2014-06 (六月禱告信)




一個多月前我到Iowa 州一間校園講道,同學們告訴我,他們校園的中國同學人數目前已增加到2000人,但崇拜的人數卻比五年前還要少。其實美中還有好些校園,中國同學已增加至2000至4000人,但來聚會的人數卻與五年前差不多。值得感嘆的是:中國同學增加的非常快,但聚會的人數卻與數年前一樣,仍在原地打轉!很多地方學生事工的果效,遠遠趕不上學生人數增加的速度。五月訓練期間,一間校園的同工告訴我,他們學校僅僅是本科生的人數就超過2,500人,但團契中大部份是研究生與學者,本科生只有幾個人!為著這樣的光景,我心裡實在覺得可惜。我建議他們要另外成立一個本科生的查經班,因為本科學生不喜歡在很多的研究生中查經,必須成立另外一個本科生查經班,才能吸引他們來參加。這同工回答說:「不用了,有好幾個美國教會都在做外國學生工作,他們的查經班都有很多本科同學參加。」其實神在各地校園,都興起美國同工做中國學生工作;但神使用這些美國同工的目的,只是為了作撒種的工作,預備中國同學的心接受福音,神卻差遣我們華人同學與同工,去收祂的莊稼,帶領他們決志信主,建立他們作主的門徒與校園同工;若只有美國同工事奉,華人學生是沒有辨法被建立起來的。可惜很多中國弟兄姊妹卻認為,有美國同工做華人學生事工就夠了!有美國同工幫助中國同學,我們就可安心,不用再去向華人傳音;這樣的心態,使很多華人校園事工,大大的被打折扣。

當日主耶穌在聖殿說:「我為你的殿,心裡焦急,如同火燒。」 (約 2:17) 。現今有多少人,對著這樣多的學生,有基督的心腸? 為校園事工心裡火熱,如同火燒!求主將基督火熱的心腸,多多的加給我們,讓各地的華人弟兄姊妹火熱的站立起來,不怕困難,忠心去做校園事工,使更多學生信主、成為門徒。


六月青少年門徒訓練營 (六月八日至十四日):不少青少年都急切地等待一年一度的青少年門徒訓練營,期待著與其他的年青同伴,再一次被主的道所建立,從年青的時候一同走主的道路,好叫他們在中學的時候作主的門徒,在大學時可以成為校園忠心的同工,帶領其他的學生信主,畢業後可以在社會中作主的見證,成為其他青少年人的榜樣。這營會的對象是:在美國長大的華裔中學與大學的青少年,將用英語教導。感謝主!預備了好幾位對華裔青少年有經驗的傳道人來教導。請為這營會禱告,並預備年青人的心歸向神!截止報名日期為:6月3日,請勿錯過 (請按此處)。

八月讀經營 (七月廿七至八月二日) :這次讀經營將研讀智慧書,弟兄姊妹正在認真的準備功課,一同研讀。詩歌書實在對我們靈命增長與生活智慧的建立,都有很大的幫助。講員為底特律來的諶志豪牧師和紐澤西州的李玉惠姐妹。報名截止日期為六月十日。請儘早報名並及早準備功課 (請按此處)。

八月門徒與同工訓練營 (八月三日至九日) :這次訓練營會是為了建立門徒與裝備下學期的同工。感謝主!帶領陳信銘牧師與周如歡教士來教導。報名截止日期為七月二十五日晚(請按此處)。

「2014 校園事工研討會」(非由基督工人中心舉辦) :「培育 90 後起來影響校園」:研討: 90後校園事工的現況與前瞻、90 後與團隊事奉、90 後門訓中的事奉裝備、以學生為主體的校園事工架構。將舉辦三次,日期與場地如下:6/13-15 波士頓地區、6/20-22 芝加哥地區、6/27-29 休士頓地區。網上報名: www.cccoweusa.org,報名費:$30 (含星期六午餐)。



  1. 為中心同工在暑期期間的事奉禱告,求主幫助同工能建立新的學生同工,在新學年好好的在校園為主作見證。
  2. 為下週青少年訓練營的預備與推動禱告。
  3. 為八月的訓練營與讀經營禱告。為弟兄姊妹預備讀經營的作業禱告,求主加添智慧。
  4. 為宿舍的建造與經費禱告,求主帶領。
  5. 為新的維修同工Dan Long 的事奉禱告,求主賜福他的事奉與全家新生活的適應禱告。
  6. 求主每個月按時供應中心在經常費與建築費的需要禱告。
  7. 求主在各地校園興起同工,去向廣大的校園傳福音。
  8. 為八、九月短宣隊禱告。
  9. 為新學期的福音事工禱告。
  10. 為著美中禾場廣大的需要,求主打發合祂心意的僕人,與我們一起同工禱告。





Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greeting in the Lord! May the peace of God be with you!

About one month ago when I preached in a campus in Iowa, some students told me that the Chinese population on their campus had grown to 2,000. That’s about five or more times the population from five years ago. However, the number at Sunday Worship was less than five years ago. Sadly, many other campuses’ Chinese populations similarly grew to 2,000 or more, yet their Sunday worship attendance remains about the same. Many campus ministries are unable to serve the growth of Chinese students. During the May training, a student coworker told me that the number of just undergraduate Chinese students in his university exceeds 2,500. But most at his campus fellowship are graduate students, faculty, and staff. There are only few undergraduate students. It is sad to hear about this. I encouraged them to start another Bible studygroup solely for the undergraduate students. Often undergraduates feel uneasy to study the Bible with the faculty, staff, and even graduate students. Thus, an undergraduates’ Bible study group may attract more undergraduates. This coworker replied: “There is no need to have a Chinese undergraduate Bible study. Many college town American churches have already out reached to Chinese undergraduate students.” Surely! God is using American churches to reach out to Chinese students. God has used them to prepare the hearts of Chinese students. God uses American brothers and sisters to sow, but He often uses Chinese brothers and sisters to reap. Most Chinese students made their decisions to accept Christ during Chinese evangelistic meetings and personal evangelism. Most Chinese brothers and sisters decided to grow and become disciples of Christ also during the Chinese discipleship trainings. It is a pity that many Chinese brothers and sisters think that it is enough to let American brothers and sisters reach out to Chinese students. Thenwe can relax and not share the Gospel to them. This kind of attitude will limit the effectiveness of our campus ministries. When Jesus was standing at the temple courts, He said, “Zeal for your house will consume me.” (John 2:17) .With so many students who do not know Christ in this Land of Freedom, how many of us have the heart of Jesus who is zealous for the Chinese lost souls? Let us stand up for Him to reach more people to Christ faithfully.

Thanks be to God for both May Discipleship Training Camp and Lay Minister Training Camp. They are all full of blessings of God. Around altogether 180 people came for these two meetings. God used all three speakers to give much great teaching to brothers and sisters. The hearts of many people were filled with the Word of God abundantly. Many students dedicated their lives to be willing to witness for Christ on their campuses. Many working brothers and sisters dedicated their lives to be faithful and humble servants for God in their churches, and to be the light of Christ in their communities.

Youth Discipleship Training Camp (June 8 – 14): Many youths have been excited and eagerly wait for the coming of this annual Youth Discipleship Training Camp. They are anxious to learn and grow with their peers. Please pray that they can walk with God in their whole lives. Pray that they will be equipped to lead school friends to Christ during their high school years and subsequent college years. After graduating from college, may they continue to serve God at their professions and in their churches and be the good examples for teenagers. Please pray for the youth camp. Please click here.

August Bible Camp (July 27 to August 2): This time we will study the Wisdom Books. Currently brothers and Sisters are studying hard to prepare for the camp. Please pray for them. The Wisdom Books will help us have wisdom to walk with God daily and live with other people. Pastor Chih-Hao Shen from Detroit and Sister Grace Lee from New Jersey will be our speakers. The due date is June 10. Time runs short. Please apply soon and prepare for the home works. For more information, please visit our web site. Please click here.

August Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp (August 3 – 9): This Training Camp intends to develop disciples for Christ and equip student coworkers for the next school year. The speakers are Rev. Joseph Chen from New Jersey and Mrs. Jenny Jou Wu from California. Please pray and encourage others to come for the camp. The due date for the application is July 25. Please click here.

2014 Campus Ministry Conference (not-Sponsored by the CWC): The theme of the Conference is, “Developing the Post 90s to Influence Campus”. Sessions include: The post 90s; Campus ministry; Team work; Discipleship training; and more. It will be held 3 times as following: 6/13-15 at Boston; 6/20-22 at Chicago; 6/27-29 at Houston. Please check the web site of www.cccoweusa.org for more information. The registration fee is $30.00, including the lunch of Saturday.

August and September Short Term Mission Team: This fall, we expect many new students will come to the United States to study. We also know the brothers and sisters are willing to work hard to host those new students to help them fit into the new environment. Indeed it is a good time to show the love of God and to share the good news of Jesus to them. New students likely to accept the brothers and sisters love in the first month after they arrive. But after they are settled, most of them tend to avoid contacting church people. It is important to care for the new students and reach out to them for Christ at this initial contact. The goal of the short term mission teams is to help campuses reach new students. When brothers and sisters team up with the mission teams to show the love of God and the good news of Jesus to the new students, it will help many new students to know Christ and bring revival to the campuses. Please pray for the mission teams and prepare our hearts to work together with the mission teams.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for the CWC coworker’s summer ministry. May the Lord help coworkers to build up more students to be equipped to serve the Lord in the next school year.
  2. Pray for the Youth Discipleship Training Camp. Pray that more youths will attend this Camp.
  3. Pray for the August Bible Camp and Discipleship Training. Pray that brothers and sisters will have the wisdom to study and prepare for the camp’s home works.
  4. Pray for the new dormitory building. Pray for the building project and the financial needs.
  5. Pray for the new maintenance co-worker Daniel Long. May the Lord bless his new ministry and his family’s new life here.
  6. Pray for the financial need of CWC, both general fund and building fund.
  7. Pray the Lord to raise more local coworkers to reach their campuses for Gospel.
  8. Pray for the August and September’s short term mission teams.
  9. Pray for the great mission field of the midwest U.S., that the Lord will send more of His servants to work together with us on all campuses.

May God bless your whole family.

In His service

Billy Ko, Pastor