2011-03 (三月禱告信)

親愛的弟兄姐妹, 在主裡向您問安,

春節期間美中地區下了一場意料之外的兩呎大雪,但春天的腳步也近了。春天意味著精力與行動。最近,在我所牧養的哥倫比亞華人基督教會鄰近的一塊土地的地主已經開始雇用了工人用挖土機和推土機來整理土地。工人們每天都很努力地工作。他們的目標是蓋建一棟有200個單位的高級公寓,以應付那些較富裕本科生的需要。最近一次去阿肯色州,我發現了同類建設項目也在進行中。他們希望能吸引超過100名中國學生在那裡居住。他們在二月裡非常努力的工作,希望及時完工以迎接今年八月下一波年輕的中國學生的到來。這使我想到主耶穌所說, “… 因為今世之子在世事之上,較比光明之子更加聰明。” (路加福音16:8) 。我們只能問自己: 我們是否已積極的預備好抓住這千載難逢的機會去向這新一波的中國學生傳福音?



  1. 江士民姐妹 –感謝神!在兩個半月忙碌的工作之後,江姐妹終於將報稅作業及2010年的奉獻收據完成。如果您到現在還沒收到奉獻收據,很可能因地址錯誤已遭退回或是寄丟了,請您和中心聯絡。現在除了日常的行政工作及週末探訪校園的事工外;她已經開始籌備即將來臨的福音營,五月門徒訓練和八月讀經營。感謝您為她忠心的代禱。
  2. 曾瑗姐妹 — 過去兩個月,曾姐妹在愛荷華州各地忙碌的服事。在這個北部的一州,冬天往來頗不容易。請繼續為她行車的平安以及她在各地校園的服事代禱。三月廿二日至四月十六日曾姐妹將赴中國短宣。請在禱告中記念她。
  3. 關靜淳姐妹 — 過去六個月中,阿肯色州Fayetteville這個大學城裡有一些家庭因工作因素搬離。雖然如此,神仍舊祝福在此的大學生團契。雖然同工不多,但感謝神,關姐妹依然在這深具挑戰的事工中喜樂地服事。信靠神的大能就夠我們用的了。請為她在當地的服事代禱。
  4. 潘曉明弟兄— 感謝神,越來越多的學生開始參加週五晚上的團契聚會。感謝神,許多人在剛過去的冬令會中接受基督為個人的救主。求神賜智慧給潘弟兄去跟進並栽培這些剛信主的弟兄姐妹。請為他的妻子和孩子代禱,求神繼續賜福他的家庭。
  5. Dale Beyer 弟兄– 在過去兩週裡非常辛勞地清除積雪。他很高興溫暖的天氣就快來了。目前他正忙著為福音營做準備 —湖濱小屋及迦南樓加隔房間等。福音營之後他們全家(六口人)將前往瓜地馬拉參加一個為期兩週的短宣。對他而言,能夠全家去宣教一起服事神是一件多麼喜樂的事。請為他們的旅途平安及多結果子代禱。也請為他們經費的需要代禱。
  6. 高榮德牧師 — 學生事工的範圍比以前更廣大。除了關懷那些原有的校園外,高牧師需要您為他能關懷更多新校園代禱。求神不單賜給我們更多全時間的同工,也求神興起更多美中地區的弟兄姐妹一起同工,在這些新的校園中服事。我們真需要您的代禱。高師母仍在加州休養復原。她的身體正慢慢地進步,並且比較有氣力。雖然身體軟弱,她仍然以電話和網路關懷弟兄姐妹們。請繼續為她禱告。








Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greeting in the Lord,

An unexpected two feet of snow fell on the Midwest during the week of the Chinese New Year. Yet spring is just around the corner. Spring means energy and moving. Recently the landowner next to the Columbia Chinese Christian Church where I pastor mobilized bulldozers and other earth moving machines to reshape that property. They work busily every day. Their goal is to build a 200-unit, high-class apartment complex to meet the needs of wealthier undergraduate students. In my recent trip to Arkansas, I found similar college town building projects. They wish to attract more than 100 Chinese students to live there. In February they work very hard so they can accommodate the next wave of young Chinese students arriving in August. It reminds me of what Jesus said, “…for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (Luke 16:8). We cannot help but ask ourselves: are we energetically seizing this golden opportunity to reach out to the new wave of Chinese students?

Evangelism Emphasis Month and Gospel Camp
This year, the Gospel Camp will be held from the night of Friday March 18 to noon Monday March 21. Thank God for sending two wonderful and faithful speakers to the Gospel Camp. Rev. Tsu-Kung Chuang will come from Boston, MA. And Rev. Samson Ou will come from San Jose, CA. God has been using them greatly in the past. Let us keep praying for them, that many nonbelievers will accept Christ in this camp before the end of this school year. This may be the last chance for many who graduate and go back to their home countries. Through your prayers, God will do great things. God will remember your efforts to invite your non-Christians friends to come. Student ministry is a fast-moving ministry. We pray that we can eagerly reach out and build up more students in the Kingdom of God. When you look around your campus, you will find that many Chinese students have been in this county for more than half a year. Maybe they have heard of the gospel for a while. It is time to help them to accept Christ and prepare them to grow spiritually and to be equipped to serve Him in their campuses.

Coworkers’ Prayer Corner:

  1. Sister Cindy Chiang—Thank God! After almost two and half months hard work, Sister Chiang finally wrapped up all of the tax and 2010 offering receipts. If you did not get your offering receipt by now, please contact CWC. It may be lost or being returned because of the wrong address. Now, besides her routine office work and weekend ministry, she is starting to prepare for the coming Gospel Camp, May Discipleship Training, and the August Bible Camp. Your fervent prayers to remember her are much appreciated.
  2. Sister Vivian Tsen— In the past two months, Sister Tsen is busy ministering in the State of Iowa. In the winter, traveling in this northern state is not easy. Please continue praying that she has safe trips and pray for her ministry in those campuses. From March 22 to April 16, she will go to China for a short-term mission. Please remember her in prayers.
  3. Sister Ching Chun Kuan—In this Fayetteville, Arkansas college town, in the past 6 months, some families moved out because of work relocation. But God continues blessing their college student fellowship. The coworkers are few, but thanks to be God Sister Kuan is still joyfully serving in this challenging ministry. Trusting the power of God is enough for our needs. Please keep praying for her ministry there.
  4. Brother John Pan—Thank God for more students joining the Friday night fellowship. Thank God that quite a number accepted Christ in the past Winter Conference. Pray that God will give wisdom to Brother Pan to follow up and build up these new believers. Please also pray for his wife and his three children. May the Lord keep blessing this family.
  5. Brother Dale Beyer – has been working very hard in the past few weeks to remove snow. He is happy for the coming of the warm weather. He has started to prepare for the Gospel Camp with the Lake House, more rooms in the Canaan Hall, among other improvements. Right after the Gospel Camp, his whole family (six of them) will go to Guatemala for a two-week mission trip. For him, what a joy to have the whole family to go to the mission trip and serve God together. Please pray their trip will be safe and fruitful. Please also pray for their financial need.
  6. Pastor Billy Ko—Student ministry is getting greater than before. Pastor Ko needs your prayers to reach more new campuses besides the old campuses. Not only do we pray the Lord to give us more full time coworkers, but also we pray for more brothers and sisters in the Midwest to team up together to serve the Lord in those new campuses. We indeed need your prayers. Mrs. Ko is still recovering in California. She is getting little better and gained more strength. Even so, she is still caring more brothers and sisters through the phones and internets. Please keep praying for her.

May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp and Memorial Day Lay Minister Training Camp
Thank the Lord for sending Elder Joseph Wong, Pastor Edwin Su, and Pastor Minghuei Liu to our May Discipleship Training and Memorial Day Weekend Lay Minister Training. Discipleship Training will be held from May 22 to 27 and Lay Minister Training Camp will be held from May 27 to 30. Please mark those dates on your calendar and prepare yourself to join.

Winter Retreat Computer needs
Since our Winter Retreat registration program still uses a Windows XP computer, if any of you have XP notebook computers you don’t use, you are welcome to donate these to us.

We thank you for your financial and prayer support. May God bless you!

Serving God together with you,

Billy Ko

Pastor and Director