2013-11 (十一月禱告信)





  1. 江士民姐妹:結束了八月與九月的門徒訓練營、讀經營及兩梯次的短宣之後,江姐妹終於可以專心籌備冬季的各項聚會。各教會可以在十一月能收到冬天三項聚會的報名表。請為江姐妹週間的行政工作和週末的校園事工代禱,求神賜給她從天上來的智慧。
  2. 曾瑗姐妹:今年許多新生來到愛荷華州就學。讚美神,他們中有多人信而歸主。請為曾姐妹在他們中間的門徒訓練及帶領他們學習神的話代禱。在她的家裡經常有查經聚會,請在禱告中記念她的事工。
  3. 關靜淳姐妹:除了在阿肯色州 Fayetteville服事之外,關姐妹和當地的弟兄姐妹們也去關懷幫助距離Fayetteville約兩小時車程的堪薩斯州Pittsburg的學生事工。Pittsburg州立大學約有兩百位中國學生,大部分都是本科生。他們多數只有在這裡學習一至兩年的時間,所以學生的流動性非常大。請為關姐妹的事工代禱。
  4. 潘曉明弟兄:潘弟兄一家搬到密西西比州已經有兩年了。在Starkville的教會不斷地向新學生傳揚基督,校園中也有許多訪問學者接受了主。潘弟兄還往返田納西的Memphis、阿拉巴馬州的Tuscaloosa 及Auburn各地事奉。他的服事涵蓋了相當廣的區域。請為潘弟兄的事工及他的家庭和孩子代禱。
  5. 涂立宇弟兄:按照原定的計劃,在與高牧師於密蘇里的Columbia一同服事了一年之後,涂弟兄已被差往南伊利諾州立大學所在的Carbondale 服事。這個校園有好幾百位中國學生,但查經班的規模卻不大,因此有極大的需要,也有很大的發展空間。當地的弟兄姐妹都很高興涂弟兄在那裡幫助他們。從Carbondale,涂弟兄也要到方圓兩、三個小時車程的Cape Girardeau(密蘇里州)及Murray和Bowling Green(肯塔基州)校園事奉。請您也為涂弟兄的新事工代禱,求神帶領並祝福他手所做的工。
  6. 高榮德牧師:密蘇里大學Columbia校園的學生人數繼續增長,每個週五晚上都有約一百五十位同學來參加團契。這是和他們建立關係的好時機。感謝神賜給我們這樣的機會來服事祂。除了在Columbia的服事外,高牧師還要到許多其他的校園探訪,他每週也有一天在基督工人中心的營地督導各項工作的進行。請為他忙碌的行程代禱。
  7. 維修同工:原維修同工John Besse已離開基督工人中心的服事。請繼續為他一家代禱,特別為他患有絕症的女兒代禱。感謝神為我們預備了新的維修同工Brian Culp。Brian 和他的妻子Brenda有一個兒子,是密蘇里州Desoto城的人。他們將於十一月初加入我們的事工。請為他們搬遷、新環境的適應以及能在冬季忙碌的事工中預備好開始服事禱告。


  1. 讀經營將於十二月廿九日至2014年一月四日舉行。嚴格報名截止日期為2013年十一月十日。已經有七十位弟兄姐妹報名參加。您還有時間報名,請勿延遲,以便能及早開始作「普通書信」的家庭作業,也預備自己的心接受裝備。
  2. 冬令會 將於十二月廿一至廿五日舉行。這是適合基督徒及慕道友參加的聚會。感謝神為我們預備了多位被神使用的講員,他們是:陳世協牧師、莊祖鯤牧師、林永健牧師、張路加牧師、郝萬以嘉傳道、陸大齡長老,及美中各地的牧者等等。青少年及英語講員則有Eugene Chu牧師, Dat Trieu牧師, James Clark院長, 及 陳瑞基牧師。十八歲以下必須隨同父母前來參加。十一月十五日起將開放網上報名。您亦可現在就下載報名表及資訊。請預備您的心並邀請您尚未信主的朋友來參加。
  3. 十二月門徒及同工訓練營將於十二月廿五日至廿九日舉行。講員為陳世協牧師、郝萬以嘉傳道。到目前為止我們已收到六十五位弟兄姐妹的報名表。這是裝備您自己靈命成長的好機會。請預備您的心來參加。詳細資訊已張貼上網。


  1. 請為冬令會的各項籌備事工代禱 – 諸如: 各校園的邀請工作、眾講員們、慕道朋友的救恩、尋找為聚會預備伙食的餐館、與喜來登酒店的關係、短宣隊員、註冊組的義工、飯廳以及各聚會場地等義工等等。
  2. 為讀經營及已經報名參加的弟兄姐妹代禱 – 為他們在聚會前要準備的作業代禱。
  3. 為十二月的門徒及同工訓練代禱 – 求神藉這個聚會栽培並裝備更多門徒在所在的校園並將來畢業後所去的地方服事神。
  4. 請為新宿舍加建工程代禱 – 為在十二月聚會之前一樓的房間能完工,好容納更多的弟兄姐妹來接受裝備服事神禱告。
  5. 請繼續為新宿舍加建工程所需要的經費代禱。除了材料和人工的費用,我們還需要約八千美元去買十個房間所需的床位禱告。





Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greeting in the Lord in this Thanksgiving month. Thank God for His blessing in this whole year. Thank you for your prayer support. Through you the blessing of God is poured upon us and let us have a fruitful year. Please keep praying for us.


All of our coworkers are working hard on different campuses. Please continue praying for them.

  1. Sister Cindy Chiang: After the busy August and September’s Discipleship Training, Bible Camp and two Short-term Mission teams, Sister Chiang finally can concentrate on preparation for the three meetings in the winter. Your church should get meetings forms by early November. Please pray for heavenly wisdom in her weekday office work and weekend campus ministry.
  2. Sister Vivian Tsen: Many new students came to study in Iowa State this year. Praise God that many of them have turned to the Lord. Please pray for Sister Tsen when she disciples them and also leads them to study the Word of God. Her home often has the Bible Studies. Please remember her ministry in prayers.
  3. Sister Ching Chun Kuan: Besides serving at the Fayetteville, AR area, Sister Kuan and brothers and sisters at Fayetteville also reach students at Pittsburg, KS. This campus is about two hours away from Fayetteville. Pittsburg State University has about 200 Chinese students. Most of them are undergraduate students. Many of them will stay there for only about one or two years. The turnover time is very short. Please pray for Sister Kuan’s ministry.
  4. Brother John Pan: It has been two years since Brother Pan and his family moved to Mississippi. The church in Starkville has been reaching many new students for Christ. Many short-term scholars accepted the Lord on this campus. Brother Pan also serves at Memphis (TN), Mobile, Tuscaloosa and Auburn (AL). His ministry covers quite big areas. Please pray for Brother Pan’s ministry and also his family and his children.
  5. Brother Liyu Tu: After one year ministry with Pastor Ko at Columbia, MO, as we have planned, we have stationed Brother Tu to minister at Carbondale, IL, the home of Southern Illinois State University. This University has a few hundred Chinese students, but the campus Bible Study group is small. This campus has great need and potential. The brothers and sisters there are very happy to have Brother Tu stationed there to help them. From Carbondale, Brother Tu also serves at Cape Girardeau (MO), Murray and Bowling Green (KY). All of those campuses are only within two to three hours driving distance. Please pray for Brother Tu’s new ministry there. May the Lord lead him and bless his hands.
  6. Pastor Billy Ko: The student population at the University of Missouri-Columbia grows. Every Friday evening, around 150 people join the Friday night fellowship. It is a great time to reach them. Thank God for the great opportunity to serve Him here. Besides ministering at Columbia, MO, Pastor Ko also must travel to many other campuses. He will also supervise the works in the CWC camp ground one day on weekdays. Please pray for his busy schedule. And please also keep praying for the health recovery of Mrs. Ko.
  7. Maintenance coworkers: Our former maintenance coworker John Besse left the ministry here. Please continue to pray for his family especially one of his terminally ill daughters. We thank God that He has provided a new maintenance coworker Brian Culp for us. Brian and his wife, Brenda has one son. They are from Desoto, Missouri. They will start to work with us at the beginning of November. Please pray for their moving, adjustment, and they are able to get ready for our busy winter ministry.


  1. Bible Camp: The camp date is from December 29th to January 4th, 2014. The strict due date for the application is November 10. Already 70 people have applied. There are a few more days to apply. Please do not delay, so that you can start to pre-study the General Epistles and prepare your heart to be equipped.
  2. Winter Conference: The conference date is Dec. 21 to 25. It is for both Christians and nonbelievers. Thank God that He has provided us many good speakers, such as Pastor Albert Ting, Pastor Tsu-Kung Chung, Pastor Brian Lam, Pastor Luke Zhang, Minister Rosie Hao, Elder David Lu, and some local speakers. Pastor Eugene Chu, Pastor Dat Trieu, Dr. James Clark, and Pastor Steve Tan will be our youth and English speakers. Children who are under age 18 must come with the parents. Online application will be available from November 15. But right now you still can download the hard copy from our web site for the information. Please start to prepare your hearts and invite your nonbelieving friends to attend.
  3. December Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp: The camp date is from December 25th to 29th. Pastor Albert Ting and Minister Rosie Hao will be our speakers. So far we have received around 65 applications. It is a great time to equip yourself on spiritual growth. Please also prepare your hearts to attend. The detailed information has been posted on the web site.


  1. Please pray for the preparation works for the Winter Conference.─ Pray for the invitation work on many campuses, the speakers, the salvation of the nonbelievers, the restaurants that will prepare for the food for us, our good working relationship with Sheraton Hotel, the mission teams members, many voluntary workers who will help serve at the registration, dining room, auditoriums, etc.
  2. Please pray for the Bible camp and those who have already signed up to come. ─Pray for their studies before they come.
  3. Please pray for December Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp ─ Pray that more people will be edified and prepare to serve God during their time on campuses and in other places after their graduation.
  4. Please pray for the new building project ─Pray that all the rooms in the basement will be done before the December meeting so that more people can come to the camp and be equipped to serve the Lord.
  5. Please continue praying for the financial needs for the new building project. Besides the material and the labor costs, we also need to prepare beds for the ten sleeping rooms. They will cost around $8,000.

Thanks for your love and prayer to the CWC. May our Lord bless you and your family.

In Him

Billy Ko (Pastor and Director)