2014-02 (二月禱告信)





那天晚餐後,我就收拾行李,開了五個多小時的車去Fayetteville, Arkansas,準備第二天早上主日祟拜講道。那時天氣預告主日的凌晨會下雪,看來似乎不一定會有聚會。但我的習慣是除非別人取消聚會,無論天氣多壞,我都靠著主的恩典,忠心赴會,也多帶幾套衣服,因為不知下雪後,哪一天才能回家。感謝主!一路上都沒有下雪,清晨一點到達後才開始下雪。Arkansas 州只要一下雪,一切的交通差不多都會停頓,那次主日崇拜因此也宣佈取消。但我心中覺得沒有主日崇拜實在太可惜了,就為弟兄姊妹安設了一個免費的Conference Call 作主日崇拜,弟兄姊妹一同在電話中敬拜主,在電話中一同唱詩敬拜、讀經、禱告,我也透過電話向弟兄姊妹分享神的話;崇拜後又與同工們在電話中開同工會。感謝主!只要我們有一個忠心事奉主的心,不論在怎麼樣的困難中,主都會為我們打開福音之門,在不可能的情況下,也能成為弟兄姊妹的恩典。

三月福音營 – 雖然天氣仍然嚴寒,但我們已經開始積極地籌備三月的春假福音營。從加州來的張路加牧師和德州來的羅國華牧師將為我們的講員。請為此營會代禱。春假是領人信主的最好日子。求主幫助各地弟兄姊妹有更大的心志去關懷不信主的朋友,求主也感動慕道朋友的心歸向祂。請為張牧師、羅牧師、及加州短宣隊代禱。福音營將於三月十四日晚上開始 (當晚只來睡覺,沒有晚餐供應)至三月十七日中午。請邀請您的朋友來參加,也請為他們的得救迫切代禱,求主藉這福音營挑旺各地的福音工作,也帶領更多人信主。

新宿舍工程 – 感謝主!新宿舍一樓的工程已完成,床架也安置好,讓弟兄姊妹們有舒適的環境。目前我們會致力於二樓室內的建造,天氣好的時候,也會整理新房子的外牆與環境。因為建築的經費進來得緩慢,我們只能請一位工人去蓋建,求主記念。我們盼望今年十二月之前,整個工程能順利完成。也請為約廿五萬美元的工程總經費禱告。

五月門徒與同工訓練營 – 將於五月十八(週日)至廿三日(週五)在基督工人中心舉行。林加東牧師及其它牧者將來帶領。請為自己能來參加、並為此一聚會代禱,暑假有不少弟兄姊妹會將回國探親或畢業回國工作,求主感動更多弟兄姊妹先參加訓練營後再回國,好藉著這次訓練能裝備自己,回國後為主作更大的見證,帶著興旺的靈將福音傳開。

國殤週末帶職門徒訓練營 – 將於五月廿三日晚上(週五晚餐開始)至五月廿六日(週一)中午在中心舉行。這是為全職工作者準備的訓練營。請預備心來參加,並為聚會代禱。

八月讀經營 – 目前正接受報名。這次我們將研讀舊約的詩歌書。這些書卷有豐盛的教導,又是靈修的好材料。我們建議弟兄姊妹儘早報名參加,及早開始準備。感謝主!已有幾十位弟兄姐妹已經報名,並開始準備功課,速讀詩歌書,作分段大綱、並背誦詩篇。截止日期是六月十五日,盼望有更多人及早報名,及早讀經,每天思考神的話,建立一個穩固的讀經生活。



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the Lord and joy in the Chinese New Year! May our Lord’s face shine on your way. May His gracious hands lead and guide you on your journey.

Although the month of January was very cold and stormy, it did not stop CWC coworkers serving Him in all the campuses in the Midwest area. By the grace of God, we keep serving Him faithfully with warm hearts for Jesus.

The Bible Camp ended after lunch on January 4th, 2014. Before everyone departed for home, the coworkers of CWC led brothers and sisters to practice the last lesson—being a servant of God. Everyone had a cleaning duty: sweep the floor, clean the sleeping rooms and the bathrooms, store all the tables and chairs, clean the floors of class rooms and dining hall. They had to finish these works faithfully before returning home. Although the works were not easy and everyone wished to go home as soon as possible, they did their duties faithfully with joy because they knew they were doing them for the Lord, faithfully and humbly for His glory. To be disciples and coworkers for the Lord, not only must we know the Word of God, we must apply it with humble and faithful hearts.

That night after dinner, I packed my luggage and drove five hours to Fayetteville, Arkansas for Sunday morning preaching. Snow was forecast for early in the morning and cancellation of Sunday worship seemed likely. However, I have never cancelled any preaching opportunity due to the weather. As long as church does not announce the cancellation, I will keep my engagement by the grace of God. That night I brought more clothes with me, because I did not know when I might return home after the snow. Thank God, on the way to Fayetteville, there was no snow. After I arrived there after 1 a.m., snow began falling. Arkansas is a southern state, so snow shuts down everything. Sunday worship was cancelled. Still, I felt that we should have some Sunday worship. I set up a free conference call for the brothers and sisters to call in for Sunday worship. In the phone call, brothers and sisters sang and praised God, read the Bible and prayed together. I shared the message over the phone. It was a wonderful experience for everyone. After the worship time, we continue to have a monthly coworkers meeting over the phone. Thank God, if we have a heart to serve Him, God will help us to serve Him faithfully and bless everyone no matter how heavy the storm and snow is. His grace is always sufficient for those who want to serve Him faithfully.

March Gospel Camp – Although outside is very cold now, we are working hard to prepare for the March Gospel Camp. Pastor Luke Zhang from California and Pastor Vicente Lo will be our speakers. Please pray for the Camp. It is a great time to bring people to Christ. We pray the Lord to move your heart to care for the souls of the lost. We also pray the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of the nonbelievers so they can believe in the Lord. Gospel Camp starts the night of Friday, March 14 with sleep; no supper will be provided on that evening, so eat before arriving. It will end at noon March 17. Please start to invite your non-believing friends and pray for their salvation.

New Dorm Construction – Thank God, the first floor of the new dormitory is done. All the beds have been set up. Now we are working on the second floor. When the weather becomes warmer, we will work on the siding and other outdoor needs. Because the building fund comes in very slowly, we can hire just one constructor. Despite slow progress, we plan to finish the building by this coming December 2014. The total budget is around $250,000. Please continue praying for this project.

May Discipleship and Coworkers Training will be held at CWC from Sunday May 18 to Friday May 23. Pastor Katong Lim from Dallas, Texas will be one of our speakers. Please start to pray for your own attendance and remember this meeting in your prayers.

Memorial Day Weekend Lay-Minister Discipleship Training will be held at CWC from Friday May 23 evening. Attendees must arrive before dinner. It concludes Monday May 26 at noontime. This Training is for full-time working people. Please prepare your hearts to come. Please also remember this meeting in your prayers.

August Bible Camp is taking application now. This time we will read the Wisdom Books. They are not easy, but they are very meaningful for our daily lives. Reading those Books will also improve our relationship with the Lord. Early preparation is advised. Many brothers and sisters have turned in their application forms in the January Bible Camp and started to prepare for their home works. They know that in order to do the work of God well, we have to know the Word of God well. The due date is June 15. So, please do not delay registration and please start to prepare.

May God bless you and your whole family.

In Him,
Pastor and Director