2010-12 (十二月禱告信)



我 們正期盼並積極的準備即將到來的冬令會、十二月門徒訓練營及讀經營。這是一年中我們最忙碌的季節。我們真需要您的代禱。三個聚會的報名表都已經郵寄至各教 會及查經班。您也可至中心網站下載。感謝神,許多弟兄姐妹已經報名參加門徒訓練營及讀經營。冬令會正在接受網上報名。感謝主預備了這些要來參加聚會者的 心。求神使這些聚會成為眾人極大的祝福。這幾個聚會是栽培弟兄姐妹在來年服事主最好的機會。

2010年度禱告信即將張貼上網。我們也會將此信連同一份精美的月曆郵寄給您。在月曆的底頁登有基督工人中心2011年的各項聚會時間表。聚會時間表也登錄在中心網站。請過目並預先安排參加2011年的各項聚會的時間。您亦可按此處閱讀2010年度禱告信(PDF DOC)。


  1. 基督工人中心冬令會、 卅週年慶及于力工牧師追思禮拜將於十二月廿二日晚至廿六日中午在堪薩斯城的Hyatt Regency旅館舉行。報名表已張貼上網並開放接受報名。有關聚會內容及講員的詳細資料可至中心網站查詢下載。報名嚴格截止日期為十二月十九日下午四時正。四點以後網上報名作業將自動關閉。我們將不接受任何電話、傳真、電郵或其他任何形式的逾時報名。英語聚會將分為少年、青少年、及青年組。講員有: Steven Chen 牧師、Elwood Chipchase博士、陳瑞基牧師等。請為聚會代禱並計劃來參加。基督工人中心的同工、義工及短宣隊們正忙碌地為冬令會作準備,請在禱告中記念他們及眾講員們,並求神在聚會中將祂的祝福傾倒在參加者的身上。
  2. 門徒訓練 – 將於十二月廿六日至2011年一月一日在Warsaw, MO舉行。講員有:饒孝楫牧師(從台灣來)、劉志雄長老及柯聯基弟兄。感謝神為我們預備了這麼多位的講員。請為他們代禱。十二月門徒訓練是裝備未來校園同工們最關鍵的機會。有些人認為冬令會是基督工人中心最重要的的聚會,實際上,門徒訓練和讀經營才是更有效裝備同工的聚會。截至十二月一日,已有六十五位弟兄姐妹報名參加門徒訓練。由於聚會將在堪薩斯城冬令會結束返回中心後立即開始,因此報名嚴格截止日期為十二月十九日午夜十二點。同時,不接受任何逾時報名。冬令會期間也不接受報名。若您還沒有報名,請勿延遲!
  3. 一月讀經營 – 這次我們將研讀從約書亞至所羅門王的歷史。這幾卷書 (約書亞記、士師記、路得記、撒母耳記上、下、歷代志上、下1-9章、列王記上1-11章) 對以色列人而言是最精彩、最觸動人心且最具挑戰的書卷。當中有許多有價值的屬靈功課值得我們學習,並且幫助我們應用在實際生活中日日與主同行。柯聯基弟兄及李玉惠姐妹將是我們的講員。截至十一月十五日報名截止日期止,已有八十四位弟兄姐妹報名參加。若您錯過這次機會,鼓勵您預留時間參加明年七月卅一日至八月六日舉行的讀經營。屆時我們將研讀「分裂王國的歷史」。請您也為講員及參加的弟兄姐妹代禱。

謝謝您忠心的代禱。盼望在冬季的各項聚會中見到您! 上帝祝福您!




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This is the last prayer letter I am writing to you this year. That is unbelievable. Time flies! Moreover, this last month of the year is the most important and hardworking month for the CWC coworkers. At the end of the year, not only do we thank God for His blessing throughout 2010, but also we thank God for leading us through for the past thirty years. His hand and His power have sustained our ministry through those years. Without Him, we cannot do anything.

We are looking forward and busy preparing for the Winter Conference, the December Discipleship Training Camp, and the Bible Camp. It is the busiest season of the whole year. We surely need your prayers. All the three meetings’ application forms have already been mailed to each church and fellowship. You may download forms also from our web site. Thank God, many brothers and sisters have already sent in their Discipleship Training and the Bible Camp forms. We are still taking the Winter Retreat online registration. We thank the Lord for having prepared so many hearts to come for these meetings. We pray that these meetings will be great blessings to many people. These three meetings are great opportunities to develop brothers and sisters to serve the Lord for the coming years.

Our 2010 annual newsletter will be posted on our web site soon. We will also mail this annual newsletter together with our beautiful wall calendar to your home. At the back of this calendar, you will find our entire 2011 meeting schedule. This schedule has been posted also on our website. Please take a look and schedule your time to attend in 2011. You may also be able to click here to read this annual newsletter.

Future Meetings:

  1. The CWC Winter Conference, 30th Anniversary celebration, and a Memorial Service for Rev. Moses Yuwill be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri this year from the evening of December 22 to noontime of Dec. 26. Online registration has been posted and we are taking applications. If you need more details for the program and the speakers, you can download the forms from the CWC website. The strict deadline will be December 19, 2010, 4:00 pm. After 4:00 pm, the line will be disconnected automatically. We will not take phone, fax, email or any kind of late application after that time. The English meeting will be divided into Junior, Senior, and Young Adult groups. Some of the speakers will be Pastor Steven Chen, Dr. Elwood Chipchase, Stephan Tan, and others. Please pray for the Conference and plan ahead to come. CWC coworkers, voluntary coworkers and the short-term mission teams are busy preparing for the Conference. Please remember them and our speakers in your prayers. Please also pray that the blessings of the Lord will pour onto those who will come.
  2. Discipleship Training will be held at Warsaw, MO from December 26 evening to January 1, 2011. Our speakers will be Rev. Daniel Rao (from Taiwan), Elder Peter Liu and Bro. Jeremiah Cua. Thank God for so many speakers. Please pray for them. December’s Discipleship Training is crucial to equip future campus coworkers. Some people thought the Winter Conference was the most important meeting of CWC. But campus coworkers can be better-equipped in the Discipleship Training and the Bible Camp. As of Dec. 1, 65 adults have applied for the Discipleship Training. Because the meeting will start right after we come back from the Kansas City Winter Retreat, the strict due date will be Dec. 19 midnight. Subsequently, no application will be taken. No application will be taken at the Winter Retreat. So, please do not delay.
  3. January Bible Camp – This time we will study the history from Joshua to King Solomon. These historical books (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, First and Second Samuel, First Chronicle and Second Chronicle chapter one to nine and First Kings chapter one to eleven) are the most interesting, inspiring and challenging books for Israelites. There are many good and spiritual lessons we can learn from and apply to our daily walks with the Lord. Brother Jeremiah Cua and Sister Grace Lee will be our speakers. As of the due date of November 15, 84 adults applied. If you have missed, we encourage you to schedule the next Bible Camp, July 31 to August 6. At that time we will study “the Divided Kingdom”. Please also pray for the attendees and the speakers.

Thank you for your faithful prayers. See you soon in the winter meetings! God bless you.

In Him,

Billy Ko