2015-03 (三月禱告信)


數星期前,一位在密蘇里州立大學(Columbia, MO) 就讀的博士生,在穿越馬路時,不幸被車子撞到,就這樣離開了世界。我們常以為:青年學生來日方長,卻不知事實上,我們究竟還有多少時日可以向他們傳福音?

冬天快要過去了,三月正是傳福音的好時機,正如雅歌 2:11-13 所說:「因為冬天已往,雨水止住過去了。地上百花開放,百鳥鳴叫的時候(或作:修理葡萄樹的時候)已經來到;斑鳩的聲音在我們境內也聽見了。 無花果樹的果子漸漸成熟;葡萄樹開花放香。我的佳偶,我的美人,起來,與我同去!」。 主正在呼召愛祂的人與祂一同出去,我們有沒有聽見主的聲音?我們有沒有看見主所看見的?在北美一般校園團契聚會的人數,常不到全校中國同學的 3% ,多少學生受功課所壓?多少人在心靈深處發出嘆息,卻沒有人關懷他們?冬天已往,雨水止住,春天已來了!在這傳福音的大好日子,主邀請我們一同到田間工作,在這學期結束前,為主多得人的靈魂,求主幫助我們。



  1. 教會探訪事工必須要全體弟兄姐妹共同參與才能夠有好的果效。
  2. 要鼓勵弟兄姊妹成為探訪同工,而不是期望作被探訪的對象。
  3. 本科學生也可以成為探訪同工。
  4. 教會要有一個主要探訪同工,策劃整理教會的探訪事工,教會中的各個團契,也應安排探訪同工,與教會探訪同工一同作關懷工作。
  5. 每學期都要訓練新人作探訪事工。

三月福音營 ( 3月13 至 16日):

再過兩個星期春假福音營就要開始了,求主幫助我們把握機會,邀請福音朋友來參加這一次的福音營。但基督徒要先報名,這樣福音朋友才會安心地跟著來參加。我們要個別為福音朋友禱告,求主感動他們的心,並接受耶穌為他們的救主。感謝主!新宿舍的二樓屆時均可完工,這樣中心將有兩百多個床位可以使用,不用像已往擔心床位不足,所以您們可以多多鼓勵人來參加。福音營的講員有:袁曉牧師與陳達牧師 ,另外加州南谷基督徒會堂有十位短宣隊員會來幫忙,會堂的許學舜長老也將會是我們的另一位講員,地點在基督工人中心。主題是:生之追尋,所有費用仍是自由奉獻。報名表已寄至各教會,也可在網上下載報名表郵寄來中心,詳細資訊請至中心網站查詢。

五月門徒與同工訓練營 ( 5月17至22日):

春假過後,五月畢業典禮也近在眼前,不少學生與校園團契同工即將離開,弟兄姊妹都在擔心新同工接不上來,很多同工的職位就會空懸。我作校園事工多年,從不擔心校園同工流動性太大,我只擔心我們栽培同工的速度不夠快;我們應該在一、兩年之內將一個福音朋友建立成為有影響力的校園 同工,也就是:學生一信主後,在就學期間就要給他們訓練,放假期間必須邀請他們來參加門徒訓練營。一個星期的密集訓練課程,往往是一般學生在學期間16個週末在教會學習內容的總和;一個星期的學習,就等於用一個學期的時間去栽培同工,速度自然加快很多。為了校園同工能一代一代傳承下去,必須多多鼓勵弟兄姊妹參加門徒與同工訓練。暑假期間很多學生回國探親,我們可鼓勵他們在參加完五月門徒訓練、接受裝備後才回國,這樣向家人及朋友傳福音才有果效。七月底就再回到校園,繼續參加八月的讀經營與訓練營(為期各一週),這樣就能帶著屬靈的裝備,回學校作迎新工作,並在新學期,在校園事工上帶出美好的榜樣,如此同工就能很快地被建立起來,校園事工也得著興旺。五月門徒訓練的講員為 :蘇文峰牧師、吳繼揚牧師及中心同工等;截止報名日期是: 5月13日,詳細資訊請上中心網站查看。

國殤週末帶職信徒訓練  (5月22至25日):

大學校園裡需要有一些成熟、愛主、又樂意服事主的家庭來投入學生工作,這些家庭就能成為校園團契和教會的穩定力量。國殤週末的訓練營就是為了幫助在職場工作的弟兄姐妹裝備自己成為基督門徒,在校園及教會服事主。這是專為全職工作的基督徒所舉辦的訓練營。全職學生 (TA, RA 或博士班學生不算全職上班者) 必須先參加五月門徒訓練 (5/17-22) 後,才能繼續參加此一聚會。我們準備有家庭宿舍及兒童節目。聚會信息多是幫助您知道如何在工作中為主作見證,也幫助您在繁重的工作、家庭的負擔及教會的事奉中取得平衡。由於聚會時間很短,因此我們要求必須全程參加,所以您可考慮星期五請半天假,這樣就能準時在下午五點半前來聚會。講員除了有:蘇文峰牧師、吳繼揚牧師外,還有李強生長老及中心同工等;報名截止日期為:5月15日,請盡早報名参加。詳細資訊請上中心網站查看。

青少年門徒訓練營 (6月22至25日):


八月讀經營 ( 8月2至8日): 



  1. 請為三月福音營的準備工作禱告,求主預備人心來參加。
  2. 請為新宿舍所有房間能在福音營前完成禱告,好容納更多家庭、弟兄姊妹與福音朋友來參加。
  3. 請為福音營的邀請工作禱告,求主的靈感動福音朋友參加。
  4. 請為福音營講員禱告,求主的靈工作。
  5. 請為五月訓練營禱告,求主預備更多人接受裝備,作主的門徒。
  6. 請為帶職信徒訓練營禱告,求主預備更多上班的弟兄姊妹來參加,好讓他們在職場、家庭及教會中為主作美好的見證。

2014 年奉獻收據:

已全數寄出,若您至今仍未收到,表示因地址錯誤, 已退回中心,請與中心聯絡。謝謝您對中心財務上的奉獻。在新的一年,請繼續記念中心的需要,並常常為中心的事工禱告。



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the Lord.

A few weeks ago, a PhD student at the University of Missouri (Columbia, MO) unfortunately was hit by a car while crossing the street and died. We often think, “Students have plenty of time ahead of them.” In reality, we don’t know how much time we have to share the gospel with anyone.

Speaking of time passing, winter is almost over. March is a good time to share the good news, as Song of Songs 2:11-13 says, “See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.” The Lord is calling those who love Him to go with Him. Have we heard the voice of the Lord? Have we seen what the Lord sees?

The number of attendees at the Chinese Christian Fellowships and campus churches in the United States often is less than three percent of the total Chinese student population on campus. All students are pressed by their studies. Many of them cry out heavy sighs from the depth of their souls. How many of us care for them? Winter is past, the rains are over, and spring has come! In this great day for sharing the good news, the Lord invites us to work in the fields together, to win more souls for the Lord before the semester ends. May the Lord help us.

Building a Heart for Sharing the Gospel and Visitation

Pastors usually are the last people who can productively share the gospel and visit on campus. It’s not difficult for a pastor to visit Christians in student dormitories. However, nonbelievers are quite reluctant to have a pastor visit them. Fortunately, nonbelievers are a little more open to anyone who is not a “professional Christian”, particularly if they have some previous acquaintance in a common friend or class. Consequently, the body of brothers and sisters must participate in the visiting ministry if the campus church is to survive. Tending to needs of fellowship members is a first step, perhaps accompanying more experienced coworkers. Then solo. Often in such visits with Christian friends one meets roommates and neighbors who then are more open to conversation.

Each fellowship must have not only a few coworkers who can teach the Word of God; there must also be many coworkers who love and care for others. If a church has several fellowships, each fellowship should have a Caring coworker who can motivate and coordinate the caring and visitation ministry of this group. These coworkers should become coworkers in the Main Caring Team of the whole church. The church must have a coworker who coordinates the caring ministry of the entire church, and everyone should help move forward the caring, visitation, and gospel ministries of the church. By such organization the whole church will have a more comprehensive Caring Ministry.

Every semester I conduct training for visitation ministry. Each month there is a church-wide visitation outreach with the purpose of encouraging new coworkers to do visitations along with those who are more experienced. Following are a few points to keep in mind when doing visitations on campus.

  1. The caring ministry of the church must have participation from the entire body of believers to be effective.  Perhaps not everyone is on the front line with unbelievers, and some prefer shyly to visit only other Christians, but everyone should participate.
  2. We should continually encourage brothers and sisters to become Caring coworkers. We cannot expect that someone else will visit on our behalf.  You may not be best for every situation, but God is with you. There are some situations where you will be the best one to visit.
  3. Busy college students can become Caring coworkers.
  4. A church should have a main Caring Coworker, who coordinates and organizes the Caring Ministry of the church. Each fellowship of the church should also arrange for Visitation Coworkers, who work on Caring Ministry with the Caring Coworker of the church.
  5. Every semester the church must train new coworkers for the Caring Ministry.

March Gospel Camp (March 13th-16th):

The Spring Break Gospel Camp will begin in two weeks. Pray the Lord will help us seize the opportunity to invite gospel friends to attend this year’s Gospel Camp. But Christians need to apply first, so unbelievers and lapsed believers can be more at ease to come too. We need to pray individually for these gospel friends that the Lord would touch their hearts to receive Jesus as their Savior. Praise the Lord! The second floor of the new dormitory will be completed in time, so CWC will have two-hundred-plus beds available. We don’t need to worry about insufficient beds as we did in the past. You can encourage more people to attend! The speakers of Gospel Camp are Pastors Xiao Yuan and Timothy Chen. Ten short-term mission team members from CCIV-SV (Chinese Church in Christ—South Valley, San Jose, CA) will bring their assistance. Their Elder Rupert Hsu will be one of our speakers. Location of the camp is Warsaw, MO. The theme is: Pursuit of Life. All fees are free-will offering. Application forms have been sent to your churches, and you may also download the application form from our website and send it to CWC by mail. Details will be found at the CWC website.

May Discipleship Training (May 17th-22nd):

After Spring Break, May commencement ceremonies follow. Many students and campus fellowship coworkers will graduate and leave. Thus, brothers and sisters are concerned about the wonder if there will be enough new coworkers. After years of being in campus ministry, I’m never concerned about the flux of campus coworkers. I am concerned we are not raising coworkers fast enough. We should be able to turn a “gospel friend” new convert within one or at most two years into an influential coworker on campus. To run outreach at that pace, we must follow the New Testament example. Once students receive Christ, they should receive training during that semester. They must be invited to attend discipleship training during school breaks. A week’s worth of condensed training equals a semester of sixteen weekends learning at church or fellowship. In order to continue to have one generation after another of campus coworkers, we must encourage brothers and sisters to attend Discipleship and Coworker trainings. Many students visit families back home during summer vacation. We can encourage them to attend the May Discipleship Training before going home, so they will be productive in sharing the gospel with family and friends. When they return to campus at the end of July, they can attend Bible Camp and Discipleship Training (each a week long) in August, returning to school spiritually equipped in time for New Student Ministry. The speakers for May Discipleship Training are Rev. Edwin Su, Rev. David Wu, and CWC coworkers. The application deadline is May 13th. Please refer to the CWC website for details.

Memorial Day Weekend Lay-Minister Discipleship Training (May 22nd – 25th):

College campuses need families who are mature Christians who love the Lord, who take joy in serving the Lord, and who involve themselves in student ministry. Such godly families are a life-giving, stabilizing force in campus fellowships and churches. The training over Memorial Day weekend aims to help brothers and sisters who have jobs. It will help them become equipped as disciples for Christ, to serve the Lord on campus and in churches. This training camp is especially for Christians who work full-time. Full-time students (including TA, RA, or doctoral students) are required to first attend May 17-22 Discipleship Training. Then they can attend the Lay Minister training. We have prepared family dormitories and children’s programs. The messages at this training mostly help you learn how to witness for the Lord at your work place, as well as helping you find balance among heavy workload, family burdens, and serving at church. Since the length of the training is short, we require you to attend full-time. Please consider taking a half day off on Friday, so you will arrive at CWC before 5:30pm. Besides Rev. Edwin Su and Rev. David Wu, speakers also include Elder Johnson Lee and CWC coworkers. Application deadline is May 15th; please apply early. Please refer to the CWC Website for details.

Youth Discipleship Training (June 22nd-25th):

This is not a week-long camp for young people to frolic and be entertained.  It is a discipleship training tailored for the youth, aiming to help young people learn to be disciples of the Lord early in life. Then they may walk in the way of the Lord all their days, be witnesses for the Lord among classmates when they go on to college, assist with campus ministry, be wonderful witnesses at work in their future places of employment, and shine for the Lord in society. We are currently preparing for this camp, so please refer to CWC website for updates and keep this in your prayers.

August Bible Camp (August 2nd -8th):

This Bible Camp will study the Major Prophets. These books are not easy to read. Many brothers and sisters have concerns. However, hidden in these books are many precious spiritual lessons. Thus, many brothers and sisters already have submitted application forms, and they already have formed Bible study small groups for serious studying. Our speakers are Rev. Chih-Hao Shen coming from Detroit and Sister Grace Lee coming back from Taiwan. Application forms have been sent out, and all the Bible reading information is posted on the CWC website. Please apply early and prepare adequately.

Prayer Requests

  1. Please pray for the preparation work for March Gospel Camp. Pray God to prepare people’s hearts to attend.
  2. Please pray for all the rooms of the new dormitory to be completed prior to Gospel Camp, so we may accommodate more families, brothers, sisters, and gospel friends to attend.
  3. Please pray for the invitation work for Gospel Camp. Pray that the Spirit of the Lord will move gospel friends to attend.
  4. Please pray for the speakers of Gospel Camp. Pray that the Spirit of the Lord will move those who hear them.
  5. Please pray for May Discipleship Training. Pray the Lord will prepare more people to receive equipping to be the Lord’s disciples.
  6. Please pray for Lay Minister Discipleship Training. Pray the Lord will prepare more working brothers and sisters to attend, so they may be wonderful witnesses for the Lord at work, at home, and at church.

2014 Offering Receipts

These have been mailed out. If you have not received yours, probably the address was incorrect, and the mail was returned to CWC; so, please contact CWC with your correct address! Thank you for your financial offering to CWC. In the new year, please continue to remember the needs of CWC and pray frequently for the CWC ministries.

Emmanuel: God is with us

In Him,
Billy Ko (Pastor)