2014-12 (十二月禱告信)








  1. 冬令會將於十二月廿四晚上至廿八日中午舉行。大家都很期待冬令會的來到。報名資料已張貼上網,並開始接受網上報名。冬令會是培靈與福音並重,請邀請更多的福音朋友來參加。也為參加者代禱,願聖靈的工作使人心改變,復興臨到每一個人。多位神重用的僕人將在中文和英語聚會中分享信息。就連隨父母親同來的青少年和孩童也將在此學習神的話語生命長進。這將是全家蒙福的時刻。請特別留意:報名嚴格截止時間為十二月十九日、週五、中部時間晚上十一時五十九分。更多訊息,請按此處。
  2. 十二月門徒訓練將 於十二月廿八日晚上至2015年一月三日中午舉行。講員為林三綱弟兄及賴若瀚牧師。截至十一月底,我們已接到一百三十位弟兄姐妹的報名。當中有許多是從東岸來的,他們為了要來參加聚會,甚至不惜花費,購買不便宜的機票。也有不少是遠從俄亥俄州,要開超過十二個小時的車前來聚會。我們為他們每一位感謝神。許多公司在十二月會有一段時間關廠休息;而與暑假比起來,寒假返鄉探親的人數相對較少。因此這是一個在主裡成長的好機會。目前仍有空位,若您有意參加,請把握報名機會,不要遲延。報名嚴格截止時間亦為十二月十九日中部時間晚上十一時五十九分。感謝神使用基督工人中心,不僅裝備美中的弟兄姐妹,也訓練東、西兩岸的弟兄姐妹跟隨並服事祂。請為聚會代禱,不單預備自己,也邀請其他的基督徒同來參加。更多訊息,請按此處。
  3. 讀經營緊接著門徒與同工訓練營之後,是為期一週的讀經營。報名已截止。共有一百零九位弟兄姐妹報名。目前他們正努力地準備功課的最後階段。繳交指定作業初稿日期為十二月一日,完稿日期為十二月十四日。弟兄姐妹們都利用感恩節假期加緊努力。感謝神使用讀經營在許多人心中建立認真研讀神話語的心。請為讀經營代禱。


  1. 為冬令會各項籌備工作代禱 – 籌備一個一千五百人以上的聚會是非常大的挑戰。特別是在有限的同工及密集的三個冬令聚會的情況之下,更是不容易。請在禱告中記念中心每一位同工。也請為眾多的義工 代禱– 如:註冊組、網站程式、餐廳、廚房、會前設備卸載及佈置場地,…等。為在各校園的邀請工作代禱;為講員及慕道朋友的心在聚會中能接受耶穌禱告、為來自東、西兩岸及德州的短宣隊代禱。也請為聚會期間有好的天氣及路況禱告。
  2. 為十二月門徒及同工訓練營代禱 – 為有更多人願意接受裝備、作基督門徒並事奉祂禱告,求神裝備他們在自己校園中成為有僕人心志的領袖,並影響其他人歸向基督。為講員的信息代禱;也為中心同工代禱,願聖靈在這繁重忙碌的季節加添能力。
  3. 為讀經營及已經報名參加的弟兄姐妹正準備功課代禱。求神開他們的眼,看見神話語的奇妙。
  4. 為新宿舍的工程代禱 – 為樓上十個房間能在十二月門徒訓練之前完成一半,以能容納更多來參加門徒訓練和讀經營的弟兄姐妹。也求神供應我們足夠的經費來完成這項工程。



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings during this year-end season. May the Lord be with you.

A few weeks ago, President Obama went to China. He announced that visas for Chinese students will be extended from one year to five years. This more accessible student visa will increase the Chinese student population in the United States. Although many people think that we have many students from China now, President Obama wants to have more Chinese students study in the States. The President’s plan is to help the economy of the States. God’s plan is for more Chinese Students to be brought to Christ here. After they are saved, are equipped, and return to their county, they can serve in the Kingdom of God. The opportunity to reach out to Chinese students will be even greater in the near future. Are we ready for such a great opportunity to bring more students to Christ?

Thank God, the new dormitory with five additional sleeping rooms will be completed by mid-December. We can accommodate more people to come for the upcoming Discipleship Training camp and Bible camp. From a larger perspective, we can better accommodate more Chinese students to be equipped here for years to come. We are praying that three more sleeping rooms can be done before the Gospel Camp held in March, and two more rooms can be done before the May Discipleship Training camp. Please continue praying for the construction work and the building fund.

Although more and more people came to our various camps, our camps are not only for university students. Our camps are training camps for the disciples of Christ regardless of age, no matter whether they are students, professors, working people, retirees, or house wives. Anyone will be blessed when their hearts are ready for these trainings. We look to your coming to the upcoming December Training Camp.

Upcoming Meetings:

  1. Winter Conference: The conference runs from the evening of Dec. 24th to noon of the 28th. Many people are excited for this Conference. Online application forms have been posted. The conference is for both Christians and gospel friends. Please bring your friends to come. Pray that brothers and sisters’ hearts will be changed by the work of the Holy Spirit. Pray that revival will come upon everyone in the conference. Many great servants of God will share to both our Chinese-speaking and English-speaking congregations. The youths and children who come with their parents will learn the Word of God and have spiritual growth. It will be a blessed time for your family in the conference. The strict due date is Friday, December 19 at 11:59 pm. For more information, please click here.
  2. December Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp: The camp date is from the evening of December 28, 2014 to noon January 3, 2015. Brother Bellman Lin and Pastor Johann Lai will be our speakers. At the end of November, we had already received 130 applications. Quite a few are from east coast people who even need to buy not cheap tickets here. Quite a few are from Ohio who need to drive more than 12 hours to come over here. We thank God for each one of them. In December, some companies shut down. Compared to the summer break, fewer students will fly back to the Far East. This season is a convenient time to grow in the Lord. So far we still have room for Discipleship and Coworkers training, but please do not delay. The strict deadline is December 19 at 11:59 pm. We thank God to use the CWC to equip the brothers and sisters not only in the Midwest but also at the east and west coasts of North America to follow Him and serve Him. Please remember this training in your prayers. Not only prepare yourself, but also invite other Christians to come. If you need more information, please click here.
  3. Bible Camp: After the Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp comes another week of Bible Camp. We mention this for your prayers and as future consideration, as the application due date has passed. 109 brothers and sisters have applied. Right now they are working hard on the last stage of the homework. The first draft of their assigned report is due December 1. The final draft is due December 14. Many brothers and sisters are using their Thanksgiving break to work on their Bible Camp homework. Thank God for using the Bible Camp to build diligent Bible study hearts in many people. Please pray for the Bible Camp.


  1. Pray for the preparation of the Winter Conference ─ To prepare for a conference for over 1500 people is a very challenging task. With few coworkers and three large meetings in the winter, please remember all the CWC coworkers in your prayers. Please pray for the volunteer workers, such as registration and online programmers—even pray for the stability of the server. Pray for the dining room workers, the kitchen crew, for safe loading, transport, unloading, and setup, and all such service. Pray for the invitation work in all the campus groups and churches. Pray for the speakers and the hearts of gospel friends to accept Christ. Please also pray for all the mission teams arriving from the east coast, west coast, and Texas. Pray for good weather for traveling for everyone!
  2. Pray for the December Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp ─ Pray that more people will be willing to be equipped to be disciples of Christ and willing to serve Him. Pray that they will be equipped to be servant-leaders on their campuses, and affect others to turn to Christ. Pray for the messages of the speakers. Pray that in this heavy-load season for CWC coworkers that the Holy Spirit will empower us.
  3. Pray for the Bible camp. Pray for those attendees while they are preparing their homework at this moment. Pray that the Lord will open everyone’s eyes to see the wonderful things from the Word of God.
  4. Pray for the new building project─ Pray that half of the ten rooms on the upper floor can be finished before the Discipleship Training, so that we can accommodate more people for the Training and the Bible Camp. Also please pray the Lord to provide us enough funds to finish this project.

May God bless you and your family!

In Him
Billy Ko (Pastor and Director)