2016-03 (三月禱告信)




  1. 愛心的關懷
  2. 科學與信仰
    在家鄉時,常被人灌輸基督教信仰是違背科學、愚人的工具,但出國以後來到美國,看見很多神的作為,連他們的教授不僅是中國人,很多在科學領域也有 很傑出的表現,甚至許多諾貝爾得主, 他們都是基督徒,這些都給中國學生很大的震撼。
  3. 聽道的機會
    中國同學有機會參加華人的聚會,一同研經認識神的救恩,也有機會參加各樣的營會,福音的種子就深深地種在他們的心裡;神也在校園興起許多美國人用英文帶領中國學生讀聖經,有許多同學是長期的跟美國人查經, 神也大大地使用美國弟兄姐妹那一分的擺上,預備中國同學的心,最後經過中國弟兄姊妹的帶領,作了決志的禱告。


三月福音營 ( 3月11 日晚至 14日中午):


特別進修的機會: 聖地進修團 (6月20日至7月1日)請儘早報名

中心每三年舉辦一次實地到聖地學習的進修團。今年我們特別先走以色列人從約但河東岸進入迦南美地的路徑, 之後, 將南從別是巴,北至但, 踏足舊約以色列人的史地, 更重要是重履耶穌的足跡, 諸如: 伯利恆、耶路撒冷、耶利哥、試探山、示劍、加利利、該撒利亞腓立比等地, 盼望藉著此學習團實地的進修,讓聖經鮮活地印在我們心中,使我們更愛讀主的話語,在我們一生愛主更深、專心事奉祂、並為主作美好的見證。 現正接受報名, 歡迎弟兄姐妹請勿錯過, 下次再走這一段路程是六年以後。詳情請看中心網頁。

五月門徒與同工訓練營 ( 5月22至27日):

五月畢業典禮轉眼也將來臨,不少學生即將畢業,當然有包括許多的學生同工也會離開我們的教會,這些都會造成團契同工職位的出缺。但正如我常分享的: 我們實在不須擔心學生流動性太大,我們只須問自己: 我們栽培同工的速度是否跟得上畢業的流失率? 五月門徒與同工的訓練營就是為各教會所預備, 可以幫助我們建立校園學生同工,也預備更多的學生在回國前向家人傳福音,一個星期的密集訓練課程,能幫助校園同工一代一代傳承下去,讓我們多多鼓勵弟兄姊妹參加這次五月的營會。五月門徒訓練的講員為 :薛孔偉牧師、張西平牧師及中心同工等;詳細資訊請上中心網站查看。

國殤週末帶職信徒訓練 (5月27至30日):

每一間大學校園都需要一些成熟、愛主、又樂意服事主的家庭來投入學生工作,成為一個帶職事奉的家庭, 如同亞居拉和百基拉一樣,能成為校園團契和教會的穩定力量。國殤週末的訓練營,就是為了幫助在職場全職工作的弟兄姐妹,為裝備自己成為基督門徒,在校園及教會服事主而預備。全職學生 (TA,RA 或博士班學生都不算全職上班者)必須先參加五月門徒訓練 (5/22-27) 後,才能繼續參加此一聚會。我們準備有家庭宿舍及兒童節目,弟兄姊妹必須全程參加,請弟兄姊妹可考慮星期五請半天假,這樣就能準時在下午五點半前來聚會。這次講員有:薛孔偉牧師、張西平牧師外,還有李力彌長老及中心同工等;請盡早報名参加。詳細資訊請上中心網站查看。

八月讀經營 ( 7月31至8月6 日):

讀經營每六年讀完一遍聖經, 今年八月讀經營是新巡環的開始,我們將研讀摩西五經, 這五卷書不是太容易讀,但蘊藏了許多寶貝的屬靈功課,盼望您能早日報名,早早開始作功課,預備心來參加。我們的講員為:從台灣來的汪川生牧師, 李玉惠姐妹也會從遠東回來帶領。所有報名表已經寄至各教會及團契,因為要做事前的功課, 報名截止日期為六月十五日, 請儘早報名並早作準備, 所有讀經營的資訊也都貼在中心網站上了。


  1. 請為三月福音營的準備工作禱告,求主預備人心來參加。
  2. 請為南樓洗手間加建工程禱告,盼望在福音營之前能完成,好容納更多家庭、弟兄姊妹與福音朋友來參加。
  3. 請為福音營的邀請工作禱告,求主的靈感動福音朋友參加。
  4. 請為福音營講員禱告,懇求聖靈恩膏使用祂的僕人。
  5. 請為五月門徒訓練營禱告,求主預備更多人接受裝備,作主的門徒。
  6. 請為帶職信徒訓練營禱告,求主預備更多上班的弟兄姊妹來參加,好讓他們在職場、家庭及教會中為主作美好的見證。
  7. 請為六月的聖地進修團禱告,求主讓更多弟兄姊妹珍惜此次特別的追求機會。
  8. 求主為中心預備更多對校園事工有負擔的同工。
  9. 為中心同工的身體與事奉禱告。





Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace to you all in our Lord.

I wish you peace in the Lord. May the Holy Spirit Who moves us constantly kindle our love for the Lord.

Chinese officials and Chairman Jinping Xi once asked, “Why is it that so many Chinese students become Christians after being in America?” Foreign Policy magazine online recently published an article entitled, “Leave China, Study in America, Find Jesus.” The article stated that US universities have become the frontline for tens of thousands of Chinese international students to explore various religious faiths. More and more Chinese students choose to believe in Jesus during their time studying abroad in the US. They not only breathed in academic air, at the same time they freely chose their own faith. Many Chinese students choose to believe in the Bible and the gospel of Jesus, and the reasons can be summarized as follows.

  1. Loving care: Many students received care from brothers and sisters and pastors immediately upon arriving America, so they experienced being lovingly served in many aspects, even short-term lodging. Although most new students lose touch after attending the welcome meeting, these services out of love melted into the hearts of the new students, and when the time is ripe, they then believe in Jesus.
  2. Science and faith: When they were at their hometown, they were constantly told that Christianity is a tool for fools and is contrary to science. Then they came to the United States. They see many amazing works of God. They see their Chinese professors who have great accomplishments in science and even Nobel Prizes, and yet are all Christians. This is a huge shock to the Chinese students.
  3. Opportunities to hear the Word: Chinese students have opportunities to attend Chinese-language fellowships and Bible study to know God’s salvation. They also have opportunities to attend retreats, and the seed of the gospel is deeply planted in their hearts. God has raised many Americans in the campuses to lead Chinese students in reading the Bible in English. Many students study the Bible with Americans over a long period of time. God greatly used what American brothers and sisters offered to prepare the hearts of Chinese students. In the end Chinese brothers and sisters can lead them to make the decision for Christ.

God has already given us the opportunity to share the gospel with Chinese students. Although some people still don’t want to listen, many people’s hearts are prepared and waiting for us. So, let us be faithful to His mission: as soon as possible share the gospel with others. Especially with Gospel Camp approaching soon, let us with one accord share His gospel, take them to the Gospel Camp, and more fervently pray for their salvation.

March Gospel Camp (March 11th Evening until 14th noon):

In less than two weeks, spring break Gospel Camp will begin. May the Lord help us seize the opportunity to invite nonbelievers to attend the Gospel Camp this year. After studying God’s word for almost a year, many students are almost ready to make the decision to accept Jesus as Savior; may the Lord help these students accept the Lord. May the Lord lead Christians to register early, so the nonbelievers will feel comfortable to come with us. The speakers for Gospel Camp are Pastor Wei Feng and Elder Rupert Hsu, and nine Short-Term Mission Team members from Chinese Church in Christ at South Valley (at San Jose, CA) will also be here to help. The location is at CWC. The theme is “Decision of Life”. Please fervently pray for this year’s Gospel Camp. May the Lord lead more nonbelievers, as described previously in Foreign Policy, to “Leave China, Study in America, Find Jesus.” All fees are freewill offering. Application forms have been postal mailed to the churches, and they also can be downloaded from the website to be mailed to the CWC. Coordinators at each church or fellowship can also utilize the “Group Application Form” to register. Please see CWC website for details.

Special Learning Opportunity: Holy Land Study Trip (June 20th through July 1st) Please apply early

Every three years CWC takes a study trip for onsite learning in the Holy Land. This year we will purposefully take the route the Israelites took to enter the land of Canaan from the east bank of the Jordan River. Then we’ll go as far south as Beersheba and as far north as Dan to cover the Old Testament Israeli history and geography. More importantly, we will follow in the footsteps of Jesus to places such as Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Jericho, the Mount of Temptation, Shechem, Galilee, Caesarea Philippi, etc. We hope through learning on this onsite Study Trip, the Bible will come to live and impress upon our hearts, so we will even more so love to read the Word of the Lord, love the Lord deeper in our lives, serve Him single-mindedly, and be beautiful witnesses for the Lord. We are now taking applications; please don’t miss this opportunity. The next time we aim to cover this itinerary will be in 2022. Please refer to the CWC website for details.

May Discipleship and Coworker Training (May 22nd through 27th):

May commencement ceremonies will be here soon. Many students are about to graduate, including of course many student coworkers who will be leaving our churches, leading to vacancies in church coworker positions. But as I often share with people: We really don’t have to worry about the high turnover rate of students. We only have to ask ourselves, can we train coworkers at a rate that matches or passes the loss due to graduation? May’s Discipleship and Coworker Training is especially prepared for the churches, in order to help us establish campus student coworkers, as well as prepare more students to share the gospel with their family members before they return to their hometown. The one-week intense training sessions can help ensure we have generation after generation of campus coworkers. Let us encourage brothers and sisters to attend the training this May. May Discipleship Training speakers include Pastor William Sheu, Pastor Stephen Chang, and CWC coworkers. Please refer to the CWC website for details.

Memorial Day Weekend Lay-Minister Discipleship Training (May 27th through 30th):

Every university campus needs some mature families who love the Lord and gladly serve the Lord to participate in student ministry; to become a lay-ministering family, like Aquila and Priscilla; to become a steady force in campus fellowship and church. The training over Memorial Day Weekend intends to help brothers and sisters who are working full-time to equip themselves to become disciples of Christ and serve the Lord on campus and at church. Full-time students (TA, RA, or doctoral students are not considered full-time employees) must first attend May Discipleship Training (May 22nd through 27th) before they can continue to attend this meeting. We have prepared family dormitories and children’s program, so brothers and sisters must attend full-time. Please consider taking a half-day off on Friday, so you may arrive on time to get ready for the meeting before 5:30pm. Our speakers this time besides Pastors William Sheu, Stephen Chang, we also have Elder Aleck Lee and the CWC coworkers. Please register early. Please refer to CWC website for details.

August Bible Camp (July 31st through August 6th):

The Bible Camp goes through the entire Bible every 6 years, and this August’s Bible Camp is the beginning of a new cycle, as we study the Pentateuch. These five books are not easy to study, but hidden within them are innumerable valuable spiritual lessons. We hope you will register early and start working on your homework early, as well as prepare your heart to attend. Our speakers are: Pastor Chuang-Seng Wang from Taiwan, and Sister Grace Lee will come back from the Far East to teach. Please register early and prepare early. All Bible Camp information has been posted on the CWC website.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the March Gospel Camp preparation work; may God prepare hearts to attend the meeting.
  2. Please pray for the Canaan Hall restroom expansion project, that it may be completed before the beginning of the Gospel Camp, so we can accommodate more families, brothers, sisters, and gospel friends to attend.
  3. Please pray for the invitation work for the Gospel Camp, that the Spirit of the Lord will move the nonbelievers to attend.
  4. Please pray for speakers of the Gospel Camp, that the Holy Spirit will anoint and use His servants
  5. Please pray for May Discipleship Training, that the Lord will prepare more people to receive equipping and become the Lord’s disciples
  6. Please pray for Lay-Minister Discipleship Training, that the Lord will prepare more working brothers and sisters to attend, so they may become good witnesses for the Lord at work, in their families, and in their churches.
  7. Please pray for the June Holy Land Study Trip, that the Lord will lead more brothers and sisters to especially seize this special opportunity to learn and grow.
  8. May the Lord prepare for CWC more coworkers with a burden for campus ministry
  9. Pray for the health and ministries of CWC coworkers

2015 Offering Receipts:

All offering receipts have been mailed out. If you have not received your giving record, it means your address was incorrect, and the receipt has been returned to CWC. Please contact CWC. Thank you for your financial offering to CWC. In the new year, please continue to remember the needs of CWC and pray often for the ministries of CWC.

Immanuel; God is with us!

In Him,
Billy Ko