2014-03 (三月禱告信)



三月中我們將舉辦春假福音營。這是對許多即將在五月畢業的學生們最後得聽福音的好機會。學生在求學期間實在是他們聽聞福音、並且接受基督最好的時機;因為當他們一旦踏入社會,開始了工作,心思就會被世界上的事物所纏累;繁重的工作、金錢的追逐、以及生活方式的選擇,都常常攔阻他們踏進教會、或願意來到神的面前。從我們過去的經驗發現:很多學生來參加福音營之前,雖然都已聽過福音,自己卻沒有與神建立個人的關係。但當他們一但來參加福音營,神就藉著講員清楚的信息,幫助他們決志接受耶穌成為他們個人的救主。透過您的代禱,神將要成就大事。請為那些還未信主的朋友代禱,求神預備他們的心來參加福音營,並且接受耶穌。也請您們首先為自己能來參加聚會禱告,這豈不是很明顯嗎?若是您自己都不來,福音朋友怎麼可能會來參加這個營會?我們的講員有從加州來的張路加牧師、和從德州來的羅國華牧師。 聚會將從三月十四日 (週五)晚上來中心過夜開始,至十七日中午結束。 所以請留意:十四日將不會有晚餐供應。請於抵達中心之前先自行進過晚餐。報名表已郵寄至各教會與查經班。若要報名請按此處。要為基督贏得靈魂,乃是一場屬靈的爭戰。誠摯地請您切切為我們、並為聚會代禱。


國殤週末帶職同工訓練營 :
大學校園裡需要有一些愛主、識主又樂意服事主的家庭。這些家庭能使校園的團契和教會更穩定並興旺。國殤週末的訓練營能幫助在職場工作的弟兄姐妹裝備自己成為基督門徒,在校園及教會服事。這是專為全職工作的基督徒所舉辦的訓練營。全職學生必須先參加五月門徒訓練 (5/18-23) 後,才能繼續參加此一聚會。我們備有家庭宿舍及兒童節目。聚會信息多是幫助您知道如何在工作中成為神的見證。也幫助您在繁重的工作、家庭的責任及教會的事奉中取得平衡。聚會時間是五月廿三(週五)晚上至五月廿六日(週一)中午。由於聚會時間很短,因此我們要求要全程參加,您可考慮星期五請半天假,以便晚餐時就可抵達。除了莊牧師和林牧師外,我們還會邀請另外一位講員。詳情請至中心網站查詢 (請按此處)。

這個將於六月八日至十四日舉行的聚會,是為講英語的初、高中及大學青年基督徒準備的營會。裝備他們在每日生活中能為主站立、並見證基督。若須更多資訊請上網查詢 (請按此處)。

在一月讀經營時我們就已經收到很多要參加此次讀經營的報名表。 截至今天為止,已有近八十位的弟兄姐妹報名、並且開始準備讀經營的功課。這次我們將研讀智慧書。這些書卷看似容易,其實不然。歡迎您把握這個學習的機會來更明白聖經中的智慧書,不但能幫助您每天與主有美好的生命關係,更能與主同行義路。聚會日期為七月廿七至八月二日。我們極力鼓勵您提早報名並作準備。各項報名表也已郵寄至各教會與查經班。您也可以到中心網站下載表格、進度表等(請按此處)。嚴格報名截止日期為六月十日。請勿遲延。

2013 年奉獻收據:

願神祝福您 及您全家!


Dear Brother and Sisters,

Today the almost 60 degree temperature in Missouri reminds us that winter is passing and spring will soon be at the door. Spring is time for the farmer to work on his field. It is also a great time for us to work in the gospel field of our Lord.

Gospel Camp
In mid-March is our Spring Break Gospel camp. It will be the last opportunity for many students to hear the gospel before they graduate in May. School days are the best for people to hear the gospel and accept Christ. Once they graduate and start to work, their hearts will be tied up by the world. Heavy workloads, pursuit of money, and lifestyle choices often hinder people from coming to churches and God. From our experience, before they come to Gospel Camp, lots of students hear the gospel but it does not quite connect. Then they come to Gospel Camp. God uses the speakers’ clear messages to help them make the decision to accept Jesus as their own personal Savior. With your prayers, the Lord will do mighty works. Please pray that God will prepare the hearts of those nonbelievers to come and to accept Him. Please also pray and prepare your own heart and take time to come for the camp. Is it not obvious? If you don’t come, why should your non-believing friends come? Pastor Luke Zhang from California and Pastor Vicente Lo from Texas will be our speakers. Gospel Camp will start from the night of Friday, March 14. No supper will be provided on March 14. So please make sure to have your supper before you arrive at the Camp. The Camp will end at the noontime of Monday, March 17. All the printed application forms have been postal mailed to the churches and the Bible study groups. You may download the electronic form from our website (Please click here for information). Winning the lost souls to Christ is a spiritual war. We sincerely ask you to pray for us and for this Camp.

May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp
It is designed for Christians who wish to grow spiritually and be well trained and edified in the Word of God. Full-time attendance is required. It will be held from Sunday evening May 18 to Friday noon May 23. Pastor Tsu-Kung Chuang from Boston, MA, and Pastor Katong Lim from Dallas, Texas, will be our speakers. It is a good opportunity to prepare your student coworkers in your campus Bible study groups and the churches for the new semester. It is a golden opportunity to equip those students who will graduate in May and started to work. It is also a good opportunity to train the students who plan to visit their own families during summer vacation, to be confident and well-prepared to share the gospel to their friends and relatives. Please start to pray for your own attendance, and remember this meeting in your prayers. Please click here to down load application form and additional information.

Lay Ministers Training Camp
Campuses need to have families who love and know the Lord and willing to serve Him. With more of these families, campus fellowships and churches will become more stable and will prosper. Lay Minister Training Camp helps working people equip themselves to be disciples of Christ and to serve in their campuses and their churches. This Training is specifically prepared for full-time working people. If you are students, please first attend the regular Discipleship Training May 18 to 23. Then you may continue for this long weekend of training. We have family rooms and children programs. Some of our topics will be for the working people so that you know how to witness in your work. It also can help you balance your life in the midst of the heavy work, family responsibilities, and the church ministry. The date is from Friday evening May 23 to Monday noon May 26. Since this meeting is so short, not only full time attendance is required, but please consider to take a half day off from your work and attend the supper time of Friday. Besides the above two speakers, Rev. Chuang and Rev. Lim, one more speaker will be invited. For more information, please click here to visit our website.

Youth Discipleship Training Camp
This June 8 to 14 camp is for English-speaking Christian youth and college-age young adults to be trained to stand up for Jesus and witness for Christ every day. For more information, please keep checking our website (Please click here).

August Bible Camp
The applications have been taken in the January Bible Camp. As of today almost 80 people have turned in their application forms and have started to their homework. This time we will study the Wisdom Books. These books look easy, but indeed are not. We welcome you to take this opportunity to help you know these Wisdom books well. It can help you have a daily good relationship with the Lord. It also can help you walk righteously with the Lord. The dates are July 27 to August 2. Early application and preparation is strongly recommended. All the printed application forms have been postal mailed to the churches and the Bible study groups. You also can download the E-form, syllabus, etc. from our website (please click here). The strict due date is June 10. Please do not delay.

Your 2013 offering receipts
Thanks for your love and financial offerings in the year of 2013. All the offering receipts have been postal mailed to you. If until this time you did not receive it, it means the address was not correct. Please contact us for your receipt. Thanks for your patience and understanding of our hard-working staff.

God bless you and your whole family.

In Him,
Billy Ko