2016-09 (九月禱告信)


八月的讀經營及門徒訓練(八月十三日) 結束六天後,我們就與八月的短宣隊(八月十九至二十八日) 一起在美中各地事奉。現在我們正籌備第二期的九月短宣隊(九月九至十八日) ,其中也幫忙投入美中夏令會(勞工節周末) 的服事。中心的同工雖然疲乏,還是追趕(士 8:4)。這一個半月是中心同工僅次於冬天最忙碌的日子,但神是我們的力量,是我們隨時的幫助,使我們能在繁忙的事奉中,仍然有從主而來的喜樂,從其中我們也看到主的賜福。




當您接到此信時,我們又在九月短宣的路上。九月計有三間教會分別從加州及德州共計二十人來美中短宣。我們要走的路甚遠,也是平常中心同工很難造訪,但他們也會來參加中心各項營會的教會及查經班。短宣將去 Missouri (Springfield) , Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Minnesota, Alabama, South Dakota, North Dakota, 請在禱告中紀念短宣的行程及事奉,求主照著祂豐盛的恩典,再次將更多得救的果子賞給眾教會,並使他們在將來能好好受裝備,成為神國的生力軍。



  1. 為九月初的短宣隊禱告,他們的旅程比八月短宣隊走得更遠。求主加添他們奔跑的力量,並滿有結果子的恩典。
  2. 為高牧師與師母身體的健康禱告,也請為高牧師97歲高齡的老母親,最近身體狀況急轉直下,請特別用禱告扶持她及高牧師。
  3. 為江士民姊妹週間繁忙的行政與營會的準備工作禱告,也求神賜福她週末在各地的講道與服事,使她不僅有行路的恩典,也使用她成為多人的祝福。
  4. 為關靜淳姊妹在Fayetteville AR 與 Pittsburg, KS 的事奉禱告,求主藉著她,建立西北Arkansas州的家庭並帶動這區的校園事工。
  5. 為維修同工Daniel Long一家禱告,求主賜福Daniel 的維修工作,在事奉中更多認識神的信實。並為他小孩的學業禱告,也賜福他妻子的身體健康。
  6. 為建築同工Pastor Harold Shull過去三十年在中心的建築工作感恩,求主賜福他週日在中心的建造,並週末在各地的講道服事禱告。
  7. 為中心的經費禱告,求主透過弟兄姊妹的奉獻,彰顯祂的豐盛。
  8. 求神興起更多對校園事工與門徒訓練有負擔的弟兄姐妹,與我們一起配搭同工禱告!
  9. 請為一月讀經營禱告,求主幫助弟兄姊妹早早報名,忠心預備功課,並加添弟兄姊妹有智慧去完成。
  10. 為12月門徒與同工訓練的準備與推動禱告,求主建立新一代的學生,作主的見證人與校園同工,並挑旺弟兄姊妹愛讀聖經的心,並裝備各地校園的同工能按著正意分享神的話。
  11. 請為年底各營會的講員禱告,求主賜給他們話語並聖靈的恩膏,使弟兄姊妹得被建 立。




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace to you in the Lord.

Six days after the completion of August Bible Camp and Discipleship Training, we began our ministry alongside the August Short-Term Mission Teams. From August 19-28 we went to various locations in the Midwest. Currently we are planning the second round of short-term mission covering September 9-18 as well as helping with the Mid-America Chinese Christian Summer Retreat on Labor Day weekend. Like Gideon in Judges 8:4, the CWC coworkers are “exhausted yet pursuing.” This month and a half is CWC’s second busiest time of the year, next to wintertime. The Lord is our strength and our help at all times. Thus, we still have joy from the Lord amidst our busy serving, and we also see the Lord’s blessing in all this.

August Short-Term Mission Teams

A total of 37 people from four different California churches plus one team formed by Los Angeles and Chicago Logos Evangelical Seminary organized as five teams to share the gospel on campuses across the Midwest. Although many people today think it is very difficult for the young students of this generation to believe in the Lord, we saw the works of God everywhere the short-term mission teams went. The number of those coming to the Lord was no less than ten years ago. From this we see it is not more difficult than in the past to share the gospel with students. As long as we are willing to share the gospel, the Lord will give us the fruit of salvation just as abundantly as before. Another thanksgiving: many students who came to the Lord this year are new students who have only been to the United States for one to two weeks. It appears God prepared the hearts of many new students even before they came to the United States. If we don’t seize the opportunity to gather in the harvest, we waste the grace of our Lord, and we lose the great opportunity to share the gospel.

September Short-Term Mission Teams

When you receive this newsletter, we are on our way for the September Short-Term Mission Trip. In September there are three churches from California and Texas, with twenty people coming to the Midwest for short-term mission trip. We are covering long distances, visiting churches and Bible study groups which participated in various CWC meetings and Discipleship Training but are not easily visited by CWC coworkers. Short-term teams will visit Missouri (Springfield), Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Minnesota, Alabama, South Dakota, North Dakota and other states. Please keep the travels and ministry of the short-term mission teams in your prayer. May God, according to His glorious riches, grant each church more fruit of saved souls and equip those souls to become the army of God’s Kingdom.

Due to our many ministries currently, the September Newsletter is shorter than usual, but we ask for brothers and sisters to please pray for us earnestly regarding the following prayer requests.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for short-term mission teams in September. Their itinerary covers more places than the August teams. May the Lord add to their strength as they run the course, and give them grace to bear much fruit.
  2. Pray for Pastor and Mrs. Ko’s health. Also pray for Pastor Ko’s 97-year-old mother, whose health has been deteriorating recently. Please especially remember her and Pastor Ko in your prayers.
  3. Pray for Sister Cindy Chiang’s busy administrative work and training camp preparations during the week days, and bless her weekend ministries at different campuses, that she will not only have grace in her walk, but the Lord will use her to be a blessing to many campuses.
  4. Pray for Sister Ching Chun Kuan’s ministry in Fayetteville, AR, and Pittsburg, KS. May the Lord use her to build up the families in northwestern Arkansas and kick the campus ministry in this area into gear.
  5. Pray for our maintenance coworker, Daniel Long, and his family. May God bless Daniel’s maintenance work, that through serving he may experience God’s faithfulness more and more. Also pray for his children’s school work, as well as for his wife to have good health.
  6. Praise the Lord for construction coworker Pastor Shull’s construction work at CWC for the past 30 years. May the Lord bless his service at CWC during the week, as well as pray for his weekend sermons at various places.
  7. Pray for the CWC budget, that God will show His abundance through the offerings from brothers and sisters.
  8. Pray that God would raise up more brothers and sisters with a heart for campus ministry and discipleship training to work with us.
  9. Please pray for the January Bible Camp. May the Lord help brothers and sisters to register earlier, faithfully prepare their assignments, and add to them wisdom to complete the home works.
  10. Pray for the preparation and promotion of December Discipleship and Coworker Training. May the Lord build up a new generation of students to be the Lord’s witnesses and campus coworkers. May God kindle in brothers and sisters a heart that loves to read the Bible and equip coworkers on every campus to correctly handle the Word of God.
  11. Pray for the speakers of the various meetings and trainings at the end of the year. May the Lord give them the words and anointment of the Holy Spirit, so brothers and sisters may be built up.

May the Lord bless you!

In Him,
Billy Ko (Pastor)