2015-06 (六月禱告信)




「空缺」就是「呼召」:看著同工畢業離開,我們會擔心誰來補上這些同工空缺的職位?別著急!我們的團契或教會是神的工作,祂必有預備。假如我們能將「畢業禮」變成「差遣禮」,我們更不用擔心;因為我們為神國度送出去的人,神必興起新的同工代替。我們若真的相信那些離開我們的弟兄姊妹,能在新的地方繼續有美好的事奉,我們更可以安心的相信這些離開我們的同工,在過去已留下佳美的榜樣,已影響了新一代的同工願意起來事奉主。我們先懇切的禱告,求主在弟兄姊妹心中作呼召的工作,催逼他們起來事奉主,然後我們可以個別的鼓勵弟兄姊妹起來事奉主。新同工雖然比不上舊同工事奉的熟練,但沒有關係,只要他們有事奉的心志、具備同工該有的靈命、與服事主美好的品性就可以了。若真找不到合適的同工,也不要勉強地補上,寧可等待。多給神時間在人的心中作呼召的工作,寧缺勿爛,出缺的工作,必有人起來完成。我們只要反省:我們栽培門徒與同工的速度,是否趕得上同工畢業的速度? 這暑期與下學期我們要加緊作栽培的工作,不要僅單單期盼下學期是否有新的成熟同工轉學到我們的校園? 我們要努力的建立新一代的同工。



感謝主!五月門徒訓練約有八十多位弟兄姊妹來參加。主藉著祂的僕人向這些參加者說話,也藉著這營會為校園及教會建立新的同工。在他們當中: 有些人是剛畢業要進入職場;有些人是參加完後要回國探親,主就預備了他們將來如何為主做見證。周末的帶職信徒訓練,有 160 位弟兄姐妹、帶著他們約 60 位的孩子,加上講員、兒童及中心同工,約有 240 人聚集。感謝主!新加蓋可多容納100人的家庭宿舍及時完工,但面對這麼多的家庭,似乎睡房又顯的不夠了。除了極少數、從五月門徒訓練留下的學生外,都是帶職事奉的人,很多是信主多年、在教會做帶領的領袖。三位講員盡心竭力的教導同工的品格、事奉的真義、及工作、家庭、事奉的平衡等信息。弟兄姐妹告訴我們: 對他們言: 這是另一次的屬靈復興, 我們把讚美和感謝歸給主,我們更求神多多使用這批帶職者, 能在校園及他們的教會為主更多發光。

青少年門徒訓練營 (6月7至13日):
到目前為止,已有 80 多位年輕人報名參加這一週的營會。這是針對青年人舉辦的門徒訓練營,主要是幫助年青人早早學習作主的門徒,得以一生走主的道路、日後在大學讀書時在同學中為主作見證、上班後在公司中能為主作美好的見證、在社會中為主發光。講員為:Pastor Fred Mok, Pastor Jason McCray, Pastor Steve Tan等,內容除了教導聖經、教導如何作主門徒,並有傳福音的裝備與實際的操練,請在禱告中特別記念這些年青人的追求,求主在他們年少時,就像但以理被神呼召出來,在黑暗的世代中,為主做神美好的見證。詳細資訊請上中心網站查看。面對這麼多年青人有心追求,我們為他們感謝神。在此同時,我們也需要更多的弟兄及姐妹作青少年輔導;若您有這個負擔,現在還不算太晚, 請儘速跟我們聯絡。

八月讀經營 (8月2至8日):
這次讀經營將研讀大先知書。雖然這幾本書不容易讀,現在已經有很多弟兄姊妹報名參加,並在各校園組成讀經小組,一同按照讀經營的進度,研讀大先知書。讀經營講員為:諶志豪牧師和李玉惠姐妹。所有讀經的資訊也都公佈在中心網站上,報名截止日期為6 月 20 日。但從6月 5日起,就要開始寫專題報告了。所以想參加者,請儘速報名並及早作功課 。

八月門徒與同工訓練營 (8月9至15日):
目的是為了要造就弟兄姐妹,特別是為各校園及教會,訓練下學期的新同工,講員為呂紹昌牧師及中心同工等,請儘速預備心、並更多邀請人來參加 。

現在也是預備暑期短宣隊的日子。這次短宣隊仍分兩梯次來美中各校園宣道。八月短宣隊的日期為 8月21-30日;九月短宣隊的日期為 9月11-20日,請在禱告中記念各短宣隊的籌備工作。特別近年來學生人數急速上升,求主使用短宣隊與各校園同工一起配搭,為主多得人。若你們校園需要短宣隊與您們一起同工, 在新的學期好好傳福音,請儘早與我們聯絡。也請為這次的短宣事工禱告!




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace be with you in our Lord.

As soon as graduation ceremonies were over, students leave campuses. I feel sad, especially when I see fewer people at Christian meetings and wonder what will happen to this student fellowship or this church? When people leave, there are openings in coworker roles, and who will shoulder the ministries for the following semester? Who can rise up to become the new generation of coworkers? However:

Graduating is a Sending. It is poignant to send off graduates, to close a chapter on years of seeking and serving together. It is understandable to feel sorrow! If, however, we see the farewell meeting as a sending meeting, then the atmosphere changes! Graduation is the end of students’ ministry here, but it is the commencement of their ministry elsewhere. Praise the Lord! He sees the needs of churches and harvest fields everywhere. He sends them to serve him in new places; whether they leave to work or to advance their studies, they do it for God’s Kingdom. God will use these coworkers to be His vessels wherever they are, to bear good fruit for the name of the Lord wherever they are. As witnesses to how these precious brothers and sisters came to Christ while they were with us, received training to become serving coworkers, and had effective ministries by the grace of the Lord, we praise the Lord for them! We hope and believe, as God had used them in the past and among us, God will continue to use them in greater ways in new places. We are greatly comforted as we see the charge God has given them; as we send them out to accomplish their God-given missions; and as we pray God will bless their future ministries, that they will be salt and light for the Lord in their new posts, and that their paths will shine ever brighter.

Opening is a Calling. As we watch coworkers graduate and leave, we have concerns about who will fill these openings in ministry. Don’t be anxious! Our fellowship or church is God’s work, so He will provide. If we turn “graduation ceremony” into “sending ceremony”, then we will have even less cause for worry because as we send people out for the Kingdom of God, God will surely raise up new coworkers to fill their place. If we truly believe those brothers and sisters who left us will continue to have wonderful ministry in their new settings, then we can be even more assured and believe they, having left good examples in the past, would have already influenced a new generation of coworkers who will be willing to rise up and serve the Lord. We need to first fervently pray God will move in brothers and sisters’ hearts, calling them to serve the Lord, and then we can encourage them individually to serve the Lord. New coworkers will not be as familiar with the work as former coworkers, but that is okay. As long as they have a conviction to serve, a spiritual life befitting of coworkers, and good character in their service to the Lord, that is enough. If we really can’t find someone qualified, don’t make someone serve out of desperate need; I’d rather wait for the right person. Give God more time to work in people’s hearts as He calls them. I’d rather a role is left unfilled than filled poorly. If there is a need in ministry, there will certainly be a person for the job. All we need to do is reflect on whether the speed at which we’re raising up disciples and coworkers matches the speed at which coworkers graduate. We must increase our efforts in training workers during the summer and next semester, rather than simply looking forward to see if new, mature coworkers will transfer to our campus next semester. We must work hard to raise up the new generation of coworkers.

Decrease is a Challenge. When we see the number of people at fellowship decreasing, it is a reminder we must continue to share the gospel. Does a farmer cry over a field now bare from the harvest? Not at all. The farmer will soon begin planning, plowing, and other preparation for the new season. If we don’t share the gospel with both trust in the Lord and urgency for souls, there will be no future for our fellowship. Without new brothers and sisters, there will be no new coworkers, there will be no hope for campus ministry. Recently when I was preaching at several campus fellowships, I discovered a common phenomenon, and that is: working brothers and sisters outnumbered the students, but the total number of people meeting is greatly reduced from the past. On closer analysis this decrease came because we were not as devoted or quick at sharing the gospel, and coworkers were very under-trained. So, we do not dread rapid turnover in students. We fear that our speed of sharing the gospel and training cannot match the turnover rate. When graduates leave us, let us not dwell on nostalgia and missing them. Rather, let us pay more attention to the greater populations on campus who are unreached, let us receive the challenge God gives us: to train up more coworkers to share the gospel during the summer, and properly prepare for the new-student welcoming ministry for fall, so “forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,” we may win more for God’s Kingdom.

On the surface graduation and end of semester present a crisis for campus fellowships, with us not knowing what the future holds; however, if we have the right attitude and direction, this crisis will become an opportunity for our fellowship! Let us share the gospel more proactively, building up students to become disciples and coworkers; this is our great opportunity, so let us offer ourselves up to the Lord and work in unity on campuses to witness for the Lord.

Two Camps in May:
Praise the Lord! More than eighty brothers and sisters attended the May Discipleship and Coworker Training. God spoke to these attendees through His servants and used this camp to build up new coworkers for campuses and churches. Among those who attended, some had just graduated and are about to enter the work force; some were heading home to visit relatives after the camp, and God prepared them to be His witnesses in the future. For the weekend Lay-Minister Discipleship Training, 160 brothers and sisters, along with their 60 children, plus the speakers, children teachers and helpers, and CWC coworkers made the total number of people at the gathering approximately 240. Praise the Lord! The new family dorm that could house 100 people was completed in time, but in light of so many families, it seemed the rooms were not enough. Besides the few students who stayed over from May Discipleship and Coworker Training, all who attended were full-time working people. Many of them have been believers for years and are leaders in the church. The three speakers faithfully and diligently taught about coworker characters, the real meaning of serving, work-family-ministry balance, and other useful insights. Brothers and sisters told us this has been another spiritual revival for them, so we praise and give thanks to the Lord, and we pray God will greatly use these full-time working people to shine for the Lord more in campuses and their churches.

Youth Discipleship Training (June 7th – 13th):
As of now more than 80 youths have registered for this week-long camp. This is a discipleship training designed especially for the youth, in order to help young people to learn to be the Lord’s disciples early in life, so they may walk in the way of the Lord all their days, be witnesses for the Lord among classmates when they go on to college, be wonderful witnesses at work in their future places of employment, and shine for the Lord in society. The speakers are Pastor Fred Mok, Pastor Jason McCray, Pastor Steve Tan, and others. Besides teachings on the Bible and on how to be a disciple of the Lord, there will also be equipping for sharing the gospel and practical training. Please remember these young people in your prayers. Pray the Lord will call them while they’re young, just as He had called Daniel, to be good witnesses for the Lord in this dark time. Please see the CWC website for details. We praise God for so many young people who have a desire to seek the Lord. At the same time, we also need more brothers and sisters to be counselors for the youths; if you are burdened to serve in this way, it’s not too late, so please contact us as soon as possible.

August Bible Camp (August 2nd – 8th):
The Bible Camp will study the Major Prophets. Although these books are not easy to read, many brothers and sisters have already submitted applications and have already formed Bible study small groups at their campuses, following the syllabus Bible Camp set for Major Prophets. Speakers for Bible Camp are Rev. Chih-Hao Shen and Sister Grace Lee. All Bible Camp related information is posted on the CWC website. Application deadline is June 20th, but people need to work on their topical reports starting June 5th. So if you’re interested in attending, please register and work on your homework as soon as possible.

August Discipleship and Coworker Training (August 9th – 15th):
The purpose of this camp is to build up brothers and sisters and especially to train new coworkers for campuses and churches for the next semester. Speakers are Pastor Jeffrey Lu and CWC coworkers. Please prepare your hearts and invite more people to attend as soon as possible.

Summer Short-Term Mission Teams:
Now is the time to prepare for the summer short-term mission teams. This year short-term mission teams will again visit Midwest campuses at two different times, August 21st – 30th and September 11th – 20th . Please pray for the preparation work for all the teams. If your campus would like a short-term mission team to work with you, so you can have a good start and continue to spread the gospel throughout the new semester, please contact us early. Please pray for the upcoming short-term mission ministry!

May the Lord bless you!

In Him,
Billy Ko (Pastor)