2015-01 (一月禱告信)



回顧過去一個月,主的應許顯得更真實,祂曾應許我們說: 「我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力,是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。所以我更喜歡誇自己的軟弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。」(林後 12:9)。 十二月初,面對著將連續近三週的冬令會、門徒訓練、與讀經營三個營會,同工們都擔心會力不從心,深恐無法勝任。感謝主!祂的應許再次應驗在我們這班不配的同工身上,祂的力量實在支持了我們同工完成了這些營會,願榮耀歸於祂!


門徒與同工訓練營:主吸引了約一百六十多位弟兄姊妹來參加,甚至有為數甚多的弟兄姐妹從東西兩岸而來,也有幾位牧者、師母與長老,帶著他們的學生與同工來參加;因坐飛機而來的人數太多, 聚會結束時,我們得出動中心的巴士將弟兄姊妹送往機場。感謝主!東西兩岸的傳道人和校園同工們,都看到門徒訓練的重要,並願意繼續鼓勵弟兄姊妹來參加。神藉著林三綱弟兄與賴若瀚牧師的信息,挑旺了弟兄姊妹愛主的心,有近二十位弟兄姊妹立志將來願意全時間事奉主,願主繼續藉著中心的服事,為各地校園與主的國度預備精兵。



三月福音營:三月中, 是許多校園的春假, 也是本學年結束前傳福音的大好時機,感謝主!帶領華府的袁曉牧師、田納西州曼菲斯的陳達牧師、與加州的短宣隊前來傳揚福音。時間是三月十三日晚 (只來住宿) 至十六日中午止。請為福音營禱告,求主使各地弟兄姊妹都能同心合意一同興旺福音,也求主預備福音朋友的心參加並歸向主。



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greeting in the Lord! May the peace of God be with you!

With the busy meetings in the past weeks, here is a late January newsletter.

When I recall the past month, God’s promise becomes so real. He has promised us: “My grace is sufficient for you: for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me”. (2 Corinthians 12:9). In early December before facing these three conference and camps, our coworkers perceived a humanly impossible task to carry out all these meetings. Thanks to the Lord! He helps us experience His great promise of this verse: His wonderful strength. Thank God! His grace is enough for us. May He be glorified.

Winter Conference: Thanks to the Lord for lots of blessings He bestowed on us. The weather was good (without snow or ice storm) in these three meetings so that brothers and sisters had safe journeys. Around 2000 people not only from the Midwest but also from the east and west coasts attended the meeting. The word of God stirs the hearts of many people. With the ministry of the speakers, mission teams, brothers, and sisters, about 60 nonbelievers accepted Christ as their Savior. Please continue praying for their spiritual growth in their home towns.

Discipleship Training Camp: The Lord Himself called about 160 people to this Training. Many of them came from the east and west coasts. Since they flew here, at the end of the meeting, we used our school bus to take them back to the Kansas City airport. Some pastors and elders of the churches led their students to come for this Training. Thanks be to God, many campus ministers and coworkers realized the importance of the discipleship training. They have encouraged and will encourage more of their students to come. Their presence in the camp is the greatest encouragement for their students to come. God used the message of Brother Bellman Lin and Pastor Johannes Lai to encourage attendees to love the Lord. About 20 brothers and sisters dedicated their lives to serve Him full time in the future. Pray that the Lord continues using the Center’s Discipleship Training to equip more campus coworkers on each campus, and that the church expands the kingdom of God.

Bible Camp: About eighty brothers and sisters came for the Bible camp to study the books of Daniel and Revelation. Before coming to this Bible camp, they spent months of study on these two books. They read the two books several times and wrote outlines of them. They also organized small groups on their campuses to study these two books weekly. Because of their persistent preparation, the Word of God touched their hearts. God used the message of Sister Grace Lee to encourage them to love the Lord deeper and serve the Lord faithfully. We were told not to greet Jesus’ returning with empty hands. Through this Camp, the attendees not only knew the Word of God, they established the good habit of daily Bible reading, and are willing to read and share His living Word at their churches weekly.

Building of New Dormitory: Thank God, five more sleeping rooms and one living room were done before the camps. Even though about 200 people needed to be accommodated in the camps, with these new spots all the students and families had rooms. Please continue to pray for the progress and finance, that the last four sleeping rooms can be done before the Gospel Camp in the middle of March.

March Gospel Camp: Spring break in March is one of the best times to win students to Christ. Pastor Xiao Yuan from Washington D.C, Pastor Timothy Chen from Memphis, Tennessee, and the mission teams will be here to share the good news of Christ. The date is from March 13th (arrival and overnight stay) to noon of 16th. Please pray for the Gospel Camp, the speakers, brothers, and sisters who will join us together in one heart to reach out to the nonbelievers. And most important, please also pray for the salvation of those nonbelievers.

May the blessing of God be with you and your family in the whole new year.

In Him
Billy Ko (Pastor)