2016-12 (十二月禱告信)


時間過得真快,沒想到這次是本年最後一封禱告信,一年轉眼就將成為歷史了!在此感謝我們的主,因祂每天用大能的手托住我們所走的路,又用祂的妙手恩膏我們手所作的工,使我們所作的,能彰顯神的心意與祂的作為,並成為眾人的祝福!使不少的學生得著主的救恩、又被裝備起來,成為主的器皿! 願主使您常在祂的愛中,恩上加恩!力上加力!得以豐豐富富的進入神榮耀的國裡!

門徒栽培性的校園事工 - 校園事工興旺的關鍵!

上個月底我被邀請到Ohio州辛城教會 (Cincinnati Chinese Church)講道,星期五晚上的佈道會有約一百五十位學生參加,大部份都是本科生,看見他們在台下專心聽道的樣子,我心中就非常的感動,佈道會結束時,因為時間的關係,我只用了約三分鐘簡單的邀請,很快就有約五位年輕的學生舉手決志。為什麼這裡的校園事工跟其他地方不一樣呢?像我這不擅長佈道的人,何以能有這麼多的學生來聽道、並相信耶穌?這是因為這間教會校園事工的傳道人平常所作的工。這位傳道人在美中求學時,就常常來基督工中心參加門徒訓練營與讀經營,本科畢業後進入神學院,在神學院其間,還是每次聚會都來參加,並且常常邀請學生來參加營會,畢業後就被辛城教會邀請作校園傳道人。他帶領學生的方式,基本上就是中心推動的校園事工的模式,不是以活動吸引人,乃是以門徒訓練、與同工栽培為校園事工的方向,他們每週都有學生的門徒培訓班,聚會後這位傳道人就一個一個的、邀請人參加中心的門徒訓練與讀經營,辛城教會也非常的支持,每次營會,他們都安排教會的傳道人或長老,開著教會兩輛十五人座的客車來參加營會,因此每次少則十人、多則幾十位年輕學生來參加營會,這些學生雖然年輕,卻很認真的學習神的話,回去後也在校園中認真的事奉,感覺主!帶來校園很大的復興,聚會滿有火熱,信主的學生也很多。我在辛城聚會的時候,多次看到這位傳道人帶領學生禱告,就好像我在中心帶領聚會與禱告會的形式。看見他校園事工的方向與方式,我就感謝主!再一次使人看到,校園事工要興旺,不能靠活動吸引人,要堅持校園傳福音的緊迫,快快向學生傳福音,快快帶領學生作主的門徒,充實的裝備學生作同工,在學期間,每週在校園有門徒訓練班,放假期間多多鼓勵學生來參加訓練營會,使學生能積極參與校園事工,必能帶起校園事工的興旺。讓校園成為帶職與全職宣教的培訓基地,建立神國的僕人,推廣神的國度,神必會賜福這校園的事工!


  1. 冬令會將於十二月廿二晚上至廿六日中午在Kansas City, MO 的Sheraton Hotel at Crown Center舉行。這是美中弟兄姊妹每年早早期待的冬令會,一同追求主建立自己,也一同將福音傳給美中的福音朋友,有不少弟兄姊妹從東西兩岸來。雖然十一月十五日網上報名才開始,但很多人已經準備好了。報名資訊已經張貼在網上。冬令會是培靈與福音並重,請邀請更多的福音朋友來參加,求主預備他們的心聽福音,求聖靈幫助他們能歸向基督,很多福音朋友作慕道友有一個學期了,祈求神幫助他們把握機會接受耶穌。神所重用的僕人:賴若瀚牧師、劉傳章牧師、林永健牧師、林國亮牧師、郝萬以嘉傳道、張儒民弟兄、及本地的劉本恩牧師、簡揚青牧師、李祥麟弟兄等,會來分享信息。求主使每一位參加者,都能被聖靈的火挑旺起來。冬令會的英文部經常也有170多位青少年、講英語的大學生及在職信徒參加,求主藉著 Elder Eugene Chu、Pastor Clark、 Pastor Steve Tan ,及加州 Breakaway Church 的短宣隊,幫助這些弟兄姊妹被主建立起來。此外隨著父母親來的孩童們,也有專人照顧,讓他們從少年時起,就在主的愛中被引導,以至生命長進,使全家蒙福、並被主得著。請特別留意:報名嚴格截止時間為十二月十八日主日(中部時間)下午四時。
  2. 十二月門徒與同工訓練營: 將 於冬令會結束的同日(二十六日)晚上開始,至三十一日週六中午結束,在基督工人中心舉行。訓練營是為了建立信徒作主門徒,好活出主的見證,又建立門徒作同工、在校園或職場作主的工、在各地興旺主的國度。請為講員:劉傳章牧師和郝萬以嘉傳道禱告,要連講五天的道,每天要教導二至三堂課,很不容易,求主加添他們的智慧與能力,可以建立主的精兵,也求主記念弟兄姐妹追求的心志,更多滿足他們、使用他們。感謝主!至十一月二十五日,已有近一百七十位弟兄姐妹報名,因為他們都看到裝備自己、作神國精兵的重要。中心目前仍有空位,請把握機會,不要遲延。報名嚴格截止時間為十二月十八日主日(中部時間)晚上十一時五十九分。 請為聚會代禱,也邀請其他的基督徒同來參加,為主裝備明年校園新的同工、及神國度未來的生力軍。
  3. 讀經營: 緊接著門徒與同工訓練營之後,為期一週的讀經營就開始了 (一月一日下午五時至七日中午)。報名已經截止,約有近一百五十位弟兄姐妹報名,正努力地準備功課,要在十二月初完成最後的指定作業,他們都利用感恩節的假期埋頭讀神的話,要完成其中專題研讀的功課,因為大家都嘗到神話語的甘甜。求主幫助他們能繼續用喜樂的心研讀神的話語,不僅按時完成作業,又能在各校園與教會中,成為神話語的好管家,能按時分糧、並帶領查經與分享神的話。 請為讀經營禱告。


  1. 為冬令會籌備工作代禱 – 要籌備一個一千五百人以上的聚會,是非常大的挑戰,參加的人越多,得幫助的人也越多,中心的同工不多,求主加給同工智慧與能力。
  2. 冬令會需要一百多位的義工和短宣隊員,與講員和中心同工們一起配搭,求主興起,並祈求主加添這一百多位大能的勇士有體力與靈力,賜給他們強壯的身體。因為很多的事奉,例如: 在旅館的會場及餐廳「跑來跑去」,預備飲水與搬運飯菜、真需要壯健的手腳!想想: 每天要抱小嬰孩也真不容易,當他們的手下垂、腿發酸時,正需要您們為他們禱告,求主賜給他們健壯的手臂和慈悲的胸懷,求主祝福他們佳美的事奉
  3. 為講員的分享、及慕道朋友的心禱告,使他們能在聚會中接受耶穌做他們個人的救主。也請為來自東、西兩岸及德州的短宣隊代禱。
  4. 為各校園的邀請工作代禱;也請為各地交通安排,並聚會期間有好的天氣及路況禱告。
  5. 為十二月門徒及同工訓練營代禱 – 為已經報名門訓的弟兄姊妹禱告,求主使他們饑渴慕義的靈得飽足,也為更多人願意接受裝備禱告,好讓各校園中有更多人在生活上能見證主,在事奉上能滿足主,並能影響更多人歸向主。
  6. 為訓練營與讀經營講員的信息禱告,也為中心同工代禱。連續一個月日以繼夜辛勞的服事,靠人的力量絕對不能完成,必須靠聖靈加添能力、並弟兄姊妹用禱告來托住我們。
  7. 為讀經營已經報名參加的弟兄姐妹正準備功課、聚會中能飽得供應禱告。
  8. 有一些弟兄姊妹要參加三個營會,並提前一週協助聚會預備工作,求主加添他們力量,完成神的工作。求神也開他們的眼,看見神話語的奇妙。讓他們在事奉中經歷神的大能,在追求與學習中能嘗到神話語的甘甜。
  9. 為中心新的同工李正弟兄申請工作簽證禱告,也求主興起更多同工參與中心校園事工的行列。
  10. 為中心的經費禱告,求主彰顯祂的豐盛!




Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Peace to you in our Lord.

Time has flown by. This is the last prayer newsletter of this year, and one more year will soon become history! I’d like to thank our Lord, for He upholds our paths with His mighty hand every day. He anoints the work of our hands with His hand, so what we may reveal God’s heart and His deeds and be a blessing to all! Many students received salvation from the Lord and have been equipped to be the Lord’s vessels! May the Lord keep you always in His love and receive grace upon grace, strength upon strength, so you may enter God’s glorious Kingdom with abundance!

Campus Ministry that Focuses on Discipleship—Key to prospering campus ministry

I was invited to preach at Cincinnati Chinese Church at the end of last month. Approximately 150 students attended the evangelistic meeting on Friday night, and most of them were undergraduate students. I was very moved to see how they listened to the sermon very attentively. As the evangelistic meeting closed, due to time allowance, I only used about three minutes to extend a simple invitation, and about five young students raised their hands to accept Jesus. Why was campus ministry different here compared to other places? I am not very good at evangelistic preaching, so how was it so many students came to listen to the sermon and believe in Jesus? This is because of what the pastor in charge of campus ministry at this church has done on a regular basis. While this pastor was still a student in the Midwest, he frequently attended Discipleship Training and Bible Camp. He went to seminary after college. He continued to attend these trainings and invited students to attend. After graduation he was invited to become campus minister at Cincinnati Chinese Church. The method he uses to lead the students is basically the model CWC uses for campus ministry: we reach students not by activities but with a clear direction in campus ministry toward discipleship and building up coworkers. This church has weekly student discipleship classes. After each session this minister will invite people one by one to attend CWC discipleship training and Bible Camp. Cincinnati Chinese Church is also very supportive to the CWC Discipleship Training and the Bible Camp. Each time there is a training or camp, they would arrange for the ministers or elders from church to drive two 15-seat church vans to take people to the meetings. Every time there would be at least ten people attending the meetings. Although these students are young, they are very serious in studying the word of God, and they are serious in their serving after returning to their campus. Praise the Lord! This brought great revival to the campus, zeal during fellowship and meetings, and many students came to the Lord. When I was with the church in Cincinnati, I’ve witnessed multiple times the way this minister leads students in prayer is like the way I lead prayer meetings at the CWC meetings. I praise the Lord when I see his direction in campus ministry and his method! Once again we see the prosperity of campus ministry cannot depend on drawing people with activities and programs. We must be adamant about the urgency of sharing the gospel on campus; indeed, quickly sharing the gospel with students, quickly leading students to be the Lord’s disciples, and solidly equipping students to be coworkers. There should be discipleship training class on campus every week. Students should be encouraged to attend training during school breaks, so students can more proactively participate in campus ministry and kindle the revival in campus ministry. May campuses become the training ground for lay-ministers and full time missionaries, where it will build up the servants of Kingdom of God, expand the Kingdom of God, and God will surely bless campus ministries!

Upcoming Events

  1. Winter Conference: The Winter Conference will take place from the evening of December 22nd through noon on December 26th at the Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center in Kansas City, MO. This is the Winter Conference greatly anticipated by Midwestern brothers and sisters seeking to know the Lord and equip themselves, as well as sharing the gospel to the nonbelievers in the Midwest. Registration information has been posted online. Winter Conference emphasizes both evangelism and building up believers. Please invite more nonbelievers to attend. May the Lord prepare their hearts to hear the gospel; may the Holy Spirit help them turn to Christ. Many nonbelievers have been seekers for a semester. Ask God to help them seize the opportunity to accept Jesus. These are the servants of God who will be sharing the message with us: Rev. Johann Lai, Rev. Brian Lam, Rev. Jonathan Liu, Rev Kuo-Liang Lin, Minister Ijia Hao, Brother Zumin Zhang; and pastors from the Midwest: Pastor Puong Lau, Pastor Jerry Jean, and Brother Henry Lee, etc. May the Lord lead everyone who attends the conference to be kindled by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Frequently there are over 170 youth, English-speaking college students, and working people attend the English session of Winter Conference. May God use Elder Eugene Chu, Pastor Steve Tan, Dr. James Clark, and California Breakaway Short-Term Mission Team to help these brothers and sisters be built up by the Lord. In addition, children who come along with their parents will have a place to be cared for, so they will be led in the love of the Lord ever since their youth, that their lives may grow and bless the entire household and be won by the Lord. Please especially pay attention to the strict registration deadline of Sunday, 12/18/2016, at 4pm Central Time.
  2. December Discipleship and Coworker Training: This will start on the same day Winter Conference ends, from December 26th evening through 31st at noon, at the CWC camp site in Warsaw, MO. The purpose of this training is to build up brothers and sisters to be the Lord’s disciple: to bear good witness for the Lord, to equip disciples to become coworkers, to do the Lord’s work on campuses and in career fields, to prosper the Kingdom of the Lord wherever you are. Please pray for Rev. Jonathan Liu and Minister Ijia Hao, as they will preach for five days in a row, teaching two to three sessions each day, and it is not easy. May the Lord add to their wisdom and strength, so they may train up elite soldiers for the Lord. May the Lord also remember the hearts of brothers and sisters pursuing after Him, May He satisfy them more and use them. Praise the Lord! As of November 25th, there are almost 170 brothers and sisters registered. They see the importance of equipping themselves and being equipped soldiers in the Kingdom of God. This training still has openings available, so please seize the opportunity, don’t delay. The strict deadline will observed December 18th at 11:59 PM. Please pray for the meeting and invite other Christians to attend, so we may prepare for the Lord new coworkers on campus for next year, and fresh troops for the future of the Kingdom of God.
  3. Bible Camp: Immediately following Discipleship and Coworker Training, the week-long Bible Camp will commence, running January 1st at 5pm through 7th at noon. Registration has closed, but of course praying for God’s wisdom to be gained at this camp remains open. Nearly 150 brothers and sisters registered and are working hard on their homework, in order to complete the last assignment by early December. Because everyone has tasted the sweetness of the word of God, they’re utilizing Thanksgiving break to study God’s Word, so they may finish their topical study assignment. May the Lord help them to continue to study the Word of God with a joyful heart, so not only would they finish their assignments on time, but they will be good stewards of God’s word at their campuses and churches, to give out food allowances at the proper times, to lead Bible study, and to share the word of God. Please pray for the Bible Camp.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the preparation for Winter Conference—It is a tremendous challenge to prepare for a meeting of over 1500 people. The more people attend means more people benefit from it. CWC doesn’t have many coworkers; may the Lord add to coworkers wisdom and power.
  2. Winter Conference needs over 100 volunteers and short-term mission team members to collaborate with speakers and CWC coworkers. May the Lord raise up people, and may the Lord add onto these hundreds of powerful warriors to have physical and spiritual strength. May God give them healthy, strong bodies! Many ministries truly need powerful hands and feet; for examples, “running around” hotel conference rooms and dining halls, preparing beverages and carrying meals. It is not easy to carry little babies everyday. When their arms grow weary and their legs are tired, they truly need your prayers for them. May the Lord give them strong arms and compassionate hearts; may the Lord bless their beautiful ministries.
  3. Pray for the speakers’ sharing. Pray for the hearts of nonbelievers, so they may receive Jesus as their personal Savior. Please pray for the short-term mission teams from East Coast, West Coast, and Texas.
  4. Pray for invitation work throughout all the campuses, pray for transportation arrangement everywhere, and pray for good weather and travel conditions for the duration of the conference.
  5. Pray for the December Disciple and Coworker Training—pray for brothers and sisters who have registered to attend discipleship training. May the Lord satisfy their souls which thirst after righteousness. Pray for more people to be willing to be equipped, so at every campus more people may witness for the Lord with their lives, please the Lord in their service, and influence more people to return to the Lord.
  6. Pray for the messages of the speakers for discipleship training and Bible camp. Pray for the coworkers. It is impossible to depend on the strength of men to serve non-stop for a month; we need the Holy Spirit to add to our strength, and we need brothers and sisters to hold us up in prayer.
  7. Pray for brothers and sisters who have registered for Bible Camp and are preparing their assignments, that they may be well-fed during the meeting.
  8. Some brothers and sisters not only will attend all three meetings, also they plan to come one week early to help with preparation work. May the Lord add to their strength to finish the work of God. May God also open their eyes to see the amazingness of God’s word. May they experience the great power of God as they serve, and may they taste the sweetness of Go’s word in their seeking and studying.
  9. Pray for the visa application of CWC new coworker, Brother Aaron Li. May the Lord also raise up more coworkers to join us in the work of CWC campus ministry.
  10. Pray for the CWC budget. May the Lord reveal his abundant riches!

May God bless you and your family!

Pastor Billy Ko
Director of Christian Witness Center