2011-09 (九月禱告信)






感謝神!八月讀經營破記錄的有八十位弟兄姐妹參加。每一位都是充分準備好功課前來聚會。除了學習分裂王國時代的諸王和先知外,他們也在營會開始前,在個別的查考聖經時,感到極大的喜樂。以色列民族的歷史給我們每日生活中提供了很多的教訓。聚會結束前,已經有許多人將2012年一月讀經營的報名表交來。李玉惠姐妹也將下次讀經營的內容作了一個簡介,包括被擄與歸回時期的書卷。當這些弟兄姐妹回家後,就可以開始準備。有些弟兄姐妹也在校園及教會裡組織了 “讀經小組”來彼此鼓勵,不斷學習。我們感謝神將渴慕祂話語的心放在祂兒女的心裡。


約有七十位弟兄姐妹參加了八月門徒訓練。每一位都從所得到的教導中蒙了極大的祝福。這次的訓練中有一個非常特別的現象:大約有百分之十的參加者計劃在兩、三個月內返回中國。他們大部分都已完成了學業。這些弟兄姐妹剛來美國學習時還不認識主,但在接受基督為他們的救主之後,他們參加了門徒訓練和讀經營。現在他們決定返鄉就業,同時更帶著一個大使命回去,向自己的親戚、朋友和同事為主作見證。他們告訴我們:來參加這次的聚會是他們在回國前,最後一次的屬靈裝備。我們感謝神, 祂使用這些訓練營會預備祂的兒女,在北美,也在亞洲事奉祂。請為這些弟兄姐妹們代禱,求神幫助他們為主站立得穩,為基督贏得他們的家人及朋友。也請為基督工人中心代禱,讓我們繼續裝備弟兄姐妹,使他們無論在那裡,一生都傳揚這福音好消息。


  1. 今年的冬令會將於十二月廿二至廿六日在密蘇里州堪薩斯市的凱悅酒店(Hyatt Regency Hotel )舉行。十一月中將開始接受網上報名,報名嚴格截止時間為十二月十八日下午四時正!感謝神!祂已為我們預備了多位祂的僕人在冬令會中分享。其中有:林三綱弟兄、林郭慕真師母、鄧英善牧師、遠志明牧師、洪予健牧師…等。請您現在就預留時間,並預備心前來參加。也請開始為大會代禱,並邀請更多慕道朋友來參加聚會,聆聽福音。更多資訊將於十月份張貼上網。
  2. 十二月門徒訓練營將於十二月廿六至卅一日在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。嚴格報名截止時間為十二月十八日晚上十一點五十九分。林三綱牧師將是講員之一。其他講員仍在邀請中。
  3. 一月讀經營:將於2012年一月一至七日在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。嚴格報名截止日期為十一月十五日。講員有李玉惠姐妹和曾祥新牧師。這次我們將研讀以色列被擄與歸回的歷史,以及兩約之間。許多弟兄姐妹已經報名,並開始準備。請勿延遲。

請為這些聚會代禱,求神幫助我們一起在靈裡成長。各項資訊將一一張貼中心網站: www.cwcnet.org。請留意。






Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greeting in the Lord! And welcome the students back to the schools.

August & Septmeber Mission Teams

The new school year just started. Thank God He has brought more students to all the campuses this year. The campus coworkers are very busy to prepare for the coming students and help them settle down. Their final goal is to help those new students experience the love of God and eventually have new lives in Christ. In the past ten days, six churches from California, New Jersey and Detroit (Michigan) with 56 team members organized five short-term mission teams to the Midwest to share the Good News. From August 19 to 28 they traveled to Kentucky, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and even close to Canadian border in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Praise God! Each team worked very hard and brought back the harvest. Around 100 people were willing to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Besides the evangelistic meetings and different workshops, the mission team members also made door-to-door visitation in the heat and humidity. They returned excited for this great opportunity to lead many students to Christ. They were amazed to see so many hearts ready to receive the Gospel. We thank God that after this mission work, three campuses will have new Bible study groups. We thank God for His wonderful works. Please keep praying for all those who have accepted Jesus Christ that they may grow spiritually. We thank God that three more teams from three churches in California totaling around 30 team members will continue the short-term missions from September 9 to 18. We will travel to campuses in Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, Arkansas, South Dakota, and even to Mississippi and Alabama near the Gulf of Mexico. Please continue remembering those teams in your prayers.

August Bible Camp and January Bible Camp

Thank God! A record high 80 people attended August Bible Camp. They came with well-prepared homework. Besides learning all the kings and the prophets in the period of the Divided Kingdom, they also had the great joy to discover Bible teachings through their individual study before the Camp. The history of Israelites supplies lessons for our daily lives. Before they left the camp, many turned in their 2012 January Bible Camp forms. Sister Grace Lee has given them some preview of the contents of that next Bible Camp, which covers the writings of the Captivity and Return. As soon as they return home, they will start to prepare for Bible Camp. Some campuses and churches have also organized the “Bible Camp study group” to encourage one another to study continually. We thank God that He has put the thirsty and hungry heart for His Words among His people.

August Discipleship Training Camp

About 70 people attended the August Discipleship Camp. They all received many blessing from the teachings. One thing very special in this Camp is this: Around 10% of the attendees are planning to return to China within two or three months. Most of them are finishing their studies. They did not know Christ when they came here to study. After accepting Christ as their Savior and attending the Discipleship Training and the Bible camps when they were students here, they decided to return to their homeland to start their careers and also with a great commission to witness for Christ among their relatives, friends and colleagues. They told us they came to this Camp for their last spiritual preparation before they go back to their countries. We thank God He uses these camps to prepare people to serve Him both in the North America and Asia. Please pray for those people, that God will help them keep standing up for Him, winning their families and friends to Christ. Please also pray that CWC will continue to equip people to share the good news in their whole lives no matter where they are.

Upcoming Meetings in the Winter:

  1. Winter Conference will be held again at Kansas City, Missouri at Hyatt Regency Hotel from Dec. 22 to 26. The online registration will start from mid-Nov to Dec. 18, 4:00 pm, a strict due date and time! Thank God that He has prepared lots of His servants to share in the Conference. There will be Brother and Mrs. Bellman Lin, Pastor Patrick Tang, Pastor Zhiming Yuan, Pastor Yujian Hong, etc. You may start to reserve these dates and prepare your hearts to attend. Please also start to pray and invite more nonbelievers to this conference to hear the Gospel. More details will be posted on the web in October.
  2. December Discipleship Training Camp will be held at CWC at Warsaw, MO from Dec. 26 to 31. The strict due date is 11:59 pm of Dec. 18. One of the speakers is Brother Bellman. We are still inviting more.
  3. January Bible Camp: will also be held at CWC at Warsaw, MO. from January 1 to 7, 2012. The strict due date is Nov. 15, 2011. Our speakers will be Sister Grace Lee and Pastor Jacob Tsang. This time we will study the History of the Israelites’ captivity, their return, and the years between the Old and New Testaments. Many people have turned in their forms and started to prepare. Please do not delay.

Please pray for all these meetings, that the Lord will help us grow together spiritually. All the information will be gradually posted on our web: www.cwcnet.org. Please continue keep an eye on them.

We thank you for your prayers, financial support. May our Lord bless you and your families abundantly.

Serving together in Him,

