2014-07 (七月禱告信)


感謝主帶領我們六月八至十四日的青少年營。有五十七位年青人、十多位輔導及講員來參加。感謝神讓年青人專心受教的學習, 並有許多的領受, 求主繼續帶領我們的下一代能行在神的心意中。

六月二十至二十二日、二十七至二十九日我分別去了芝加哥、及休士頓地區參加北美華福所舉辦的「培育 90 後起來影響校園」 的特別聚會,感謝神的帶領。現在我們又開始忙碌於七月底的讀經營及八月門徒訓練。八月門徒訓練之後過了五天,短宣隊就要來到美中了。這一串綿密的聚會及短宣,都需要您們在禱告中記念我們。

八月讀經營 (七月廿七至八月二日): 截至報名截止日為止,有一百位弟兄姐妹報名參加這一期的讀經營。目前他們都非常認真地準備讀經營的指定作業,並且已經在六月卅日前將初稿交給他們的輔導作進一步的修訂,以便趕在七月十七日以前完成作業,這實在不是件容易的事,但相信他們都能從這樣的學習中領受到極大的祝福,請為這些學員代禱,也請為基督工人中心的同工代禱,我們需要花很多時間和精力來閱讀並校正這些作業。智慧書是本次讀經營的主題,講員為底特律來的諶志豪牧師和紐澤西州的李玉惠姐妹。若您錯過這次的讀經營,請預留時間參加明年一月四至十日「啟示錄」的讀經營。更多資訊請上中心網站查閱。

八月門徒與同工訓練營(八月三至九日): 這是為建立基督門徒、並為新學年裝備學生同工的訓練營。報名表已分別寄給眾教會及查經班,並且也已上網。請代禱並鼓勵其他的弟兄姐妹來參加,若需報名表請按此處,報名截止日期為七月廿五日。

八月及九月短宣隊: 許多新生即將來美就學,弟兄姐妹們也將努力地幫助這些新生在校園裡安頓下來。這是把神的愛帶給他們,並和他們分享耶穌福音的好機會。通常新生在剛抵達校園的第一個月都很願意和教會的人來往,但往往當安頓好之後,他們大部分就會躲著教會的弟兄姐妹。所以在這頭一個月與新生的接觸與關懷、並帶領他們認識基督就格外地重要。短宣隊的使命就是幫助各校園與新生們建立關係。當校園的弟兄姐妹們和短宣隊一起配搭,見證神的愛並向新生們分享耶穌的福音時,不但能使許多新生認識耶穌,校園也同時得著復興。請為各短宣隊代禱。並求神預備我們的心,好與他們配搭同工。


  1. 為同工暑假期間的服事禱告。求神使用我們,建立並裝備更多學生同工在新學年服事主。
  2. 為八月讀經營與同工訓練營代禱。求神賜福弟兄姐妹,有智慧學習並預備好來參加聚會。
  3. 為新宿舍的建造與經費禱告,求主帶領。
  4. 為新維修同工Daniel Long 的事奉與全家新生活的適應禱告。
  5. 為基督工人中心在經常費與建築費的需要禱告。
  6. 為著能有新同工加入我們的服事禱告。
  7. 為著美中廣大的禾場代禱,求神在這裡興起祂的作為。
  8. 為著短宣隊來美中的籌備代禱。
  9. 為各校園傳福音的事工代禱。
  10. 為今年冬令會的籌備禱告,求主記念講員、同工的需要。



Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greeting in the Lord!

We thank God for leading our Youth Camp held from June 8 to 14th. Attending were 57 youth plus 10 counselors and speakers. We thank God for giving those youth attentive and teachable hearts. They all learned a lot. We pray the Lord to continue leading this generation, that they can walk in the will of God for their whole lives.

From June 20 to 22, and June 27 to 29, I went to Chicago (IL) and Houston (TX) for the 2014 Campus Ministry Conference held by CCCOWE-USA. Thank God for blessing these two meetings. Right now all of our coworkers are busy with preparation of the August Bible Camp and the August Discipleship Training. Five days after the August Discipleship Training, the Short-Term Mission teams will come to the Midwest again. For these series of meetings and the short-term missions, we need you to remember us in prayer.

August Bible Camp [July 27 to August 2]: Around 100 people have applied for this Camp before the due date. Currently they are preparing their homework diligently. By June 30 they turned in their first draft report for their advisors to approve reading. The final draft is due July 17th. It is not easy work. But I am sure they will get many blessings from their studies. Please not only pray for those students but also the CWC coworkers and the speakers. We must spend lots of time and energy to read those papers and edit them. Wisdom Books is the subject of this Bible camp. Pastor Chih-Hao Shen from Detroit and Sister Grace Lee from New Jersey will be our speakers. If you missed the August Bible Camp—the due date is past—you may reserve time for the Bible Camp held from January 4th to 10th, 2015. We will study the Book of Revelation. For more information, please check our web site frequently.

August Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp [August 3 – 9]: This Discipleship Training is for equipping disciples and preparing the new student coworkers for the new semester. All application forms have been postal mailed to the churches and the Bible Study groups and are posted on our website. Please pray and encourage more people to come. If you need the application forms, please click here. The due date is July 25th.

August and September Short Term Mission Team: Many new students will come to the United States to study in the new semester. Brothers and sisters are also working hard to help those new students to settle in the new environment. It is a good time to show the love of God and to share the good news of Jesus to them. Usually the new students like to make friends with the church people in the first month after they arrive here. But once they are settled, most of them try to avoid church people. So, it is very crucial for us to grab this golden one month to reach out them, care for them, and even lead them to Christ. The goal of the short term mission teams is to help campuses to reach out to new students. When brothers and sisters team up with the mission team to show the love of God and the good news of Jesus to the new students, it will help many new students to know Christ and bring revival to the campuses. Please pray for the mission teams. Please also pray the Lord to prepare our hearts to work with the mission teams.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for all the CWC coworkers’ summer ministry. May the Lord help coworkers build up more students to be equipped to serve the Lord in the new semester.
  2. Please pray for the August Bible Camp and Discipleship Training. Pray that brothers and sisters will have the wisdom to study and prepare for the camp.
  3. Please pray for the new dormitory building project and the financial needs.
  4. Pray for the new maintenance coworker Daniel Long, his family, and their adjustment here.
  5. Pray for the financial need of CWC, both general fund and building fund.
  6. Pray that more campus ministers can join our ministry.
  7. Pray for the great field of the Midwest. Pray that God will do great works here.
  8. Pray for the preparation of both August and September’s short term missions.
  9. Pray for the evangelical work in all campuses.
  10. Please also pray for the preparation of the 2014 Winter Conference. Please remember the speakers and the coworkers’ needs.

May God bless you and your whole family.

In His service
Billy Ko, Pastor