2014-05 (五月禱告信)





五月門徒訓練營 (五月十八至廿三日)
這次的訓練是裝備畢業生,在從校園走到世界工場前、最後裝備的機會;也是預備學生暑期回國中,向家人傳主福音的美好機會;同時更是訓練、預備下學期校園同工的好時機,求主預備更多弟兄姊妹的心來參加。講員為莊祖鯤牧師、林加東牧師。報名截止日期為五月十六日,逾期不受,請儘早報名。請懇切為聚會代禱,並鼓勵弟兄姐妹儘早報名參加。詳細資訊及報名表已張貼上網 (請按此處)。

帶職同工訓練營 (五月廿三至廿六日)
帶職同工訓練營一年只有一次,是專為正在上班、但有心服事神,特別是願意更有果效的在校園團契和教會,帶領學生在主裡成長的弟兄姐妹所預備。感謝主為我們預備了三位講員:莊祖鯤牧師、林加東牧師與黃德牧牧師。我們準備有家庭宿舍及孩童節目。(學生必須先參加五月門徒訓練後,才能繼續參加此帶職信徒訓練)。詳細資訊及報名表已張貼上網。請代禱並預備來參加 (請按此處)。

青少年門徒訓練營 (六月八至十四日)
青少年門徒訓練營也是一年只有一次,是為了裝備講英語、在美國成長的青少年及大學生,能成為主的門徒與同工,日後在大學與社會中事奉與見證主所預備。更多資訊請上中心網站查閱,已開始接納報名。請為聚會代禱 (請按此處)。

八月讀經營 (七月廿七至八月二日)
感謝神! 不少弟兄姐妹已報名參加讀經營,這次我們將研讀智慧書,弟兄姊妹已在各地校園認真的準備功課,一同研讀。詩歌書實在對我們靈修與建立與神的關係,有非常大的益處,為此有一些弟兄姊妹,更每週背誦一、兩篇詩篇,得益不少。講員為底特律來的諶志豪牧師和紐澤西州的李玉惠姐妹。報名截止日期為六月十日。請儘早報名並作準備 (請按此處)。


  1. 為同工在學期結束前,能有效的建立畢業與回國的弟兄姊妹禱告。
  2. 為五月訓練營、帶職信徒訓練營與青少年訓練營的預備與推動禱告。
  3. 為宿舍的建造與經費禱告,求主帶領。
  4. 為新同工Dan Long 的事奉與全家新生活的適應禱告。
  5. 求主每個月按時供應中心在經常費與建築費的需要禱告
  6. 為著美中禾場廣大的需要,求主打發合祂心意的僕人與我們一起同工禱告。



Dear Brothers and Sisters , Greeting in the Lord.

May and June graduation is around the corner. Currently students are busily preparing for their final exams, graduation, and seeking jobs. We are preparing to send another group of students from campus into society. We want them to be great witnesses for Christ at their jobs. Some of them may move to other cities. We pray that they will worship and serve the Lord at the churches where they will live. Although we will lose them on our own campuses, we thank God for giving us a great opportunity to prepare the new forces for His future Kingdom. We can equip educated intelligent young people to change society. This is the mission God has given us. Please pray that we will be able to fulfill this meaningful mission. Students live on campus for only a few years. Pray that we will effectively equip them for the mission God will give them. Pray that we will truly lead them in the Lord, that God will use them on their campuses today, and use them in many parts of the world in the future. Pray that we can train them as little shepherds who can lead others to Christ. Campus fellowships and campus churches are not playgrounds for students. It is a manufacturing factory for equipping holy workers of God. It is a training camp for the soldiers of Christ. It is a place to educate and equip educated young people to the mission fields of God. He will send His army to defeat the enemies. History has already proved that many times God uses student ministry to revive His churches. Pray that campus ministers and coworkers may have wisdom and power to build up students. May God use the lives of these students to revive His church and His Kingdom.

May Discipleship Training and Coworkers Training Camp [May 18 – 23]
This training intends to equip graduating students to serve the Lord in the position God will give them after they leave their universities. It is a great time to prepare students who will return to their home country for the summer vacation to share the good news to their families and friends. It is a great time for campus fellowships to prepare for new coworkers for the next school year. Rev. Tsu-Kung Chuang and Rev. Ka Tong Lim will be our speakers. Please apply early. The deadline for application is May 16, 2014. No late application will be accepted after this due date. Please pray for the Discipleship training and encourage brothers and sisters to come. Please click here for more information.

Lay Minister Training Camp [May 23 to 26]
Lay Minister Training Camp is held once a year. It intends to equip brothers and sisters who are willing to serve God along with their careers. Campus ministry needs to have these kind of families who are able to minister to the students and able to lead students to Christ. The goal of this camp is to equip working brothers and sisters to be shepherds of students on their nearby campus. Besides Rev. Tsu-Kung Chuang and Rev. Ka Tong Lim as speakers, we also have Rev. Ted Wong. This camp will be held during Memorial Day weekend. Family rooms and a children’s program will be provided. Students must apply for May Discipleship and coworkers training camp first before they continue with this Lay-Minister Training. For more information, please visit our website. Please click here for more information.

Youth Discipleship Training Camp [June 8 -14]
Once a year this camp intends to equip English-speaking young people from junior high, senior high, and college students who grew up in the United States. Our purpose is to train them to be witnesses for Christ when they enter into colleges. They also can change the world after they graduate from university and serve their communities. For more information, please visit our web site. Please click here.

August Bible Camp [July 27 to August 2]
Thank God! Many brothers and sisters have already applied for the August Bible Camp. This time we will study the Books of Wisdom. Many brothers and sisters at different campuses have already studied hard on these books and prepared homework. Those books are very helpful for our devotional needs. Some brothers and sisters are memorizing one to two chapters a week from the book of Psalms. Pastor Chih-Hao Shen of Detroit and Sister Grace Lee from New Jersey will be our speakers. Please apply soon and prepare. For more information, please visit our web site. Please click here.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray that CWC coworkers will effectively equip the students before their graduation and their return to their home countries.
  2. Pray for the preparation and promotion of May discipleship training, Lay Minister Training, and Youth Discipleship Training Camp.
  3. Pray for the building project of the dormitory in the CWC and its financial needs.
  4. Pray for the new maintenance worker Dan Long. Pray his family will easily adjust to life at the CWC.
  5. Pray for the financial need of the CWC.
  6. Pray that God will send more workers to the CWC.

May God bless you and your family!

In Him
Billy Ko