2013-12 (十二月禱告信)



校園事工的重要:有些教會可能對校園事工沒有太大的負擔,因為他們認為校園事工只有投入,所花費的人力與財力眾多,卻沒有太多的回報;勞苦事奉,果子卻歸給別人。雖然如此, 相信只要肯投身校園事工的教會,必蒙神大大的賜福,因為現在正是:

  1. 領人歸主的寶貴良機:在美國中西部的校園,不論外在的環境、或內在人的心態,都是福音的好土,所以這一批學生當他們聽見主的聲音,心靈早已預備好去接受。讓我們懇求莊稼的主,打發工人去收祂的莊稼。
  2. 為神國建立門徒與生力軍的時機:過去神曾在歐、美等地興起年青的大學生奉獻自己、承擔使命、帶著為使命犧牲的心志在世界各地傳福音。今天神也樂意使用華人年青的大學生,將自己獻上,一生為天國福音事工努力,成為神在各教會的工人,宣教的勇士。
  3. 為自己的教會帶來復興的契機:當學生在主裡被建立起來後,每週都參加各樣的聚會、禱告會與主日學,他們對神話語的渴慕、熱切的傳福音、邀請人來聚會,他們在靈裡的興旺也能帶動那些上班、有家庭的弟兄姊妹;年青的與年長的一起來參加禱告會、主日學、研經班;一同追求與事奉主,活潑的靈也在他們的心中被挑旺起來;因著學生事工的興旺,復興也會臨到整個教會。肯作校園事工的教會,必會成為一個靈裡活潑的教會;肯為別人與神國度擺上的教會,主必記念、必加倍賜福;樂意作學生事工的教會,神不但藉著他們所擺上的使別人蒙恩,讓神的國得著榮耀與高舉,神更會讓那些肯為校園事工努力的教會首先蒙恩!神會藉著他們所擺上的,在未來的各城市、各宣教工場為主打美好的勝仗!請為中心與各地教會的學生事工禱告,求主更多興旺各地的校園事工。


美中冬令會──將於十二月廿一日晚至廿五日中午在堪薩斯城的Sheraton Kansas CityHotel at Crown Center 舉行。請在中心綱站下載報名單多作邀請工作。網上註冊已經開放。每一個人都需要上網報名。嚴格報名截止日期為十二月十五日下午四時正(美中時間), 恕不接受任何逾期的報名。感謝主!帶領陳世協牧師、莊祖鯤牧師、林永健牧師、張路加牧師、郝萬以嘉傳道、陸大齡長老、Pastor Eugene Chu等講員來分享神的話。冬令會是福音與培靈並重,請預備您的心來參加,也請邀請更多的福音朋友來聽福音。更多資訊請上網查詢。請在禱告

中記念基督工人中心的同工及義工們繁重的服事, 並求主的靈在聚會中大大工作,不僅賜給福音朋友新的生命,也將復興的靈賜下在每位神兒女的心中,並改變每一位在主面前的生命與生活。

門徒訓練營──將於十二月廿五日晚至二十九日中午在中心營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。講員有陳世協牧師與郝萬以嘉傳道等。報名嚴格截止時間為十二月十六日晚上十一點五十九分。門徒訓練是最能改變人生命與建立同工的營會,求主預備更多人的心接受裝備。報名表及詳細資訊也已張貼上網。

一月讀經營──將於十二月二十九日晚至一月四日中午在中心舉行。這次我們將研讀普通書信。求主藉這營會,培養弟兄姊妹對神話語的追求心意,改進讀經的態度與能力,用神的話帶出各地校園的復興。請為講員蘇桂村牧師及李玉惠姐妹講員禱告。這次聚會報名已經截止,若您錯過這次機會,請先報名參加這次的門徒訓練營 (因為參加讀讀經營的弟兄姊妹,必須在兩年之內,至少參加過一次中心的門徒訓練或帶職訓練),這樣您就不會錯過明年八月的讀經營。


  1. 為中心每一位同工事奉的力量、果效與在神話語和心意中的成長禱告。
  2. 求主在明年為中心增添一位新同工禱告。
  3. 為冬令會的籌備與聚會禱告,求主藉此帶出美中各地校園的復興。
  4. 為門徒同工訓練營和讀經營禱告,求主建立各地校園同工。
  5. 為宿舍建築的費用禱告。
  6. 為中心每月所需的經費禱告 (目前每個月經常費常有不足) 。

謝謝您忠心的代禱。盼望在冬季的各項聚會中能見到您! 願神賜福您!

主內高榮德牧師 敬上 2013 年12 月


2013 年 1 至 10 月收支表

帳戶名 奉獻收入 支出 結餘(欠)
經常費 $309,420 $364,343 $(54,923)
建築費 $102,233 $140,198 $(37,965)
訓練費 $294,591 $287,794 $6797
合計 $706,244 $792,335 $(86,091)


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace to you in the Lord!

This year is coming to an end in a flash. Thanks be to the Lord, He has abundantly showered down His grace upon us; and His mighty act has continuously manifested through our ministry. Thank you for your faithful prayers for all the co-workers in CWC!

The Importance of Campus Ministry

Some churches may not have great burdens in campus ministry because they consider it a “no-gain investment”─a big investment of human and financial resources, yet the fruit goes to others. We instead believe that churches who throw themselves into campus ministry will receive great blessings from God, for right now is the best time in:

  1. Leading young people to the Lord. Campus populations in the Midwest are particularly good soil for receiving the Gospel. They have a relatively open atmosphere of conversation. Students are at a time of life when the heart is receptive. When students hear the voice of the Lord, their hearts are ready to respond to His calling. Let’s ask the Lord of harvest to send out His workers into his harvest field.
  2. Making students into disciples for the Lord. In past centuries, God raised young college students in Europe and America who offered themselves for the Great Commission. With hearts willing to die for the mission, they went to the end of the world preaching the Gospel. Today, God is still pleased through devoted young Chinese students who offer their lives to further the Kingdom, to be the workers in different churches and mission warriors for God.
  3. Bringing revival to Campus ministry. As the students are built up, they attend different programs, prayer meetings, and Sunday schools regularly. They all thirst for the Word of God, eager to share the Gospel and to invite people to meetings. The students’ fervent spirit encourages those who work full-time and have family to also participate in church prayer meetings, Sunday schools, and Bible study. As these families pursue and serve the Lord alongside the students, a lively spirit is kindled in all hearts. As student ministry grows, revival comes to the churches.

Churches that do campus ministry will become spiritually active churches. God will give double blessings to those churches who put in effort for others and the Kingdom of God. He will first bless those churches who are willing to do student ministry. He will bless those who they minister. God’s Kingdom is glorified and lifted high. Through what they have put in, God’s victory will also be proclaimed in many cities and mission fields in days to come. Please pray for the Christian Witness Center and student ministry of churches, that the Lord will grow the campus ministry all around.

Dormitory Construction— Since only very few people have designated their offerings to the building project in the past year, we could only afford to hire one to two construction workers to forward the project. Thanks be to the Lord, the basement with ten rooms is in its finishing stage and expected to be done by the end of December. We will continue the work on the other ten rooms on the second floor in 2014. Please continue praying for the $100,000 financial need for completing the project. Besides that we also need to prepare beds and furniture for the rooms. They will cost around $10,000.

Winter Conference will be held again at Kansas City, Missouri at the Sheraton Hotel in the Crown Center from the evening of December 21 to noontime of the 25th. Online registration is now open. Please download the registration forms and start inviting more people to come. Strict due date is December 15, 4:00 pm (central time), no late registration will be accepted! Thank God for many wonderful messages He will bring to us through His servants: Pastor Albert Ting, Pastor Brian Lam, Pastor Luke Zhang, Minister Rosie Hao, Elder David Lu, Pastor Eugene Chu and other local speakers. This Conference is for both Christians’ edification and for nonbelievers’ gospel invitation. You can start to prepare your heart and also invite nonbelievers to come. For more information please check our cwcnet.org web site. Please remember our co-workers and volunteers in your prayers, and pray that the Holy Spirit will do mighty work in the meeting that gospel friends will receive new life, and a revival will come upon all children of God and bring a change to their life.

December Discipleship Training Camp will be held at CWC at Warsaw, MO from December 25th evening to 29th noontime. Pastor Albert Ting and Minister Rosie Hao will be our speakers. Strict deadline is December 16, 11:59pm (central time). This is the most effective training for changing lives and preparing co-workers. May the Lord prepare more hearts to come and receive training. Registration forms and detailed information have been posted on the web site.

January Bible Camp will be held at CWC at Warsaw, MO. from December 29th evening to January 4th noontime. We will study the General Epistles (James, Peter, John, Jude). May the Lord use this study to cultivate brothers and sisters with the desire of pursuing His Word and to improve their attitude and ability toward studying the Word, and also to bring about revival on campuses. Registration for this camp is over. If you missed this time, please come to the Discipleship Training. For those who wish to attend the Bible Camp, it is required for them to attend at least once the Discipleship Training or the Lay-minister Training within two years – that way you will not miss the August Bible Camp.

Please pray for us!

  1. Pray that the Lord will grant each co-worker strength, effectiveness in serving Him, and growth in His Word and Will.
  2. Pray that the Lord will add a new co-worker to our ministry next year.
  3. Please pray for the preparation works for the Winter Conference. May the Lord use this meetingto bring about revival on campuses.
  4. Please pray for December Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp and the Bible camp that more co-workers will be edified and prepare to serve God on campuses.
  5. Please pray for the financial needs for the new building project.
  6. Please pray for the general fund needed each month (we are experiencing general fund shortage in recently months)

Thank you for your faithful prayer. I look forward to seeing you in the various meetings held in the winter. God’s blessings be with you.

In Him

Billy Ko (Pastor and Director)


2013 Financial Statement

Account Income Expenses  Balance
General $309,420 $364,343 $(54,923)
Building $102,233 $140,198 $(37,965)
Training $294,591 $287,794 $6797
Total $706,244 $792,335 $(86,091)