2011-10 (十月禱告信)


靠著神的恩典,九月短宣隊在美好的回憶和豐富的收成中畫下句點。讚美神,今年比往年有更多的短宣隊來到美中服事。加州聖荷西的三個教會共差派了廿七位弟兄姐妹前來。九月短宣隊所到之地,比起八月短宣隊更遠。 兩個月的短宣聯合起來共去到印地安納、伊利諾、內布拉斯加、南達科達、堪薩斯、奧克拉荷馬、密蘇里、威斯康辛、明尼蘇達、阿肯色、肯塔基、密西西比、田納西、阿拉巴馬等州,以及在周邊幾州短暫的停留。感謝神賜給我們一個平安又有收穫的旅程。

當我在安排短宣行程時,主感動我將肯塔基州的Murray州立大學也安排進去。我自己從來沒有去過MSU,也不認識那裡的任何人。我也不知道在這個校園裡是否有中文查經班。順著聖靈的感動,我計劃派短宣隊到那裡停留兩天。. 七月底在New York一教會講道後,一位素不認識的姊妹過來問我,基督工人中心會去肯塔基州服事嗎?我回答她,「會的,我們會去,但妳是問那一個校園呢?」 她說, 「MSU。」我回答說,「我們已安排一隊短宣隊在九月份去這校園停留兩天。但我在那裡沒有認識的人,也不知道那裡有沒有中國學生。」這位姊妹告訴我,此一校園約有三百位中國留學生,並且沒有中文查經班。我於是明白神為什麼會感動我的心安排短宣隊去MSU,因為在那裡有許多中國留學生。. 我和短宣隊分享了這件事。大家都因著看見神在這個校園的工作感到十分興奮。短宣隊帶著喜樂的心去到那裡傳福音。校園裡充滿了中國學生們對福音渴慕的心。由於眾多人對福音的渴慕,我們在MSU又多停留了一天。我們舉行了兩次福音聚會。許多學生都來參加並且接受基督為他們的救主。請為在這個校園跟進的工作代禱。


一個叫作RVICS(Roving Volunteers In Christ’s Service)的美國退休義工團體將於十月十日至十一月一日來中心幫忙。自1992年起,他們每三年就到中心來幫忙。這次弟兄們將幫助我們搭建連接迦南樓與家庭宿舍之間的通道。我們通常稱迦南樓為「多用途大樓」。因著參加聚會的人數大量增加,從去年十二月開始迦南樓已經成為我們主要聚會的場所。這條通道將使弟兄姐妹在壞天氣時更方便來回教室與宿舍。由於材料與人工 (我們將僱用兩名工人) 的成本漲價,完成此一工程的預算是近八萬美元。RVICS的姐妹們將幫忙油漆馬可樓及做一些縫紉的工作。請為他們的服事、安全代禱,並求神賜下好天氣。


  1. 2011年的冬令會 將於十二月廿二至廿六日在密蘇里州堪薩斯市的凱悅酒店(Hyatt Regency Hotel )舉行。十一月中將開始接受網上報名,並於十二月十八日下午四時正嚴格截止!感謝神!祂已為我們預備了多位祂的僕人在冬令會中分享。其中有:林三綱弟兄、林郭慕真師母、鄧英善牧師、遠志明牧師、洪予健牧師…等。由於許多新學生來到美中地區求學,我們也為更多人能來參加並歸向主而禱告。更多資訊將於十月份張貼上網。
  2. 十二月門徒訓練營 將於十二月廿六至卅一日在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。在學期一開始時就有這麼多人相信耶穌,因此我們也禱告,盼望他們也能來參加訓練,裝備自己在當地校園中與神同行並服事祂。
  3. 一月讀經營 將於2012年一月一至七日在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。嚴格報名截止日期為十一月十五日。講員有李玉惠姐妹和曾祥新牧師。感謝神,許多弟兄姐妹已經報名,並開始準備功課。請為他們代禱。





Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greetings in the Lord!

By the grace of God, September short-term mission teams ended with many good memories and a fruitful harvest. We praise God, we have more mission teams than in the past. Three San Jose, California churches sent 27 brothers and sisters to share the Good News in the Midwest. The travels for the September teams were much longer than the August teams. Together, this year the August and September teams visited Indiana, Illinois, Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, with brief stops in other states. Thank God for the safe and fruitful trips.

When planning these trips, the Lord moved my heart to put Murray State University in Kentucky into our mission plan. I had never been to MSU nor did I know any people there. I did not know whether there was a Chinese Bible study group there. Following the moving of the Holy Spirit, I planned to send the mission team to stay two days there. At the end of July, after preaching in a church in New York City, a sister whom I did not know asked me if the CWC will go to minister in Kentucky. I replied: “Yes! We will go to Kentucky, but which campus are you asking about? ” She said: “How about MSU?” I replied: “We have already planned to send a mission team to reach the MSU campus for two days in September. But I do not know any people there. I do not know if there are any Chinese students there.” She told me that there are about 300 Chinese students there and they do not have any Chinese Bible Study group. Then I knew why God moved my heart to go to MSU, because there are so many Chinese students there. I shared this story to the mission team. They were excited to see the Lord is working for this campus. With joyful hearts, they went to reach the students there. Chinese students filled the campus with hearts to know the gospel. Because of the willing hearts for the gospel, we extended one more day in MSU campus. We had two gospel meetings there. Many students came for the meeting and accepted Christ as their savior. Please pray for the continuing work in this campus.

Thank God, after the mission trips in August and September, three new Bible study groups have developed. Please pray for these three groups. Pray for the growth of the new believers. Pray that some nearby brothers and sisters will help these groups regularly.

A group of American retired volunteers called RVICS, Roving Volunteers In Christ’s Service, will help the CWC from October 10 to November 1. Since 1992 they have helped us every three years. This time the brothers will help build the connection walkway between the Canaan Hall and the family dormitory. We used to call Canaan Hall the “multi-purpose building”. Numbers of attendees have grown so much since last December it is now our main meeting building. The walkway will help people more easily access this meeting place from the dormitory especially when the weather is bad. Because of the increasing costs of materials and labor—two paid workers are also on this project—we estimate this project may need about $80,000. The sisters of RVICS will help with some painting in Mark Hall and some sewing. Please pray for their works, their safety, and good weather.

Upcoming Winter Meetings:

  1. The 2011 Winter Conference will be held at Kansas City, Missouri at the Hyatt Regency Hotel from December 22 to 26. The online registration will start in mid-November and conclude December 18, 4:00 pm, a strict deadline! Thank God that He has prepared His servants to share in the Conference. There will be Brother and Mrs. Bellman Lin, Pastor Patrick Tang, Pastor Zhiming Yuan, Pastor Yujian Hong, and others. With so many new students coming to this region, we pray that more will come and turn to the Lord! More details will be posted on the web in October.
  2. December Discipleship Training Camp will be held at CWC at Warsaw, MO from December 26 to 31. With so many new believers in the beginning of the school year, we pray that some of them may come for training, and equip themselves to walk with God and serve Him in their campuses.
  3. January Bible Camp will be held at CWC at Warsaw, MO. from January 1 to 7, 2012. The strict due date for application is November 15, 2011. Our speakers will be Sister Grace Lee and Pastor Jacob Tsang. Thank God, many people have already applied and they are preparing their homework. Please pray for them.

Please pray for all the ministry of CWC. Pray that our coworkers will have more strength from above to serve God. We thank you for your prayers, financial support. May our Lord bless you and your families and your churches.

Serving together in Him,

