2010-10 (十月禱告信)


我們從基督工人中心 ─ 這個栽培基督門徒在各校園服事的地方─向您問安。願主的祝福與您和您的家人同在!

當我在中西部及華盛頓州開車途經許多城市時,很多人都問我同樣的問題:在他們的校園湧入大量的年輕中國學生的情況下,他們能做些什麼? 這的確是一項困難的任務。如果沒有人帶領這些學生信入基督,他們將成為失落的一代。

許多人無法適應新環境。這些年輕的中國學生大多是家裡的獨子,受到父母 和祖父母非常好的保護。離開家人常使他們不知所措,沮喪,並感到寂寞。最終唯有耶穌的愛和關懷才能鼓勵他們。



他們在道德上迷失。 報告顯示約有百分之五十至八十的本科中國學生和他們的男朋友或女朋友同住。有些父母甚至支持他們如此的生活方式。唯有在耶穌裡的新生命和聖經的真實標準能夠改變他們。






  1. 基督工人中心冬令會、 卅週年慶及于力工牧師追思禮拜將於十二月廿二日晚至廿六日中午在堪薩斯城的Hyatt Regency旅館舉行。講員有:林三綱弟兄、饒孝楫牧師、賴若瀚牧師與師母、梁燕城博士、劉志雄長老及其他美中教會的講員。冬令會的目標是藉著許多不同的專題帶領福音朋友認識主,也幫助信徒的靈命進深。專題有: 基督化家庭、聖經與靈修、基督徒生命 …等。請代禱,願神的祝福傾倒在那些參加者身上。英語聚會將分為少年、青少年、及青年組。講員有: Steven Chen 牧師、Elwood Chipchase博士、陳瑞基牧師等。請為聚會代禱並計劃來參加。
  2. 門徒訓練 – 將於十二月廿六日至2011年一月一日在Warsaw, MO舉行。講員有:饒孝楫牧師(台灣)、馬小芸姐妹 (泰北宣教士) 、及劉志雄長老。這是裝備我們自己在來年跟隨基督並更有效的服事主的好機會。冬令會的的目標是幫助信徒靈命進深,而緊接下來的門徒與同工訓練營的目的則是栽培我們為基督作見證。這個聚會特別是為裝備學生們及在職人員在他們的校園裡服事神而預備的。歡迎您來參加這兩個聚會。
  3. 一月讀經營 – 將於2011年一月二日至八日舉行。這次我們將研讀從約書亞至所羅門王。這幾卷書 (約書亞記、士師記、路得記、撒母耳記上、下、歷代志上、下1-9章、列王記上1-11章)是以色列歷史中最精彩的部分。對我們實際生活和屬靈成長也都很有關連。希望您不要錯過這次的機會。由於參加者需要時間準備功課,報名嚴格截止日期為十一月十五日。若您還沒有報名,請勿延遲! 現在就可以開始做功課。


  1. 感謝神從加州Cupertino基督徒會堂差派了一對宣教士於九月二日至十一月卅日到美中來服事。請記念陳志平夫婦這三個月在Lincoln, Nebraska的服事。
  2. 曾瑗姐妹已從安息年假期回來。請為她在Iowa各地校園的事奉繼續代禱。
  3. 請為各地所新建立的校園查經班、及那些需要開長途車去服事的弟兄姐妹代禱。也為中西部各地、及您所居住附近地區向年輕的中國學生傳福音的事工代禱。
  4. 為Dale Beyer弟兄和他的家人代禱。為Dale每日在中心的服事及他就讀於Central College of the Bible (Moberly, Missouri) 的大女兒代禱。
  5. 為江士民姐妹在中心並為準備十二月各項聚會的繁重工作代禱。時間越來越緊湊。也請為她週末在各不同校園的服事代禱。
  6. 請為關靜淳姐妹在Fayetteville, AR及潘曉明弟兄在Columbia, MO的事奉代禱。

謝謝您忠心的代禱。盼望在冬季的各項聚會中見到您! 上帝祝福您!





Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings from the Christian Witness Center—a place for building up disciples to serve in different campuses. May the blessing of the Lord be with you and your family!

As I traveled through many cities in the Midwest and Washington State, many people asked me what to do with so overwhelmingly many young Chinese students in their campus? It is really a difficult task. If no one reaches them for Christ, they will become a lost generation.

Many cannot fit in the new environment. Most Chinese college students are the only child in their families and were well-protected by their parents and grandparents. Away from home, they are disoriented, depressed, and lonely. Ultimately only the love and care of Jesus can encourage them.

Many cannot overcome the pressure of school work. They come to this country to study not because of their high grades, but because of the financial ability of their families. Many come to study not because of their own dream, but because of the dreams of their parents. Thus, they often lack the abilities and even the will to handle their school work. Only the salvation power of Jesus can give them comfort and purpose.

Some cannot overcome the temptation of computer games. Without the supervision of parents, many young students spend hours upon hours, days upon days on computer and internet games. They skip meals, skip sleep, and often skip classes because of computer games. Their school grades suffer. Sometimes they cannot meet the minimum of 80% class attendance. Consequently, some of them drop out of college. Only the resurrection power of Jesus can free them from such bondage.
They are lost morally. Reports show that approximately 50% to 80% of the undergraduate Chinese students live together with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Some of them are supported by their parents at home for such lives. Only the new life in Jesus and the true standard of the Bible can win them back.

For these and several other reasons, young Chinese students are heading to a great spiritual darkness in their lives. Without Jesus they will become a lost generation. We should reach out to them and win them to Christ as fast as possible. We need to strengthen their spiritual lives and academic lives with the new life in Jesus.

Young people easily follow the examples of others. Thus, let us not be intimidated by their numbers. Reaching one reaches many. But let us not delay, for missing one misses many. The longer we delay to reach them for Christ, the greater darkness will increase in all campuses, and the harder we must eventually work. Jesus is the hope of this new generation.

By the grace of God, many small college towns in the Midwest are relatively conservative. The young Chinese students are still willing to listen to the gospel. In the past August and September short-term missions, we reached out to 4 new campuses which do not have any Chinese Bible study groups. We found young students in these towns are hungry for the gospel. They are willing to listen to gospel. They are happy to go to the gospel meeting. Many have accepted Christ as Savior. After this mission, God also raised some brothers and sisters to go to these campuses to minister to these students. Sometimes they have to drive an hour or two hours one way to get to those campuses. But they are willing to do so weekly. They care for these students and lead them to study the Bible. Thanks God for those regular Chinese Bible study groups that have already been set up in these campuses. Young students keep learning the spiritual truth. We pray that more students become true disciples of Jesus and witness and serve in their campuses. Please keep praying for these new Bible study groups and the brothers and sisters who serve in these campuses. A great gospel outreach opportunity is waiting for us. If we do not catch this opportunity, we will lose these opportunities. Please pray daily for us and this great opportunity throughout this country!

Future Meetings:

  1. The CWC Winter Conference, 30th Anniversary celebration, and a Memorial Service for Rev. Moses Yu will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri this year from the evening of December 22 to the noontime of Dec. 26. Our speakers will be Brother Bellman Lin, Pastor Daniel Rao, Pastor and Mrs. Johann Lai, Dr. In-Sing Leung, Elder Peter Liu and other local speakers from the Midwest. Our goal of this Conference is to bring nonbelievers to the Lord and lift up the spirit of the believers with many workshop topics, such as: the Christian Family, the Bible and Devotion, the Christian Life, and more. Please pray that the blessings of God will pour onto those who will come. The English meeting will be divided into Junior, Senior, and Young Adult groups. Some of the speakers will be Pastor Steven Chen, Dr. Elwood Chipchase, Stephan Tan, and others. Please pray for the Conference and plan ahead to come.
  2. Discipleship Training will be held at Warsaw, MO from December 26 to January 1, 2011. Our speakers will be Rev. Daniel Rao (from Taiwan), Mrs. Shiu-Wan Ho-Man (Missionary from Thailand) and Elder Peter Liu. It is a great opportunity to edify ourselves to follow Christ and effectively serve the Lord for the upcoming year. While, Winter Conference aims to lift up our spirits toward God, the subsequent Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp purposes to develop us to witness for Christ. This training especially prepares students and working people to serve God in their own campuses. We welcome you to attend both meetings.
  3. January Bible Camp – This time we will study the books from Joshua to King Solomon. These books (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I and II Samuel, I Chronicle and II Chronicle 1-9, I Kings 1-11) are the most interesting history of the Israelites. They are very applicable to our daily lives and spiritual growth. We hope you will not miss this opportunity. Because attendees need time to prepare, the strict due date for application is November 15. If you have not registered yet, please do not delay! Start your homework now.

Special Prayers:

  1. Thank God for sending a couple from the Chinese Church in Christ- Cupertino (California) to the Midwest from Sept. 2 to Nov. 30. Please remember Brother Chiping Chen and his wife Lucy while they are staying at Lincoln, Nebraska. They will stay there for 3 months. Please pray for them.
  2. Sister Vivian has already returned from her sabbatical leave. Pray for her continuing ministry in the campuses in Iowa.
  3. Pray for those new Bible study groups in different campuses and those brothers and sisters who have to travel long distance to serve in these campuses. Pray for the outreach ministry to the young Chinese students in the Midwest and around your home town.
  4. Pray for Dale Beyer and their family. Pray for Dales’ daily serving in the CWC and his elder daughter’s study in Central College of the Bible at Moberly, Missouri.
  5. Prayer for Sister Cindy’s heavy workload in the CWC and the preparation of all the meeting in December. Time is running short. Please also pray for her weekend ministry in different campuses.
  6. Please pray for Sister Kuan’s ministry at Fayetteville, AR and and Bro. Pan’s ministry at Columbia, MO.

Thank you for your faithful prayers. See you soon in all the winter meetings! God bless you.

In Him,

Billy Ko
