2016-07 (七月禱告信)







另外,調查對象中來美國後,通過美國人接觸到福音的只佔28%,另外72%的人是通過華人認識主。與此對應的是,只有16%的人是在美國人的帶領下或講道時信主,其餘82%的人是在華人的帶領下或講道時信主。可見雖然神在各地校園都興起美國的弟兄姊妹向外國留學生(特別是華人)傳福音,但神是將向華人傳福音的使命主要交托給華人弟兄姊妹——美國弟兄姊妹所作的,只是協助華人傳福音,但祂期待華人弟兄姊妹起來,站在第一線將福音傳給校園中自己的同胞,成為向華人學生傳福音的主力 。






聖地進修團 (6月20日前至7月1日):




八月讀經營 (8月2至8日):

感謝主!已有一百多位弟兄姊妹報名參加,這次是研讀摩西五經,五經是了解聖經的基礎,弟兄姊妹都很有興趣的研讀與預備功課,也非常用心的預備功課,在輔導的協助下,按進度完成作業。求主幫助弟兄姊妹不單能在營會與準備功課中有所學習,更能建立平時讀經的生活,與自我讀經的能力量。 報名已經截止,但請為講員為汪川生牧師、李玉惠姐妹及中心同工,也多為弟兄姊的學習禱告。


八月門徒與同工訓練營 (8月7-13日):

為了要造就弟兄姐妹作主門徒, 並為各地校園團契栽培新同工,請為這次的訓練營會禱告,求主催迫預備弟兄姊妹立志參加與學習。這次講員為楊光甫牧師與林心昂牧師,並中心同工等,請儘速預備心、並更多邀請人來參加。



在本文初的問卷調查分享中已讓我們看到:新學期是傳福音的關鍵,我們一方面要作愛心的關懷與接待,一方面要與短宣隊同心合意傳福音。在大家一同彼此配搭下,每年都在開學與第一學期間,能帶領了不少人信主,為每年的校園事工打了美好的根基。這次短宣隊仍分兩梯次來美中各校園宣道,日期為 8月19-28日與 9月9-18日。請在禱告中記念各短宣隊的籌備與裝備事工,好趁著這校園福音的佳期,為主多得智識份子。若你們校園需要短宣隊與您們一起同工, 在新的學期好好傳福音,請儘早與我們聯絡。也請為這次的短宣事工禱告!


  1. 請為八月份讀經營禱告,求主加添同工事奉的力量,也為弟兄姊妹的功課準備禱告,與建立讀經的興趣興習慣禱告。
  2. 請為八月門徒同工訓練營的準備與推動禱告,求主預備人心來參加,成為下學年度同工。
  3. 請為各營會的講員禱告,求主賜下聖靈在會場作光照與建立的工作。
  4. 請為暑期短宣隊禱告,求主裝備短宣隊員,也挑旺校園弟兄姊妹傳福音的心志,建立美好的配搭。
  5. 為Pastor Shull過去三十年在中心場地作營建造感恩與禱告,求主使他手上的工得著興旺。
  6. 為高牧師與師母在Columbia, MO的事奉禱告,能有聖靈的力量,帶出哥城華人教會與美中各校園的復興。
  7. 為江士民姊妹週間繁忙的行政工作禱告,並週末的教導與講道事工禱告。
  8. 為關靜純姊妹在Fayetteville AR 與 Pittsburg, KS 的牧養與關懷事奉禱告,求主的靈加添力量,並更大的使用。
  9. 為維修同工Daniel Long一家禱告,求主賜下聖靈的智慧與能力完成維修工作,並為他的小孩在大學與中學中的學習禱告。
  10. 為中心的經費禱告,求主彰顯祂的豐盛、也求神興起更多有學生事工有負擔的弟兄姐妹,與我們一起配搭同工禱告!




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace to you in the Lord.

Since time passes by so quickly, we must share the gospel urgently and proactively. Especially when receiving new students on campuses, we must share the gospel through aggressive loving and earnest caring for them.

Importance of Gospel Ministry:

Recently we conducted a questionnaire survey from the December Discipleship Training and the March Gospel Camp. 257 brothers and sisters turned in these surveys.

62% of those who participated in the survey first encountered the gospel within one month of coming to the United States! Subsequent first encounters were 8% within 2-3 months, 12% within 3-6 months, 7% within 6-12 months, and 11% after a year (Figure 1). From this we can see the first month is the best time to share the gospel with international students arriving in the United States. This is the time they are very curious about the new environment of American society. They hope to learn about every aspect, including religion. At the same time, when they first arrive on campus, if they encounter the love and caring of brothers and sisters from church, then they would more willingly accept the invitation to attend the New Students Welcome meetings. After the Welcome meetings as the pressure from school work increases, if they have not already connected, students will be distracted from going to church or fellowship, If we miss the great opportunity to share the gospel during the New Student Welcome period, the chances of nonbelievers being willing to accept invitation to attend fellowship will get progressively smaller.

After these international students heard the gospel in the Unites States, of those that become Christians, 18% accepted Jesus as Savior within the first month, 16% within 2-3 months, 21% within 3-6 months, 19% within 6-12 months, and the remainder, 26%, after more than a year (Figure 2). From the perspective of fruitfulness, Midwest students come to the Lord faster than what people would expect. There may be two sub-populations. Students ten years ago tended to study science and engineering. They often wanted to think things through and took one or two years before accepting the Lord. The majority of students today go into liberal arts and business. They may be more intuitive in their thought processes. They seem to more quickly accept Jesus after they’ve been moved by the gospel.

Regardless of when harvest comes, the first semester after students arrive the United States is the key period for planting the gospel. The first three months accounts for 33% of new Christians. After this the rate of people accepting the Lord and the effectiveness of sharing the gospel will gradually decrease. For this reason, when we receive new students at the start of the semester, we must not only show love and caring, we must at the same time quickly share the gospel.

Among the survey subjects, after the Chinese-speaking students came to the United States, only 28% encountered the gospel through American Christians. The remaining 72% all came to know the Lord through Chinese Christians. Corresponding with this finding, only 16% came to the Lord through leading or sermons by American Christians. The remaining 82% came to the Lord through leading or sermons by Chinese Christians. God has raised up American brothers and sisters on campuses everywhere to share the gospel with foreign students—especially Chinese students. Nevertheless, God has given the mission of sharing the gospel with Chinese mainly to the Chinese brothers and sisters. American brothers and sisters do also help the Chinese Christians share the gospel. However, God expects Chinese brothers and sisters to get up, stand at the frontline to share the gospel to their kinsmen on campus, and become the main force for sharing the gospel to Chinese students.

The new, Fall 2016 semester is almost here. May the Lord prepare our hearts to quickly seize this opportunity to share the gospel. Some campuses are not willing to share the gospel when they welcome new students. Perhaps they fear they might scare away the new students. But these statistics and other observations over the years suggest that if we don’t share the gospel when we welcome new students—and 80% new students come to church only once—then they will no longer come to church after they thank church brothers and sisters for the love shown in that one visit. Why not take this only opportunity to share the gospel with them well? Brothers and sisters! These statistics show us the new semester is a good opportunity to share the gospel. Let us not miss it! May the Lord grant good collaboration among short-term mission teams and campuses everywhere at the start of the semester this year, that they would together bear good fruits.

Figure 1. (Left chart) Timing of Hearing the Gospel for the First Time After Arriving in America

Figure 2. (Right chart) Timing of Accepting Jesus After Hearing the Gospel

Youth Discipleship Training:

Praise the Lord! Eighty-plus young brothers and sisters attended the June Youth Discipleship Training. God through His servants brought forth good teaching and building up, helping the youths see they should not be overcome by the world in this generation but to depend on the Lord to be good and faithful witnesses, to depend on the Lord and stand firm! Praise the Lord! This group of young brothers and sisters were moved by the love of the Lord. They not only learned well in class, they will leave from here to faithfully witness for the Lord, to lead classmates and friends to the Lord. During the camp they thoughtfully prepared for their evangelism practicum, going as teams to nearby nursing home and children’s campsites to share the gospel and witness for the Lord. May the Lord use them in even more mighty ways in the future.

(June Youth Discipleship Training Activities)

Holy Land Study Trip (June 20th to July 1st):

This took place by the Lord’s leading and was full of grace. A total of 43 brothers and sisters participated in the trip from the United States and China. This time we went to many new learning locations, we learned many new lessons, and we had new understandings of God’s word. From these experiences we expect to better empathize with Christ and the first believers regarding Christ’s ministry on earth.

(Study Group at Caesarea in Israel)

August Bible Camp (July 31st to August 6th):

Praise the Lord! Over 100 brothers and sisters have registered. The topic this time is the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch, which is the foundation to understanding the Bible. Brothers and sisters have enthusiastically studied and prepared for their homework. Under the help of their advisors, the Bible Camp scholars finished their assignments on time. May the Lord help brothers and sisters learn much at the camp and during their assignment preparation. Also, may they establish regular Bible reading in their daily lives and establish the ability to read the Bible on their own. Application deadline has passed, but please pray for the speakers Pastor Chuang-Seng Wang and Sister Grace Lee. Please pray for brothers and sisters to learn well.

(Last Year’s August Bible Camp)

August Discipleship and Coworker Training (August 7th to 13th):

The purpose of this meeting is to build up brothers and sisters to be the Lord’s disciples and to train new coworkers for campus fellowships everywhere. Please pray for the Discipleship Training this time. Pray the Lord will urge brothers and sisters to commit to attend and learn. The speakers this time are Pastor Kuang-Fu Yang, Pastor Andrew Lin and CWC coworkers. Please prepare your hearts as soon as possible and invite more people to attend. Applications forms have been mailed to the churches. You also can check the CWC website for the application forms and details.

(May Discipleship Training)

Summer Short-Term Mission Teams:

From the survey mentioned in this newsletter, we see new semester, especially the new fall semester, is the key time for sharing the gospel. On one hand we must care and host with love; on the other hand, we need to share the gospel in unity together with the short-term mission teams. By working together we can lead many people to Christ every year from beginning of the school year to the end of the first semester and lay good foundation for campus ministry every year. This year’s Short-Term Mission Teams will still come in two terms to the Midwest campuses. The dates are August 19th-28th and September 9th-18th. Please remember the preparation and training ministry for the teams in your prayers, so we may win more intellectuals for the Lord during this fine time for sharing the gospel on campus. If your campus needs a short-term mission team to work with you, that you can do well to share the gospel this new semester, please contact us as soon as possible. Please pray for the ministry of the short-term mission teams!

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the August Bible Camp, that God would add strength to the coworkers who are serving. Pray for brothers and sisters as they prepare for their home works; pray they would establish interest and habit in Bible reading.
  2. Please pray for August Discipleship and Coworker Training and invitation. May God prepare people’s hearts to attend and become coworkers for the next semester year.
  3. Please pray for the speakers of upcoming trainings. May the Lord send His Spirit to enlighten and build up brothers and sisters at the training.
  4. Please pray for the summer short-term mission teams. May the Lord prepare team members and ignite the heart of brothers and sisters to share the gospel, so they will have good team work
  5. Pray for Pastor Harold Shull and give thanks for him building the CWC camp site for the past 30 years. May God strengthen the work of his hands.
  6. Pray for the Pastor and Mrs. Ko’s ministry in Columbia, MO, that they may have the power of the Holy Spirit to lead Columbia Chinese Church and campuses everywhere in the Midwest to a revival.
  7. Pray for sister Cindy Chiang’s busy administrative work during the week and teaching and sharing ministry on the weekends.
  8. Pray for sister Ching Chun Kuan’s pastoral and caring ministry in Fayetteville, AR, and Pittsburg, KS. May the Spirit of the Lord add unto her strength and use her even more greatly.
  9. Pray for the family of maintenance coworker, Daniel Long. May the Lord give him wisdom and power from the Holy Spirit to complete the maintenance work. Pray for his children who are studying in college and high school.
  10. Pray for the CWC budget. May the Lord reveal His abundance.
  11. Pray God will raise up more brothers and sisters who have a heart for student ministry and can cowork with us!

May the Lord bless you!

In Him,
Billy Ko

Director and Pastor