2016-04 (四月禱告信)



春天來到!各校園都在擔心,馬上就有一批弟兄姊妹要離開。但校園事工能否繼續興旺? 就看我們能否繼續建立愛神、愛人、能作眾人榜樣的弟兄姊妹。在這一期的禱告信中,我特別想藉羅馬書 16:3-16 彼此勉勵,因為在這裡記載的一批弟兄姊妹,他們是「教會興旺的基礎」,是我們的榜樣。

通常書信結束時的問安,最常被我們所忽略, 但問安的話也是神的默示,內容也非常重要,不能輕率略讀。要了解保羅時期羅馬教會的景況,本段經文更是不能輕忽,經過深入了解羅馬教會的情況、與保羅對他們的勸勉,可幫助我們改進今天教會信徒屬靈的生命、同工當如何配搭?各地方教會間當如何彼此相交?看似最煩瑣的經文,卻能帶給我們莫大的幫助。保羅在羅馬書的信末,共問候十多位羅馬信徒,每一位都是羅馬教會的同工,在生活、事奉與個性上,都有美好榜樣,值得我們學習。

  1. 百基拉和亞居拉:這對愛主的夫婦,原住在羅馬,以製造帳棚為業, 也有美好的事奉,靈命非常成熟。當革老丟在位時,迫使猶太人離開羅馬,亞居拉帶著他的妻子百基拉就從羅馬遷移至哥林多;他們剛到哥林多,就遇見保羅, 他們一方面以織帳棚為生,一方面共同廣傳福音。在哥林多一年半後,百基拉和亞居拉安的事業剛穩定下來,保羅離開哥林多,他們夫婦也跟著保羅為福音遷居,經過以弗所時,保羅讓百基拉和亞居拉留下,繼續以弗所的事奉。當羅馬福音的門再次打開時,他們也放下以弗所的事業,回到羅馬建立教會。 保羅說:「他們在基督耶穌裡與我同工,也為我的命將自己的頸項置之度外」。 他們的事奉完全是為主的緣故,不顧自己的性命,完全的擺上,就是死,也不在乎。他們的事奉也影響了外邦的眾教會。今天校園團契與教會也需要這樣真正帶職事奉的人,能以事奉為首,事業為次。
  2. 以拜尼土:保羅說:「問我所親愛的以拜尼土安;他在亞西亞是歸基督初結的果子。」(v. 5)。 以拜尼土明顯是亞西亞省首批歸主的人。 首批信主的人沒有別人作他們追求主的榜樣,他們卻能成為別人追求主的榜樣。要使流動很快的校園不斷的興旺,就需要這樣的弟兄姊妹。
  3. 馬利亞:保羅跟著說:「又問馬利亞安;他為你們多受勞苦。」(v. 6)。 這位羅馬的馬利亞, 與四福音其他的馬利亞有一共同點,就是: 有愛心,為主、為人擺上自己,她願意為了弟兄姊妹的緣故多多勞苦,她是一個愛主事奉的榜樣。興旺的教會需要有這樣愛主、愛人的姊妹。
  4. 安多尼古和猶尼亞:保羅介紹他們是:「...與我一同坐監的安多尼古和猶尼亞安...」。安多尼古和猶尼亞曾與保羅一同坐牢, 與保羅同甘苦。 他們成為「在使徒中是有名望的」。因為他們二人在靈命與事奉上都有美好的見證,不僅使徒看重他們,主也看重他們。 教會與團契要被建立起來,必須要有這種為主受苦心志的人。
  5. 暗伯利:保羅稱呼他是「我在主裡面所親愛的暗伯利」;我們可以知道他是一個常在主裡,蒙神、與人所愛的人。教會要成為一個有愛的教會,必須多有這樣的人。
  6. 耳巴奴與士大古:「又問在基督裡與我們同工的耳巴奴,並我所親愛的士大古。」 以巴奴、士大古是樂意與保羅同工的人;為了主,他們可以不計較一切,他們不僅與保羅同工,也與其他人一同同工。這樣的人,是羅馬教會興旺的根由。
  7. 亞比利:「又問在基督裡經過試驗的亞比利安。」 他是一個靈命成熟的人,被主試驗過後,更顯出他的成熟與生命的豐富。一個成熟的教會,不在乎日子有多長久,只在乎在教會裡面,有多少成熟與真有屬靈經歷的基督徒?
  8. 亞利多布和拿其數家裡的人、非羅羅古和猶利亞,尼利亞和他姊妹,阿林巴並與他們在一處的眾聖徒: 看來在羅馬城有很多個聚會的地點,不少人肯開放自己的家作聚會之地,他們擺上很多,又忠心事奉主。校園事工很多都是從家庭開始,越多弟兄姊妹開放家庭,以愛心感動人,校園事工就會有更大的興旺。
  9. 亞遜其土、弗勒干、黑米、八羅巴、黑馬,並與他們在一處的弟兄們:從對這些人的問安中,可以看到:在羅馬有一處聚會,是以弟兄為中心,這五位弟兄是這弟兄「團契」的代表人物,保羅不僅問候他們,也問候與他們在一起的眾弟兄們 。 這問安顯出, 弟兄們能同心合意,一同追求主,一同事奉主,一同傳揚福音,這是何等善,何等美的事!弟兄能在教會中和睦又合一的在一起事奉,就不易被撒但所攻擊,教會與校園事工就得興旺;教會不能只有一大班的姊妹們,弟兄卻寥寥無幾,我們需要建立愛主的弟兄們,能站出來作主工。


聖地進修團 (六月二十日至七月一日)

目前中心同工們正緊鑼密鼓地籌備這一次的聖地進修之旅。這不是一個觀光旅遊團,而是聖經學習團。我們將從以色列人從約但河東岸進迦南開始,再踏足我們主耶穌在地上微行的腳蹤,其中包括舊約歷史所提過列王、與先知的事蹟,南將起於別是巴、北將遠至但,讓神的話在我們面前解開,使我們愛讀主的話,並愛主更深。感謝主,九天在以色列的這一段旅程,是由講中文的黎傳道夫婦帶領;他們從香港建道神學院畢業後就前往以色列進修,至今 20 年,白天將由他們現場講解,晚上我們還有研經,這對我們研習聖經與聖地一定大有助益。這次只有持中國護照者需要辦以色列的簽證, 但我們在耶路撒冷的旅行社和中心都會協助出具證明。 所有的人都不須辦約但簽證, 因為我們在約但將停留超過兩晚,旅行社可幫我們出具證明, 還可免了簽證費,所以這次不論您是拿學生 (F1) 或是工作 (H1) 簽證的弟兄姐妹,這次是一個很好的機會加入我們研習的行程。按照我們多年來「聖地進修團」的計劃,埃及本應該包括在「以色列人出埃及」這一次的行程中,但從六年前我們回來之後,非洲吹起「阿拉伯之春」民主運動,西乃半島時有衝突,因此今年我們決定取消埃及與西乃這一段。感謝主!約旦與以色列還是很安全,所以我們這次會有更多時間在以色列學習,我們加了許多過去沒有去過的地方。請特別注意: 我們是去約但與以色列,不是去敘利亞。現在不安全的地方居然是在歐洲,我們下次辦這一段旅程是在六年以後,屆時約旦與以色列等地的情況如何,我們真不知道。所以趁著現在,請把握機會一同去學習。感謝主!到今天為止,我們已有三十四位弟兄姐妹報名。有人問何時為截止日期? 我們沒有截止日期,以載滿一部巴士(49 人)為止。我們特別安排在暑假期間舉辦此次進修團,就是讓有學齡孩童的父母也能帶全家同行。由於機票價格每週都在上漲,暑假又是旅遊旺季,加上名額的限制,有意參加者請儘早報名。



五月門徒訓練 (五月二十二至二十七日)

五月以後,馬上就有一批團契同工即將畢業離開,所以五月門徒訓練是一個很好栽培下學期同工的機會!為了團契的未來,各教會及團契應鼓勵弟兄姊妹來參加此次門徒與同工訓練營,這可能是畢業同學最後一次參加為期一週培訓的機會,進入職場後,也許就沒有這樣多的假期能參加這樣的營會了。許多人有心志在暑期回國期間向家人傳福音,那麼您更要參加這次的營會,在靈裡裝備自己。講員為薛孔偉牧師與張西平牧師,請為您自己、講員及整個聚會禱告, 求主幫助您不僅自己來參加, 也能帶領其他人來參加。

帶職信徒訓練營 (五月廿七日至三十日)

國殤週末的訓練營是專為全職工作的基督徒而預備,目的是幫助弟兄姐妹屬靈的成長,並裝備他們在教會及校園帶領弟兄姊妹一起為主作見證、事奉主,校園事工才能活潑、有希望,並在職場上為主發光、並帶領多人歸入基督。講員有: 薛孔偉牧師,張西平牧師、及李力彌長老;請開始預備您的心來參加,並早日報名。也請為講員、自己及此次聚會禱告!。

八月讀經營 (七月三十一日至八月六日)

這次我們將研讀摩西五經(創世記至申命記)。感謝神,在一月讀經營結束之前,就已經有許多人交上了八月讀經營的報名表;到目前為止,已有八十位弟兄姐妹報名,並已經很認真的或者參加讀經小組、或者個人自修的在準備。我們的講員為: 從台灣來的汪川生牧師、和李玉惠姐妹。讀經營的參加者不僅須是基督徒,且必須在過去兩年內至少參加過一次門徒訓練。所以若您想參加八月讀經營,卻還沒參加過門徒訓練, 請把握這次參加五月門徒訓練或帶職信徒訓練的機會,趕快補上門訓。您可同時交上五月門徒訓練與八月讀經營的報名表,開始準備功課。我們不接受先參加八月讀經營,再補八月門訓 (八月七至十三日) 的報名。



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

A sincere greeting in the Lord to you all! During this springtime, may God’s showers of blessing pour down upon you from heaven!

Spring is here! Every campus is worried, as very soon brothers and sisters will be leaving. Will campus ministry continue to prosper? This depends on whether we can continue to build up brothers and sisters who love God, love people, and can be role models for all. In this issue of the Prayer Letter, I especially want to encourage you through Romans 16:3-16. This recorded a group of brothers and sisters who are “the foundations for church growth” and our role models.

We often neglect the greetings at the end of the epistles, but words of the greetings were also inspired by God, their contents are very important, and we should not casually overlook them. To understand the Roman church of Paul’s time, this is a passage of Scripture one must not ignore. Moreover, understanding of the condition of the Roman church and the exhortation Paul had for them can help us improve the spiritual lives of believers in churches today. How do coworkers work together? How do local churches fellowship with one another? What appears to be Scripture passages that are irrelevant to us can instead bring us enormous help. At the end of Romans, Paul greeted over ten Roman believers. Every one of them was a coworker at the church in Rome with good testimony in daily life, ministry, and personality, and we can learn from them.

  1. Priscilla and Aquila: This couple, who loved the Lord, originally lived in Rome, made tents for a living, had a beautiful ministry, and were mature spiritually. During the reign of Claudius, the Jews were forced to leave Rome. Aquila and his wife Priscilla moved from Rome to Corinth. They had just arrived Corinth when they met Paul. The three made tents together for a living, and they worked together to spread the gospel. After a year and a half in Corinth when Priscilla and Aquila’s business had become more established, Paul left Corinth, and this couple moved with Paul for the sake of the gospel. When they came to Ephesus, Paul had Priscilla and Aquila remain there to continue the ministry. When the door for the gospel once again opened in Rome, they cast aside their business in Ephesus to return to Rome to establish and build up the church. Paul said, “They are my fellow workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me.” Their ministry was for all for the Lord that they did not hold back even their very lives but offered everything, even if it were to the point of death. Their ministry also affected all the churches of the Gentiles. Today’s campus fellowships and churches need real workers like them, who place ministry first and career second.
  2. Epenetus: Paul said, “Greet my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia.” (Romans 16:5) First converts have no one to serve as examples for them in how to pursue the Lord. Such pioneers rather become examples for others in how to purse the Lord. If we want campuses which are always in flux to thrive continuously, we need brothers and sisters like Epentus.
  3. Mary: Next, Paul said, “Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you.” This Mary of Rome shares much of worth with the Marys of the four Gospels, including Jesus’ mother, Mary Magdalene who was the first believer to see the risen Lord, and Mary sister of Martha and Lazarus who Jesus praised for her attentiveness. This Mary (or Miriam) in Romans 16:6 has a loving heart, giving herself for the Lord and for others, and willing to work very hard for brothers and sisters. She is a role model for loving the Lord and serving. A thriving church needs sisters like her who love the Lord and love others this way.
  4. Andronicus and Junia: Paul introduced them as people “who have been in prison with me.” They suffered and rejoiced with Paul. They became “outstanding among the apostles.” Because of their beautiful testimony in spiritual life and ministry, not only did the apostles hold them in high regard, the Lord also holds them in high regard. In order to build up churches and fellowships, we need people like them, who are willing to suffer for the Lord.
  5. Ampliatus: Since Paul called him, “Ampliatus, whom I love in the Lord,” we can know he was someone who abided in the Lord and was loved by God and most likely by people besides Paul. In order for a church to become of church full of love, we need more people like him.
  6. Urbanus and Stachys: “Greet Urbanus, our fellow worker in Christ, and my dear friend Stachys.” Urbanus and Stachys enjoyed working with Paul; for the sake of the Lord, they don’t count their losses. Not only could they work with Paul, they also worked with others. People like them are the reason the church in Rome prospered.
  7. Apelles: “Greet Apelles, tested and approved in Christ.” He was a spiritually mature man, manifesting his maturity and abundant life after being tested by the Lord. A mature church is not defined by how many years the church has been in existence but how many mature Christians with real spiritual experience are in the church.
  8. The household of Aristobulus and the household of Narcissus, Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, Olympas and all the saints with them: It appears the city of Rome had many family churches and many people willing to open their homes as meeting places. They offered much and served the Lord faithfully. Campus ministries mostly began with families. The more brothers and sisters are willing to open their homes and touch others with their love, the more campus ministry will prosper.
  9. Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas and the brothers with them: From the greeting to these persons, we can see Rome had a fellowship that was centered on brothers. These five brothers were representatives of this Men’s Fellowship; Paul not only greeted them but also greeted the brothers with them. This greeting showed how beautiful and good it is for brothers to be of one accord, to seek the Lord together, to serve the Lord together, to spread the gospel together! If brothers can serve together in the church in unity and harmony, then they would not be easily attacked by Satan, and the church and campus fellowship can then thrive. The church cannot have simply a large group of sisters and a handful of brothers. We need to build up brothers who love the Lord and can step up to do the Lord’s work.

Campus ministry is not fearful of students graduating and leaving. Our only fear is we cannot build up influential coworkers who love the Lord at a fast enough pace. May God help us to pray more for the training of coworkers, so we may have more people rising up to witness for the Lord on campuses, influencing more people to trust in God, serve the Lord, build up one’s self, build up the church. May the Lord also use Discipleship and Coworkers Training to build up more “Roman believers and coworkers” to become elite leaders for the Lord on their campuses.

Holy Land Study Trip (June 20th to July 1st)

Currently CWC coworkers are working hard to prepare for the Holy Land Study Trip this year. This is not a tourist trip but a Bible Study trip. We will start from where Israelites entered Canaan from the east bank of Jordan River. Then we will follow the footsteps of our Lord Jesus while he was on earth. We will also include the places where the kings and prophets were recorded in the Old Testament history, as far south as Beersheba and as far north as Dan; may the word of God be open before us, that we may love to read the word of God, to love the Lord deeper. Praise the Lord, Mandarin-speaking Minister Lai and his wife will lead us in the nine-day trip in Israel. Twenty years ago, after they graduated from Alliance Bible Seminary at Hong Kong, they went to Israel to further their studies. During the day time they will be our onsite tour guide, and we will have Bible study in the evenings; this will certainly be greatly beneficial to our study of the Bible and the Holy Land. This time only those with a Chinese passport need to apply for Israeli visa, but our travel agency in Jerusalem and CWC will help with issuing documents. No one will need to apply for a visa to Jordan. Because we will spend more than two nights in Jordan, our Travel Agent can help us with documents and waiving the visa application fee. So whether you hold a student (F1) or working (H1) visa, this is a very good opportunity to join us on our study trip. According to our Holy Land Study Trip itinerary for the past so many years, Egypt should have been included in this route of “Israel’s Exodus from Egypt;” however, after we returned home six years ago, Africa exploded in the “Arab Spring Democratic Movement”, and Sinai Peninsula had frequent conflicts. So this year we decided to cancel the Egypt and Sinai segments of the trip. Praise the Lord, Jordan and Israel are still very safe, so this year we will spend more time studying in Israel. We added many places we had not been to before. Please be noted that we are going to Jordan and Israel, not Syria. Who would have expected that today so many unsafe places are in Europe? We really have no idea what Jordan and Israel and surrounding areas would be like when we will have this trip in six years, Lord willing. So, carpe diem, seize the day, and please seize the opportunity now to go and learn together. As of today, we have 34 brothers and sisters registered already. Some have asked me when registration deadline is. We don’t have a deadline. Our limit is the maximum number a bus can take, which is 49 people. We arranged this study tour in the summer time so parents can bring the entire family along. Because plane ticket gets more expensive by the week, and summertime is peak travel season, adding to that the limited number of people can go on this trip, those who are interested please register early.

March Gospel Camp

Praise the Lord, approximately 200-plus nonbelievers and brothers and sisters attended the March Gospel Camp. Thirteen nonbelievers accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. May the Lord bless them and let them continue to grow in the Lord. May the Lord help each local church coworkers support these new believers to grow in the Lord. Praise the Lord! He always leads us in triumph in Christ, making us see the gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. May the Lord help us to serve the Lord earnestly!

May Discipleship Training (May 22nd to 27th)

After May many campus church coworkers will soon graduate and leave. Thus, May Discipleship Training is a very good opportunity to train coworkers for the next semester! For the future of the church, every church and fellowship should encourage brothers and sisters to attend this Discipleship and Coworker Training, as this may be the graduating students’ last opportunity to attend week-long trainings. After they enter the work force, they may not have so many vacation days to attend training. Do you want to share the gospel with your family when visiting home during summer vacation? You should definitely attend this training to equip yourself spiritually. The speakers are Pastor William Hsueh and Pastor Stephen Chang. Please pray for yourself, the speakers, and the entire training. May the Lord help you not only attend this yourself but you may lead others to attend.

Lay-Minister Discipleship Training (May 27th to 30th)

The training over the Memorial Day weekend is especially designed for Christians who are working full-time jobs. The purpose of this is to help brothers and sisters grow spiritually, equip them to lead others in witnessing for the Lord and serving the Lord at church and on campus—only then would campus ministry be lively and full of hope, shine at their work place, and lead many people to Christ. The speakers are Pastor William Hsueh, Stephen Chang, and Elder Aleck Lee. Please start preparing your heart to attend and register early. Please also pray for the speakers, yourself, and this training.

August Bible Camp (July 31st to Aug. 6th)

This time we will study the Pentateuch (Genesis to Deuteronomy). Praise the Lord, many people turned in registration forms before the January Bible Camp finished. Up until today, about 80 brothers and sisters have registered and have attentively joined Bible study small group or studied by themselves. Our speakers are Pastor Chuang Seng Wang and Sister Grace Lee from Taiwan. Bible Camp attendant not only need to be Christian but also need to have attended at least once Discipleship training in the past two years. If you would like to attend the August Bible Camp, but you have not attended discipleship training before, then please take this opportunity to attend May Discipleship Training or Lay-Minister Discipleship Training. You may also turn in application for May Discipleship Training and Bible Camp at the same time and start preparing for your homework. We can not accept you to attend the August Bible Camp first and make up the August Discipleship Training (August 7th through 13th) later.

With so many trainings ahead of us, please remember our needs in your prayers. We invite you to join us in our ministry, to encourage brothers and sisters to attend these various meetings and trainings, and to remember our financial needs (general fund, building fund and training expenditure). May God give us enough wisdom and strength to serve Him.

Serving together in His glory,
Pastor Billy Ko