I continued to serve there until today, witnessing firsthand and participating in the growth of this church, such as purchasing the current building in 1996 and stopping renting a meeting place, adding additional facility structure in 2004, and the dedication of the new building in 2006. After more than twenty years of pastoral ministry, I would like to share with you the following thoughts:

  1. A campus fellowship needs to consider to become a church, especially if it is located on college town with a transitory population.
  2. It requires the calling from God and a long term commitment in order to pastor a campus church and to serve effectively.
  3. Ministers at campus churches do not need to be very gifted but should have a long-term commitment if they will be used by God.
  4. Before founding a campus church, brothers and sisters and coworkers should be built up first. Revivals will surely occur if coworkers and the pastor serve together harmoniously.
  5. Building a campus church needs constant instructions of experienced ministers who have a burden for campus ministry.

To be continued!

March Gospel Camp

Praise the Lord, approximately 200 nonbelievers, short-term mission team members, brothers, and sisters attended the March Gospel Camp. Nonbelievers accounted for about 38% of the participants. Twelve of them received the new life. May the Lord keep them and help them continue to grow in His love! May the Lord also increase the strength of local church and fellowship coworkers to support these newborns to mature in the Lord. That is the more durable and difficult task! Please often pray for local church and fellowship coworkers!

May Disciple Training Camp (May 21 to 26)

In a blink of an eye a semester passes. Students are busy with exams. A big portion of campus fellowship coworkers will soon graduate and depart. The remaining leaders began to worry about how to fill the ministry vacancies in the next semester. But really, we do not need to worry about the high student turnover rate. We should rather concern ourselves about the speed of building up coworkers and leading people to Christ. Are we fast enough to train up disciples and coworkers to fill those vacancies in time? Many in campus fellowships are aware that the May Disciple Training Camp is the key to replenish coworkers for the next semester. Before leaving the campus, the old coworkers should bring new brothers and sisters to attend the training camp together, not only to equip themselves to faithfully serve the Lord bi-vocationally after graduation, but also to build up new coworkers in order to fill the vacancies left by old coworkers. Therefore there will be no gap at coworkers transfer. For the future of ourselves and the campus fellowships, we have to encourage old and new brothers and sisters to attend the CWC May Disciple and Coworker Training Camp. Please pray for speakers Pastor Tsu-Kung Chuang and Pastor Stanley Chow. Please also pray for yourself and the entire training camp. May the Lord help you to attend and bring others with you.

Lay-Minister Disciple Training Camp (May 26-29)

This Memorial Weekend Training is especially designed for brothers and sisters working full time, to help them grow spiritually and become “little shepherds”, to lead young brothers and sisters to care for others instead of being the ones needing caring, to share their pastor’s workload in the church, and to become shepherds of the students in campus ministry. May God use this camp to equip every participant so that they will be witnesses for God at work and expand their ministry capacity and effectiveness in everyday life to bless even more people. The messages will be very practical and helpful to fulltime workers and their spouses. Childcare will be provided too. There will be four speakers for this short three-day camp, Pastor David Wu, Pastor Stanley Chow, Sister Vivian Lin, and Elder Chia-Yang Liu. Please pray for them often! Please prepare your heart to attend and apply early.

June Youth Disciple Training Camp (June 4 to 10)

Once in college, many youth leave not only their parents’ home, but sadly also God’s house. This is a heartbreaking phenomenon! Thus, the CWC Youth Disciple Training Camp is not a youth entertainment playground but rather the training base of future campus and church coworkers. It purposes to build a group of Christ-loving youth to be His disciples. As a result they will be able to bear witnesses for the Lord on middle and high school campuses and then become campus fellowship coworkers and lead fellow students to Christ during college years. Furthermore, after entering the workforce they can share the Gospel to others in society and grow into coworkers in their churches. The Youth Disciple Training Camp emphasizes equipping the youth with the biblical truth, molding their lives to be disciples, and practicing serving and evangelism. The speakers are Rev. Edward Cheng (from San Jose, CA), Rev. Steve Tan (from Kansas City, KS), and Sister Vivian Lin (from Seattle, WA). Please pray for this camp and encourage your youths to register as soon as possible.

August Bible Camp (July 30 to August 5)

The Bible Camp is designed to consolidate brothers and sisters’ biblical foundation and enable them to live according to the Word of God. As a result they will rightly handle and teach the Word of God in order to bless more people by leading Bible studies. Praise the Lord! Until now there are about one hundred brothers and sisters registered. Most of them are attracted by the Word of God and committed to regular and long-term attendance. Currently they are conscientiously preparing for the camp every week in their churches. The speakers are Pastor Chuang-Seng Wang, Sister Grace Lee, and CWC coworkers. The Bible Camp participants must be Christians and also must have attended the Disciple Training at least once in the past two years. Therefore, if you would like to apply but have not yet attended the Disciple Training Camp, please seize the opportunity to apply for the May Disciple Training Camp or the May Lay-minister Disciple Training Camp.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the May Disciple and Coworker Training Camp. Pray that God will use it to build up more influential student coworkers.
  2. Please pray for the May Lay-minister Training Camp speakers. Pray the Lord to raise more brothers and sisters to become the “Little shepherd” to care and lead others.
  3. Please pray for the May Disciple Training Camp speakers. May the Lord give them strength and wisdom to minister effectively.
  4. Please pray for the Youth Camp. May the Lord bring more youths to attend and bear witnesses for the Lord on their campuses.
  5. Please pray for Pastor Ko’s ministry in the Far East. May the Lord keep and use him.
  6. Please pray for the expansion of the dining room and class room at the Canaan Hall.
  7. Please pray for the revival of local campus ministries.
  8. Please pray that the Lord will add new coworkers to CWC so that there will be more Christian soldiers to build up and lead students.
  9. Please pray that the Lord will prepare the funds needed by CWC this month. Pray that more brothers and sisters will support and pray for CWC ministry.
  10. Please pray for the arrangement of August and September short mission trips. May the Lord raise up more people to harvest His crop in the vast campus field.
  11. Please pray for the leaders of local campus fellowships. May the Lord equip them to be good role models, shepherding and leading young students with more strength and effectiveness.

With so many training camps in view, please remember us often in your prayers. We also would appreciate you to serve alongside us and encourage brothers and sisters in your church to attend each camp. May God bestow more wisdom and strength to CWC coworkers to serve Him!

Together serving with you in His glory,
Pastor Billy Ko