2011-01 (一月禱告信)



  1. 美中冬令會
    神在冬令會中行了奇妙的大事。約有1650人來參加了聚會! 每個人都帶著一顆渴慕神話語的心前來。這個數字也是創下參加人數的新高。服事這麼多弟兄姐妹的需要不是一件容易的事。但在整個聚會中,神堅固了所有同工、短宣隊員及在大會中參與服事的弟兄姐妹們手上所做的工。我們為這些服事團隊的美好事奉所帶給參加聚會的弟兄姐妹們的祝福並神得著的榮耀感謝神。讚美神,許多人的心在聚會中被挑旺。感謝神有三百多位福音朋友來參加聚會,其中有超過九十位接受基督為他們的救主。請為他們的屬靈成長代禱。感謝神,冬令會中為于力工牧師舉行了追思禮拜,我們見證到神賜給祂忠心的僕人的祝福。于牧師的榜樣也提醒我們作一個神忠心的僕人。冬令會的最後一晚我們舉行了基督工人中心卅週年的感恩聚會。我們回顧了神在過去卅年中藉著基督工人中心的服事所成就的大事。若不是神自己的作為,基督工人中心可能早已不存在了。我們為那些在過去卅年中領受了神的祝福的弟兄姐妹們感謝神。
  2. 十二月門徒與同工訓練
    冬令會一結束,有一百廿五位弟兄姐妹隨即參加了門徒與同工訓練營。此次參加人數也是創下新高。有十多位弟兄姐妹從東、西兩岸前來參加。兩位牧者帶領他們教會十多位弟兄姐妹來參加。他們看到門徒訓練的重要性並願意抽時間帶領人來參加。也有一些全職工作者及教授來參加聚會。我們為人數的增加感謝神。感謝神藉著基督工人中心的訓練將東、西兩岸的教會與校園連結在一起。中心人數爆滿。我們原本計劃使用馬可樓 – 舊樓 – 舉行訓練,以免弟兄姐妹在嚴寒及冰凍的天氣裡穿梭於各棟樓之間。不過,一百廿五位的參加者使馬可樓不敷使用。感謝神當東、西兩岸飽受冬季風雪影響時賜給我們好天氣。由於有如春天的氣候,我們改變計劃使用迦南樓來聚會。弟兄姐妹都非常享受訓練中的教導。許多人也定意要跟隨基督並在他們的校園裡為祂作見證。
  3. 一月讀經營– 這將是寒假裡的最後一個聚會。中心同工們請您為他們代禱,求神賜下體力完成此一聚會。約有七十位弟兄姐妹將前來參加讀經營,他們中也有許多位是連續參加了三個聚會。弟兄姐妹都已準備好指定的作業,也都很熱切地學習神的話語。請為讀經營代禱,求神叫祂的話充滿弟兄姐妹的心裡並且改變他們的生命。
  4. 三月福音營 – 我們下一個聚會是由三月十八日至廿一日舉行的福音營。講員將是歐謙遜牧師。請邀請您的朋友來參加並為他們的得救代禱。






Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Praise God for all the blessings He gave in the past year! It is by His grace, we finished His mission for the 2010. By His grace, we are looking forward to serving Him more in 2011.

  1. Midwest Winter Conference
    God has done marvelous things during the Winter Conference. About 1650 people came! They brought spiritual hearts hungry for the Word of God. 1650 is the new highest conference attendance. It was not easy to handle all the needs of the brothers and sisters. God strengthened the hands of all the coworkers, mission team members and brothers and sisters who served throughout the whole conference. Thank God for the wonderful serving team who blessed all those who come for the meeting and for His glory. Praise Him for lifting the hearts of many people during the conference. Thank God for more than 300 gospel friends who came for the meeting and more than 90 non-believers who accepted Christ to be their savior. Please pray for their spiritual growth. Thank God for the memorial service for Rev. Moses Yu. It was a great time to see the blessings of God for His faithful servants. The example of Pastor Yu was a great reminder for us to be a faithful servant of God. The last evening was the CWC thirtieth anniversary. It was a great time to remember all the wonderful work God had done through the ministry of God during the last thirty years. If not by Him, the ministry of CWC would be long gone. Thank God for so many people received the blessing of God during the last thirty years.
  2. December Discipleship and coworkers’ Training
    As soon as Winter Conference ended, about 110 people came for the discipleship and coworkers’ Training Camp. This also is the record high attendance. There were over ten people from the west or east coasts. Two ministers brought over ten brothers and sisters from their church to the camp. They saw the importance of discipleship training and of being willing to take time to lead people to the camp. Many working people and some professors also came for the meeting. Thank God for the increased attendance. Thank God for allowing CWC training to bring together from east and west churches and campuses for fellowship. The Center was full of people. We were planning to use Mark Hall–our old building–for the training camp to avoid walking between buildings through the severe cold and icy weather. However, with over 140 brothers and sisters, coworkers and the children, Mark Hall overflowed. Thank God for the wonderful weather, when the east and the west coasts had winter storms. We changed our plans, and also used Canaan Hall because of this spring-like weather. Brothers and Sisters greatly enjoyed all the teaching in the camp. Many decided to follow Christ and witness for Him in their campuses.
  3. January Bible Camp
    It will be the last camp during this winter break. CWC coworkers ask you to pray for us that God will give us strength to finish this last camp. About 70 people will come for the camp. Many attend all three camps. These people have already prepared their homework. They are excited to study the word of God. Please pray for this Bible camp, that the word of God fill their heart and change their lives.
  4. March Gospel Camp
    Our next meeting will be the Gospel Camp from March 18 to March 21, 2011. Our speaker will be Rev. Samson Ou. Please invite your friends and pray for their salvation.

In the upcoming year, we believe God will use the ministry of CWC to reach many people and develop more disciples of Christ, with your prayers. Please pray for us.

May God bless you!


Pastor and Director