2015-09 (九月禱告信)





八月短宣隊共約四十三人,從加州及美國東岸,分成六隊在美中各大小校園作福音工作;他們佳美的腳蹤遍及美中的校園。小的校園流動性很大,常常沒有當地的同工協助,短宣隊就藉著聖靈的引導、堅心倚靠神的大能大力,開始做開荒的事奉,在每一個地方我們都經歷神奇妙的作為。大的校園如 Champaign, IL; Ames, IA; Lafayette, IN,中國同學的 人數可上至數千人,甚至近五千人,全校的外國留學生,中國學生就佔了十分之一;在校園中不論走到那裡,都有中國同學出現在您的前面;美中的校園實在是一片極大的禾田,已經發白了,可以收主的莊稼。每天只要我們肯向人傳福音,就可以得著人的靈魂。求主加添弟兄姊妹更多的力量、智慧與能力,使這班同學們成為主的門徒,為主作更大的事。


九月短宣隊:從九月十日至二十日,又將有數十位從加州及德州來的三隊短宣隊來到美中。這次短宣隊要探訪更遠的地區,如:Illinois (Springfield, Chicago), Arkansas (Little Rock, Fayetteville, Jonesboro), Mississippi (Oxford, Starkville), Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Florence), Kentucky (Murray), Tennessee (Memphis), Iowa (Iowa City, Davenport), Oklahoma (Edmond, Durant), South Dakota (Brookings), Minnesota (Mankato, Morehead, Duluth), North Dakota (Grand Forks, Fargo), Wisconsin (La Crosse) 等地,請在禱告中記念,求主將更多的果子賜給當地的教會,並將榮耀歸給神。


  1. 為九月中的短宣隊禱告,他們的旅程比八月的隊伍走得更遠。求主保守並使用。
  2. 請為八、九月的短宣隊禱告,求主的靈與他們同去,賜福他們的腳踪,將更多果子歸與神,並為各地的跟進栽培禱告。
  3. 為高牧師與師母在Columbia, MO的事奉禱告,求主藉著他們的事奉,使哥城與美中的福音事工都得興旺。
  4. 為江士民姊妹週間繁忙的行政與營會的準備工作禱告,也賜福她週末的教導與講台的事奉。
  5. 為關靜淳姊妹在Fayetteville AR 與 Pittsburg, KS 的事奉禱告,求主使用她,建立西北Arkansas州的學生與家庭事工。
  6. 為潘曉明弟兄一家在美中南部的事奉禱告,求主賜福他一家的事奉,並保守他剛入大學的兒子,能在學業與靈命上都得建立。
  7. 為維修同工Daniel Long一家禱告,求主賜福Daniel 的維修工作,並為他的小孩的學業禱告,也賜福他妻子身體的健康。
  8. 為中心的經費禱告,求主彰顯祂的豐盛;並求神興起更多對學生工作有負擔的弟兄姐妹,與我們一起配搭同工禱告!
  9. 請為一月份讀經營禱告,求主提醒弟兄姊妹早早報名,盡心準備功課,並賜給弟兄姐妹聰明智慧。
  10. 請為12月冬令會的準備與推動禱告。
  11. 請為12月門徒與同工訓練營的準備與邀請禱告,求主建立新一代的見證人與校園同工。
  12. 請為年底各營會的講員禱告,求聖靈賜給他們神的話語,使弟兄姊妹得建造。
  13. 祈求神為中心預備更多的同工參與中心的事工!




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace be with you in our Lord.

August and September are the busiest time at CWC besides December and January. Five days after we finished our two-week Bible Camp and Discipleship Training, short-term mission teams from the East and West Coasts came to the Midwest for ten days, followed by Mid-America Chinese Christian Summer Retreat over Labor Day weekend five days later, followed by another set of ten-day September short-term mission teams four days later. Then four days after the September short-term mission teams leave, I will travel to Southeast Asia for campus student training. We earnestly ask for your intercession and support regarding this busy ministry.

August Short-Term Mission Teams

Forty-three people from California and the East Coast formed six mission teams to share the gospel on campuses big and small in the Midwest. Small campuses tend to lack long-established local coworkers. There, teams followed the leading of the Holy Spirit. The teams trusted wholeheartedly in the power and might of God in pioneering campus ministry. We experienced God’s amazing blessing everywhere we went. By contrast, with bigger campuses such as at Champaign, Ames, and Lafayette, there may be five thousand Chinese students and established local leaders. Chinese students make up about one-tenth of international students. No matter where one goes on campus, there will be Chinese students before you. Midwest campuses truly are a great field white with harvest. Everyday, as long as we’re willing to share the gospel, we can win souls. Pray the Lord will add more strength, wisdom, and power to brothers and sisters, so the students can become the Lord’s disciples and do greater things for the Lord.

August Camps

The two camps in August intend to train new coworkers for the new semester. Praise the Lord, over 150 brothers and sisters came to these two camps with their children. In order to do ministry in the new semester, they studied diligently. Through Discipleship Training, God led brothers and sisters to have a deeper spiritual walk and a heart for serving Him. Through Bible Camp, brothers and sisters were rooted in God’s Word. They became more familiar with techniques for reading the Bible and leading Bible Study.

September Short-Term Mission Teams:

From September 10th through 20th, three short-term mission teams from California and Texas will come to the Midwest. The teams will spread farther than in previous teams, to many states: Illinois (Springfield, Chicago), Arkansas (Little Rock, Fayetteville, Jonesboro), Mississippi (Oxford, Starkville), Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Florence), Kentucky (Murray), Tennessee (Memphis), Iowa (Iowa City, Davenport), Oklahoma (Edmond, Durant), South Dakota (Brookings), Minnesota (Mankato, Morehead, Duluth), North Dakota (Grand Forks, Fargo), Wisconsin (La Crosse), etc. Please keep this in your prayers, that the Lord would grant local churches to bear more fruit and to bring glory to God.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for the September Short-Term Mission Teams. Their itinerary will cover an extraordinarily large region, so pray the Lord will watch over them and use them.
  2. Please pray for the August and September Short-Term Mission Teams, that the Spirit of the Lord be with them and bless their steps, bringing more fruit to God. Pray for the local follow-up and training.
  3. Pray for the ministry of Pastor and Mrs. Ko in Columbia, MO, that through their ministry, God will revive the campus ministries in Columbia and the Midwest.
  4. Pray for Sister Cindy Chiang’s busy administrative work and preparation work for training camps during the weekdays. Also, pray for blessings upon her campus ministries on the weekends.
  5. Pray for Sister Ching Chun Kuan’s campus ministry both at Fayetteville, AR, and Pittsburg, KS, that the Lord will use her to establish the student and family ministries in northwestern Arkansas.
  6. Pray for the ministry of Brother John Pan’s family in southern Midwest, that the Lord will bless the work of their hands. Pray for his son, who will be attending college, that he may grow both academically and spiritually.
  7. Pray for our maintenance coworker, Daniel Long’s family; pray the Lord will bless Daniel’s maintenance work, bless his children’s school work, and bless his wife with good health.
  8. Pray for the CWC’s finances, that the Lord will reveal His fullness. Please also pray that more brothers and sisters who have the burdens for student ministry will be raised up and cowork with us.
  9. Please pray for the January Bible Camp, that the Lord will remind brothers and sisters to apply early, to do their best on their homework preparation, and give brothers and sisters wisdom and understanding.
  10. Please pray for preparation and promotion of the December Winter Conference.
  11. Please pray for the preparation and invitation work for December Discipleship and Coworker Training. Pray the Lord will raise up a new generation of witnesses and campus coworkers.
  12. Please pray for the speakers of the various meetings at the end of the year, that the Holy Spirit will give them the Word of God, so brothers and sisters may be built up.
  13. Pray God will prepare more coworkers for CWC to participate in CWC ministries.

May the Lord bless you!

In Him,
Billy Ko (Director and Pastor)