2011-04 (四月禱告信)



春天已經來了! 盼望從此路上不再見任何積雪!這正是我們去為主贏得失喪靈魂的大好時機。共有近二百人來參加了福音營。神使用兩位講員邀請慕道朋友回應祂慈聲的呼召接受祂為個人的救主。講員也呼召弟兄姐妹們成為委身的基督徒:不僅靠著恩典得救,也靠著主耶穌復活的大能每天在得勝中與祂同行。感謝神,有十位慕道友接受耶穌為他們的救主。弟兄姐妹們也因著所聽到的信息大得激勵。感謝神在這個營會中奇妙的作為。

五月份開始,許多學生將面臨畢業並準備回到自己的家鄉; 有些是長期的居留,有些則是度個暑假。 因此四月實際上是我們能為基督得著大學生的最後一個月。Columbia (MO), Fayetteville (AR), Joplin (MO) and St. Louis (MO) 的弟兄姐妹們將與基督工人中心的同工們一起同工去關懷在Maryville (MO), Kirksville (MO) and Pittsburg (KS) 的中國同學。這些校園裡有許多年輕的大學本科生。請為我們代禱。

我們不單需要向學生們傳福音,更需要栽培學生們在主裡成長以致他們能在自己的校園中服事。我們值得一再地說: 四月是一個非常重要的月份,因為五月將至,許多學生們將要離開。校園的查經班必須開始尋找下一學年的服事同工。盼望藉由這樣方式的傳福音及五月和八月在中心舉行的門徒訓練,我們能為主裝備更多的人。

  1. 福音營
    感謝神在三月中的福音營所賜下的恩典。約有兩百人從美中各校園來參加了福音營。其中有近五十位的慕道朋友。感謝神! 有十位接受了基督成為他們的救主。我們也為在聚會中服事的兩支加州來的短宣隊感謝神。他們藉由在專題、個別陪談、幼兒照顧及廚房等方面的服事來傳福音。他們每一位都成為大家的祝福! 願神祝福他們。請持續為這些初信主的弟兄姐妹的屬靈成長代禱。
  2. 五月門徒訓練[五月廿二至廿七日]
    這將是裝備同工服事神的大好機會。許多弟兄姐妹在新學年中將開始在教會和查經班中參與服事! 這個訓練將幫助他們得著極大的造就。對於那些要回到自己家鄉的弟兄姐妹們來說,這同樣是訓練他們如何將福音帶回家鄉的好時候。感謝神!黃沃樞長老和蘇文峰牧師將前來教導我們。讚美神!目前已有四十八位報名參加。請為此一聚會代禱。
  3. 帶職信徒訓練 [五月廿七至三十日]
    這不是為全職傳道人舉辦的訓練營,而是為全職工作的基督徒舉辦的訓練營。全職學生必須先參加五月廿二至廿七日舉行的五月門徒訓練後才能繼續參加此一聚會。感謝神!看到美中具有專業的基督徒及大學裡工作的基督徒教職員能來參加訓練。神要他們不僅為地上的主人工作, 也為天上的主人工作。他們在校園事工及神的國度中都扮演極重要的角色。請為他們代禱, 求神叫他們願意在國殤週末來接受裝備。中心備有家庭宿舍及兒童節目。除了黃沃樞長老、蘇文峰牧師外, 還有從新澤西州來的劉銘輝牧師都是我們的講員。詳細資料及網上報名表請上中心網站查詢。
  4. 青少年門徒訓練營(六月五至十一日)
    這個營會是為裝備青年人成為基督的門徒而舉行的。參加者必須是重生得救的基督徒。雖然在營會中會有一些輕鬆的活動時間,但這個營會主要的目標是裝備年輕人在未來成為同工及基督的見證人。感謝神預備Pastor Eugene Chu及其他多位很棒的講員將要來帶領聚會。更多資訊請上中心網站查閱。
  5. 八月讀經營 [七月卅一至八月六日]
    感謝神! 已經有八十二位弟兄姐妹報名參加讀經營並且已開始準備作業。我們為他們渴慕神話語的心感謝神。不少地區的弟兄姐妹也組織了讀經小組來幫助彼此作準備。這次我們將研讀分裂王國時期的列王與先知。與大、小先知書比起來,這些書卷不算太難, 加上八月讀經營的準備時間是一月讀經營的兩倍, 因此若您從未參加過讀經營,現在正是開始的時候! 我們的講員之一李玉惠姐妹將教導我們如何記住這些列王的名字。不過您必須現在就採取行動。報名嚴格截止日期為六月十五日。不接受逾期報名。您可以至中心網站下載報名表、進度表、及研讀指引。

請為維修同工Dale Beyer代禱。他們一家六口於三月廿二日前往瓜地馬拉作為期兩週的短 宣。請為他們在當地的健康、旅途平安及有果效的服事代禱。





Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Grace be with you from above!

Spring is here! Hope there will be no more snow on the ground! It is a great time to go out and reach more souls for the Lord. The Gospel Camp ended with nearly 200 people attending. God used two speakers to ask the nonbelievers to respond to His gracious calling to accept Him as personal Savior. The speakers also called the people to become committed Christians; not only saved by grace, but also by the resurrected power of Jesus to walk victoriously with Him daily. Thank God, ten people accepted Jesus as the Savior and their Lord. Brothers and sisters were encouraged by these messages. Thank God for His wonderful works during this camp.

Beginning in May, many students will graduate and return to their home towns, some for a long time, some just for the summer. Thus April is practically the last month for us to reach many college students for Christ. Brothers and sisters from Columbia (MO), Fayetteville (AR), Joplin (MO) and St. Louis (MO) will join CWC coworkers to reach out Chinese students in Maryville (MO), Kirksville (MO) and Pittsburg (KS). Those campuses have young undergraduate Chinese students. Please pray for us.

Not only must we reach them for salvation, we also need to train students to grow and even to serve on their own campuses. It’s worth repeating: April is a crucial month, for when May comes, some students will leave. The campus Bible study groups must start finding coworkers to serve in the next school year. We pray that through this kind of evangelism, in our May and August Discipleship Training at the Center, we can equip people in the Lord.

  1. Gospel Camp
    Thank God for His grace in the mid-March Gospel camp. About 200 people joined the Gospel Camp from all campuses of the Midwest. Around fifty nonbelievers attended the Camp. Thanks be to God, ten people accepted Christ as their Savior. We also give thanks to God that two mission teams from California came to minister among us. They evangelized through the workshops, personal evangelism, nursery and kitchen works. They all became great blessings. May the Lord bless them! Please continue praying for those new believers’ spiritual growth.
  2. May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp [May 22 – 27]
    It will be a great time to prepare the coworkers to serve God. Some brothers and sisters will begin serving in the next school year in their churches and the Bible study groups! This Training will be a great edification for them. For those who will go back to their countries, it is also a good time to train them how to bring the gospel back to their home towns! We thank God that Elder Joseph Wong and Pastor Edwin Su will come to teach us. Praise God, so far 48 people have turned in their application forms. Please pray for this meeting.
  3. Lay Minister Training Camp [May 27 – 30]
    This is not a training camp for full time ministers. It is a training camp for full time working people. Students should attend the May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp held from May 22-27 first if they wish to attend Lay Minister Training. We thank God that we can see Christian professionals and also Christian professors and faculties working at the universities in the Midwest. God wants them not just working for their earthly masters, but also the Heavenly master. They play an important role in the campus ministry and in the Kingdom of God. Please pray for them, that they are willing to take this Memorial Day weekend to be trained in the Lord and know how to equip themselves in the student ministry. Family rooms and children’s programs will be provided. Besides the above two speakers Elder Joseph Wong and Pastor Edwin Su, speaker Pastor Minghuei Liu is coming from New Jersey. For more information and applications, please visit our website and download the forms.
  4. Youth Discipleship Training Camp. [June 5 – 11]
    This camp leads youths to become disciples of Christ. Attendees must be born-again Christians. Although there will be some activity time, the main goal for this camp is to equip young people to be future coworkers and witnesses for Christ. Thank God for bringing Pastor Eugene Chu and many great speakers to teach in the camp. Please visit our website for additional information.
  5. August Bible Camp [July 31 – August 6]
    Thanks to be God! Already 82 brothers and sisters have applied for the Bible Camp and have started to prepare the lessons. We praise God for their eager hearts for the Word of God. Some places have organized small Bible Camp study groups to help attendees prepare. This time we will study the kings and the prophets in the Divided Kingdom period. Those books are not too hard compared to the major or minor prophets. The preparation time for August Bible Camp is twice the interval before January Bible Camp. So, if you’ve never attended the Bible Camp before, this is a good time to start! One of our speakers, Sister Grace Lee will teach us how to memorize those kings’ names. However, you need to take action now. The strict due date for the Bible Camp is June 15. No late application will be accepted. You can go to our website to get the application forms, syllabus and the study guide,

Please pray for our maintenance coworker Dale Beyer. Their whole family (six of them) will spend two weeks starting from March 22 in short-term mission in Guatemala. Please pray for their health, safe journey, and fruitful ministry there.

Once again, thank you for your love, your financial support, and remembering our ministry and the coworkers in your prayers. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

Serving together for His Glory,

Billy Ko (Pastor)