2015-11 (十一月禱告信)










1. 美中冬令會

是為了建立弟兄姊妹的靈命,挑旺愛主的心,也與各地的弟兄姊妹與眾教會一同傳福音,讓各地的福音朋友在這記念以馬內利的日子中,可以得著基督的愛與新生命。冬令會將於十二月廿三至廿七日在密蘇里州堪薩斯城的 Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center 舉行。報名表已經貼在中心網站上,並已寄至眾教會與團契。網上報名則將於十一月中開始,敬請等待。嚴格報名截止日期是十二月十八日(星期五) ,之後就會下網。請盡早使用所收到的報名表或是網上所下載的報名表,開始作邀請的工作,好讓大家一同預備心參加,得到主所賜的福份。也請為冬令會的眾講員禱告:李秀全牧師、李林靜芝師母、莊祖鯤牧師、梁燕城博士、陸大齡長老、譚人元牧師,及美中各地的牧者:徐肇基牧師、劉本恩牧師、謝文堯牧師、及李祥麟弟兄等, 懇求復興的主,藉著祂的眾僕人,賜下復興的作為。 英文部的講員為 Mike Fisher、及陳瑞基牧師等,求主藉著他們的事奉,建立這些年輕人,在這末世,作主的見證。也為 Dan Davis夫婦與其他帶領兒童事工的美國同工禱告,求主藉著他們的事奉,不僅能帶領、造就兒童們,也可讓孩童的父母能安心聚會,學習主的話語。

2. 十二月門徒與同工訓練營

是為建立弟兄姊妹成為主的門徒,並裝備聖徒成為校園團契與教會的同工。訓練營不是只給初信的弟兄姊妹,也是為成熟、在教會服事的同工所設立。這也就是為什麼中心會要求來參加讀經營的弟兄姊妹,必須在兩年中至少要有一次回來參加門徒與同工訓練,繼續裝備與學習的原因,目的是: 請弟兄姐妹不要停止追求,因為主的門徒需要一生不停地接受門徒與同工的裝備。門徒訓練營將於十二月廿七日晚至一月二日中午在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。從過去數年的經驗,來參加十二月門徒訓練的人都很多,現在已有 80 多人報了名;雖然我們新加蓋的宿舍已經完工,可以容納更多的人,但仍請弟兄姐妹儘早報名參加。報名嚴格截止日期也是十二月十八日(星期五) 。也請為講員李秀全牧師和莊祖鯤牧師禱告。

3. 一月讀經營

讀經營不僅是要幫助弟兄姊妹研讀 「小先知書」,更是要幫助弟兄姊妹養成日常研讀聖經的習慣,感謝主!現在已有90 多位弟兄姊妹報名參加,從 11月3日起就要做指定的專題報告了,所以您尚未報名,仍可急起直追,嚴格報名截止日期是十一月十五日 。讀經營將於 2016年一月三日晚至九日中午在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。請為講員蘇桂村牧師與蘇傅麗秀師母禱告,也請為弟兄姐妹功課的準備及聚會代禱。


  1. 高榮德牧師 ── 十月中剛回到美國,就立刻投入忙碌的事奉,飛機從香港一飛抵達聖路易,兩小時後就在當地的團契講道,並開始周末的事奉。感謝主!在忙碌中就不用調整時差,很快就回到正常的生活時間表了。除了在哥城教會的事奉外,並繼續服事各校園、年底各項營會的籌備與推動,件件都充滿挑戰,求主加添祂僕人心力。
  2. 江士民姊妹 ── 當越靠近年底的營會,江姐妹也是一週比一週更忙碌,印製三份報名表已屬不易,更要與講員協調聚會的內容、短宣、冬令會義工的招募、聚會的安排、及餐館的接洽等,這些都讓她周間非常忙碌,周末也要在各教會與團 契事奉,請在禱告中記念江姐妹的服事,求主讓她身、心、靈都得興旺。
  3. 關靜淳姊妹 ── 暑假期間一些弟兄姊妹相繼離開,同工的接替本屬不易,但感謝主!藉著關姊妹與同工的事奉,Fayetteville, Arkansas 的事奉不僅能穩定,也有新的同工興起。感謝主!這學期Pittsburg, KS的事工也在主恩典中繼續成長。求主使關姊妹更多在主前蒙恩得力,讓神的家與弟兄姊妹都被建立。
  4. 潘曉明弟兄 ── 雖然這幾年各地校園的學生都有普遍的增加,但Mississippi州的學生卻沒有太多的增加,求主加添當地弟兄姊妹傳福音的心志,更熱心地去傳福音,使當地信主的百分比能大大的加增,失落的羊群減少,使神的家得著更大的興旺。感謝主!Mississippi 州旁邊的 Alabama 州學生倒是有不少的增加。這幾州的校園都是很好的福音工場,求主的靈大大工作,使潘弟兄的事工恩上加恩,力上加力。





Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace be with you in our Lord.

A few days after our August and September short-term mission trips wrapped up in the Midwest US, I left for a short-term mission to China, training college coworkers at several campuses there. Praise the Lord! Each campus has many students and campus leaders learning attentively, and we had opportunities to go with students to do personal evangelism on campus. Having witnessed their pursuit of God, seen their serving hearts, and observed their boldness and passion in sharing the gospel of our Lord, I see God’s hand moving among certain Chinese campuses for a revival.

Some of the campus church leaders who attended this year’s training had studied in the United States. After returning to China they are teaching at various colleges. The equipping they had received at CWC is now put into good use in leading and pastoring Chinese campuses, as they proactively share the gospel and do discipleship training. They want us to help them more frequently, to train students to serve the Lord on campuses. Praise the Lord! These leaders on campuses are not the only ones. Many brothers and sisters who had received discipleship training at CWC in the past have returned to China and are being used by the Lord at their individual posts, wherever they work, influencing the younger generation of China for the Lord. Glory to our Lord.

In the past couple of years some of the young students who came from China to the Midwest to study already have a heart to love the Lord. While they were studying in China, they already had some Christian foundation. Once they arrive at the Unites States, they quickly learn and serve with brothers and sisters in the Midwest campuses, to the great gain of the Midwest campuses.

Praise the Lord! From this we see how campus ministry in the United States and campus ministry in China are interconnected, each affecting and supporting the other. We especially see a large number of students coming from China to study at universities in the United States, and each year we have increasing numbers of brothers and sisters returning to China, many of them going back to teach. Coworkers in the United States, therefore, greatly benefit and contribute to revival of campus ministry in China, whether they are involved with campus ministry in the United States or in China. When Chinese campus ministry undergoes revival, campus ministry in the United States will also be blessed. May the Lord let us serve Him more faithfully in campus ministry. We harvest what others have planted. Others harvest what we have planted. God makes the fruit of our labor far greater than what we can currently see or imagine.


1. Winter Conference

The purpose of the Winter Conference is to build up spiritual lives of brothers and sisters, to kindle a love for the Lord, and to share the gospel with brothers and sisters from every church to the nonbelievers, that they can experience the love of God and receive the new life from Christ in these Days of Emmanuel. Winter Conference will be held from December 23rd through 27th at Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center in Kansas City, MO. The application form has been posted on the CWC website and has been postal mailed to your church and fellowship. Online registration will be posted on the web in mid-November. The strict application deadline is Friday, December 18th. After the due date, there will be no online registration. Please use the application forms you receive from the mail or the forms you download from the website to invite people earlier, so that people can prepare their hearts to attend and receive the blessings from the Lord. Please also pray for the speakers for the Conference: Rev. and Mrs. Morley Lee, Rev. Tsu-Kung Chuang, Dr. Thomas Leung, Elder David Lu, Rev. Benjamin Tam as well as pastors from the Midwest, such as Rev. George Hsu, Rev. Puong Lau, Rev. Wen-Yau Hsieh and Brother Henry Lee. May the Lord revive us through His servants. English speakers are Evangelist Mike Fisher, Pastor Steve Tan, etc. May God use their ministries to build up and strengthen the youths to witness for the Lord at this end times. Pray for Brother Dan Davis, his wife, and other American coworkers who are leading the children’s ministry. Through their ministry, may God not only lead and build up the children, but also the parents can attend meetings without disturbance and can focus on learning the word of God.

2. December Discipleship and Coworker Training

This meeting is to train brothers and sisters to become the Lord’s disciples, and to equip the saints to be coworkers for campus fellowship and churches. Discipleship Training is not only for new believers; it is also for mature Christians who may already be church coworkers. This is why CWC requests brothers and sisters who attend Bible Camp also to attend Discipleship and Coworker Training at least once in every two years and continue to learn and be equipped. Our hope for you is to never stop learning. Being a disciple of the Lord requires lifelong discipleship and coworker training. Discipleship Training will be held from the evening of December 27th to noon on January 2nd at CWC campsite in Warsaw, MO. From past few years’ experience, there will be a large attendance. So far we have received 80 applications already. Even though our new dormitory has been completed so that we can host more people, there are more people! So please still apply early. Strict application deadline is also Friday, December 18th. Please pray for the speakers Rev. Morley Lee and Rev. Tsu-Kung Chuang.

3. January Bible Camp

The Bible Camp not only intends to help brothers and sisters study Minor Prophets, but also help brothers and sisters establish the habit of studying the Bible daily. Praise the Lord! So far more than 90 brothers and sisters have applied, read the assigned Scriptures, and will start to write their assigned topics from November 3rd. If you haven’t applied, there is still time to catch up. Strict application deadline is November 15th. Bible Camp will be held from the evening of January 3, 2016 through noon on January 9th at the CWC camp site in Warsaw, MO. Please pray for speakers Rev and Mrs. David Su. Please pray for brothers and sisters’ homework preparation and pray for this Camp too.


  1. Pastor Billy Ko — As soon as he returned to the United States in mid-October, he immediately jumped into a busy ministry. After flying from Hong Kong to St. Louis, he was preaching locally two hours later and started his weekend ministry. Praise the Lord! He was so busy there was no need to adjust for jet lag, and he quickly returned to his normal routine. Besides serving the church in Columbia, other campuses, he also needs to prepare and promote for the year-end meetings. They are all challenges from every side. Pray God will add strength unto His servant.
  2. Sister Cindy Chiang — When end-of-the-year meetings approach, for Cindy each week is busier than the one before. Organizing three meetings is not an easy task: coordinating meeting contents with the speakers, communicating with the short-term mission teams, recruiting volunteers to serve in the Winter Conference, and of course seeking Chinese restaurants to cater for us. These things occupy much of her time during the week, and she has ministry at different churches on the weekends. Please remember Sister Chiang’s ministry in your prayers.
  3. Sister Ching Chun Kuan — Many brothers and sisters graduated or otherwise left during the summer. Handoff among coworkers has not been easy. But praise the Lord through Sister Kuan and coworkers’ hard work, the ministry in Fayetteville, Arkansas, not only has remained stable, new coworkers have risen to serve. Praise the Lord! This semester the coworkers in Pittsburg, KS, also continue to grow in the grace of the Lord. May the Lord give Sister Kuan more strength and grace so that the House of God and brothers and sisters may be built up.
  4. Brother John Pan — In the past few years numbers of Chinese students increased on many campuses, but not in the state of Mississippi. May God give local brothers and sisters a heart to share the gospel and share the gospel with more passion, so the percentage of local believers will greatly increase, the lost sheep will be found, and the House of God will experience a great revival. Praise the Lord! Alabama, next to Mississippi, has seen a growth in the number of students. These states are good harvest fields for the gospel. May the Spirit of the Lord do great work and give Brother Pan’s ministry from grace to grace and from strength to strength.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support for CWC. May God bless you with physical and spiritual health and wellness, full of the presence of the Lord and bearing abundant fruit in both life and ministry.

Serving with you in the Lord,

Billy Ko (Pastor)