2014-11 (十一月禱告信)




我不在的近一個月期間,我服事的哥城基督教會一切事工都順利。弟兄姐妹都在自己的崗位上忠心地服事。照顧其他人的需要,向未信主的傳福音,也分擔教導的責任。他們所做的還不止於此。哥城教會的弟兄姐妹不單承擔教會的各項事工,他們更支持他們的牧師往各地服事。我有一半的時間都不在哥倫比亞。神也祝福我們的會眾。每週五晚上都有一百五十人左右來參加團契聚會。弟兄姐妹裝備好了並且積極的在校園裡服事主,我們就看見神祝福教會。基督徒學生既是校園事工的對象也是橋樑。若沒有他們參與同工,傳道人所能做的就極為有限。學生們如果只受人服事,卻不起來服事別人,如: 鼓勵、關懷;教導…等,校園團契及教會將很難成長。但當學生們也起來積極服事,許多還不信主的學生就會來到教會。請按此處閱讀:「學生主導的校園事工歷史」



江士民姐妹: 八月、九月的短宣結束後,江姐妹就專心的為即將來臨的冬季三個聚會作準備的工作。靠著神的恩典,一切進展順利。除了週間的行政事工,江姐妹週末還要到各查經班和教會服事。請為她有從天上來的能力和智慧代禱。

關靜純姐妹: 這學期來到Fayetteville (Arkansas) 華人教會的學生很多。感謝神賜給我們向更多學生傳福音的機會。離Fayetteville約兩小時車程的堪薩斯州Pittsburg 州立大學查經班,在九月短宣隊去探訪之後,又重新開始有固定聚會。關姐妹和Fayetteville教會的弟兄姐妹也參與幫助這個查經班。請為這事工代禱。

潘曉明弟兄: 除了牧養 Starkville (Mississippi)的校園教會之外,潘弟兄也一直在關懷幫助田納西州的Memphis ,及阿拉巴馬州的Mobile, Tuscaloosa and Auburn 等地的教會和查經團契。今年開始,他還去離家開車三小時以外的Auburn查經班幫忙。美南地區的需要實在很大。請記念潘弟兄的事工和家庭。

涂立宇弟兄: 每週五晚上,學生們都擠到涂弟兄的公寓學習聖經。他們的心也慢慢轉向基督。涂弟兄也開始在一小時車程外密蘇里州的Cape Girardeau,以及兩小時車程肯塔基州的Murray 建立門徒訓練。每隔一段時間,他也到三小時以外的伊利諾州的Champaign 華人教會講道。我們為涂弟兄感謝神。他的服事充滿挑戰。請為他代禱。

Daniel Long: 我們的維修同工一家已經在中心營地安定下來。新環境的適應並不容易。請為他們一家代禱。也為中心眾多的維修工作代禱。

高牧師: 感謝神在過去一個月中祝福了高牧師和一位美中畢業的弟兄同心在遠東地區的校園作門徒與同工訓練。目前高牧師仍往來美中各地服事眾教會,並在密蘇里的哥倫比亞牧養教會。請為他忙碌的行程代禱。


  1. 讀經營 聚會日期為2015年一月四日至十日。嚴格的報名截止日期為十一月十五日。請儘早報名,以便早早開始準備作業。這次我們將研讀但以理書和啟示錄。更多訊息,請按此處。
  2. 冬令會 將 於十二月廿四至廿八日舉行。這是為基督徒和福音朋友預備的聚會。報名表及詳細資訊已在兩週前郵寄給教會及查經班。請開始預備自己並邀請尚未信主的朋友來參加。這也是復興教會會友的好機會。請鼓勵教會或團契的成員踴躍參加冬令會,使全教會都因此蒙福。冬令會中,我們不但有許多很棒的中文講員,也為講英語的會眾預備了很棒的節目。請留意,十八歲以下必須與父母同來。網上報名將於十一月十五日左右張貼上網。嚴格截止時間為十二月十九日(週五) 中部時間晚上十一時五十九分。更多訊息,請按此處。
  3. 十二月門徒及同工訓練 將 於十二月廿八日至2015年一月三日舉行。講員為林三綱弟兄及賴若瀚牧師。聖誕假期是接受訓練的好時間。您的屬靈生命將被改變,也會知道在下學期如何服事。請為聚會代禱。不單預備自己,也邀請其他的基督徒同來參加。嚴格截止時間為十二月十九日。更多訊息,請按此處。


  1. 為冬令會代禱 – 為各項籌備及邀請工作、講員代禱。也求神預備慕道朋友的心在聚會中接受基督。為來自東、西兩岸及德州的短宣隊代禱。請特別為今年為冬令會準備菜食的中國餐館代禱。目前為止,我們還沒有找到合適的餐館。
  2. 為讀經營及已經報名參加的弟兄姐妹代禱 – 為他們準備功課代禱。求神賜給他們渴慕神話語的心,好叫他們不但現在,更是一生都忠心地研讀聖經。
  3. 為十二月門徒及同工訓練營代禱 – 為有更多人願意接受裝備作基督門徒並事奉祂禱告。為講員及中心同工代禱,有聖靈的能力在這忙碌的季節完成這些繁重的工作。
  4. 為新宿舍的工程代禱 – 為樓上十個房間能在十二月門徒訓練之前完成一半,以能容納更多來參加門徒訓練和讀經營的弟兄姐妹。也求神供應我們足夠的經費來完成這項工程。





Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greetings in the Lord.

Time really flies. It is approaching the end of the year. May God’s blessing be with you in this Thanksgiving month.

In the past month the Lord gave me an opportunity to serve Him in the Far East. One minister and I went to four college towns to equip college students to be disciples of Christ and serve on their campuses. Two student leaders there were Midwest university graduates. After finishing their education in the US, they returned to their home country. Besides teaching in the universities, they also shepherd on their campus churches, helping students grow and serve in their churches. How wonderful to see them using disciple-training skills first gained in the US in their current ministry. They have been faithfully serving the Lord and bearing great testimonies on their campuses. At the end of the year, more students will graduate. Some of them have already turned down lucrative jobs and are willing to take much lesser-paying jobs in order to help campus ministries and establish churches in different cities. It is a great joy to see students being equipped and effectively bear fruits on their universities and who are willing to sacrifice for the Kingdom of God.

In my almost one month absence from my home church, Columbia Chinese Christian Church, everything went well. Brothers and sisters faithfully served on their posts. They faithfully cared for the needy people, reached the unsaved, and shared teaching responsibilities. They continue to this and more. Not only do the Columbia Church brothers and sisters take care of all the church ministry by themselves, they also support their pastor to minister at different cities. Half of the time I am not in Columbia. God blesses the congregation. Every Friday, around 150 people come for evening fellowship. As brothers and sisters are equipped and increasingly motivated to serve the Lord on campus, God blesses the churches. Christian students are both the object and the means of campus ministries. Full-time ministers can do little without students involved. Those students encourage other students to serve on campuses. Campus fellowships and churches cannot grow if the students receive service but do not themselves serve: encourage, reach, teach. When students serve actively, many unbelieving students will come to the church. Please click here to read: “Student-orientated Campus Ministry History”「學生主導的校園事工歷史」.


All of the CWC coworkers are working very hard on the campuses they serve. Please continue to remember them in prayer.

Sister Cindy Chiang: After the August and September mission trips, she has been concentrating on preparation of the coming three meetings in the winter. By God’s grace, all of them progress. Besides the weekday office works, she also needs to minister in different Bible Study groups and the churches on weekends. Please pray for Heavenly strength and wisdom on her.

Sister Ching Kuan: More students came to the Fayetteville (Arkansas) Chinese Church this semester. Thank God to give this such good opportunity to reach out to more students. Pittsburg State University (Kansas) is about two hours’ drive from Fayetteville. After the September mission team, the Bible study there has started again. Please remember this ministry too while Sister Kuan works with the brothers and sisters in Fayetteville to help this campus ministry. There are about 200 Chinese students there, but most of them only stay there for one or two years. Please remember Sister Kuan in your prayers.

Brother Xiaoming Pan: Besides pastoring the campus church at Starkville (Mississippi), Brother Pan has been reaching to churches and Bible study groups in Memphis, Tennessee, and Mobile, Tuscaloosa and Auburn, Alabama. Starting this year, he also helps the Auburn Bible Study Group, more than three hours’ drive from his home. The need in the southern US is big. Please remember Brother Pan’s ministry and his family in your prayers.

Brother Liyu Tu: Every Friday evening, students fill Brother Tu’s apartment for the Bible studies. Gradually they turn to Christ. Brother Tu is also developing discipleship training for the students at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, about one hour’s drive and at Murray, Kentucky, about two hours’ drive. From time to time, he also preaches at the Champaign Chinese Church in Illinois, about 3 hours’ drive. Thank God for using Brother Tu. His ministry is very challenging. Please pray for him.

Daniel Long: Our maintenance coworker and his family have settled down at the CWC. Adjustment in a new field is not easy. Please pray for him and his family. Please also pray for the many maintenance works.

Pastor Ko: Thank God for a blessing to work together with a midwest graduate in the Far East for campus discipleship and coworker training in the past month. Right now Pastor Ko is busy serving many campuses in the midwest and pastoring at Columbia, Missouri. Please pray concerning his heavy schedule.


  1. Bible Camp: The camp date is from Jan. 4 to 10, 2015. The strict due date for application is November 15. Please send in your application form as soon as you can so that you can start to prepare earlier. This time we will study the books of Daniel and Revelation. For more information, please click here.
  2. Winter Conference: The conference runs from Dec. 24th to 28th. It is for both Christians and gospel friends. The printed information and registrations were mailed to your church and the Bible Study groups two weeks ago. You can start to prepare yourself and invite nonbelievers to come. It is a great time to bring revival to your church members. Please encourage your church or fellowship members to come, so your whole church will get blessings from the Conference. We have many outstanding Chinese-speaking speakers and a great English program for English-speaking people. Remember, minors under age 18 must come with parents. The online registration will be posted on our website around Nov. 15. The strict due date is Friday, Dec. 19, 11:59 pm. Please keep an eye on this. For more information, please click here.
  3. December Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp: The camp date is from Dec. 28, 2014 to Jan. 3, 2015. Brother Bellman Lin and Pastor Johann Lai will be our speakers. The holiday season is a good time to be trained. Your spiritual life can be changed and you can know how to serve in the next semester. Please remember this training in your prayers. Not only prepare yourself but also invite other Christians to come. The strict due date is also on Dec. 19. If you need more information, please click here.


  1. Pray for the preparation of the Winter Conference─ Please pray for the preparation and invitation work. Pray for the speakers. Please pray for the hearts of gospel friends to accept Christ with a prepared heart. Please also pray for all the mission teams arriving from the east coast, west coast, and Texas. This year please specifically pray for the Chinese restaurants that will prepare for the food for us. So far we have not found those restaurants yet.
  2. Pray for the Bible camp and those who have already registered─ Pray for them while they are preparing their homework. Pray that they all have thirsty hearts for the Word of God, so that they can faithfully study the Bible for now and for the rest of their lives.
  3. Pray for the December Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp─ Pray that more people will be willing to be equipped to be disciples of Christ and willing to serve Him. Pray for the speakers and the CWC coworkers, that they may be empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill these great tasks during this heavy-load season.
  4. Pray for the new building project─ Pray that half of the ten rooms on the upper floor can be finished before the Discipleship Training, so that we can accommodate more people for the Training and the Bible Camp. Also please pray the Lord to provide us enough funds to finish this project.

May God bless you and your family!

In Him

Billy Ko (Pastor and Director)