2011-08 (八月禱告信)




感謝主!過去兩個多星期有機會在大陸幾個城市,為當地的校園事奉同工作培訓,有些是學生,有些是傳道人。大陸目前的大學生有三千多萬人,而且還在增加中,是一不能忽視的數字,也是不容忽視的一群。這次行程,正遇上各大學暑假的開始,各車站與機場,都為學生所佔,機票與車票都難以買到。為了未來國家的前途,中國大陸政府近年花了不少的財力,在各處興建大學與大專學院,招攬教職員,大增研究費用,為了建立未來社會中的菁英。神也非常看重這些年輕學生,在這兩、三年間,神感動一些國內的傳道人,轉移在各大學作學生事工。在剛轉型至新的事工時,難免會碰到困難,但 他們熱情事奉主,堅定向學生傳福音的心志,也得著一班學生歸向神。這幾次的培訓,是為了幫助學生事工的傳道人與校園同工們,對學生事工有正確的了解,可以衝破困難,建立更有效的校園事工。感謝主!有不少傳道人與學生同工參加,一同學習更有效的向學生傳福音,建立門徒,推動學生去作校園事工。雖然大部份校園的事工仍在摸索期,但也有少數的校園團契,已經歷到訓練學生作門徒、作同工的重要,他們校園事工與同工都非常興旺,學生們積極的跑遍校園傳福音,自行組織佈道會,帶領人信主作門徒。他們的同工也在我們的培訓中分享與見證,使人看到得著學生們跟從主,為校園事工擺上,能在校園中產生廣大的震撼力量。求主更多興旺各地的校園事工。



讀經營 – 將於七月卅一至八月六日舉行,求主賜福約九十多位參加的弟兄姊妹的學習,讓他們經歷讀經的甘甜,也樂意將讀經之靈傳播至各地。請為講員諶志豪牧師及李玉惠姐妹代禱,求神賜福他們的事奉。面對每天要供應大人、小孩及同工、講員約一百三十多人的膳食,同工們心中也有擔心,感謝主!祂感動西岸一對傳道人夫婦及兩位弟兄姐妹,願意來中心作一星期的短宣,就是在廚房協助膳食、及幫忙照顧孩童的事工,這樣默默事奉主,為主與弟兄姊妹勞苦的榜樣,真值得我們學習。

門徒訓練營 – 將於八月七至十三日舉行。截至報名截止日期七月二十九日為止, 已有 82 位弟兄姐妹報名,比往年增加很多, 他們多數是第一次來參加者, 甚至有遠從東、西兩岸而來, 這讓我們同工一面感到高興, 一面覺得責任的重大. 請您們也為我們的講員陳鴻沫牧師及李玉惠姐妹禱告,求主更多使用他們,在新學年開始前,栽培更多人起來事奉祂,好在新的學年,為主多得學生歸主。


感謝神,今年主興起東、西兩岸更多教會差派短宣隊來美中向學生們傳福音。除了在已有的校園,我們也會計劃在新的校園傳福音,好建立新的校園查經班。作開荒的工作雖不容易,但每次都看見主奇妙的作為。主感動我們安排一隊短宣隊到Kentucky 一個校園傳福音,我們從來沒有去過,也不知道有沒有華人學生在該校園,憑信心在短宣行程中安排這校園。上週在New York一教會講道後,一位素不認識的姊妹過來問我,基督工人中心同工會去Kentucky這校園嗎?我回答她,我們從來沒有去過這校園,對這校園一點也不認識,但已安排一隊短宣隊在九月份去這校園。這位姊妹告訴我,她在半年前從這學校畢業,到紐約工作, Kentucky這校園約有三百多位年輕的華人學生,她會幫忙聯絡弟兄姊妹和場地。感謝主!祂是行奇事的主!專一跟從與事奉祂的人必蒙恩,請您繼續在禱告中記念我們。


今年我們需要蓋建迦南樓與宿舍之間的走道,讓弟兄姊妹在天候不好,與冬天寒風與冰雪的日子中,還可以通行無阻。請為建築所需大約五、六萬元的經費禱告,也為工程順利禱告祈求。請為同工Dale Beyer禱告,在過去十天美中天氣連續上達 100 多度的酷暑下, 他要帶領工人不僅要割草、營會場地的預備, 還要興建這條步道, 求主保守他身心靈的康健。

潘曉明弟兄一家已於七月中從Columbia, MO搬去Starkville, MS。整個搬家的過程,也看到主的恩手,求主帶領他們一家新生活的適應,也賜福他們在當地的事奉。在Starkville三小時的車程內,也有十多個校園需要他的協助,求主賜福他手所作的工。








Ministry Thanksgiving

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greeting in the Lord! May the grace of the Lord be upon you abundantly!

Thanks be to the Lord! For more than two weeks I had the opportunity to train co-workers for campus ministry in several cities in China. Some of the attendees were students, some were ministers. The present population of college students in China is more than 30,000,000 and growing. This is a number that cannot be ignored, and also a group of people who cannot be overlooked. My trip happened to be at the time all colleges start their summer vacation. Students swamped train stations and airports. Getting a ticket was quite difficult.

For the future of the country, the Chinese government has spent a lot of money to build universities and colleges in many areas, recruited teachers and staffs, and greatly increased research funding to prepare elites for the society. God also values these young students very much. In the past two or three years, God has moved some ministers in China changing gears to ministry on college campuses. Though encountering initial difficulties in this new ministry, they serve the Lord fervently, determined to preach the gospel to students. Some students have come to God through them.

For the training camps in which I was involved my purpose was to help those ministers and co-workers better understand student ministry, so that they will overcome difficulties and build up an effective ministry. Thank the Lord! Many ministers and student workers attended the training. We learned together about how to effectively reach out to students, make disciples, and promote campus ministry. Though most campus ministries are beginning, some campuses have started training students to become disciples and co-workers. The campus ministry and their co-workers are both flourishing. Students proactively preach the gospel in every corner of the campus, organize evangelistic teams, and lead people to the Lord to become disciples of the Lord. Some of the co-workers shared with us and testified to us during the training session. From their sharing and testimonies we could see how great the impact would be on the campus when students follow the Lord, and devote themselves to the campus ministry. May the Lord prosper campus ministry even more.

Thank the Lord! During this trip, I met some brothers and sisters who had been in the Midwest and went back to China to teach. Some of them serve fervently in campus fellowship while teaching in school. In many ways it is not easy, yet they still offer themselves whole-heartedly to the Lord. This is such a good example for all of us. Please pray for them. May God raise up more people with this kind of vision. May God also give us wisdom and strength to equip more brothers and sisters to walk this path.

Bible Camp— Will be held from July 31 to August 6. May the Lord bless around 90 brothers and sisters that they may experience the sweet taste of studying the Word, and that they will also be willing to spread the Spirit of Word to all places. Please also pray for the speakers, Pastor Chih-Hao Shen and Sister Grace Lee. May God bless their ministry! To prepare food for around 130 people is a huge burden to the CWC co-workers. Praise the Lord! He has moved a minister couple and brothers’ and sisters’ hearts on the west coast to come for a week’s short-term mission – working exclusively in the kitchen and child-caring. Their example of serving the Lord quietly for the benefit of brothers and sisters is truly our role-model.

Discipleship Training—will be held from August 7 to 13. As of July 29, 82 brothers and sisters have applied for the Discipleship Training. The number is a big increase from previous years. Most of them are first-timers. Some of them even are from the East and West coasts. This increase especially of new students excited the coworkers, yet also impressed us with great responsibility. Please also pray for our speakers, Rev. Daniel Chan and Sister Grace Lee. May the Lord use them mightily, that more people will be well-equipped for the ministry in the new semester and reach more students for the Lord.

Thank God that this year He has stirred more east coast and west coast churches to send mission teams to the Midwest to help reach out to students. Besides those campuses we have visited before, we plan to reach broadly to more new campuses and help those campuses start their new Bible study groups. It is not easy to start a new campus ministry, but we have seen God’s acts of wonder every time. Consider this story. God moved our heart to arrange a mission team to visit a campus in Kentucky where we have never been. We did not know at that time know that there were any Chinese students there. Then, last week in New York, after preaching in the worship service, a sister whom I have never met came up to me and asked if the CWC co-workers will go to this campus in Kentucky. I replied that we had never been there and knew nothing about this campus, but we indeed had already planned a mission to visit there in September. This sister told me that she graduated from that college six months ago and is now working in New York. This campus has about 300 young Chinese students. She will help make contact with brothers and sisters there and arrange the meeting place. Praise the Lord! He is the Lord who does marvelous deeds! Blessed are those who follow Him and serve Him only. Please remember us in your prayers.

CWC Updates

This year, we need to build a walkway in between Canaan Hall and the dormitories. This walkway will provide brothers and sisters with a safe way traveling on rainy, snowy, icy or windy days between buildings. Please pray for the financial need. So far we estimate we may need fifty to sixty thousand dollars for this project. Please also pray for a smooth construction. Pray especially for our co-worker, Dale Beyer. In the last 10 days, the Midwest had above 100 degree heat wave. But Dale still needs to lead the workers not only to mow the yard, prepare the facility for the coming two meetings, but also build this new walkway. May the Lord give him physical and spiritual strength.

Brother Xiaoming Pan and his family have moved from Columbia, MO to Starkville, MS in Mid-July. We have seen God’s mighty hand in the whole moving process. May the Lord bless their family with smooth adjustment in the new environment, and bless their ministry there. Within a 3-hour driving range of Starkville there are around ten campuses needing Brother Pan’s care. May the Lord bless the work of his hands.

Even in the summer, Sister Vivian Tsen and Sister Ching Chun Kuan are still very busy. Not only do they have a heavy load of work for the August Bible Camp and Disciple Training Camp, they also devote great energy to making arrangements for the coming of the new students, and serving with the mission teams on different campuses. May the Lord strengthen them.

August is a great challenge in ministry to Sister Cindy Chiang. The load is very heavy in making arrangements for training camps and for the mission teams. Please remember and support her in your prayers.

Because of your intercession in prayers and financial support, we go hand-in-hand reaching out to share the gospel, and equipping the saints for the Kingdom of God in different campuses. May God bless you.

In Him,

Billy Ko
