2015-07 (七月禱告信)







  1. 早日栽培門徒:校園教會與團契要致力於門徒與同工訓練,經常有同工隨時準備好做栽培工作,不論人多人少,都靠着主,一有人信主就立刻開始跟進與栽培。盡早幫助他們穩固的成長,他們不久也可以從小事開始學習事奉,又能影響別人在主裡的成長 ,校園團契也就能健康地成長。
  2. 從教導進入操練:栽培門徒帶領同工,不要只停留在知識的傳遞上,更重要的是靈命的建立、生命與生活的操練。有訓練就要有操練,操練是幫助弟兄姊妹將所學的應用出來,從頭腦的知識變成實際的行動,從學來的知識成為生命的智慧,不僅能造就自己,也能建立別人。沒有操練,徒有知識,只會讓人自高自大,終必跌倒。
  3. 存著謙卑的心:謙卑的靈是被主使用的基礎,不要以為受過訓練就比人高了一等,甚至輕看校園的屬靈長者。越受裝備,越要學習謙卑的功課。千萬不要以為所學的去批評別人,要帶著謙卑的心與別人配搭。
  4. 建立內在的生命:同工栽培不是僅建立弟兄姊妹的知識與才能,更重要的是建立他們生命的豐富。不是外在的表現,乃是實際、內在的個性與靈性的建立,因此必須從訓練帶進操練,在操練中經歷神。
  5. 建立內在的品性:同工栽培不要只著重知識與才能的建立;知識常使人自高自大,唯有建立謙卑的門徒才能達到真正的目標。校園學生往往在各樣的學問中打轉,我們必須帶領他們從知識進入生命,脫離驕傲,得飢渴慕義的靈。事奉上能產生影響力的同工,需要有令人羨慕的生命與生活,他的品格的建立是必需的 ,求主藉神話語的光照、基督的愛與復活的大能,每日不斷在人生命中作改變的工作,好建立令人羨慕的同工。

建立校園同工必須要有神國度的心志,不是只為自己的校園建立同工、不是只為填補事奉職位,最重要的是為神的國而栽培同工。學生都會離開,一切工作的果效都會歸給別人,不要因此灰心,忠心事奉,神必記念。持續不斷的栽培下一代的同工,不僅神的國度被擴展,自己的校園也蒙恩,必定收到事奉的果效。 學生事工常有高潮與低潮,有時有很多人信主、追求與事奉,校園事工很興旺,但千萬不要驕傲,要歸榮耀與神,因為不是我們做了些什麼,乃是神興起很多的學生來做,趕緊建立下一代的同工。校園事工碰到低潮時,不要灰心,忠心事奉,緊緊守著這崗位,繼續建立門徒與同工,到了時候,從神而來的興旺會再度來臨。最重要的事:為主快快的得人:快快傳福音與栽培同工!



八月讀經營 (8月2至8日):


八月門徒與同工訓練營 (8月9至15日):

這個門徒訓練營, 是今年秋季開學前最後一次的訓練,目的是要造就弟兄姐妹,特別是為各校園及教會訓練下學期的新同工,請多鼓勵同工來接受裝備。這次的講員有呂紹昌牧師(基督工人神學院院長),陳召清牧師(前基督使者協會與前纽约閔恩教會主任牧師)及中心同工等,報名表即將寄出,詳細資料請參看中心網頁) 。


快快的向學生傳福音,快快的建立弟兄姊妹作門徒與同工,是校園事工興旺與否的關鍵。暑期短宣隊是協助各地在開學期間,有效的將福音傳給新同學。迎新期間校園弟兄姊妹們全力的作愛心關懷,為短宣隊預備福音之路,短宣隊員全力將福音傳出,感謝主!在大家一同彼此配搭下,每年都帶領了不少人信主,為每年的校園事工打下美好的根基。這次短宣隊仍分兩梯次來美中各校園宣道,日期為 8月21-30日與 9月11-20日,請在禱告中記念各短宣隊的籌備與裝備事工,好趁著近年訪問學者、及學生人數急速上升的日子,為主多得人。若你們校園需要短宣隊與您們一起同工, 在新學期好好傳福音,請儘早與我們聯絡。也請為這次的短宣事工禱告!


  1. 請為八月份讀經營禱告,求主加添同工力量去完成,也為弟兄姊妹的準備功課禱告。
  2. 請為八月門徒同工訓練營的準備與邀請工作禱告,求主預備人心來參加。
  3. 請為各營會的講員禱告,求主賜下聖靈的恩膏與事奉的果效。
  4. 請為暑期短宣隊禱告,求主裝備短宣隊員,也挑旺校園弟兄姊妹傳福音的心志,有美好的配搭,為主多得人。
  5. 為過去三十年在中心場地作營建工作的Pastor Harold Shull禱告,求主使他最近的心臟病得醫治與康復。
  6. 為高牧師與師母在Columbia, MO的事奉禱告,求主加添心力,帶出教會的興旺。
  7. 為江士民姊妹週間繁忙的行政工作、並週末的教導與講道事工禱告。
  8. 為關靜淳姊妹在Fayetteville, AR 與 Pittsburg, KS 的牧養與關懷事奉禱告,求主加添力量,並更大的使用。
  9. 為潘曉明弟兄一家暑期回中國探親感恩,求主繼續使用他在美東南地區的事奉,並為他兒子即將進大學禱告,求主賜福他的學業,並在新校園能為主站立得穩。
  10. 為維修同工Daniel Long一家禱告,求主賜福Daniel 的維修工作,並為他分別在大學與中學讀書的孩子禱告。
  11. 為中心的經費禱告,求主彰顯祂的豐盛、並求神興起更多對學生工作有負擔的弟兄姐妹,與我們一起配搭同工禱告!




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace be with you in our Lord.

How quickly time flies! We are now entering July! July means it is time for summer vacation, and it is time to prepare ourselves for the new semester and new students coming in August.

Many students graduated in May. Before the new semester starts, how do we prepare for it and fill all campus coworker positions?

One after another, the graduates said goodbye and left. They leave here many openings in campus churches and fellowship ministry positions. How do we fill these openings? First and foremost, we don’t be hasty in filling these positions. If we use coworkers who are not good fits for the positions, not only will they not carry out the ministries, they might mess up things with many negative, long-lasting consequences. Keeping the position open rather than quickly filling it with an unfit person is especially appropriate in ministry. Waiting a little longer can let brothers and sisters reconsider and prepare their hearts to take on the mission. Better, in order to have enough coworkers next year, campus ministry must continually emphasize building up coworkers, starting training as early as possible. The secrets to training students to become coworkers can be summarized as follows:

  1. Start discipleship training early. Campus churches and fellowships must strive in discipleship and coworker training. The coworkers must get ready to do the discipleship training. Regardless of the numbers, as soon as someone becomes a believer, the coworkers need to trust in the Lord and start to do the follow-up and training. As early as possible, help them grow solidly so that soon afterwards they can start serving in little things and influence others to grow in the Lord. Campus fellowship can then grow healthily.
  2. Go promptly from teaching to exercising. When training disciples and leading coworkers, don’t stop at passing on knowledge. Knowledge is foundational, but subsequently it is essential to pay attention to young believers’ spiritual walks, how they exercise their faith in daily living. Training requires exercise; exercise helps brothers and sisters applywhat they have learned. Exercise transforms head knowledge into action. Exercise matures learned knowledge into life wisdom. The Christians who exercise their knowledge not only benefit themselves but also build up others. Without exercise there is only knowledge. Unexercised knowledge can only lead to pride and eventually to a fall.
  3. Have humility. The foundation for being used by the Lord is a humble spirit. Don’t think of yourself higher than others. Don’t look down on experienced spiritual elders on campus just because you have received knowledge. The more equipped you are, the more you must learn humility. Never criticize others because of what you have learned; rather, with a humble heart work together with others.
  4. Build inner life. Coworker training does not simply mean growing in knowledge and skills for brothers and sisters. Build up “merely living” to “abundant life”, not in outward appearance but in the actual, inner building of temperament and spiritual growth. They must be led from training into exercising and, in exercising their faith, experiencing God.
  5. Build inner character. Coworker training must not merely focus on growing in knowledge and skills. Knowledge tends to cause people to be proud. Only by growing in humility can disciples reach their God-given goal. Students on campus often find themselves being drawn to various theologies and studies. We must lead them from knowledge into life, to cast off pride and receive a spirit that hungers and thirsts after righteousness. A coworker whose ministry can influence others is the one who must have a spiritual life and daily spiritual walk which people admire. His character-building is essential. We pray the Lord—that through the enlightening of His Word, through the love of Christ, through the power of His resurrection, through daily and continually changing people’s lives—that good and faithful coworkers will be built.

Those who train campus coworkers must have a heart for God’s Kingdom. You must know that you are not only training students for work on your own campus; most importantly, you are training coworkers for God’s Kingdom. Students will leave. Other congregations will enjoy the fruit of your hard work. Do not be discouraged by this. Serve faithfully, and God will remember you. Persistently train the next generation of coworkers. Not only will God’s Kingdom expand, your campus will be blessed, and you will surely enjoy the fruit of your ministry. Student ministries are full of ups and downs. Sometimes, many people come to the Lord, they are earnest in learning and serving, and so campus ministry is on fire. Don’t become proud; give God the glory because it is not we who did anything but the Lord having raised up many students for His work. Don’t rest in self-congratulation, but hurry and take the opportunity to train the next generation of coworkers. Likewise, when campus ministry is at a low point, don’t be discouraged. Still serve faithfully, keep your post and continue to train disciples and coworkers. When the time comes, revival from God will come again. The most important thing is this: win people for the Lord as fast as you can; preach the gospel and train coworkers as fast as you can!

Youth Discipleship Training:

Praise the Lord! Approximately eighty-plus young brothers and sisters attended the June Youth Discipleship Training, which totaled almost one hundred people when counselors and speakers are included in the count. The Lord, through his servants, gave us wonderful messages and challenges, so the young people saw they must stand firm for the Lord in this day and age. Praise the Lord! This group of young brothers and sisters not only diligently learned the lessons in class, they also diligently prepared for their mission project, sharing the gospel in teams at nearby nursing homes and children’s camp, witnessing for the Lord. May the Lord use them mightily in their future.

August Bible Camp (August 2nd to 8th):

Although the Major Prophets are difficult to read, about one hundred and ten brothers and sisters have registered to attend and diligently worked on their homework; they are now on schedule to work with their advisors in completing the assigned reports for the final stage. Other than learning during the camp, of even greater value is how Bible Camp helps brothers and sisters establish a habit of reading the Bible regularly. Bible camp improves their abilities to read the Bible on their own. Pray the Lord will use this Bible Camp to not only train people to read the Bible but also train people to be able to share the Word of God. Please pray for the speakers, Rev. Chih-Hao Shen and Sister Grace Lee. Registration is closed. If you missed it this time, please make preparations early to register for the January Bible Camp on Minor Prophets.

August Discipleship and Coworker Training (August 9th to 15th):

This discipleship training is the last training before this year’s fall semester starts. The purpose of this camp is to build up brothers and sisters, especially to train new coworkers for campuses and churches for the new semester. Please greatly encourage coworkers to attend and become equipped. Speakers include Pastor Jeffrey Lu (President of Christian Witness Theological Seminary at San Jose, California), Pastor Matthew Ding (Ex-coworker of Ambassador for Christ and retired senior pastor of the Church of Grace to Fujianese in New York), and CWC coworkers. Application forms will be sent out soon. Please refer to the CWC website for details.

Summer Short-Term Mission Teams:

Fast sharing of the Gospel to the students, and fast building them up to become disciples and coworkers are the keys for a revival of the student ministry. Summer Short-Term Mission Teams help places effectively share the gospel to new students at the start of the semester. When the new semester starts, the brothers and sisters on campus pour their efforts on love and caring to the new students. It helps pave the way for the mission teams for their gospel sharing. The mission team members will pour their whole hearts to share the gospel. Praise the Lord! As everyone works together, many people come to Christ each year, laying a good foundation for campus ministry each year. This year the short-term mission teams will again visit Midwest campuses at two different times, August 21st-30th and September 11th-20th. Please remember them in your prayers the preparation and training each team is undergoing, that we might win more people for the Lord, especially during this time when the numbers of visiting scholars and students have rapidly increased. If your campus needs a short-term mission team to cowork with you, to share the gospel in the new semester, please contact us early. Please pray for this year’s short-term mission ministry!

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for August Bible Camp, that the Lord would give coworkers strength to carry this out. Pray for brothers and sisters as they prepare their homework.
  2. Please pray for the preparation and invitation for August Discipleship and Coworker Training, that the Lord would prepare hearts to attend.
  3. Please pray for the speakers for both Bible Camp and the Discipleship Training that the Lord will anoint them with the Holy Spirit and give them effective ministry.
  4. Please pray for the summer short-term mission teams, that the Lord will prepare the team members and kindle the hearts of campus brothers and sisters to share the gospel, that they will work well beautifully and win many people for the Lord.
  5. Pray for Pastor Harold Shull, who has worked on building of CWC camp site for the past thirty years, that the Lord will heal him from his recent heart attack and grant him full recovery.
  6. Pray for Pastor Ko and Mrs. Ko’s ministry in Columbia, MO, that the Lord will give them strength and cause the church to thrive.
  7. Pray for Sister Cindy Chiang’s busy administrative work during the week and teaching and campus ministries on the weekends.
  8. Pray for Sister Ching Chun Kuan’s campus ministry both at Fayetteville, AR, and Pittsburg, KS, that the Lord will give her strength and use her even more mightily.
  9. Thank the Lord Brother John Pan’s family can visit relatives in China this summer; pray the Lord will continue to use him in southeastern area in the Midwest. Pray for his son, who will be attending college, that the Lord will bless his studies and have him stand firm for the Lord on the new campus.
  10. Pray for our maintenance coworker, Daniel Long’s family; pray the Lord will bless Daniel’s ministry and pray for his children, who are in college and middle school.
  11. Pray for the CWC’s finances, that the Lord will reveal His fullness. Please also pray that more brothers and sisters who have the burdens on the student ministry will be raised up and cowork with us.

May the Lord bless you!

In Him,
Billy Ko (Director and Pastor)