2014-04 (四月禱告信)




感謝神為我們預備了新的維修同工,Daniel Long弟兄和他的妻子Sharon 姐妹已經搬來中心。他們來自阿肯色州。請為他們一家的適應環境代禱。

五月門徒訓練營 (五月十八至廿三日)

詳細資訊及報名表已張貼上網 (請按此處)。

帶職同工訓練營 (五月廿三至廿六日)
帶職同工訓練營是專為有心服事神的全職工作的弟兄姐妹舉辦的訓練營。已工作的家庭有助於校園團契和教會的穩定。帶職同工訓練營裝備那些住在大學校園附近的全職工作者去栽培及裝備學生在主裡的成長,並帶動校園的復興。除了莊祖鯤牧師、林加東牧師之外,我們還邀請了密蘇里州聖路易城的黃德牧牧師為講員。聚會將在國殤週末舉行。備有家庭宿舍及孩童節目。全職學生必須先參加五月門徒訓練 (五月十八至廿三日)後才能繼續參加此一聚會。詳細資訊及報名表已張貼上網。請代禱並計劃參加 (請按此處)。

青少年門徒訓練營 (六月八至十四日)

八月讀經營 (七月廿七至八月二日)
感謝神! 許多弟兄姐妹已報名參加讀經營。目前他們也很認真的準備功課。這次我們將研讀智慧書,這對我們靈修並增進我們與神的關係都非常有益。講員為底特律來的諶志豪牧師和紐澤西州的李玉惠姐妹。報名截止日期為六月十日。請儘早報名並作準備(請按此處)。




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the Lord in this warm spring weather!

Nearly two hundred people attended the Gospel Camp during spring break in mid-March. Besides people from states near Missouri, many came from as far as Kentucky and Mississippi. Thank God for using Pastor Luke Zhang and Pastor Vicente Lo to reach many people to Christ. We thank God for the ministry of the California and Colorado mission teams. Their ministry was a great blessing to us. Thank God that around 12 people accepted Jesus as their Savior. Please pray for their spiritual growth and the follow-up work from their local brothers and sisters. Thank God, the ten basement rooms of the new building were done. It was a great help for the Gospel Camp. Please keep praying for the building project of the new building. Currently we are working on the second floor. The contractor is installing the central air system and drywall. Please continue to pray for progress and the financial support.

Thank God for providing a new maintenance worker, Brother Daniel Long and his wife Sharon are here. They are from the state of Arkansas. Please pray for their family as they settle in.

May Discipleship Training and Coworkers Training Camp [May 18 – 23]
In one and a half months the spring semester ends. Many brothers and sisters plan to go back to their home countries for good or for vacations. They are eager to share the good news to their families. Before they go home and before the new school semester starts is a great time to equip disciples and coworkers. Rev. Tsu-Kung Chuang and Rev. Katong Lim will be our speakers. The deadline for application is May 16. No late application will be accepted, so apply early. Please pray for the training camp and encourage more brothers and sisters to come and be equipped. Application forms have been posted on the website.

Lay Minister Training Camp [May 23 to 26]
Lay Minister Training Camp is for the brothers and sisters who are willing to serve God along with their occupations. Working families help stabilize campus fellowships and churches. Lay Minister Training Camp equips working people who live close to college campuses to build up and equip more students to grow in the Lord and bring forth revival on campuses. Beside Rev. Tsu-Kung Chuang and Rev. Katong Lim, we also invite Rev. Ted Wong from St. Louis, Missouri as our speakers. This camp will be held during Memorial Day weekend. Family rooms and a children’s program will be provided. Full time students must attend the May Discipleship and coworkers training (May 18 – 23) first before they can have the privilege to continue with this Lay Minister Training Camp. All the information and application forms have been posted on the web site. Please pray for it and plan to come.

Youth Discipleship Training Camp. [June 8 -14]
YDTC is a discipleship training camp to lead teenagers and college students to become disciples of Christ. Attendants must be born-again Christians. This camp equips young people to be future workers and witnesses for Christ, that they may stand firm when they are in college, and serve Him. Please visit our web site for additional information, and pray for the camp.

August Bible Camp [July 27 to August 2]
Thank God! Many brothers and sisters have already applied for the August Bible Camp. Currently they are studying hard to prepare for their homework. This time we will study the Books of Wisdom. These are great for devotion and improve our relationship with God. Pastor Chihhao Shen from Detroit and Sister Grace Lee from New Jersey will be our speakers. The due date is June 10. Please apply soon and prepare for it.

With so many camps coming, please pray that God will bless these camps and strengthen coworkers to serve Him.

God bless you and your family!

In Him,

Billy Ko