2016-11 (十一月禱告信)



全美華人留學生人數最多的校園,約有一半在中西部,有一些校園華人同學甚至達數千人,人數之多以至一些校園出現了「小華埠」,所消售的道地中式食品、珍珠奶茶與火鍋的生意,甚至凌駕於星巴克咖啡店與美式快餐店之上。置身在這些店中享受華人美食時,使您突然錯覺自己仍置身祖國 (註1)。

華人學生增加本是好事,可是犯罪率也急速上升,犯案嚴重的程度令人震驚,伊利諾大學香檳校區(UIUC),一名21歲的中國留學生,因涉嫌性侵女同學、偷竊其財物及虐待其寵物狗,被警方提控13項罪名,被關押至香檳監獄等候審判,其保釋金額高達50萬美金。近幾年來,伊州大學香檳校區也曾發生數宗與留學生有關的暴力案件。2013年,河北籍博士生在該校學生公寓內將自己的前女友刺死,並被判46年有期徒刑,這宗案件也在當時引起各界高度關注 (註2)。 一名中國留學生在愛荷華州藉租屋強姦女戶主(中國同學)被捕。父母經由中國前來該校園營救兒子,托人給女受害人掩口費,並要求更改口供,結果因涉嫌干擾證人也被捕 (註3)。 2014年愛荷華州學生無法接受女友「另有新歡」,還接受其他男子示愛,伸手掐女友的脖子,等自己冷靜下來的時候,她已經一動不動了 (註4)。


世界的商人看準中國的留學生,眼睛就緊釘著他們,仔細檢查他們的需要,盡力的滿足他們,因為曉得這是他們的「商機」;這些商人就為留學生開設了很多美味的餐館、蓋了很多舒適的公寓去吸引他們,路加福音16:8 說「今世之子,在世事之上,較比光明之子,更加聰明」,但是我們屬神的兒女看見這些留學生,卻沒有看見這是我們福音的「商機」,有多少人注意他們的需要?伸出手來幫忙他們,為天國多得靈魂呢?也許在開學的時候,我們會用愛心幫助他們生活上的需要,卻沒有太多看見他們靈魂的需要,甚至害怕傳福音給他們!我們越推遲向他們傳福音,就有更多學生墮落在罪中,福音的門更難打開。當我們看到大部份校園,這幾年留學生正在急速增加,但我們聚會的人數卻沒有顯著增加時,這就是我們作得太慢與太少!求主憐憫並加添我們向留學生傳福音的心志與力量!

耶穌說:「 趁著白日,我們必須作那差我來者的工;黑夜將到,就沒有人能做工了。」(約 9:4)


  1. 冬令會 讓美中各校園團契與教會,同心協力的將福音在美國中西部傳出,共同挑旺福音之火。當大家一同將數百位福音朋友帶到主前,一同為失落的靈魂禱告。藉著一同禱告與追求,共同聆聽主的話語,就能挑起愛主的心,使弟兄姊妹的靈命得興旺。冬令會將於十二月廿二至廿六日在密蘇里州堪薩斯城的Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center舉行。網上報名將在十一月十五日開始,至十二月十八日下午四時正嚴格截止。報名表已貼在中心網站上,並寄至眾教會與團契,請早日開始作邀請工作,好讓大家一同預備心參加,就能更多得到主的賜福。也請為冬令會各講員禱告:計有賴若瀚牧師、林永健牧師、劉傳章牧師、林國亮牧師、郝萬以嘉傳道、張儒民弟兄與美中的牧者:劉本恩牧者、簡揚青牧師 及李祥麟弟兄等,英語部的講員有 Eugene Chu 長老、 Steve Tan牧者、Dr. James Clark、及加州的青少年短宣隊, 請多多禱告,求主復興的靈在聚會中自由運行,藉著祂的眾僕人,賜下復興的工作。也為 Dan Davis夫婦、與其他帶領兒童節目的美國老師們禱告,讓他們的事奉能幫助更多小孩從小認識主,一生跟隨主,同時也讓兒童的父母能安心學習主的話。
  2. 十二月門徒與同工訓練營 目的是為建立弟兄姊妹成為主的門徒、裝備弟兄姊妹成為校園團契與教會的同工,好帶出校園團契與教會的興旺,因為訓練營不僅建立弟兄姊妹,也是校園事工得興旺的關鍵。團契與教會越多人接受門徒訓練的裝備,教會就更能增長。門徒訓練營將於十二月廿六至三十一日中午在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行,嚴格截止報名日期為十二月十八日。請儘早報名參加,也請為講員劉傳章牧師與郝萬以嘉傳道禱告。
  3. 一月讀經營 是要幫助弟兄姊妹養成日常研讀聖經的習慣,不僅懂得仔細研讀聖經,更能朝著建立自已、成為藉著帶查經或講道,將神的話語,按時分糧給別人的人。也有一些弟兄姊妹選修學分,要用平日在大學讀書的頭腦,來忠心與仔細的研讀神的話。這次讀經營會研讀「從約書亞記至所羅門王的生平」。參加者都必須早幾個月前,將中心指定的功課按計劃完成。感謝主!至十月底止,已有一百三十位弟兄姊妹報名參加,現在正在做最後的專題作業。讀經營將於2017年一月一至七日中午在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。嚴格報名截止日期為11月15日,若您想參加,請勿錯過報名機會,11月15日後,就不會接受任何逾期報名者。 請為講員諶志豪牧師、高昭鑾姊妹等講員及聚會代禱。


  • 高牧師──本來計劃十月份在亞洲事奉,但因母親生病,只好取消行程,在編排此信的同時,高牧師母親於十一月四日被主接去,在世寄居九十七載,求主親自安慰家人,追思禮拜將於十一月十二日於聖路易舉行。也請繼續為師母的健康禱告,求主醫治與賜福。除了在哥城牧會與在各地巡迴牧養事工,也正在籌備冬令會、門徒訓練、及讀經營的工作,請代禱。
  • 江士民姊妹──除了周末在各地的服事, 周間的辦公室事務,隨者冬天聚會的接近, 更是一週比一週更忙碌,感謝主!報名表已印製完成並寄出,十一月起,就要安排三個營會的詳細事工,諸如:冬令會講員、短宣、食物的訂購、義務同工的配搭、交通的安排等等,都需要有清晰的頭腦來完成,求主賜下聖靈的力量和智慧。
  • 關靜淳姊妹──暑期開始時有一些弟兄姊妹離開,但感謝主!暑期中兩次的營會:讀經營與門徒訓練營,Fayetteville的弟兄姊妹都有好幾位來參加,回到校園也很積極的追求與事奉主。這學期來參加聚會的學生人數增加不少,感謝主,再一次將復興的火帶到這校園。Pittsburg, KS校園的同工,也來參加暑期的營會,回到校園,也很積極的帶領其他弟兄姊妹一同傳福音與事奉主,團契在主前蒙恩得力,也得著復興。求主使關姊妹得著更大的能力與智慧,來帶動這兩個校園的復興。
  • 李正弟兄──李正弟兄已決定作中心的同工,現在正進行簽證轉換中,請為這手續能順利完成禱告,求主帶領,好讓弟兄能早日進入中心校園事工的團隊,也求主進賜福弟兄目前在Wichita, KS的事奉,並賜福他的一家。


註1: 蘋果日報2015年8月7日http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/china/20150807/54061810

註2: 蘋果日報 2016年10月18日 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/china/20161018/55792324

註3: 蘋果日報 2012年4月16日 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/first/20120416/16250974

註4: 蘋果日報 2016年6月23日 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/china/20160623/55264020


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Peace to you in our Lord.

Of US college campuses with the most Chinese international students, half are in the Midwest. Some campuses have several thousands of Chinese students. Some campuses have seen the rise of “Little China”, where authentic Chinese food, bubble tea, and hot pot business exceed Starbucks and American fast food restaurants in sales. When you are enjoying these delicious Chinese treats in restaurants with several Chinese language conversations in progress around you, you will have the illusion you are still in China!

The increase in Chinese students is a good thing, but crime rates are also rising, and the severity of their crimes are shocking. At the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), a 21-year-old Chinese international student had 13 charges against him, including sexually harassing a female student, theft, and animal abuse. He was arrested to the jail in Champaign, and bail was set at $500,000. In recent years, other cases of violence involving international students also took place at UIUC and other campuses. In 2013, a doctoral student from Hebei province killed his former girl friend in her dorm and was sentenced to 46 years in prison. A Chinese student in Iowa raped his female landlord (also a Chinese student) and was arrested. His parents came from China to save their son, and they paid that victim, demanding she change her testimony. They were arrested on the charge of disturbing the witness. In 2014, a student in Iowa couldn’t accept the fact his girlfriend found someone else, so he choked her; when he calmed down, she wasn’t moving anymore.

The above cases are only a few of the crimes committed by Chinese students. International students come to study in the United States with the intention of securing a better future, but they are often ruined by unaccustomed freedom and end in tragedy. Besides temptations also faced by American students freed from the constraints of home, international students appear to have more frequent problems with romantic relationships. Young students think they can freely choose friends of the opposite sex and cohabit as they like. They think this is the most hip lifestyle, not knowing that straying from what is proper will certainly lead to disaster. If students don’t know Jesus, the consequences are horrifying. Not only is there a decline in morality when it comes to romantic relationships, students may find themselves addicted to computer games, resulting in not attending to classes and schoolwork, and thus being afraid to take exams. This leads to the too common phenomenon of paying someone to go to class, to complete assignments, to write your thesis, or to take exams for you. Recently nearly one hundred international students were found cheating in Iowa, and they were either expelled or given probation. If international students don’t know the Lord, their future is very worrisome!

Businesses have their eyes on these newcomers. They pay careful attention to what these customers want and do their best to satisfy those desires. This is an opportunity to make money. These businessmen open many restaurants and build many luxury apartments to attract such customers. Luke 16:8 says, “For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light.” Those of us who have lived for years in the US think of it as home, with the responsibilities of home. For these new students, this is the “far country” of the prodigal son, a place for reckless living. We who are children of God see these same international students. Do we see them as our gospel opportunity? How many people notice their needs? How many people reach out to help them, to win more souls for heaven? Often at the start of the semester we can love them and help them with transportation and other material needs. But how many people see the spiritual needs of these students? Do we even fear to share the gospel with them? The longer we procrastinate in sharing the gospel with them, the more students become entangled in sin, and the more difficult it is to open the door to the gospel. When most of college campuses see a rapid increase in the number of international students the past few years, they have not seen a significant increase in the number of those attending fellowship. This is a sign we are working too little and too slowly! May the Lord have mercy on us. Lord, please add to us the heart and strength to share the gospel with international students.

Jesus said, “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” (John 9:4)

Retreats That Revive

  1. Winter Conference: Let the campus fellowships and churches of the Midwest work in unity to share the gospel throughout the Midwest and kindle the fire of the gospel. May everyone together bring hundreds of gospel friends before the Lord and pray in unity for the lost souls. Through praying and seeking together, listening to the word of the Lord together, may the love for the Lord be kindled in our hearts, and may the spiritual life of brothers and sisters be revived. The Winter Conference will take place from December 22nd through 26th at the Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center in Kansas City, MO. Online registration opens on November 15th, and the strict deadline is 4pm on December 18th. The registration form has been posted on the CWC website and has been sent to churches and fellowships. Please start early in inviting people to prepare their hearts to attend the conference, so you may be blessed abundantly by the Lord. Please pray for the speakers of the Winter Conference: Rev. Johann Lai, Rev. Brian Lam, Rev. Jonathan Liu, Rev Kuo-Liang Lin, Mrs. Ijia Hao, Brother Zumin Zhang; and pastors from the Midwest: Pastor Puong Lau and Pastor Jerry Jean. Speakers for the English programs are Elder Eugene Chu, Pastor Steve Tan, Dr. James Clark, and California Youth Short-Term Mission Team. Please pray that the Lord’s Spirit of revival will move freely during the conference and will grant revival through His servants. Please pray for Dan Davis and his wife and other American teachers leading the children’s program, that their ministry can help more children to know the Lord and to follow the Lord all their lives. The children’s program also lets parents of these children focus on learning the word of God with peace of mind.
  2. December Discipleship and Coworker Training: The purpose of this training is to build up brothers and sisters to be the Lord’s disciples, equipping brothers and sisters to become coworkers in campus fellowships and churches, in order to bring about the revival of campus fellowship and churches. The training camp not only builds up brothers and sisters, it is also the key to whether a campus ministry thrives. The more people receive discipleship training in fellowships and churches, the more a church will grow. Discipleship training will take place from December 26th evening through 31st at noon, at CWC camp site in Warsaw, MO. Strict deadline is observed to be December 18th. Please register early, and please pray for Rev. Jonathan Liu and Mrs. Ijia Hao.
  3. January Bible Camp: This is to help brothers and sisters establish a habit of reading and studying the Bible on a daily basis, that they not only know how to study the Bible diligently, but in doing so, they also can become a person who can lead a Bible Study, preach at the churches, or in other ways give people the word of God as food at the proper time. Some brothers and sisters even take credits, using their intellect they need to use at the college to study the Bible. The content being studied at Bible Camp this time is “From Joshua to the life of King Solomon.” Those who are attending are required to complete their homework assigned by CWC a few months ahead. Praise the Lord! As of the end of October, approximately 130 brothers and sisters have registered to attend and are working on their last stage home works to write their assigned topics. Bible Camp will take place from January 1st through 7th in 2017, at the CWC camp site in Warsaw, MO. Strict deadline is being observed as November 15th. If you are interested in attending, please don’t miss the chance to register, as no one will be accepted after November 15th. Please pray for speakers Rev Chihhao Shen, Sister Chao-Luan Kao, and others.

Coworker Updates

  • Pastor Billy Ko—He had planned to serve in Asia in October. But due to his mother’s illness, he had to cancel his trip. His mother is with the Lord on November 4th at the age of 98. Pray the Lord to comfort the families and relatives. Memorial service will be held at St. Louis, MO on November 12. Please continue to pray for Pastor Ko’s wife’s health. May the Lord heal and bless her. Other than his pastoral duties at the church in Columbia and touring pastoral ministry covering several areas, he is also preparing for Winter Conference, Discipleship Training, Bible Camp, and other service.
  • Sister Cindy Chiang—Other than serving at various campuses on weekends, weekday office administrative work increases as the winter events approach. Each week seems busier than the week before. Praise the Lord! Registration forms have been printed and mailed. Starting in November, we will be preparing in detail the three upcoming meetings, such as Winter Conference speakers, short-term mission, ordering of food, collaboration among volunteers, ride arrangements, etc. All this requires her to be clear-headed. May God give her strength and wisdom from the Holy Spirit.
  • Sister Ching Chun Kuan—Some brothers and sisters graduated and left at the beginning of summer time, but praise the Lord, several brothers and sisters from Fayetteville attended the two summer meetings, Bible Camp and Discipleship Training. They eagerly sought and served the Lord after they returned to campus. This semester saw many students coming to the church. Praise the Lord for once again bringing back the fire of revival to this campus. Campus coworkers from Pittsburg, KS, also attended the summer trainings and returned to their campus with great fervor in leading other brothers and sisters in sharing the gospel and serving the Lord. Their fellowship received grace and strength from the Lord, and they experienced revival. May the Lord give Sister Kuan even more power and wisdom to usher in a revival at these two campuses.
  • Brother Aaron Li—Brother Aaron Li has decided to become a coworker at CWC. He is currently in the process of changing his visa. Please pray for this process to take place successfully. May the Lord lead us, so brother Li may join the CWC campus ministry team as soon as possible, and may the Lord bless his current ministry in Wichita, KS, as well as bless his family.

Thank you for your prayer and financial support for CWC. Please continue to work with us in prayer, offering, and inviting others to attend the meetings, so the Kingdom of God may thrive even more, and everywhere and everyone in the Midwest will see revival.

Serving together with you in the Lord,
Pastor Billy Ko