2015-05 (五月禱告信)



  1. 訪問學者大部份由國內大學或研究機構公派出國進修,他們已經至少是講師或副教授級別,一般都擁有博士學位,在國內大學中已有不少教學的經驗與影響力;也有一小部份為博士班的交流學生。平均年齡在30-45歲之間,處於人生青壯年期,是中國的中產階級,並主流知識分子群體。
  2. 他們出國進行學術訪問,很多是因為國內一些高等院校規定,如想要晉升必需有一年或半載出國交流的經歷。他們的訪學經費一般由中國政府或者所在院校提供。故經濟上較寬裕。他們在訪問期限結束後,很少繼續留在美國。因為被國內要求,完成這一段訪問期限後必須回國服務,然後才可以晉升。
  3. 他們通常會帶家人一同來,即使配偶不能同來美國,也盼望讓孩子在美國學習,能學好英語。小孩子很喜歡去教會跟其他中國小孩玩,就要求父母也去教會,於是全家常來教會參加聚會。
  4. 他們大多已對信仰問題有一些思考,到美國之後,受到教會的幫助,對美國的基督信仰文化有好感,對聖經學習也很感興趣。他們大多數都沒有宗教背景,所以向他們傳福音我們可以直接傳講聖經真理,不必忌諱太多。他們很多是共產黨黨員,必須經過三番四次的思考,才能決定信主。
  5. 他們時間充裕與比較自由,假期與週末常出去旅遊,多認識美國。他們也希望了解美國信仰文化,學英語是他們最感興趣的幾大主題之一。大多數對福音很感興趣,邀請他們來參加聚會相對來說,比其他學生與上班的福音朋友容易。其中有一部分很追求,在美國期間固定參加查經班與教會。經常來聚會的學者信主的滿多,有一些只願意私下決志禱告,或要求私下受洗,回國後暗暗的做基督徒。但還是有不少在回國之前受洗,積極參加聚會或中心的培訓營會,回國之後還能繼續在教會中成長服事,也有一些回去後,一面繼續教書,一面卻同時在自己的校園傳福音、帶領學生,對校園福音事工產生不少影響力。


五月門徒與同工訓練營 ( 5月17至22日):

學期馬上就要結束了,五月訓練營是為了建立畢業的同學進入社會作見證、預備回國探親的學生向家人傳福音,並裝備下學年校園團契的同工,這是很重要的訓練,請多多禱告並預備心來參加。講員為蘇文峰牧師、吳繼揚牧師及中心同工等;內容有:作個好領袖、尼希米記、成聖之路、認識真理、認識新生命、認識你自己、基督徒的品格、更像我恩主與門徒道路等,截止報名日期是 5月15日。

國殤週末帶職信徒訓練 (5月22至25日):

學生一批一批的離開校園,校園團契或教會需要有靈命、有根基的家庭來穩固校園事工,扶持新的一批學生一同投入學生工作;帶職訓練是為了裝備家庭與上班的弟兄姊妹,成為校園團契和教會推動的力量。講員為:蘇文峰牧師、吳繼揚牧師、李強生長老及中心同工等;內容有:帶職事奉的道路、教會中可思念的女性、同工的品格、事奉的真義、貴重的器皿、無愧的工人、基督的精兵、按正意分解真理的道;專題研討有: (1)如何帶領小組、(2)愛的雕塑、(3) 如何走職場的旅程等;現在已有不少帶職的家庭報名。感謝主在過去一年已為我們預備了家庭宿舍,但仍請趕快報名。報名截止日期為5月15日。

青少年門徒訓練營 (6月7至13日):

許多年青人已非常期待這一週的營會,因為這是難得針對青年人舉辦的門徒訓練營會,主要為了幫助年青人早早學習作主的門徒,得以一生走主的道路、日後在大學讀書時在同學中為主作見證、協助校園事工、上班後在公司中也能為主作美好的見證、在社會中為主發光。講員為:Pastor Fred Mok, Pastor Jason McCray, Pastor Steve Tan 等,內容除了有:約書亞記、希伯來書的研讀;基督徒的裝備如:如何讀聖經? 如何靈修? 生活上的應用如: 如何聆聽? 如何鼓勵他人? 及倫理上的議題如: 如何看待同性戀及約會等,除此之外,有一天下午及晚上,我們會安排年青人到附近的老人院、青少年營地、或在社區操練如何傳福音。這一次我們還要作 T 恤,並徵求設計稿,報名表已寄至各教會,請代禱,並鼓勵您的孩子來參加,截止報名日期為五月 二十七日。

八月讀經營 ( 8月2至8日):

這次讀經營將研讀大先知書。雖然這幾本書不容易讀,但感謝主,已有很多弟兄姊妹報名參加,並在各校園有大先知書研讀小組,一同按照讀經營的進度預讀大先知書。他們已從這些難明白的經文裡,得著不少的領受。讀經營講員為:諶志豪牧師和李玉惠姐妹。所有讀經營的資訊也都列在中心網站上,截止報名日期為六月二十日,請儘早報名並作準備 (請按此處)。


  1. 請為五、六月份營會的準備禱告,求主加添同工力量去完成。
  2. 請為五月門徒同工訓練營與帶職訓練營的邀請工作禱告,求主預備人心來參加。
  3. 請為各營會的講員禱告,求主賜下聖靈的恩膏與事奉的果效。
  4. 請為六月青少年門徒訓練營禱告,求主預備更多青少年的心參加,好一生作主的門徒。
  5. 請為八月讀經營禱告,求主預備弟兄姊妹的心來參加,並在準備功課中蒙恩。
  6. 為高師母的身體能康復,並在美中繼續服事主感恩。
  7. 為中心的經費、並求神興起更多對學生工作有負擔的弟兄姐妹,與我們一起配搭同工禱告!




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace be with you in our Lord.

In recent years North American campuses have not only seen a rapid increase in the number of students, but also a continual rise in visiting scholars. Visiting scholars outnumber students in some campus fellowships! This is a new group God has given us. We should better understand them and know God wants us to win them for God’s kingdom as soon as possible, so the gospel maybe more effectively and quickly influence the society of mainland China, especially the many college campuses throughout the country.

  1. Visiting scholars are mostly sponsored by Chinese universities or research organizations. The scholars aim to advance their learning abroad. They are either instructors or associate professors, usually with a doctoral degree, with significant teaching experience and influence within the universities in China. a small number of them are exchange doctoral students. Their ages range from around 30 to 45. They are in the middle class of China. They are mainstream intellectuals.
  2. They become visiting scholars abroad because many Chinese universities require those seeking promotions to have six to twelve months experience in being a visiting scholar abroad. Their visiting expenses are paid by the Chinese government or their resident universities, so most are not struggling financially. After their visiting period ends, very few stay in America because it is required for them to return to China and serve, and then they may receive their promotion.
  3. They usually bring family along. Even if their spouse does not come with them to the United States, they still grab this opportunity to let their children to study here and learn English. Children tend to delight in going to church and playing with other Chinese children, so they will ask for their parents to go to church, too, and so the entire family comes to church services.
  4. Most of them have already thought over questions of faith. After coming to the States, having received assistance and encouragement from the churches, they develop a good impression of Christian culture in the United States. Thus, they become interested in learning about the Bible. Most of them do not have a religious background. When we share the gospel with them we can preach directly on biblical truth, without reservations or concerns about religious taboos. Many of them are communist party members, so they must ponder the matter repetitively before deciding to believe in the Lord.
  5. They tend to have sufficient time and freedom, so they often travel on breaks and weekends, to get to know America better. They also desire to understand the faith culture of America, and learning English is one of their main interests. A great majority are very interested in the gospel. It usually is easier to invite them to the churches than typical students or working nonbelievers. A number of them are very earnest and regularly attend Bible study and church during their time in the States. Of those who attend the churches regularly, many of them come to trust in the Lord. Some of them are willing to state this decision only in private. They may request private baptism, and live as Christians in secret after they return to China. But there are many who are baptized before returning to China, eagerly attend the churches or the Discipleship Trainings through the Christian Witness Center, and continue to grow and serve in churches after returning to China. There are also those who have returned to China to continue teaching and at the same time sharing the gospel and leading students at their campus, greatly influencing local campus ministries.

There is a brother who is involved in campus ministry training in China. He went to four locations, and two of those locations are served and led by brothers and sisters who had been equipped in the Midwest. One sister had spent six months visiting the Midwest, and after she returned to China, she worked on student ministry, while teaching at the university. Her home was the meeting place for the fellowship, and it was also the female dormitory. Visiting scholars are a very important audience for sharing the gospel and training. What we do in their lives will bring about a force that shakes China and bring many young students in China to God. God has brought them over one group after another, so we may quickly equip them and send them back to influence Chinese intellectuals to turn to God. Even though their time in the United States is fleeting, do we see how much God desires for the Chinese intellectuals to be saved? It is the will of God for visiting scholars to be among us, so we are equipping the future campus workers in China. When we see visiting scholars from China came to our churches, let us lift up this prayer: May God help us win this scholar and equip him/her for gospel work among intellectuals in China. The time is short, only one year or six months; may God help us put this prayer into action! Share the gospel without delay, and without delay build up these scholars to become the Lord’s disciples, the lay-minister professors of tomorrow’s Chinese campuses!

May Discipleship and Coworker Training (May 17th-22nd):

The semester will end soon. The purpose of the May training camp is to equip graduates for being witnesses in society, to prepare students who are visiting home in the summer to share the gospel with family, and to develop student coworkers for the next semester, so this is a very important training. Please pray earnestly and prepare your heart to attend. The speakers are Rev. Edwin Su, Rev. David Wu, and CWC coworkers; topics include: To Be a Good Leader, A Study on Nehemiah, Path of Sanctification, Knowing the Truth, Knowing the New Life, Knowing Yourself, Christian Character, To be More Like My Lord, Discipleship Training, etc. The application deadline is May 15th.

Memorial Day Weekend Lay-Minister Discipleship Training (May 22nd-25th):

As students leave the campus class after class, campus fellowship and church need families with strong spiritual life and foundation to stabilize campus ministry and support a new class of students to participate in student ministry. The purpose of Lay-Minister Discipleship Training is to equip families and working brothers and sisters to become the force that drives campus fellowship and churches. The speakers are Rev. Edwin Su , Rev. David Wu, Elder Johnson Lee and CWC coworkers; topics include: Path of a Lay-Minister, Distinguished women in the church history, Coworkers Character, Real Meaning of Serving, Vessels for Honor, Unashamed Workman, Good Soldier of Christ, Handling Accurately the Word of Truth. Workshops include: (1) How to Lead Small Groups; (2) Transformed by God’s Love; (3) How to Take the Career Journey; and more. Many working families have applied. Praise the Lord for preparing the family dormitory for us in the past one year. Please apply early. Application deadline is May 15th.

Youth Discipleship Training (June 7th-13th):

Many youths are already looking forward to this week-long camp because this is a rare discipleship training designed especially for the youths. Our purpose is to help young people to learn to be the Lord’s disciples in their young age, so that they may walk with the Lord in their whole lives, be witnesses for the Lord among classmates when they go on to college, assist with campus ministry, be wonderful witnesses at work in their future places of employment, and shine for the Lord in society. The speakers are Pastor Fred Mok, Pastor Jason McCray, Pastor Steve Tan, etc. Topics include: Biblical Study of the Books of Joshua and Hebrews. Christian equipping classes include: How to Read the Bible? How to Do Devotionals? Life Applications topics include: How to Listen? How to Encourage Others? The Moral Issues topics include: How to View Homosexuality, Dating, and more. Aside from all this, we will arrange for the youth to take an afternoon and evening to practice sharing the gospel at nearby nursing homes, on a Children campground, or in the community. This time we will make T-shirts and take design submissions. Application forms have been sent to your church. Please pray for the camp and encourage your children to attend. The application deadline is May 27th.

August Bible Camp (August 2nd-8th):

The Bible Camp will study the Major Prophets. Although these books are not easy to read, praise the Lord many brothers and sisters have already submitted application forms and have already formed small groups at their campuses to study Major Prophets, following the study guidelines that Bible Camp has set for studying the Major Prophets. They have learned much insight from these difficult passages. Speakers for Bible Camp are Rev. Chih-Hao Shen and Sister Grace Lee. All Bible Camp related information are listed on the CWC website. Application deadline is June 20th. Please apply early and prepare adequately.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the preparation work for May and June camps, that God strengthen coworkers to complete the work.
  2. Please pray for the invitation work for the May Discipleship and Coworker Training and Lay-Minister Discipleship Training, that God will prepare people’s hearts to attend.
  3. Please pray for the speakers of each training camp, that the Lord send an anointing of the Holy Spirit and give us effectiveness in ministry.
  4. Please pray for the June Youth Discipleship Training, that the Lord prepare the hearts of more youths to attend, that they may be the Lord’s disciples all their lives.
  5. Please pray for August Bible Camp, that the Lord prepare the hearts of brothers and sisters to attend and be blessed while they work on the assignments.
  6. Praise and give thanks to the Lord for Mrs. Ko’s recovery, that she may continue to serve the Lord in the Midwest.
  7. Pray for the CWC budget, and ask God to raise up more brothers and sisters with a burden for student ministry to collaborate with us!

Emmanuel: God is with us.

In Him,
Billy Ko (Pastor)