2011-02 (二月禱告信)





一月讀經營– 70位左右(包括30位第一次參加者)參加了一月二至八日的讀經營。我們學習了從約書亞記至列王記上十一章及歷代志下第九章,涵蓋了從約書亞至所羅門王的歷史。講員柯聯基弟兄及李玉惠姐妹也從這些書卷中提出了許多精闢的見解。弟兄姐妹們深受鼓勵願繼續花更多的時間研讀神的話。他們當中有百分之八十五的人已經報名參加八月讀經營。目前弟兄姐妹都已回到自己的校園及工作崗位。他們不但在教會及查經班裡服事神,也有些弟兄姐妹願意帶領其他人一起研讀神的話。八月讀經營的報名表及進度表已張貼上網,請下載表格並預留時間來參加。嚴格報名截止日期是六月十五日。請勿遲延。

三月福音營 – 我們下一次的營會是三月十八至廿一日的福音營。分別來自波士頓和加州聖荷西的莊祖鯤牧師和歐謙遜牧師將是我們的講員。加州聖荷西及洛杉磯的教會都將組織短宣隊前來幫忙分享福音。福音營選在許多學校的春假期間舉行。若您學校的春假不在這段時間,您仍可以在週末時來參加。這是一個向您校園內尚未信主的朋友傳福音的好機會。您可以開始為他們禱告並邀請他們來參加。


  1. 江士民姐妹 – 從十二月初開始就為著籌備三個密集的聚會而忙碌。她已經咳嗽了三個月。一個星期以前,江姐妹嚴重的頭痛,醫生說是由咳嗽所引起的。請為她的身體健康代禱。她正試著趕上耽擱了一個月的行政事務,並準備2010年弟兄姐妹的奉獻收據作為報稅之用。謝謝您的耐心,奉獻收據將於二月中左右寄出。
  2. 曾瑗姐妹 – 大雪、零度以下的天氣及結冰的路面在愛荷華州是經常有的事。請為曾姐妹往來於Iowa City, Ames, Davenport, Cedar Falls and Cedar Rapids各個城市代禱。也請為她在這些校園裡的教導、講道及輔導有屬靈的能力代禱。
  3. 關靜淳姐妹 – 感謝神帶領許多學生來到阿肯色州的Fayetteville校園,並且加入教會。關姐妹很歡喜在學生當中的服事。請繼續為她代禱,求神藉著她的服事使得更多的靈魂得救,弟兄姐妹們也得著造就。
  4. 潘曉明弟兄 — 在過去幾個月中潘弟兄不單在密蘇里的哥倫比亞服事,他也到周邊的城市事奉。請為他路途上的平安代禱,並且他所傳講的信息使神的兒女得造就。也請為他的妻子代禱。她除了要照顧三個孩子,還要在教會中服事。求神賜給他們智慧養育兒女並成為周圍人的祝福。
  5. Dale Beyer弟兄 — 過去一個多月Beyer全家都投入幫忙三個聚會的兒童事工。他們是我們大家的祝福。這些聚會結束後,Dale回復他在中心日常的維修及建造的工作。在寒冷的天氣中在室外工作實在不容易。他們的家庭學校也已開學。請為他們的老師 — Dale的太太Anita — 及孩子們代禱。目前這個家庭正為了福音營結束後在三月廿二至四月五日前往瓜地馬拉參加一個為期兩週的短宣作準備。多年前,當Dale第一次隻身到多明尼加共和國短宣時就深切盼望: 有一天他能帶著全家一起去宣教。這個夢想即將實現。對他們來說這將是一大筆開銷。神已經為他們預備了三分之二的經費。如果您有負擔在經費上及禱告上支持他們,都將是十分感謝的。
  6. 高榮德牧師 — 在許多事上我都要感謝神也需要您的代禱。讀經營後我飛到加州上課、探訪弟兄姐妹並且去陪高師母幾天。感謝神在壞天氣下保守路途的平安,只有一班飛機延誤及一次的取消。我有機會探訪四個教會並且在當中講道與分享。我分享了基督工人中心的異象以鼓勵更多的短宣隊或中期宣教士願意來到美中廣大的福音禾場與我們同工。我也為高師母身體的慢慢進步感謝神。她仍然需要您的代禱。

接下來的三個星期,我將會開長途車前往密西西比、阿肯色、肯塔基及伊利諾州。請為好天氣和路途平安 — 特別是為我那輛老爺舊車代禱。我感謝神賜給我們在美中因著學生人數的增長而有的福音機會。但若沒有您的代禱,這使命就不容易達成。在這個福音工場,我們也需要更多的同工加入一起事奉。請為我們禱告。





Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank God for the blessings He gave us in the past few very busy weeks. Praise God for His mighty power and the wonderful works He had shown us during these few weeks. Without Him we cannot do anything! Thank God when all the universities have started the new semester, we coworkers also can go back to our campus ministries.

As I recalled the busy weeks just past, I want to share with you our praise and prayers.

December Discipleship Training
We thank God for the blessings He poured on both the Discipleship Training and the Bible Camp. About 110 brothers and sisters attended the Discipleship Training and around 70 attended the Bible Camp. Both counts are record-breaking for the winter meetings. God knows our coworkers can do just so much. He Himself is leading His flocks. All of the attendees came with thirsty hearts. We also thank God for the speakers. Their messages are blessings for those learners. Another reason to give thanks: Because we had so many people at the winter meetings, this is the first time we moved the meeting place from Mark Hall to the larger Canaan Hall multi-purpose building. At first we worried about bad weather, about snowy or icy roads. But God has mercy on us. In these two weeks, the weather was warm and dry. So we walked up and down the hill between the buildings without problems. Thank God, the 5 inches of snow arrived just one day after all the meetings were over.

January Bible Camp – About 70 students—including around 30 first-time attendees—attended the Bible Camp from January 2 to 8, 2011. We studied the Bible from Joshua to First King chapter 11 and Second Chronicles chapter 9, covering history from Joshua to King Solomon. Brother Jeremiah Cua and Sister Grace Lee presented many new insights from those books. Brothers and sisters are motivated to continue to spend more time to study God’s words. Two-thirds of them already have turned in their August Bible Camp application forms. Right now they have also gone back to their campuses and working places. Not only will they will serve the Lord in their churches and Bible study groups, but also some of them committed to lead others to study God’s Words. Please pray for them. The Bible Camp form and the study syllabus have been posted on the web. Please feel free to download the form and prepare to come. The strict due date is June 15. Please do not delay.

March Gospel Camp – Our next camp will be the Gospel Camp dated from March 18 to 21. Rev. Tsu-Kung Chuang (莊祖鯤牧師) and Rev. Samson Ou (歐謙遜牧師) from Boston and California will be our speakers. Both San Jose and Los Angeles, California churches will organize mission teams to come over and help share the Gospel. This camp is held in many schools’ Spring Break. If it is not your school’s Spring Break, you still can come on weekend. It will be a good opportunity to evangelize to those who have not been saved on your campus. You may start to pray for them and invite them to come.

Updates of the Coworkers:

  1. Sister Cindy Chiang – She has been working since early December to prepare for the intense three meetings. She has been coughing for three months. A week ago, she suffered from a severe headache that the doctor says stems from the coughing. Please pray for her health. She is catching up on a month of office work and is preparing for the tax filing and the 2010 offering receipts for all the donors. She appreciates your patience. All the offering receipts will be mailed out before the middle of February.
  2. Sister Vivian Tsen – Snow, freezing weather, and icy roads are very common in the State of Iowa. Please pray for Sister Tsen while she is traveling among all these cities: Iowa City, Ames, Davenport, Cedar Falls and Cedar Rapids. Please also remember her spiritual strength while she is teaching, preaching and counseling in those campuses.
  3. Sister Ching Chun Kuan – Thank God that many students come to the Fayetteville, Arkansas campus and join the church. Sister Kuan enjoys ministering among them. Please continue praying for her that more souls are saved and the brothers and sisters can be edified through her ministry there.
  4. Brother Xiaoming Pan—In the past few months, Brother Pan not only ministers in Columbia, Missouri, but also in surrounding cities. Please pray for safe journeys and that his messages edify God’s children. Please also pray for Brother Pan’s wife. She takes care of three children and also serves in the church. May the Lord give them wisdom to rear the children and be blessings to the people around them.
  5. Brother Dale Beyer—In the past month, the whole Beyer family served in the three meetings helping the children’s ministry. They are the blessings to all of us. After all these camps, Dale got back to his routine maintenance and construction work at the Center. It is not easy to work outdoors in such cold weather. Their home school has started. Please pray for the teacher, his wife Anita. Pray for their children. Currently the whole family is preparing for a two-week mission team to Guatemala right after the Gospel Camp, March 22 to April 5. Years ago, the first time Dale went to his mission trip to the Dominican Republic, he had a dream that one day he could lead his whole family to a mission trip. The dream finally come true. It is a huge expense for their family. God has supplied already two-thirds of this financial need. If you have the burden to support them financially and in prayer, your participation is much appreciated.
  6. Pastor Billy Ko—For lots of things I need to give thanks and also need your prayers. After the Bible Camp, I flew to California to study, to visit the brothers and sisters, and be with Mrs. Ko. Thank God for the safe journey in the bad weather. There was only one delay and one cancellation. I had chances to visit, preach and share in four different churches. I shared visions of the CWC to encourage more short-term mission teams or mid-term missionaries who would cowork with us in this vast Midwest harvest field. Thank God for Mrs. Ko’s improvements in health, though these are slow. She still needs lots of prayers.

In the next three weeks, I will have more long trips to Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky and Illinois. Pray for good weather and safe journeys—especially pray for my old minivan. I thank God for giving us such great opportunity in the Midwest with the growing Chinese student population. But the mission is not easy without your prayers. We also need more coworkers to join us in this field. Please pray for us.

May God bless you!

Billy Ko

Pastor and Director