2016-01 (一月禱告信)


新年快樂! 願主在新的一年賜您新的恩典與力量,使您得著更豐盛的生命!

靠著主的恩典,冬令會、十二月門徒訓練營與讀經營,在一月九日都結束了!憑著中心單薄的人力、財力,若僅主辦一個 2000 人的冬令會已是非常的吃力,更不論再加上兩週綿密的營會!我們只有緊緊的倚靠主,向祂支取大能大力才能完成!感謝主!每年這個時候都讓我們經歷祂的恩典與大能!看見不少的弟兄姊妹被興旺起來、福音朋友能歸向主,真使我們感受到,為主辛勞所擺上的,並不會成為徒然!也為在三個聚會期間的天氣,特別蒙主保守感謝,整個月氣候都很暖和,冬天好像等到讀經營最後一天才來到。

冬令會 – 將近兩千人從美中各地、與東西兩岸來參加了這次的冬令會。感謝神!弟兄姐妹帶著渴慕的心來參加聚會,他們都非常認真地參加各堂的聚會,也非常渴慕神的話語。約有三百多位福音朋友來參加,他們帶著謙卑與學習的心聽那生命之道。感謝主!神實在在聚會中工作,弟兄姊妹都被神的話所挑旺,福音朋友信主留下記錄的有三十八位,此外約有二十位青少年與兒童接受耶穌做他們個人的救主,感謝主的作為,願主保守祂的工作, 也求主幫助弟兄姊妹繼續在主裡「向下扎根,往上結果」!

門徒與同工訓練營 – 約有二百位弟兄姊妹加上二十多位孩童來參加。我們注意到: 門徒訓練被各地教會及查經班所肯定, 所以這次有多位教會長老及傳道人開著長途車 (甚至 19 個小時) 帶著自已教會的弟兄姊妹來參加。他們早在九月起就已開始報名參加門徒訓練。感謝神!藉著祂兩位忠心善良的僕人清楚地傳講祂的話語,弟兄姊妹得到極大的復興,也經歷到一同追求主,是何等的善,何等的美!

讀經營 – 雖然知道小先知書是非常的難讀,但仍有一百多位弟兄姊妹帶著渴慕的心來學習主的話語,他們不僅按時完成指定作業,也非常認真的研讀神的話語。主藉著講員蘇桂村牧師與師母用各樣方法,將難懂的小先知書的教訓,簡單又深刻的印在每一位弟兄姊妹的心中,讓弟兄姊妹看到,神愛我們這些不配的人,我們要帶著敬畏神的心,愛祂與事奉祂。大部份弟兄姊妹在離營之前 (有74 位) 已報名參加八月份的讀經營,從摩西五經開始新一回合的研讀聖經,求主賜福。若您想參加,也請儘早報名參加。

福音營 – 接下來的聚會將是三月十一至十四日舉行的福音營。這是一個傳福音的好機會。求主幫助弟兄姊妹能早日報名參加,好鼓勵其他福音朋友來聽主福音,使他們在暑假回國前能夠認識耶穌基督。感謝神預備馮偉牧師、許學舜長老為我們的講員,請開始為所邀請的福音朋友禱告。

聖地進修團 – 將於六月二十至七月一日成行。主題是 「舊約史地與基督生平」。我們將會前往以色列與約旦學習新舊約聖經的歷史與背景,好使我們更了解神的話語。行程資料與報名單將儘速公佈在網上,盼望您現在就預留時間參加,請代禱並來參加。


  1. 請為每一位同工在經過繁重的聚會服事後,靈力與體力的恢復禱告。
  2. 請為在冬令會中信主弟兄姐妹的跟進與長進禱告。
  3. 請為在十二月門徒訓練及一月讀經營接受裝備的弟兄姐妹回到校園後,能夠忠心地服事神禱告。
  4. 請為三月福音營的籌備工作禱告。
  5. 請為迦南樓洗手間的加蓋工程禱告。
  6. 請在禱告中記念江士民姐妹,這個月要忙著趕行政工作的進度及準備報稅作業。
  7. 請為同工們新學期的校園事工禱告。



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Happy New Year! May God give you new grace and strength in the new year, that you may have more abundant life!

By the grace of the Lord, Winter Conference, December Discipleship Training, and Bible Camp came to a close on January 9th! It was not easy from the limited coworkers and financial resources of CWC even to hold one 2000-person Winter Conference alone, not to mention there were two continuous weeks of the Discipleship Training and the Bible Camp following the Winter Conference. We could only accomplish this by leaning on and holding on to the Lord, drawing from Him great strength and great power! Praise the Lord! Every year around this time we experience His grace and power! When we see many brothers and sisters revived in their faith and many nonbelievers turned to the Lord, we truly feel the toils and hard work we offer to the Lord are not in vain! We thank the Lord for especially blessing the weather during the three meetings; the weather was warm the entire month, as if winter waited until the last day of Bible Camp to arrive.

Winter Conference – Nearly two thousand people came from various places in the Midwest and the two coasts to attend Winter Conference this year. Praise the Lord! Brothers and sisters came with hungry hearts, they attended each session attentively, and they thirsted after the Word of God. Approximately 300-plus nonbelievers attended. They listened to the Word of Life with humble hearts, willing to learn. Praise the Lord! God truly worked during the conference; brothers and sisters were kindled by the Word of God, thirty-eight nonbelievers accepted Christ by the official record, and approximately twenty youth and children accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Thank the Lord for what He has done, and may the Lord watch over His work. Please pray the Lord will help brothers and sisters to continue to “take root in the ground and bear fruit” in the Lord.

Discipleship and Coworker Training Camp – Approximately two hundred brothers and sisters plus twenty-some children attended. Discipleship Training has been recognized by churches and Bible study groups almost everywhere. Many church elders and ministers drove long distances (up to 19 hours) to bring the brothers and sisters from their churches to attend. They started registering for Discipleship Training early, back in September. Praise the Lord! Through the clear delivery of His word by His two good and faithful servants, brothers and sisters were greatly revived, and they experienced how good and beautiful it was to pursue after the Lord together!

Bible Camp – Despite knowing how very difficult Minor Prophets were to study, over one hundred brothers and sisters still came to learn about the Lord’s Word with hungry hearts. Not only did they complete their assignments on time, they studied God’s Word diligently. Through the various methods used by Rev. and Mrs. David Su, the Lord impressed the hard-to-understand teachings from Minor Prophets upon the hearts of brothers and sisters in simple and memorable ways, that brothers and sisters saw how God loves us, who are unworthy, and how we must love Him and serve Him with a reverent heart. Before they left the campsite, a majority of brothers and sisters (74 currently) have signed up to attend the August Bible Camp, starting a new round of Bible study with the Pentateuch (the Five Books of Moses). May the Lord give us His blessings. If you would like to attend as well, please register early.

Gospel Camp – The next meeting will be the Gospel Camp held from March 11th through 14th. This is a good opportunity to share the gospel. May God help brothers and sisters register early to attend, so they may encourage other nonbelievers to come to hear the Lord’s good news, so they may know Jesus Christ before they return to their home countries in the summer. Praise the Lord for preparing Pastor Wei Feng and Elder Rupert Hsu to be our speakers. Please start praying for all the nonbelievers being invited.

Holy Land Study Trip – This will take place from June 20th through July 1st. The theme is “The History of the Old Testament and the Life of Christ.” We will go to Israel and Jordan to learn about the history and background for the New and Old Testament, so we may better understand the Word of God. Details of the itinerary and application form will be posted online as soon as possible. We hope you will presently arrange for time to attend and pray about joining us.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the recovery in spiritual and physical strength for each coworker, after the heavy ministry throughout the recent conferences.
  2. Please pray for the follow-up and growth of brothers and sisters who accepted Christ during Winter Conference.
  3. Please pray that brothers and sisters who were equipped at the December Discipleship Training and January Bible Camp serve God faithfully after returning to their campuses.
  4. Please pray for the preparation work for the March Gospel Camp.
  5. Please pray for the construction work for the bathroom addition for Canaan Hall.
  6. Please pray for Sister Cindy Chiang this month she will be busy with huge administrative and tax related works.
  7. Please pray for coworkers’ campus ministries in the new semester.

May God bless you and your family!

In Him,
Billy Ko
Pastor and Director